Why is fan fiction of Dora growing up to be a Slut popular?
Why is fan fiction of Dora growing up to be a Slut popular?
Is it not canon with Bratz Dora?
Why was it so funny?
It's another Dora porn thread, yay.
cause shes a spic
Makes me wonder why there's so little with Bratz Dora
Same reason why stuff about Dora growing to be a badass Lara Croft is popular, OP. It's because regular Dora is supremely sweet and innocent. Dora is not a slut, but she's a girl. She's not a badass explorer, but she's an explorer.
So it's fun to exagetate.
What's up with Mexican girls wanting to run away with white guys?
Back from the dead Dora!
user, uhm, this is not ok
Is thsi from those girl games sites?
Dora has a nice butt
It's like how there was a resurgence in gritty fairy tales (even though the original tales were pretty dark as well). Adults have an obsession with perverting something that was once innocent. Bringing something to the extreme side of the spectrum of what that character once was. A contrast of the ideal image. Same reason a lot of fetish and gender bender art comes from the same ideal but twisted in a different direction.
Are you sure it's not just autism?
Because the world is filled with aborted troglodytes that must be purged in fire.
attn child molestors: stop molesting children
She was always a slut user.
It's weird how much Dora discussion is going on lately… like, any at all seems a bit much.
it's all bad
was pretty good
Because she is pretty and cute, people age her up and make her slutty so they wont become pedos and or rapists, I used to age up characters as well for that reason.
Spic here: It's because white guys are nice people with good jobs and education.
Mexican guys are exactly how you picture them.
She has always been a slut.
I have a spic friend who won't date Mexicans because her Uncle slept around a lot and she doesn't want to learn she's related to the man she goes out with.
I know what you mean, coming from a spic, Mexicans in general, are pretty much what you picture them to be. I hate this one fucking spic who was a jock, he was fucking obnoxious towards me because I didn't speak Spanish.
I'm told that if I went to Mexico and didn't speak the language, even a little, I'd wouldn't survive the night.
Dora should be looking at a butterfly on her nose, since she's cross eyed.
I'd rather set my dick there.
Post better stuff, man.
This reads like one of those comics Holla Forums hates where half the panels and words aren't needed.
So, don't post it there.
What happened here?