How to practice safe sex with a child?

How to practice safe sex with a child?

Asking for a friend.

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ass rape

b8 thread

In case it isn't, just start slow, don't be a faggot either

Make sure they're up to date on their vaccinations


According to guides you can find on tor, especially under the infamous "hard candy" section of the hidden wiki, the key to safe childrape is to avoid any sort of intercourse beyond light oral, there have been cases in the past where girls as young as five were able to have sex with an adult and even get pregnant (wikipedia: linda medina), but these girls needed to have some sort of rare physical mutation to not be harmed by sexual acts with an adult, and another rare mutation to get pregnant at such a young age.

this does not mean you cant do anything though, imagine she is an animate child-size doll, that is, she has no pussy or anus, except that the areas are still erogenously sensitive, the situation is slightly better than that, since you can still use the vertical indentations of her pussy lips and ass cleft, but the point is that you can still use her crotch and bum to get yourself off, so long as there is no penetration of the holes within them, she should be safe.

this only covers physical harm, however, sex with an adult will ALWAYS be psychologically harmful, SO DON'T DO IT. THIS ADVICE IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

Sources: a lot of pedoposters on /loli/.

also, pay attention to the word LIGHT in LIGHT ORAL, NEVER expect it to go in her mouth beyond the tip, and NEVER try to pout it down her Small, easily tearable throat, the best way is to let her decide what is comfortable for her, and stay within those limits.

and adult man having sex with a little girl is like superman having sex with lois lane, the shear fragility of lois combined with the power of superman means that there are a lot of things they just cannot do without the more fragile partner getting seriously hurt or killed.


I'm assuming this is just for satisfying curiosity BTW, I hope you aren't seriously considering trying this, if you are GET HELP.

So you will hold loli then

Idle curiosity. What is the youngest age for penetration?

no you nigger i read the .pdf it was dropped here some time ago. here is what i remember
always fuck smart girls, dumb ones will tell. also prison aint bad, they hate enemy gang members and ex cops more but you still can't be a scared bitch.

also if anything resembling abuse will be notified to police and cps if they go to a hospital

I thought the hard candy section of the hidden wiki was deleted.

I dont go on there, ask at /loli/

youngest mother was five years old, no one knew she was pregnant until the bump got big enough for them family to suspect stomach cancer, so that's probably the limit when it comes to vaginal.

though she was a very special case, probably the bearer of a rare mutation that allowed for vaginal sex without difficulty (otherwise the family would have noticed sooner), and the bearer of a mutation that allowed her to get pregnant at her age (precocious puberty).

How to practice safe sex with a small dog?

Asking for SWIM.

I have heard you can start stretching the vagina at 3 or 4, and that penetration at 10 can be done. The absolute lowest is 8, although you won't get much in

We must identify this genetic mutation and breed it.

as I said in, she was a very rare mutant, the youngest on most cases will be around when the body is beginning to prepare for pregnancy: early puberty.

in girls this is around 10-11-12, but 12-13 is the safest, that time is the time most vag's are ready for a cock.


simple. keep the junk away from the vag

Looks like loli needs to be nuked.

Linda had TWO rare mutations, one of which was likely not genetic in basis (the precocious puberty, which allowed er to get pregnant, was caused by an overdose of female sex hormones in utero, or it could be caused by a tumor that creates a hyper-secretion of female sex hormones within a girl's body, the result of which can have severe health problems in addition to the ability to get pregnant early, on top of which, the size of her body meant that her "brother" had to be delivered via cesarean), also: the "brother's" father was Linda's uncle, and her family had a history of incestuous sex, meaning that if you want to create more of this, you need to use lots of incest to produce the genetic disorders that facilitate having sex with a girl, w/o causing her to internally bleed to death.

I know what you're doing and just providing that information is illegal, just like cheating on a lie detector.

Sorry, you're being reported.

or the anus, if you count anal sex as sex.

OK, but this is totally from a /sci/ POV, i was hoping on re-framing it as a scientific discussion, maybe I should go into the effects of child sexual abuse on the body and mind of the victim before I go?

Also, you should ban the OP first, he sounds dangerous, like he's actually going to try and do it.

BTW, the manuals are preobably speudoscience, half truths to make it loomk a lot less harmful than it actually is, we have child protection and age of consent laws for a reason.

Maybe you can explain tht to tge police or somethingf, fuck off

Cheating on a polygraph test isn't illegal. Also, cheating implies that you succeeded. And if you've succeeded on a polygraph. that means you passed.

if you want a picture of the mental affect of what I suspect OP wants to do, watch some interviews with the victims, it's always traumatic, and it really fucks you up, most can recover from it, but some are fucked for life.

OP, don't do it, im not joking anbymore, im very serious about this.

my sister was abused by someone we trusted as a kid, and she is having problems today, some wounds never fully heal, i feel terrible for not protecting her, so it affects more then just the victim.

also, there is a real chance you can wind up killing the kid by doing anything sexual with them, never, ever do this.

if you do, and i meet you IRL,I will hurt you.

Like you hurt your sister? :^)

I think they are well aware, they deal with it regularly, BTW, nothing Ive said here is illegal, and none of it encourages the acts being discussed, not talking about child abuse will not make it go away, it willm, in fact, make it more likely to moccur, we need to be open and honest about everything, espacially criminal behaviours, otherwise, some misinfomred fuckwit will destroy a kid's life, maybe even literally.

I only found out a bit later into it, there was some asshole kid who lived in our neighbourhood, he was abused by some other assholse kid, who was in turn abused by a close family member, of course, i only found this out well after the events im describing happened, my first response was to try to physically confront the kid, i always lost the fight, and i felt terrible.

I desperately wanted to beat him up, but moreso, I wanted to stop the abuse, even at my age (as a kid myself), i knew what was hapaneing was responsible for the problems my sister was facing.

Eventually i freaked out at school, and that led to my parents and teachers finding out, which finally ended the abuse, i really dont know why i tried to solve it myself, instead of telling, but i was only a kid at the time.

I still feel guilty about it, one time I was out with my sis and we were talking aboiuyt it over dinnmer, IDK how the conversation went there, But we were both really upset by it, we were adults at that dinner.

talking about it was very painful.

also, you are a fucking asshole for being so flippant about a family tradgedy, this is Holla Forums, so i can give you some leeway, but say that anywhere esle and i will not be so patient.


Op, im leaving the thread now, the information ive provided hopefully satisfied your curiousity.

but if you are thining about trying any of it out, remember, child molesters are the worst kind of criminal, they are the only criminal i would not hesitate to make an exception for in my opposition to the death penalty, let hell come to thee who would harm a child.

you have no idea the kind of sit this does to the victim, even if they have no physical proiblems from it, they will have mentall issues forever, if you can't stop thinming about this, ignore my advice about getting help, and kill yoiurself.

i can show you the best way to painlessly commit suicide if you want.

yes, it does, add all the shota boards as well.

any board that deals with loli or shota will inevitably draw a flood of pedos, talking about doing it IRL (like OP).

but the boards keepo on coming bakc, at this poiunt, i think they are unkillable.


obviously the other mutation is by far the more interesting one. history of incestuous sex seems like a red herring tho

Academic discussion, pleb.

What does this mean

OP here. I suspect you're retarded.

It means I think the incest angle is a false lead


Yeah, you're a bad troll


As long as the sex-talk stops, you can bump this thread as much as you want

Just pick im up and pop it in my dude!

Providing this information could have been incriminating, if:

the OP stated an intention to molest a specific child and the poster encouraged the behavior unironically (ie. "go and do it").

The information was not of the sort that would be needed to make the crime possible (e.g. how to groom an existing target, how to get alone with a specific child, how to avoid getting caught, etc.). All he did was enter into a discussion about biology which, given the lack of any evidence to the contrary, was all OP was asking about.




Don't you mean bum loli


You like loli bum?

No Mr FBI man

But loli bum likes your penis



how do you know it was her uncle? Even wikipedia doesn't specify who the father is.

This thread needs to be deleted.


Stop being a pedophobe

Who the fuck is this Vag guy?


user, pls….

I'm guessing he's some Finnish/Danish ecelebrity?

Close. He's Norwegian but currently lives in France


Why are you obsessed with him?

Not a problem.

Not quite. Varg is a based family man who cares deeply about Europe and its survival.

What's wrong with Europe?

What isn't?

I don't know anything about Europe, I'm from United States

My apologies. I thought you were just retarded.

So are you going to explain what is wrong with Europe?


That's terrible. I was hoping to go to Europe in the future to be with my fellow white people. In America the same is happening. They treat you like you don't belong and you're at fault for everything wrong in the world.

Which state in USA?

That's a furry map though

It's not like that in eastern Europe, here, everyone treats everybody else like trash.


Everything in one, huh?

I don't understand why that should make me outraged, if anything it's just pathetic.

Some muzzies are alright, we've had ours for like 500 years.

It's a mystery.

Can I come to Eastern Europe? I need to get away from the BlackLivesMatter, feminists and SJW's plaguing the US.

Have you got money, some sort of actually usable skill and inherent distrust for everybody around you?
It's not easy to start legal business here either, governmen is shit and everybody secretely hates you. Worst part is no funs. You have it really easy in America, don't take it for granted.

I don't have much money right now and I'm not that smart either. But if I was I would like to go to Eastern Europe and make it great again. I see a lot of Eastern Europeans in America and they look so desperate. I just want everyone to be happy.

What a qt, I love you.

Since I became a father I find this disgusting.


man, second pic is so true.

in what thread was this?

wew so edgy. go back to school, kid.