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Thread #3.5
Superdad Thread
Back Issues
Post snickers appreciation
Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3.5
Superdad Thread
Back Issues
Post snickers appreciation
Hit bump limit let the previous thread die
Here we go from the beginning again
Superman #7
Trinity #1
Batman #7
Nightwing #5
Greem Lanterns #7
Green Arrow #7
Justice League #5
Cyborg #1
Harley Quinn #4
Raven #1
Nice art, sadly, knowing DC, this family is going to die in some horribly edgy way. The fact they are a white christian family just makes the target so much bigger.
(((Marv Wolfman))) is not super poz'd (at least to my knowledge). but hopefully not.
This is DC, m8. The company fanwanks Christianity to the point of being obnoxious.
The Abrahanic God is most powerful deity there is and the one "true" god.
Every Justice League hero is Christian, including Batman who should have been an atheist.
The Phantom Stranger is actually Judas Iscariot and he can't shut up for a single moment about just how awesome Jesus Christ was and how ashamed he is for betraying his boyfriend.
The Sandman characters all work for God and Lucifer act as God's butthurt son full daddy's issues.
It's fucking annoying. The religious uncle will probably save Raven in the end while holding a shotgun with bullets blessed with holy water.
yeah, let's hope. The art is really good so I'd wouldn't mind getting into this series, even if the plot is a tad generic.
I believe DC also said they were going to be a bit more conservative from now on… well, at least until they aren't.
It's the current year user. Being a Christian goes hand in hand with being literally Hitler.
Goodness I really hope not.
I like this. Whatever this is. Feels a bit broken and kinda generic. Still interested to see where this goes.
Eh. I just wish DC would stop doing Christian shit.
well user, in a perfect world comic writers would be to busy writing fun and interesting stories to even include real world religion or politics. Sadly we don't live in that world with those creative individuals.
Absolutely Adorable.
DC has convinced me to give them my money.
Superman is one of the best comics I have read in years, Jon is cute as shit, cant wait for supersons
yeah, it's nice to see superman be a dad, and a good dad at that. I'll wait to give DC my money though. They have a bad record with taking things a little too far.
Gonna have fun with this, thanks user
>Trinity involves Bruce and Diana dropping by for a nice dinner on the Kent Smith family farm.
Thoughts on Night of the Monster Men, Holla Forums? I'm finding it kinda dumb so far, but not entirely without entertainment value.
I have to agree on the Raven miniseries. It's interesting enough that I'm going to read the second issue and Raven looking so cute doesn't hurt but if things don't start coming together a little more as the series progresses, it's going to lose my interest pretty quickly.
user you poor fool it is by far the highest selling rebirth title, also Superwoman and girl are selling much more than superman.
Also Trinity is super nice and I cant wait for more, the art is nice and the writing is good, it was pretty cool superman recalling stories about New Earth Batman and to Nu52 Bats.
I started buying the Bat books because I was curious about Night of the Monster Men and was looking forward to it, but I think now I will drop them but still keep reading.
Yeah Raven is a qt
I don't like Bat-dyke or Gotham Girl. Batman fighting giant monsters is kinda cool but the monsters, with the exception of the bat thing, aren't that great looking. I really don't get where they're going with any of this. It feels like they're experimenting with weird ideas.
Ok so here is a test if anyone wants they could upload pic and I ll make it or whatever
Really? Allow me to rephrase, then. Nobody in this thread seems to give a shit about whatever is going on in Harley Quinn.
Interesting. And how's New Chinese Super-Man doing?
I think the basic idea that gave birth to this event was 'Wow, we've sure given Batman a big supporting cast, haven't we? Let's do something where there's a major crisis and he needs to have all hands on deck to deal with it all!'
Problem is his major cast sucks.
I was being tongue and cheek about the fool comment, also Superman is at 81k and New Super-Man is 70k
I like to say…I want more of The Adventures of Super-Dad and family. It's actually interesting to actually see some of the heroes grow old..not like Batman, who is still like in his 30's.
True, there is something of a lack of compelling characters there. The event is also running into the problem that any crisis big enough to need all hands on deck is generally going to be big enough to want to call in extra help for. Probably not the entire Justice League, and Batman still doesn't trust Superman at this point in time, but having Wonder Woman or a Green Lantern on hand would fix a lot of problems.
Ah, my bad, then. And I'm glad to hear that those titles are doing well. Kenan has been an entertaining character to read about so far.
Low hanging fruit
Jesus christ, The superman one is GOAT.
Especially that last page before the ending, Lois reaction slowly turning skeptical to fullblown "What in the fuck." it's amazing.
I'm having fun. I'm having fun with DC Books.
I'm contemplating buying DC books.
What in god's name is wrong with me,
Wonder Woman kneel over with Superman's shadow over her.
She says thanks.
Oh and this panel. It's Clark face that he really wants to go after those assholes that makes it hilarious.
The issue is, since the writers put giant monsters in the story, having Superman show up and BTFO of them in a single panel wouldn't exactly sell to the readers.
Sure, giant monsters is more Superman's shindig (which is why I think Gotham and Gotham Girl were introduced), but the book isn't about Superman.
Superdad is great I hope that Tomsai stays on this book for a long while
True. My main complaint was more that I think this is a situation where Batman would call in outside help than anything else. Relying solely on the Bat-family and GCPD to evacuate citizens during a hurricane is one thing, but when you add giant undead monsters into the mix, it officially crosses that threshold, at least in my opinion.
I agree, this comes off more as a Justice League issue and not a "Hey Batwoman, throw this baterang at that giant monster" type thing.
Also quick question:
Where the fuck does Batwoman get her money from? I mean, Dick has his trust fund that was set up from when his parents died, and ya know, Tim is a rich boy as well. And we all know Bruce owns Wayne Industries.
So where the fuck does she get her money from for all those gadgets? Is she hooking on the side?
Batwoman? I'm pretty sure that she's rich too. I mean, she is Jewish..
Wait…Bruce's cousin is a kike? Does that make Bruce a jew? That explains why I hate her character so much…
Wait, Kate is Bruce's cousin? I thought they were unrelated in any way.
If I recall, Bruce's mom was Kate's aunt or something like that.
..But Bruce can't be a Jew, he actually give money to the poor.
Given that Kate's dad is also a villain, maybe he's the one who was jewish.
You know what? I'm not gonna get angry. This is what the English language has been reduced to.
Saw the thred ded warning too late.
Kate's dad is Bruces mom's brother. Also, judaism follows the mothers line.
SO Kate's mom is the Jew and Bruce is not.
…So, I believe Aquaman should be out now, yes?
Also Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, but I don't think that that one is part of DC Rebirth.
Batman/TMNT? It wasn't very well advertised, but it is a thing that is happening. Some sort of joint venture between DC and IDW.
IDW? Shit..TMNT is in their grubby hands?
Dude its been in their hands for a while. That and I keep hearing TMNT fans praising their run on the comic.
oh shit user you are right I will post Aquaman in a sec.
Aquaman #7
That whole line was a little weird for me, on the surface it seemed really poz'd but then when he starting think about it, it seemed less so, but he probably will go full poz
Its more striking how he ignored the old man at
– I guess its not enough to have councilors, but to have ones who aint afraid enough to make their case.
I guess this is why kings had jesters.
It's aids
Ill post all later tonight, I got stuff to do, or if someone wants to take over while I am gone it would be cool
Read most of the new stuff, and it's been a disappointing week. Good news, next week's lineup looks much better than this weeks.
Titan's was good this week though.
Titans is always a treat, though I am curious how is Blue Beetle?
I'm loving the fuck out of Deathstroke.
I thought Action Comics was alright, though it seems like it was mostly just about setting up the new status quo for Superman. I do like that we now have Superman's Pal, Clark Kent as a part of the story, though.
Teen Titans #1 was quite bizarre. I didn't expect the issue to be good, but I am at least intrigued.
A kidnapping to start a team feels off.
Ok I am back and Ill read em right now so expect posting in 2 and a half hours at most
Ah, I didn't realize that one came out today. Just read it, and it's answered quite a few things and left a whole lot more WTF's in their place.
Waiting patiently, rebirth-user.
sorry got drunk and watch its always sunny all night
You've failed us for the last time, rebirth-user!
=( j-just finishing up the last of what I wanted to read for this week so soon
ok done reading all the stuff I wanted to so expect it all to be posted in and hour
Detective Comics #941
Action Comics #964
Wonder Woman #7
The Flash #7
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #5
Titans #3
So is he or is he not Wally from pre-new 52? None of these writers know what they're doing anymore.
I think Kadabra is taking credit from somebody else's work
Deathstroke #3
Hope so but you never know anymore. This is such a mess to wrap my head around.
I mean come on we all know that Dr. Manhattan (probably) is the one who messed with time and Kadabra is a attention whore.
Suicide Squad #3
Time and space. Since Dr. Blue Dick basically created an alternate universe. There better be some kinda whammy at the end of the story arc with Kadabra getting explodified like Pandora and Owlman.
Know Abnett if there wasn't I would be very surprised.
The Hellblazer #2
Blue Beetle #1
Teen Titans Rebirth
Batman Beyond Rebirth
The way I understand it, the basic explanation DC is going for is that everybody is the same person as their pre-Flashpoint selves, just changed by the removal of those ten years from the timeline. Aside from Superman and Lois Lane, anyway. Superdad and Batmom are supposedly the real deal, while the New 52 versions were something else.
All Kadabra did was throw Wally out of the timestream. Possibly shortly before Flashpoint, and then the loss of his relationship with Linda kept him trapped outside the timeline. Whoever is responsible for those missing ten years slotted in his black cousin to take his place, and now that he's back, the universe is trying to autocorrect itself again.
And that's that
Sounds pretty close to what I'm thinking. Though, and I know it's not wise to bring this up, convergence showed the pre-flashpoint universe was still around. That's where Superdad came from. So they can't be the pre-flashpoint versions exactly. Could be the pre-flashpoint universe got altered in a way to create a split reality that Barry ends up in at the end of Flashpoint. Aka the New 52 universe.
This is all too complicated as it is. DC trying to handle a concept like this won't end well.
This was pretty cool. I may have to pick it up.
Love that Terry is back hate the eyes though.
Also love that Terry is back. Didn't seem right without him.
The other option is that Convergence wasn't exactly what it appeared to be, and given how unpopular that event was, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to throw in some massive retcons about it. I do agree that they're going to have to handle this carefully in order to avoid turning it all into a massive clusterfuck, though.
Then they'll have to retcon Super-dad's backstory since he came to the New 52 universe through convergence.
Deathstroke feels rushed – like they're trying to cram enough awesome to fill a Netflix Series episode, but ends up looking jumpy and disjointed.
I feel the same way. Feels like it's rushed and disjointed when it could've easily been told more coherently. Now I'm not saying it's bad. I think it's alright so far. Just needs to be written more straightforward.
I'm guessing this will be an experience that they'll just laugh off after the fact that he kidnapped them because he's the son of batman who can't do wrong?
The big complaint I've seen about this issue is that Damian just got out of a series that was all about him learning to be less of a dick than this.
Maybe we'll get lucky and it will turn out that there's more going on than meets the eye? I'm not getting my hopes up, though.
Wait…the Joker? Can't be Tim Drake, so that's the original Joker?
No matter how much he grows he'll still be a bit of dick who likes to bark orders at those he deems inferior to him.
This is pretty cringeworthy.
Thus bringing back from the dead.
But how? The Joker's been dead for years, he should've been bones by the time of Beyond.
Probably in the next issue
Cringe? Buddy..that looks OK. You want cringe? Take a look at what Marvel's peddling then come back to me about cringe.
Sorry meant to say they usually explain these things in later issues
So Kadabra knows about Manhattan? Oz?
Who knows, it would stand that he knows something is up at least.
Uhh, isn't that literally the restraining device from The Incredibles?
How do you put something under your Rebirth label and not use that as an excuse to spring clean all the garbage lore that's built up?
I just watched Beyond (sans movie) like 3 weeks ago. Carter is an ego-maniacal control freak. If this isn't a fake-out, I'm going to be very disappointed. If he really is raising the Joker from the dead, it's proof they're just trying to milk that nostalgia dollar.
Sieg Heil, my dude, but this is a tu coque fallacy. We are judging this comic on it's own merits, which are not that great. I think the dialogue is it's weakest point, followed by the weirdly handled anxiety stuff, and then the glossed over Muslim persecution (I really hope that point doesn't keep coming up).
One metric by which I judge storytimes on this site is if I'm remembering to shrink the images as I'm reading it, or if I'm so busy moving to the next page that I forget. A good chunk of these had me finding large sections of enlarged images when I scrolled back up to reread or check something.
A couple questions: How does DC square continuity stuff like Raven being captured by Damian from NY and Raven wanting a quiet life in SF? Does one take precedence (and do we know how to tell which one)?
Why doesn't DC have the little summary/catch up page in the beginning like Marvel? It seems to me they could save a lot of dialogue space if they did that.
Is the way they laid out a continuous story among the Batman titles a revolutionary idea (I'm new to following stuff as released, I mostly read trades)? Because I've been watching the Civil War 2 threads, and the timeline is a total mess. If they simply used related issues to give you 2 or 3 chapters of certain stories per month, I think it would flow a lot better.
I assume they just forgot with Raven, or her standalone comic is meant to take place before the TT stuff? Hard to say what the fuck is going on.
nice silky reference from the cartoon.
when did this happen?
At the end of the last story arc in Detective Comics.
Most of these have good art but shit stories
I like the superdad but I know it's just a gimmick that they'll fuck up eventually
You people who insist that this is a turn around for DC are kind of fooling yourselves in my opinion
They're still pushing the social justice horseshit but now they're trying to be sneaky breeki about it because they realize that they need to bring back old readers
I don't ever recall seeing anybody give DC unconditional praise at any point on this board, user. I've seen individual people stating that they enjoy the new direction being taken with individual characters or titles, but overall, I've pretty consistently seen people say things like 'there's only one or two books out this week that were any good'. I don't think you'll find anyone here who will disagree with you when you say that writing quality as a whole hasn't improved. The people calling this a turnaround for DC are talking about the sales numbers they've been getting, rather than the new direction the writing is taking.
That said, Didio and Lee are still in charge over at DC. I have low enough standards that I'm actually enjoying most of what comes out, and even I know that they're going to turn it all to shit eventually.
The fucking kfc comic is legit the only good thing that either big two has done in years
And it saddens me
All I hear anons talking about is how strict continuity ruins comics but then you get all autistic about trying to order series that may not be cannon, to the detriment of the story and other stories that involve that character.
As a huge Batman Beyond fan I was really hoping that the new Rebirth issue would fix all the shit that futures end and that BB JLU episode did, I am so Happy that Terry is back, but why the red eyes, DC has some of the best and most iconic character designs yet they feel the need to ruin them,
For the record, I don't need a brick of a book outlining all continuity (I take a bit of issue with the whole "sliding timescale," but I won't let my issues get in the way of a good story). I would, however, like to know if one book is supposed to be a more accurate representation of the character, or if we know that one precedes the other, meaning its narrative might influence the second.
Also, while a continuity snag now and then is no big deal, we should be wary of "Wolverine Syndrome."
So, think there's enough new Rebirth material out this week that you might need to make a new thread, Rebirth-user?
There's also some non-Rebirth stuff that might be an interesting read:
Real subtle there, Percy.
The closest they could get to cucking OG Wally, I suppose.
Whats the bump limit also, just woke up and torrented all this weeks stuff so it will be up before 5 atleast
Yeah I noticed that too.
bump limit is 300 posts
I want some more Superman. Some comfy shit, it is.
Shit, looks like new thread it is, Ill make it once I am done reading this what I want to read out of this weeks stuff.
Please be good and not too edgy.
Have fun.
The newest Superman was a lot of fun, reminds you of the days when everything didn't ride on Superman to save the world every issue.
So… what happened to everyone in the New 52 if old heroes are getting back?
I have to admit I'm lacking context and don't know what the hell is going on in marvel's universe.
Ok so the long and short of it is that original
Wally is back and he says that some one messed with time/universe and that 5 or 10 years were taken away from them, it is heavily implied that it is Doctor Manhattan.
I fucked up, sorry. I meant DC. So every new 52 hero was replaced by the old heroes? there is no conflict between the two universes or something?
No as far as we know the only people from New Earth are Wally and Superman and maybe Kadabra.
No, basically the only old heroes who are back are Superman, and Wally West.
That said, New 52 Clark Kent is just a plain old human, and he works at the Daily Planet. New 52 Lois Lane is dead, she received some of superman's powers when he went nuclear.
Also it appears that they are hooking Barry Allen up with the female Green Lantern chick.
Guys I was really excited about Deadman but I got some bad news.
Tell us, user.
Ok so I just finished everything I wanted to read and Ill post a little tidbit then I will start story timing.
Oh gross.
Also on top of this I know where this love story is going to end up with who and there maybe some "lesbian" BLACKED
What the fuck DC
Sorry anons am back, had to pick up Beer Shampoo and comics
New thread starts at 7:45
Jesus fucking Christ.
beer and shampoo
In other words…fuck anyone who wants Impulse back. Looks like the only founding member of Young Justice that doesn't get screwed in the Rebirth is Tim.
Tim is "dead" so he is out of the picture for a while.
…Looks like someone at DC had the Original Young Justice members on a hit list.
OK boys abandon thread