What did he meant by "drain the swamp" being pic related?

What did he meant by "drain the swamp" being pic related?

Figure it out you stupid cunt

Not sure. Some think he meant 'disprupt the complacent professional politicians who have ruled Washington DC across bipartisan lines for forty years' while others think he meant 'gas the kikes race war now'. Maybe he's referring to a literal swamp that's threatening the capitol building with subsidence. The waters of the USA act has a lot to answer for.

Ridding washington of the fetid festering jew.



Exxon didn't make the swamp but they do spill oil in it occasionally.

either way, he said he only repeated that phrase as though he meant it because he saw how crazy that place went

After the elections, no one cares.

Everyone needs connections to do most anything.

America runs on oil, not kike hand rubbing.

This should explain some things. Even some angels use horns, regardless if you consider Trump an angel or not. Any assholes in office definitely use them.

((( )))
why not solar? we have a whole desert, heck, with enough soar panels we could be supplying the whole world with free electricity for free

because global market and fiat currency you fucking retard

if we had globalism, we could get rid of these problems… instead we have different nations with different flags doing what's best for on'y a couple million people

It's six million actually, goy.

((( )))
where do you get your data? pic related, I don't see 6M in the top 17 countries

(((you))) just got BTFO… and by kikeapedia by all place

5423425626115223782327167359872101956D CHESS

That has nothing to do with "the swamp" you fucking shill

Stereotyping is not cool bro

Wow, racist much? Reported

remember his message during the campaign?

hey, listen