Hermes Trismegistus, The Indo-Aryans, World Religion, and The International Jew

The purpose of this thread is for anons to come to a greater understanding of the spiritual roots of our race, and how these roots have extended into other peoples' traditions and thereby informed their wisdom. I intend to set up a stark contrast between ourselves and other races in this regard, most particularly Semites and Negroes. Through knowing ourselves can we establish more clear delineations between ourselves and others.

A week or so ago, another user and I had a short discussion on this subject in a thread of a different topic. Others expressed interest in this subject, so this is a dedicated thread for it. I have seen your posts since then, other user, so I know you're around. Please lay out your theory for us that there is not a single collective unconscious in this world, but at least two which have evolved separately in their according Northern and Southern hemispheres. I should have screencapped our posts, but I neglected to do so. I want to hear more about your research.

Please note that there is a thread here for the discussion of meme magic:

Though this is not a meme magic thread, let us not forget that KEK is our patron deity. Let us not neglect to check dubs and praise Him.

Other urls found in this thread: of the aryaännerbünde-Indo-European-Monograph/dp/0941694747's_occult_studies!pJNACA5R!yRmrvwQwHAVSwBrhkuj1Ow

I posit here a working hypothesis that all threads of wisdom and true spirituality which exist in European, Middle Eastern, and Oriental religions originated with the Indo-Aryan peoples, specifically the Indo-Aryan Hermes Trismegistus. We know that Hermes traveled to ancient Egypt, where he founded the first mystery schools. From this arose the Ogdoad (the origin of our great and venerated KEK) and the practices of Alchemy, Astrology, Theurgy, and Ecclesiastica, which endure to this day as the traditions of academia and science. While not all non-negroid, non-Semitic races evolved directly from the Indo-Aryans, we know that they had a great diaspora some time ago, and as such their blood and culture became mixed with other peoples, which is to say perhaps that other peoples became enriched with the blood of this ancient race. I posit that the Nords, the Teutons, the ancient Persians and Indians, and the Hellenes were not the result of admixtures but rather of direct and divergent evolution. For a focus on world religion, let us consider not so much the different races which came forth from these people or the races which assimilated their blood, but the religions spawned from these different peoples. What follows is a short and incomplete list.

All of these and other indigenous European traditions can be considered Shamanic religions in that paramount to them was harmony with nature, the study of nature, and the triumph of the Spiritual Self.
And though not a religion, Ayurvedic medicine

All of these traditions contain profound threads of wisdom within them. Though none are perfect, the parallels of their symbolism are rife throughout. The pantheism discovered by The Thrice Great Hermes can be found in all of them. So can the seven Hermetic principles be found in them, though in varying degree.

There is a stark contrast between these threads and the threads found throughout the traditions arising from Sumeria. The god El of the Semites has always demanded exclusive worship from his (((tribalistic establishment climbers))), but they nonetheless have never been too big on him. The Israelites of the Torah were forever jumping back and forth between worshiping him and conversely Moloch, the Sumerian bull god of human sacrifice. Even Solomon, who El granted great wisdom, forsook him and turned to the worship of the gods brought to his temple by his 700 concubines. From these traditions, who endure today in the forms of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, we find theological threads starkly opposite to the threads of Indo-Arya. While the Indo-Aryan tradition teaches us the means to a triumphant Will, Love for one's blood and race, and the exaltation of the Spirit; the Semitic tradition informs us of original sin, subjugation of either the Self or the outgroup (or both), and eternal Hell awaiting the non-believer. It wasn't until less than a century before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth that the Semites began to appropriate the Ancient Wisdom in the form of Kabbalah, which is of course a bastardization of True Religion.

I invite anons to critique and poke holes in my little theory here and to fill in those holes with more comprehensive knowledge. By gaining a thorough understanding of our spiritual origins, we will be better equipped to comprehend that which is not of us, and therefore better equipped to know our enemy.



For a thorough crash course on this subject, watch The Myth if you have not yet.

Recommended reading:
The Kybalion
The Emerald Tablet
Corpus Hermeticum
The Asclepius

For those seeking to practice Hermetics:
Initiation Into Hermetics is the best starting point. You can't go wrong with Bardon's other work, either.
The Arcane Teaching
The Arcane Formulas
The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus
These are books which I prefer personally. There is a wealth of literature on this subject.

I strongly recommend also The Life of Milarepa, Siddhartha, and The Tao Te Ching. I recommend these not because I am advocating any of you convert to Hatha Yoga, Buddhism, or Taoism, but because they do contain great Wisdom and useful practices which can be appropriated.

You Initiates among us, please recommend more books.

it is such a shame that celtic mythology has been destroyed by retarded wiccans and neo-paganists

There is some evidence that the mythology of 'Hermes Trismegistus' has at least partly jewish origins.

Care to source that claim or elaborate?


Trust me it's jewish so you probably shouldn't look into it since it's all bullshit.

All occultism is jewish, all science is jewish.

Never learn anything or think because everything is jewish.

You can only trust me goy!

Most things that protest the divinity of Christ is -literally- and -unquestionably- Jewish.

It is why most neo-paganism is founded by "former secular Jews", they hate God so much they find others


Before Jesus there were no white people.

Jesus Christ - Yeshua is the creator of the white race and anyone who denies him is a kike.

Where can "The Myth" be found? who created the video?

Good thread OP. Have a bump.

Mere sophistry. White Christians of the past did just fine believing in Christ and refusing to misgenate, they did it for over two thousand years.

Bow down to your Jewish masters, they own your thoughts.

A whole ten minutes until shills started shitting up this thread. What took you so long?

Top bantz. Subtle. I like it. :^)

I am not sure who created the video. It has been posted on Holla Forums for several weeks now. It's a 3 part documentary series based on the book Der Mythus des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts by Alfred Rosenberg, a prominent thinker in National Socialism. While I personally reject Rosenberg's condemnation of asceticism, as a history lesson and inspiration The Myth is invaluable.

While Druidism has long since fallen out of practice, their mythology has not yet been lost. There is much information available on the beliefs of both the ancient Celts and Nords. Unfortunately, as far as their practices go, they would have to be majorly reconstructed.

Why yes, Moishe, what Christ really meant by "Love your neighbor" was offer up your daughter to niggers!!!


Surely you neo-pagans aren't jewish in spirit by having formerly White Christians abandon their faith in Christ by the threat of race mixing. Absolutely. Surely.

Worship Christ and marry your race, and you can accomplish this without forsaking Christ or forsaking your racial heritage.

Simple question, I'm serious.

Was or was not Jesus Jewish?

Pic related is a Roman bust of a Jew from the time of Christ.

Christianity is slave morality.

Of course Christ was Jewish. He was the messiah of Lord's chosen, and that was the Jews.

And the Jews killed Christ when He told them for their many sins the heathen will become the new chosen, that the Jew shall wash the feet of the gentile, whom is now entitled to the title of the Chosen of God, through Christ.

You would reduce people to forsake their true treasure, that of salvation through Christ.

Christianity is truth.

its Indo-Europeans retard

Christianity may have helped us in the past, but it certainly isn't helping our movement right now what with Christian states in America being against trump and shit and the pope as well

I'm not going to engage you on this front yet because that's not what the thread is for. I am not a pagan or a "neo-pagan", and I didn't start this thread for it to turn into a shitfest of sanctimony and hat tipping. There is a Christian thread up right now which I am not posting in. If you want to proselytize, you can do it there, or you can engage us on the subject of the thread.

If your faith in Christ is true and strong, it will withstand an investigation into pre-Christian European religion.

Thanks user. Nice trips. Have a


you mean while they were getting slaughtered by muslims while kneeling idle and praying for "god" to save them?

H-Hey they eventually had a crusade after a couple centuries of being raped and murdered.

We'll have one too by 2300!

This, carry on OP. I'm more interested in the mythos of my racial ancestors than the Jew speaks of.


it was more like 600 years. I hope we survive until 2600 when the Christians finally decide to fight!

Indo-Aryans were a subset of the Indo-Europeans. I refer to the Indo-Aryans because I think Hermes came from their stock. I could be wrong! That is why I invited criticism. Please elaborate if you can.

i've been seeking a thread like this for some time

there is no criticizing conjecture. its all bullshit. Its Indo-Europeans. If you think there is something else to be known then you need to provide evidence

Then defy them. But trust in Christ.

I don't agree with the Pope. I trust in Christ. It's very simple!


Please, if pre-christian european religion is strong, surely some small Christian can point out the leaps of logic and false accusations against Christianity.

Though, I'm sure if you pretend Christianity consists of Baptists or Seventh Day Adventits or etc, you'd have a field day.

Classic call-and-response, gj pagans.

You'd be mudslim dancing boys in Londonistan, do not lay the policy of the Jews at the feet of Christ.

the religion of your racial ancestors is most likely Christian, lest you be a Nigger or a Jew

bro, you worship a Jewish rabbi and think jews are God's primary chosen people; you should be the last to say "bow down to your Jewish masters"…the projection is too ironic.

Christianity contains a kernel of truth, like most religions do, but it's corrupted and turned into a cult of personality


Okay you've convinced me I am now farming all of my loosh to ישוע‎

I've been experimenting practicing a very primitive form of "European shamanism" with basic rituals on my own recently. The only downside is that you need powerful hallucinogenic drugs to get the full effects from it so it couldn't ever really be a legal to practice religion in America. Very spiritual though under the correct circumstances and it absolutely blows christcuckery the fuck out on every single level. I could write some stuff down I guess.

I fucking hate this too because as thoroughly pozzed as wicca is, it has a pretty decent framework for an actual working religion with holidays and rituals and symbology and everything. Is it possible to uncuck it?

please kill yourselves christcucks for shitting up this thread already


nice dubs

Short history here.

The Jews stole the secret of civilization from Egypt when Moses freed them. The Egyptians got it from Sumeria.

The Jews used it to take over the Roman empire behind the scenes, and the knowledge was lost again in Solomon's temple with the collapse of the Roman Empire. That is why Jesus was always flipping out on Jewish bankers in Churches, because they were the Synagogue of Satan.

It was hidden and used by the Kings and Queens of Europe with Jewish mystics operating behind the scenes to oppress the European people until the knights Templar raided Solomon's temple during the crusades and brought it back to Europe, they started banks and the Kings had them killed for competing with the crown.

The secrets were held in the area around Bavaria in secrets societies. These societies along with offshoots like the Masons and Bavarian Illuminati were used to create the Renaissance and various revolutions against the Kings and Queens of Europe. The Jews used this opportunity to split their banking empires off from the Royalty of Europe, and create their own banking Empires. This is where we get the Rothschild's and such.

Its also why the Rothschild's opposed Napoleon because he crowned himself Emperor of France and eliminated usery, the control of which had just been captured by the Jews in England and American after their successful revolutions against the royalty during the late 1700's early 1800's.

Since then or around the middle of the 1850's they have been growing their power slowly through the corruption of the culture and banking systems. Few people turn down unlimited wealth. Societies like Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove and the modern Masons are the Anglo versions of the Jewish mystery religions (which where just stolen from the Sumerians).

So my point is this: The mystery religions pre-date the modern Jews. With all the evidence of civilizations long before Sumeria the question becomes, not who's religion it is, but WHAT is its purpose.

We're talking about ancient history here. Of course there is going to be conjecture. The Indo-Aryans existing as a subset of the Indo-Europeans, however, is not conjecture. The Indo-Europeans occupied a huge territory, spanning parts of Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, and West Asia. The Indo-Aryans occupied the area in and around what we now know as India.

Yoga, excluding the original Hermetic tradition, would have been the most ancient tradition in this area. It is also probably the most comprehensive system out of all the traditions listed in my first post. It is not a huge intellectual leap, then, to conjecture that Hermes was an Indo-Aryan. It's not just made up bullshit.

Mostly right

Here is a good place to start

Are you saying I'm a christcuck or a Jew?


Please do write some of this down, and if you can, post sources that you used to construct your rituals.

Amanita Muscaria is a powerful hallucinogen, and it is legal in the United States. These mushrooms were likely used by Viking shamans and by warriors to induce their berserker rage. It's also legal to possess San Pedro cactus and the constituent plants of Ayahuasca, of which there are many. Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds also.


nah, its older than that. it didn't start in the ME at all. That part is also part of the jewish/semitic lies

yes, that is just made up bullshit. where is the link where scientists actually use the term "indo-aryan" and where is the connection to anything in the West?

if you admit it is just conjecture then you should just fuck right off and quit wasting everyone's time, including your own

ya i mentioned that

As usual, the shills are instigating a conflict between pagans and christians. Please ignore, its irrelevant to the discussion.

I think its important to expose the true secrets of the Jews (the devil) and how they use that knowledge to confuse the goyim.

The goyim are only confused because they know jack shit about hermeticism. Hermeticism is not a religion, its a "mechanism".

Many people on here don't know the difference, how can you wake up the people if we ourselves don't understand it.

By reading the shit that OP posted here:
Heck, you dont even have to go past the kyballion to have a very formidable understanding.

Bihar (the Athens equivalent of India), or biharis are the only ones left, they've degenerated bad, its a lawless piece of land now but they still hold their traditions dear

Hol up!

If Indo-Aryans were white, and Jomon were white…

Where did the non-whites come from?

Jews are a result of biological and social engineering. They were literally selectively bred through countless centuries to become what they are now. Their mongrelized genes not feeling connected to any other race due too much mixing (with just a bit of "extra" DNA not originating on earth), specific features, their culture and religion which was carefully designed to inspire a specific mindset in them. I mean, they literally need to jew their own god in order to follow their religion properly. It's not coincidental.

Weaker Jews got culled or sacrificed, stronger ones learned from their collective mistakes and refined their methods. Jews often reincarnate as Jews, to continue where they have left.

They have a covenant with their god, they are his extension on earth, his most loyal servants. They are a physical manifestation of an Archetype. And it rewards them for loyalty by sharing it's infernal secrets with them. You'd be surprised how much knowledge they have, at least the learned ones…

Same goes for Aryans, except that their modern descendants were not selectively bred, but have rather devolved through mixing with other races, and by being spiritually corrupted by the Jews and their god of matter/entropy. Still, they have that "tiny bit" of otherworldly DNA which allows them to become like their distant ancestors, if they know how. Knowledge which has been suppressed by Jews and other agents of their god since ever.

DNA itself is not enough, if not "activated" by non-material means, which are what ultimately matters the most. Hence why even a Jew could be salvaged if he is strong enough to fight his biological and mental programming , or an Aryan could become the worst kike by signing a pact with the kike god. And it's exactly these people who are the worst enemies, because they became kikes by choice. They are the traitors.

And then, you have the animal-men, which are pretty much the result of natural evolution on this planet, or a result of previous experiments. They could also go the either way, but it would take a lot of time as their collective consciousness are still very primitive and animal-like.



But what about the chinks/gooks like the poo in loos and yayoi who came to India and Japan?

India is the end result of multiculturalism. Its what happens when you mix whites + semites + gooks + niggers.

VERY interesting video on the subject - quite comprehensive.

Did you know that Isaac Newton was involved in the Hermetic Mysteries?

That must have been the biggest DESIGNATED period of their history.

The electrical engineers of the 19th century, Aether theorists, were the last of the magicians to this day.

Field theory, which is metaphysical in nature, and which was used by Tesla , Maxwell, Heaviside…etc. In their foundational understanding of electromagnetism (and thereby the Universe itself), has been replaced by watered down Greek atomism, where non-existent virtual particles are used to define all phenomena.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Tesla


Reminder: /fringe/ and the freemason Hermes mythology is against everything that is true

Esoteric is as anti-Hitler as Christianity is anti-white survival

Then why have followers of the Hermetic doctrine have been the most ardent bringers of revealing the truth of our world, our consciousness and universe?

Fuck off shill.

Exactly how angry are you at this moment?

Define esoteric.

Translation: things I don't understand are bad. The word exists because of people like you.

How beta are you, pleb? You're literally Khabbaling Holla Forums every day.
You don't have to go outside of nature to learn about the ways of nature. Nature is everything. You're drug cults are shit.

Stop changing you IP /fringe/

This. I always thought this was obvious if not common knowledge on pol by now. Just look at the clusterfuck cesspool of religions and cultures, look at all the mongrels, look at all the poo. They are the Jews' ideal goyim labor units.

It's people who can't understand the basics so they become very mysterious and wordy, practice self hypnotism through drug abuse or chanting, set up gay little ritruals in their basement. It is circular thinking that always leads to…?
You guessed it, more mysterious double talk. You never achieve any magical powers. You never understand the Self or the Universe. It's almost ALWAYS done by people who can't get laid because they hunger for a power outside of this reality.
It' anti-reality and anti-truth.

The esoteric is the death of knowledge and it's Jewish as fuck. That's why Jews love it.

Reminder: If you haven't watch The Myth (currently on Holla Forums now) then you know NOTHING about NatSoc or magic or our race.

In it esoterics are defined as Etruscan, Jewish, Christian demoralization of our nature truths

Please family

You are literally the dumbest fuck on Holla Forums,

I like how you conveniently dodge my post.

NS was founded by the Thule Society, buddy

You seem to have mistaken the word esoteric for the word charlatan, are you sure we're talking about the same thing? Furthermore, The Myth never went onto the subject of discovering hidden knowledge, or esoterics. If you could point to where Rosenberg talks about it, that'd be great.

Ok so if anyone is interested in practicing basic Shamanism here’s some tips to get you started:

The important thing to remember is that Shamanism involves entering a “Shamanic trance state” or “deep trance state” and maintaining this state in order to experience revelations, visions and spiritual experiences (connections with ancestral spirits or helpful animal spirits for example). You can achieve this in several ways: using a hallucinogenic substance that forces you into this state (I have tried using marijuana, LSD, and salvia extract or a combination for this part), by inducing a deep trance through meditation (deep breathing, shamanic breathing, zazen posture, hypnotic music and incense, chants, throat singing etc. helps to achieve and maintain this state) or by a combination of both.

Here’s an example of something that could work but bear in mind that every Shaman uses different techniques and it’s important to try different approaches until you find something that works for you. Surround yourself with the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and spirit). In my experience, a forest or swamp with a river or pond nearby works well. Night time works better than daytime also. So building a small fire at night near a body of water would be a good idea. Try to make sure you can see the moon and stars if possible.

Once you are surrounded by nature (an animal companion like a pet dog might help some but it could also potentially be distracting if you can’t maintain your trance state) you can build an altar with ritual objects atop and sit in front of it or draw a pentacle or other symbol and sit in it if you like. Whatever makes you feel more connected to the elements, your ancestors and the five senses. Once you are relaxed, you have to induce a deeper trance. This would be the time to take the substance if you are using one.

Now that you’re set up, you should begin to breathe deeply while maintaining a good sitting posture (zazen posture works well for this). Breathe in through your nose slowly, hold it for a few seconds and breathe out through your mouth slowly and repeat. When you are doing this you should try imagining that your solar plexus (the bundle of nerves just below your ribcage at the top of your stomach) is sucking air directly into it and as you do this the air passes directly through the middle of your body as you breathe in and out. Once you have done this for a bit you should begin to feel very relaxed if you do it correctly.

As you sit and breathe, allow your eyes to gaze forward so that wherever you are focusing your vision, you are looking “though” the object. Staring at a flame, smoke, water or the moon might help for this part but don’t be retarded and blind yourself by staring at something too bright. Allow your mind to envision each sense and each element one at a time as you relax. At this point you can begin to hum, chant or throat sing if you like. The longer you maintain this type of trance state, the more powerful the shamanic effects become.

You can also play music, listen to the sounds of nature, or drum, hum, chant or sing. The important thing is to engage as many senses as you can while you maintain your trance focus, posture and your breathing. That’s basically it, you can expect to have some pretty crazy visions or you might even fall asleep if you get too relaxed. I have seen and “felt” some crazy shit this way. It’s also important to go into this state with a purpose (wanting to feel the spirits of your ancestors or to see a vision of a god or goddess for example).

Thanks, I need to look into those.

Most "esoteric" material out there is Jewish programming meant to deceive goyim and program them into accepting their concepts of reality, that is true.

Esotericism itself is not bad. It goes both ways.

By being a strict materialism, you are defiling reality as much as "magic thinking" does.

Hermes is no different than Jewsus. It's the same personality cult worship and you're mad because you got BTFO


Not even sure what thread to post this in, but this one looked like the right one.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

You sound like a (((Christian))) arguing on Holla Forums, can you not hear it?

Esoterics is the death of knowledge. It kills the native Aryan understanding of Nature which is reality. Don't fall for the /fringe/ poisen. It's been around for years and accomplish nothing "magical", just more virginity and depression. /Bane/ was more magical than /fringe/ or esoteric Hitlerism which is anti-Hitler See THE MYTH

I'm teaching you. Shut up and watch The Myth, you sand nigger worshiping esoteric faggot.

You seem pretty butthurt lad.

ok so anyone interested in brainwashing here is how you break down your mental barriers and become a weak controllable fool

See what I mean. Meaningless banter.

How do you define "nature" ? You do know that the two are not mutually exclusive?


Good post, lad. I'm not sure if I believe in the extra-terrestrial origin of life hypothesis. I relegate it to the realm of Atlantis. I'm just not sure one way or the other.

This is a good a time as any to describe what Kabbalah is. We all know Jews use it, but I'm not sure if most of Holla Forums knows what it is exactly. It can be divided into two main categories: The Tree of Life and Gematria. When we think of Kabbalah, it is usually the Tree of Life that comes to mind.

The Tree itself can be viewed in a few different ways. It is more or less a numerological account of the book of Genesis. It purports to describe the emanations of God which resulted in the creation of the Universe and ultimately the physical realm of Man. This is the view of the occultists since the occult revival of Elphias Levi. The Talmudic Jews consider the Kabbalah a series of emanations from their god, by which he endowed them with his divine essence, thus making them his chosen people. These emanations came down in the path of a lightning bolt shape, so from Keter to Chokmah, to Binah, through Da'at to Chesed, and so forth all the way down to Malkuth.

So all of this is easy to understand, but how exactly do Jews and cultists make use of the Kabbalah? By committing it to memory. The Tree is not only the ten Sephirot, but the paths between them, which are named according to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Together they make up the thirty-two paths of wisdom, so called. While the Sephirot represent archetypes, the paths between them represent transitory states. By committing it all to memory, a Kabbalist codifies all experience and knowledge according to this framework. You might think of it as a filing cabinet. By doing so, one is supposed to be able to gain a comprehensive view of God and Creation.

As for my opinion on Kabbalah, it is quite obviously a cross-section of the Flower of Life. However, it was constructed according to a supremacist, hateful, and (((chosen))) mentality. The Jews think the Kabbalah represents their unique divine connection to God. I got my understand of this from Israel Regardie's A Garden of Pomegranates. It is worth reading, though it's certainly not worth becoming a Kabbalist. For an occult Jew and contemporary of Crowley, Regardie was actually not so horrible. His work was pretty much devoid of the (((chosen))) mentality, though ultimately you should reject his systems. I am going over all of this for one reason:

Know thy enemy.

Gematria, of course, is a system of numerology wherein words and letters are given numerical value, and thereby associated according to number. It's the kind of thing that a lot of occultists drive themselves crazy trying to figure out.

The Shemhamphorash, or 72 names of god can also be considered part of Kabbalah, but I don't know much about it. There's probably more yet to Jewish witchcraft that I don't even know about.

They were literal occultists m8

Shut up hippie.

It's iron law

When the Jew tells you to love your neighbor today, what does he really mean?

No… If you refuse to at least watch the Myth. You know nothing. I'm not going to fucking wikipedia for your Jewish lies about Nazi wizards

Have you ever meditated in your life?

See this post

I'm not sure if you're the same person pushing Rosenberg's book, but if you can't elaborate on your points without saying just read this book puts you on the level of basic communists who tell people they disagree with to just read Marx.

And there you have it.

Hey Holla Forums

Isn't that what OP is advocating?

Point 1: watch the Myth

Point 2: watch the Myth

Point 3: esoterics and Christianity is the same sand nigger thing

Point 4: watch read the Myth

Kek, you are attacking your own mental constructions and misconceptions. I'm sure that neither of us "esoteric" people in here are hippies, and most of us probably know much more about natural laws and even jewish science than you do.

Fact is, 90% of esoteric stuff circling out there is pure idiocy, convenient half-truths or intentional programming/propaganda.

It's the 10% that makes it worthy. And obtaining actual knowledge of that kind is extremely hard, and often dangerous.

He's trying to explain to you how materialist nihilism is the single and only truth.

I watched The Myth. At no part did Rosenberg speak out against esoterics. If you disagree, what part of the book or video are you referring to?

no /fringe/ is activating anti-reality. Which is inherently Jewish. And he does it with multiple IPs. Just look at the writing style

He says it like 500 times you lying kike. Now you're going to lie like a kike? Be ashamed of yourself

You are drunk, go to sleep.

He advocates against charlatans, not esoterics. Again point out the parts where he deals with the topic of the discovery of hidden knowledge.

I'm sorry user I didn't know you were schizophrenic.

Didn't mean to trigger you.

Hell yes, I was in that thread.

And I just wanna learn new shit without religious D&C, come the fuck on.

Shut up hippie

Lad, i watched all 3 parts of The Myth today and it has nothing to do with what you`re babbling.

Watch the Myth, on Holla Forums now. I know few watched it because you can read the view count. Look at part 2/3…. Holla Forums is fucking lazy and would rather listen to the most beta fucking losers on /fringe/ who can't comprehend what KEKE is because they don't understand the Eternal Flux or synchronicity or anything about natural reality because they fear reality. They hide behind stupid Harry Potter shit.

Notice in this thread: Esoteric faggots talk nonesense, talk "mysteries" post Jewish magic, post wikipedia calling Nazis evil occultists…. This is what they are. Fucking youtube educated plebs

You're lying. It was the major subject right along with how (((Christianity))) was formed and the fall of Rome. You're lying so bad right now


Can you explain KEKE please?

What do you think of the Christ/Krishna combination?


I get that you think you have some point to make, but stop shitting up my thread by posting the same shit over and over again. It is evident that you know almost nothing about Hermetics. I'm not sure where you got the idea that it has something to do with Freemasonry, but that is false. If anything, Masonry stole the wisdom of Hermes and perverted it, just like Jews did with Kabbalah.

You seem to have overlooked that the second post in this thread, which is mine, encourages everyone to watch The Myth, just like you are doing in all 14 of your shill posts. You have posted some images that say the following:

That is the Hermetic way you nigger. I recommended that people read the work of Paracelsus, who, to my estimation, was one of the Great Hermeticists. His criticism of the scholastic method ultimately did away with it. He studied Hermetics, and he said, just like you are saying, that the way we learn about the World and its Divine essence is through studying Nature. This was the way of the European shamans and the Peruvian shamans.

You are arguing against a position which agrees with you for a stupid reason. Now stop spamming.

No, YOU are lying trying to make people waste 4 hours in something that, whilst is good, has no relevance for the discussion.

checked and


Before I can comment on this with any authority I need to read the apocrypha, which I haven't done yet. I'll say that I think The Bible is full of Jewish tricks. What is in the 4 gospels of the Bible is not the true account of Christ, and probably not the accounts which were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I suspect that Jesus survived his crucifixion and traveled to the East, where he spread his Wisdom.

Is there another Christ/Krishna connection you can tell me about which is not only etymological?

Literally: As Above, So Below

Yeah, there are plenty of people that claim that Jesus traveled to Persia to live the rest of his days. Also, the christian Jesus probably has very little to do with the historical Jesus.
he did exist, though

Again you're lying. He specifically goes into the sand nigger history of "esoterics" and says it over and over and over again. Esoterics is for mudbloods

It does not have to be necessarily physically extra terrestrial, as in, brought from somewhere else. It's information that matters, and it can be transferred through entire universe instantaneously, if you know how.

Or, it could be the general devolution from a much more technologically advanced species. (Atlantis scenario)

I've seen some Jewish occult books, and i assure you that Kabbalah is babby tier compared to their "actual" occultism. They have mastered the science of the earth, of the golem, and that of the blood. And it's not just a metaphysical concept, it's an actual science that can be physically utilized. Just like the innermost Nazi circles had their own.

Kabbalah is not their connection to their god, the covenant is. If anything, i'd say that Kabbalah was an attempt to lure yids away from their actual knowledge, just like they keep corrupting Aryan knowledge to lead goys away from the truth.

Give me quotes and passages then. I watched the entire thing and did not get the same message as you did.

Where exatly does he says that? In part 4?

Filtered my man

Fucking look at this faggot. Who the fuck writes whilst? This is your guru?

If you don't watch and understand The Myth, you are NOT redpilled on your race. You are not NatSoc, and wikipedia "occultism of Nazis" shows you are the enemy


You're the enemy

You're the fucking enemy.

We redpill people out of (((Christainity))) and then your Jewish ass comes in and starts to Kahballa them. It's the same pattern every fucking time!

I can tell you the Hare Krishnas stole a lot of stuff from the Catholics. Instead of a Mary statute they use that parjeet who brought the cult to the richfags in the US.

I watched the fucking myth you idiot. Today. And you are either an actual high degree autist or schizophrenic, or you are just a shill trying to slide the thread. In any way, you are filtered.

Obvious butthurt (((shill.)))

I'm not entirely sure about that but there has been speculation that Jesus either learned what he knew from Egyptian mystery schools 9and had his message corrupted), he ran into Indian missionaries, or he traveled to the East.

I gave serious thought to joining or associating with the Hare Krishna Society.

Keke is synchronicity. It's a very common phenomenon that the fluctuations in life builds patterns, creates a cause and effect that no one sees coming because we are memeing it into reality. Shit happens, because shit happens. It's not anti-materialism, anti-reality esoterics that will teach you about that but EMBRACING REALITY

As soon as you start playing wizard you're done. You lost. That's why Jews promote it. KEK is real… but not a god, it's a natural occurrence

We need to lay down a foundation before talking about anything truly esoteric and mumbo jumbo.
We need to collect all known universal attributes of humanity. Much easier today than in the past. I'm talking about jungian archetypes, universal symbols, universal reactions. Those things that, regardless of culture or blood, are inherent within a group of human people.
Like black, narrow spikes, and skulls are inherently "bad/evil" to all humans perceiving them. "Huh?" is the one word universal to all languages. Male names have deeper and longer vowels, female have shorter and higher vowels. Anything approaching you in a straight line is frightening. All peoples can recognize and play along to certain forms of music. Dragons.

From there things may become clearer. What is merely cultural invention, scholarly idyll pondering, and compounded errors may be swept aside. Those patterns emerging from universal traits can be found.

We may also find what traits are unique to each race and each race alone. Like abos, for all their faults, are still fucking masters of oral tradition. We might figure out why the fuck meso-american mythology has so many twins. Why chinks are so aggressively boring.



I stole your thread for the Aryan race, /fringe/Jew

esoteric bullishit sorry!

Yes, everyone please filter this fag. I'm all about dissent and discourse, but he is spamming the same shit and offering nothing to the discussion.

You have me intrigued, friend, but I wonder if you can back up your claims of the True Spirit Science (that's what I call it, anyway :^) Care to offer some reading recommendations?

This is really good stuff. You have developed a truly comprehensive approach, it seems, for Shamanic practice. I'll share a vision I had on an LSD experience some time ago. I sat down to meditate, and my mind was assaulted with gobbledigook. I'm sure anyone that has tried to meditate on acid knows exactly what that is. Anyway, at the time I was operating on the framework of Leary's / Ram Dass' The Psychedelic Experience (not a great system, by the way), when suddenly all the nonsense hallucinations left me. I envisioned myself in dark, blank space, and above me was what I have come to call an "aural halo." That is, it was an invisible ring emanating sound: a low, sustained, pitch. It sounded like "Om." I have since come to associate this "vision" with Shiva, since 1) I had encountered Shiva before and 2) because as a destroyer of Illusion, this vision dispelled the psychedelic hallucinations.

I want to throw in here, user, and I'm sure you know this, that psychedelic drugs are a tremendously useful tool but not a necessary one. Shamanic visions and divine revelations can be achieved without them. It just takes a lot more time and dedication.

While what you're saying is great, you're talking about the work of a lifetime. In the meantime, we can have conversations and share theories.


Sumeria would be a good start, the language has no known link to any other

Jung was an actual scientist. Not some faggot who believed in gods and magic. Anyone who doesn't understand what he's saying is because they want to believe in that shit.
And I thought you filtered me?

Because you're a fucking douchebag.
Stop talking to yourself and pushing MORE Jewish fairytales!

It's not fair to say that. The Myth is actually a great book and should be spread, but I don't know where the meme of Rosenberg being against something like Hermetics started.

With the mythposter.

OP mentioned The Myth way up there without beign a complete idiot. Its a good listen but is an autist that most likely didnt pay attention and is sperging shit about it.

Just filter him.

I know, I just don't want a perfectly good book get a reputation for reasons that aren't even related to what the book talks about.

(praise Him)


I don't think we need to worry about this spamming faggot discrediting anything.

what the fuck Holla Forums, why was this cancerous shit allowed to be posted without ridicule

I'm tired and didn't have enough fucks to give.

Kek isn't about rolls you stupid Esoteric nigger. It's about the power of memes. If you weren't a fucking D/C Jew-level enemy of our race you'd know that.

how ironic

Of note to Kekologists:

top lel

Look nigger, I'm giving you homework. You certainly love Rosenberg to be singularly posting about him. Give me passages where he shows why we should fight against esoterics. I did not find them while reading The Myth.

You're a NatSoc? Then you strongly believe in hierarchy and authroity? Esotericism is just the idea of hierarchy and authority applied to knowledge. If you're anti-esotericism then you're pro-equality in the realm of knowledge, which is the last place equality belongs. Some knowledge is privelaged.

Could something like link related also relate to the discussion in the thread? It's Miguel Serrano, so I would assume so.

Also, here's another .pdf.


Glad I decided to forget about this thread after it started for a while. Nothing really new in here.

Aspie has it right in saying that Kek is a force of nature, and not a deity. But he's been an ass. My own theory is that Kek is more of a messenger, not the one that enacts the message. The whole dubs and synchronicity thing is pretty interesting, but sort of like the double slot experiment. If you start looking, you'll start to notice them more, but they in and of themselves mean nothing. What it says about the universe and the human brain is more important.


Fascinating. Before I look further, do you know how we know this is how Egyptians did math?

Serrano is interesting to read only because there isn't much else on this. He refers to his guru, or cult leader, multiple times and makes me think he was drinking some serious kool-aid, with the guru using the image of Hitler to gain legitimacy. I would go with extreme skepticism before trying to use Serrano's word for anything serious.

Thanks. I've been wanting to share this stuff for a while but I'm not exactly sure where to take the practice from here.

That's an interesting vision, and I know exactly what you mean by gobbledigook and the dispelling of illusions also. I don't think that most people here seem to really understand that placing yourself in nature in such a state and making that your primary meditative focus puts your mind closer to the natural world and the self (including your race and your ancestors from my experience).

I think that grounding yourself in the senses and the elements, combined with meditative trance is a key part of achieving all of this.

Oh, definitely. Psychedelics just kick it up a notch and make it easier to achieve and maintain the trance state.

And to the Catholics out there, you should know that when you recite the rosary prayer, aloud, slowly and clearly in it's entirety it's very likely that many of you are achieving a similar trance state induced by the repeated chanting of the hail mary prayer. When in this state, you are subjecting yourself to complex programming by meditating on the holy mysteries and making that your primary meditative focus. Your are quite literally brainwashing yourselves into believing it each time.

This is why you should meditate on nature and the self and not solely on mystical things because you will risk losing that grounding to the real world and could get lost in a mystical fantasy.

You may think that it has been destroyed, but in truth it is being PROTECTED from the profane. The deep knowledge and rites and traditions must be tapped upon anew and reaffirmed in the spirit of discovery. There's a very good reason the Druids only passed down their knowledge the oral tradition, it has prevented the evil and ignorant from misusing it. As long as the Earth remains, so too will our knowledge.

wiki has a bunch of stuff on it, of note:

I'd like to take this thread to let everyone know that the earliest ancient philosophers were initiates in the mystery schools

If you haven't noticed …. almost everyone in power is into the occult, meanwhile they shun it for everyone else, except for their Hollywood brand of "satanism" which brands all "occultism" as evil.

Jesus was the Ultimate "occultist" using his power for the ego-less endeavor of saving the human race.

There is not a difference.

A deity has will. A force of nature has direction.

Why do you think the ancients named gods after forces of nature.

Because a force of nature is gods will.

I highly recommend a certain book by Confederate General Albert Pike on exactly this subject. It's called "Lectures of the Arya" by Albert Pike. I haven't read all the way through it, but it's great so far. of the arya


love that you mention "confederate general" so he sounds Holla Forums approved, and leave out that he was a freemasonic grandmaster lucifer worshiper

Go back to >>>/christian/

A Christian is the last person I'd ask about "Lucifer."

not even Christian. I just don't take my spiritual queues from judeo devil worshipping masons.

I own that book, has nothing to do with the masonic lucifer. Rahn saw himself as a Cathar. I think he ended up being crypo jew though.

Meanwhile, in halfchan's Holla Forums, they are freaking out about sacrificing to Moloch mentioned in the Clinton email links and many many dubs.

Someone also mentioned Order Out of Chaos as a motto for the 33rd masonic degree in the current thread.

I think the point he's trying to make is that it's like saying a bullet killed your enemy and praising that instead of the person that just saved your life.

I don't know why you made this post. You introduced this "3 world wars" controversy and then linked to a refutation of it… interesting, but not relevant.

Who cares about his religion? This is a book about the origins, migration, & philosophy of the early Aryans.

In academia, the term "Indo-Aryan" is widely accepted to refer to the original peoples of India, Iran, Asia Minor, etc. They just try super hard to downplay the relation between these peoples and the other Indo-European peoples.

ya I was just looking at that thread

did you see this?

oath's voided


look at the latest threads on it

then a info dumb

when we found the minerva center they shut down the site and put up alot of pictures

An important distinction needs to be made between rule of law and rule by law.

(1) Rule of law is an intrinsically moral notion. Indeed, I don't see how one can have a consistent theory of rule of law without appealing either to natural law theory or to some higher rule by law (e.g., divine command theory).

(2) Rule by law is very different, despite some superficial similarities. Rule by law is prudential: one rules by law (properly speaking) not because the law is higher than oneself but because it is convenient to do so and inconvenient not to do so. In rule of law, the law is something the government serves; in rule by law, the government uses law as the most convenient way to govern.

(3) The two chief arguments for rule by law rather than rule of law are exactly the same ones that are always used against natural law theory:

(a) disagreement and uncertainty in moral judgments;
(b) the claim that rule of law is seminal anarchy.

(4) The chief arguments against rule by law and for rule of law are exactly the same ones that are always used against the opponents of natural law theory:

(a) the question of how one can have authority without any moral basis;
(b) the claim that rule by law is seminal despotism.

(5) Rule by law can be either ad hoc (which is genuine despotism) or principled. Principled rule by law theory shares with rule of law theory the arguments that a stable, generally recognized law is needed in order to maintain generality, impersonality, and effectiveness of government. Thus principled rule by law theory allows for what Fuller has called "the internal morality of law" to the extent that this is prudentially justifiable as conducive to the ends of government. (There is an interesting paper by Kenneth Winston on this subject in the context of Chinese Legalism at SSRN; much of what I say in this post is influenced by Winston.)

(6) Much of what we call rule of law today is really rule by law; a very serious equivocation given that they tend in entirely different directions.

And…. Not a single shred of evidence is given, for OP's stupid fantasies.


Download or stream it, this is literally what started the Third Reich.

Reminder that the Myth of the Twentieth Century has absolutely nothing to do with Occultism and Hermeticism.

The occult is barely mentioned and when it is mentioned, it is primarily negative. None of the books listed by OP have anything to do the book or the writer.

OP, has clearly never read the book and I doubt he is at all familiar with Rosenberg's book.

A list that would better fit Rosenberg's world, would be writers like Kant, Chamberlain, Nietzsche, Goethe, Luther, Eckehart and the Upanishads.

Reminder that OP is a typical example of the parasitical occultist, who twists the tradition of a people to make them more in line with his own personality and wants.

wew lad. The third post you linked is the evidence for my claims. You might try reading the thread also, there have been several excellent contributions. Have some migrations maps, too. It sounds like you aren't familiar with The Myth, either.

You seem to have missed the purpose of this thread. For one, occultism and Hermetics are not at all the same thing. I recommended The Myth because it is, to the best of my knowledge, the most authoritative source on World Religion as it relates to us. You are correct that I have not read the book yet, but I have watched the film based on it.

I am familiar with The Myth, but your conflation of the occult and Hermetics makes it seem that you know very little about this subject. Why not try learning a little more so you can contribute to the discussion?

Not a shred of evidence is given.

Your the one promoting occultism and hermeticism, which have nothing to do with Rosenbergs book.

Never said they where.

Wrong, that would be Chamberlain's The Foundations of the 19th Century, which you no doubt also haven't read, seeing your promoting a video.

Weird, since I never did that.

Why not awnser me why you are promoting a book with a tradition it clearly doesn't belong too.

Are you saying that The Myth of the Twentieth Century should be read together with Occult and Hermetic text, when the only times anything related to those texts is mentioned in the text, is when he quickly mentiones Paracelsus?

Let's examine Negro religion and spirituality.

From looking at these, we see that blacks achieve their spiritual states by working themselves up into a frenzy. Of course altered states can be achieved like this, but we find that the practices of meditation and Shamanism have simply not been independently developed by Negroes.

There is the common thread, with the exception of Christians, of causing deliberate harm to living beings as part of ritual and ceremony. Santeria practices animal sacrifice. African witch doctors melt their skin with fire. Liberians practice cannibalism to gain power; they will even drain and drink the blood of children. Voodoo and Hoodoo involve varying methods of invoking curses and ill will upon others.

I find particularly in Voodoo, Hoodoo, and Liberian cults there is the common theme of subjugation shared with Semitic cults. Supremacy of the individual's or tribe's desire is taken prima facie, so any means to achieve an iteration of this assumed supremacy is justified. The Jew seeks to accomplish this never by his own exaltation or evolution, but by the mongrelization of all humans but for him. The Negro does it by torturing an animal or a child to death then going on a murderous rampage.

Contrast this to the conquest culture of the Vikings, wherein even defeat, if there is Valor, there is Honor.

explain how they knew about dubs, smart guy

I can't, because I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'll go over how the books I listed give evidence. The Introduction of The Kybalion gives a history of Hermes Trismegistus. The rest of his writings contain the original Ancient Wisdom. This was disputed during the Renaissance, but since more ancient copies of these texts have been discovered, it is no longer. The three Oriental books contain collectively all of these same teachings in their own iterations.

We know Hermes founded the first Mystery Schools in Egypt and that the 4 practices mentioned started with the Mystery Schools. We know that these practices were revived during the Renaissance and that they have evolved into what they are now: Chemistry, Astronomy, the Classroom, and the Laboratory. There's more to talk about here, but there's an overview.

We know the Indo-Europeans/Indo-Aryans had a diaspora, and we know more or less to where. If you want more history on the Semites, the Bible confirms what I have said about them.

I have a feeling that you're going to say that I have still not presented any evidence. Shall I type up the entire history of human Anthropology and Science? I ask you which specific ideas presented here have no evidence to back them up?

I am not promoting occultism. I am promoting Hermetics because of its ancient origin, and this thread is for the purpose of understanding the origins of religions and how their enduring legacies affect our world. Rosenberg's book, while it unfortunately does not delve into Hermetics, has much to say on the history of religion, which is precisely why I am promoting it.

You conflated them with this sentence:
Then you did it again when you called me a "parasitical occultist", when I have not once promoted occultism, which is Jewish and subversive in nature. I have promoted Hermetics and Shamanism. By calling me an occultist you conflate the ideas, which is a false assertion.

Low energy bantz, lad. I'm promoting a 4.5 hour video which is being promoted all over Holla Forums right now.

Chamberlain was a great writer and thinker, but I lament that he did not do away with Salvationism when he tried to appropriate Christianity for the Aryan people. Nevertheless Foundations of the 19th Century is a worthy read.

Yes you did faggot

Yes, I am. I am promoting the notion that we ought to at once be students of history and seek Spiritual development.

Yes, when you refuse to give evidence and just speculate into outer-space, then yes, I will simply that that you have "in fact" not delivered any evidence and that I have no reason what so ever to accept your fairy tales as true.

Franz Bardon, who teaches magic and is therefor an occultist, unlike hermetics, which is related to neoplatonism and gnosticism and not at it's core occult.

It's a second century mystery cult, related to neoplatonism and gnosticism.

No, this thread is about infiltrating Nationalsocialism with a purile and superstitious middle eastern religious system.

Right, so let me get this straight, a book, which has nothing to with the cult you are promoting, makes sense when read together with that literature. nope doesn't make sense.

No I did not, just like apples and oranges doesn't conflate both fruits.

Franz Bardon = Magic = Occultism.

Both having nothing to do with The Myth of the Twentieth Century.

No, just like calling a cow a cow, doesn't conflate it, with the grass it's eating.

I see, you refuse to admit you are wrong and instaid you start talking about something completely else.

Prove he did that.

And…. you have never read his work, I know that, because The Myth clearly is the lesser work.

He look, he can't anything else but insult.

Alright, let me get this clear, you think that's it's not people like… oh Kant, Schopenhauer, Spengler, Eckehart, Goethe, Plato, Luther, Nietzsche, Schiller, Dante… etc..

Who are the best companions to a book that is actually about talking about these people, no, the best companions to that book are Hermetic texts written by Egyptian and Greek mongrels and confused early 20th century bohemians.

Even though, those texts have a rat's ass to do with The Myth of the 20th Century!!!


I can't even.

You're , aren't you?

(Praise KEK)

I was about to respond to this with a lengthy post you covered it very well. Thanks lad. Here's hoping we can get this thread back on track.

Who wants to talk about niggers and Jews?

Yes, still waiting to get it.
Well, since your not saying what x and y are, I have no idea what you are talking about, which no doubt is your intention.
Why is it a metaphysical concept instaid of a cult?
Where did I use the word shill, or something related.
You do, you literally point to The Myth, before talking about Hermetic and Occult texts.
Yeah, give a definition of ad hominem and then point them out.

Nice quirky leftism.

nice paranoia

Anyway, I win this discusion, you are clearly unable to awnsers any of my rebuttles and you are probaly totally butthurt by the last sentences, which I will repeat:

Alright, let me get this clear, you think that's it's not people like… oh Kant, Schopenhauer, Spengler, Eckehart, Goethe, Plato, Luther, Nietzsche, Schiller, Dante… etc..

Who are the best companions to a book that is actually about talking about these people, no, the best companions to that book are Hermetic texts written by Egyptian and Greek mongrels and confused early 20th century bohemians.

Even though, those texts have a rat's ass to do with The Myth of the 20th Century!!!

Have a nice day, my little parasitical occultist!

Race is temporary. Technology will soon blur the races anyway, for the better or the worse.
Ethnicity will not be blurred, though.

No, technology will not blure any races, unless we want it to blur, so your argument is useless.

Gunna call bullshit and stop reading here. There is ZERO evidence of jews being enslaved in ancient Egypt aside from the bible. The Egyptians themselves we're phenomenal historians that kept records of virtually everything, even their embarrassing blunders. Not a single mention of jewish slaves.

Also, vid related TLDW the stole a little bit of everything and made their own special snowflake religion.

China has started modifying humans, you think they will stop? You think they won't make them.. more European?

Stole civilization? How desperate can you get? If gypsies steal civilization from us, good for them.

Look, the only way they would actually make them European, is by actually using European dna, they can give themselves all the big noses, blond hair and long legs they want, on the inside, they are still chinese.

Do you think it is difficult to obtain, or that they have issues with using it?
So its an inside thing or a DNA thing?

I don't think you get this, being European is about dna, they can fuck around with themselves all they want and make themselves look like European people, but it will only be cosmeticd.

You really think they don't want the best sportsmen, the best violinists, the best warriors?
Are you the one making their decisions?

How could I forget best scientists?

Ok, your not getting this, let me try to explain again, there are millions of genes in our body, now, for Chinese to actually become White people, they need to replace everyone of those genes with White people genes.

Now obviously, even if the Chinese made themselves whiter, and stronger and smarter, they would still be Chinese.

You have autism.

To be fair, their stories before Abraham could be considered universal. Abraham himself could be Akhenaten with the Mountain being The Great Pyramid and Moses was a Royal Egyptian, even though his story has many flourishes taken from other myths/religions

All of those genes are not different, though. The pool of genes separating us are far smaller than the ones binding us together (into the same category: {species}).
They will be the masters of artificial evolution if nothing more. Whereas it will be sexist in Europe to promote genetic beauty, or racist to promote genetic intelligence, they will have them both. Minor changes are all it takes to blur the lines, major changes put them ahead.

I recall them lying about those, but regardless, the 50 year time period leading to the birth of Israel is the time all the major civilizations fell, and Egyptian records are scarce due to them barely surviving.

This reminds me of something I forgot in this post: (do I really have to check my own dubs? goddamn shills)

Nation of Islam is obviously the most Semitic of all the black religions. The idea that they created everything and are therefore superior is straight out of the Talmud, which is ironic since they think they worship Allah. And of course, there's no methodology there for Spiritual exaltation, but rather greatness only through making others lesser.


dravidians + indo aryans + persians + islamic arabs + australoids + negritos MORE PRECISELY
yer welcum

I see, your still not getting this and if you don't this time, I will not try again.

Cosmetic changes like intelligence, strenght and beauty, will be a very small part of the genetic make-up that seperates us from Chinese. Very small.

They will still be Chinese.

Care to give me the amount of genes this group has compared to the remaining pool of differences (which are arguably unnecessary traits)?

Does anyone find it remarkable that, while there are four deities in the egyptian ogdoad and four elements in ancient greek philosophy and later alchemy, there are also four fundamental forces in modern physics? These forces are gravitation, strong and weak nuclear interaction and electromagnetic force, which kind of resemble the four elements or four deities.
It is a strange coincidence.


Do you get it now?

You literally thought that all of our genes were different from theirs, when we share about 75% of our DNA with fucking bananas.

The devil is a liar.

No I never said this and I see you are unable to understand what I am saying, so this discussion is over.

Lucifer is the heavenly name of Jesus, manipulated by Satanists to be associated with Satan.

Everyone knows the meme but I'd watch this guy's whole Jews fear Samurai series, he knows what's up

Look, in academics we use a instrument called "source" that links the current subject's proof to another lenghty work done on the subject that serves as a basis for the argument.

Really? all i said is that you are disqualifying Bardon's work because you associate him with something you think you disagree.

Is gravity a cult? is mind a cult?

Right here: "No, this thread is about infiltrating Nationalsocialism with a purile and superstitious middle eastern religious system."

The Myth is beign reccomended as an alternative view of religious history, not as a pretext to justify anything.

"Argumentum ad hominen". Literally "argument against one's character. You are trying to dismiss OP's points by calling him an "parasitic occultist", and implicitly as a shill like i explained earlier. I will list the moments where one of your passages can be caracterized as an ad hominen:

Pretty obvious here.

This is an unorthodox use of the term "ad hominen", it is entirely reasonable to adopt it since you are using a characteristis of what he has done to disqualify one one, or more, of his works.

Accusation of shilling.

Trying to disqualify the hermetic works by calling the writers "egyptian and greek mongrels" and the rediscoverers "confused early 20th century bohemians"

This is also pretty obvious.

Kant was a good writer, although his works have little to do with this discussion. Schopenhauer was most likely crazy, much like Niestsche who was clinically insane. Luther and Dante are associated to the christian thought, which in term uses some of the concepts of hermetics.However, these two comment mostly on morality(Luther) and storytelling(Dante). Spinoza and Agostin would be more related to this discussion than any other christian writer.

Oh well, several posts of yours and absolutely nothing has been added to the concept of the thread. Shoudn't had taken the bait.

This is not to mention that the Chinese already have the genes for intelligence and strength. If they want to be Chinese ubermensch, they can get those genes from their own population.

It really makes one wonder how they will carry their race forward with this technique. They're using it now to eliminate disease, but you know with those gooks it won't stop there. Will they model themselves after us? Will they use White genes to become tall or just use Yao Ming? Tbh if I were genetically engineering a race of ubermensch I would give them blue skin.

This brings me to the point that a human being can make epigenetic changes by altering his lifestyle. I strongly suspect that genetic engineering can be done this way, with a combination of Spiritual methods, Ayurvedic medicine, and stem cell and platelet therapies. The strict, nihilistic, legalistic way of the Chinese is not the way of the Aryans, and I don't think it ought to be.

There's also the black goo this guy talks about. I can't determine whether he's a genius or an idiot, though.


I'll also add that human genome has been mapped and it doesn't contain millions of genes, merely

Uighurs are celtic in origin.. they already have red hair and blue eyes every now and then.

Ok, what if the chinese replace ALL of their genes with european ones?

We already share most. They need to replace just a few key ones. I doubt they want any more cuck genes from Swedes, for example. Although they do have the submissiveness in them already.

Still waiting for your proves.

No, I don't have a beef with him or his work.

Let me phrase myself agin, since you refuse to awnser me.

Why is it a metaphysical concept instaid of a cult?

Yes, I would call that shilling, more a form of parasitism.

Which is brought before Occult and Hermetic texts, which have nothing to do with The Myth of the Twentieth Century.

No, he literally is both and Occultist and someone who feeds on our movement, that is not an attack on his character, that is stating his goals.

Calling someone what they are, is somehow an ad hominem…..

Thats what they ARE. Period.

We where talking about Alfred Rosenbergs, The Myth of the 20th Century, so I take it you haven't read the book either.

Alright, never heared that one before, why/

No, Hermeticism grew out of the same culture, Christianity grew from.

You clearly have never read The Myth of the 20th Century.

Unlike you, who is talking about something he knows nothing about.

spotted the JIDF

filter by IP

Like I said, this discussion is over, if you refuse to actually respond to what I wrote, then there isn't much use in continuing this.

Proof that Hermes Trismegistus was Aryan?

You have added absolutely nothing to the discussion in this post nor refuted any of my arguments. Filtered, bye.

I already said.
{Genus{Asian}{European}} ::
Separation is small. They need to change a mere fraction of their genes to be like us hardware-wise.

The difference between humans and mice is 300 genes.

So basically, they are exercising their religion when they chimp out.

I Win!

start a blog, OP

24.000 genes, 30% difference = 7.200.


Very interesting points, user.

Yes, unlike you, I feel victorious right now.

[citation needed]

I laid out my hypothesis for that here:>>6870734
Of course I'm claiming that he was an Indo-Aryan, rather than a Germanic Aryan. The precise origin of Hermes Trismegistus is not currently available to us through empirical knowledge. I think the ancient existence of Yoga is strong evidence that he either hailed from or spent much time in the Indo-Aryan region. It is the oldest of the comprehensive Spiritual systems which incorporate versions of the 3 Universal Wisdoms of Astrology, Alchemy, and Theurgy.

If my hypothesis is correct, it is still entirely possible that Hermes was a Teutonic Aryan, since they invaded the Indo-Aryans in ancient times.

Don't reply to this faggot anymore. He won't engage you. He just says the same thing over and over again.

Off by one. That's gotta hurt. I've thought about starting a blog, and I just might do it. I'm glad you like what I write.

Ah, i see, interesting, please continue.

An user in the other thread gave the idea to make a meme magick general, hermetics would undoubtly be included in the discussion.

Alright, sure user.

The butthurt!

Glorious, this butthurt.

Is your combined age over 18?

Not sure why Bardon is a popular meme when it comes to Hermetics. The guy ran from NatSoc Germany and fled to the US. I'm not sure what the guy's motivations were.

Ah, i see that makes sense now.

One faggot from /fringe/ (Smiley) replies to himself over and over again. Look at the writing style. Look at the compliments or "tell me more". It's the same fucking weirdo Esoteric-Jew bumping himself and speaking nonsense.

Reminder: Esoterics comes from mudblood sand niggers and is anti-reality, and anti-Aryan…and anti-Kek as it confuses the synchronicity of our collective will

I don't even know what's going on anymore. Pure Chaos is at least putting us into interesting times.

Was thinking of someone else. Though he was still not liked by the Nazi party.

Need to drive the israeli off somehow.


You have never ever read Rosenberg's The Decline of the 20th Century.

Its funny I see this thread now on top of the catalog right after listening to the paranormies episode about the NatSoc Germany studying the origins of the Aryan race.

Video related.

There is on chaos, user. Only a secret order. Welcome to Naturalism. Fuck esoterics.

Harry Potter is the best selling book outside of the Bible and is a strong. Leftist theme

there is NO NO Chaos. Fuck that up because I've been awake for 30 hours now

Everything makes sense now, thanks for explaining

Are you pretending that this is your first post ITT? Not even defending Smiley either. I don't understand the purpose of dismissing anything related to this subject by deflecting to something that is only tangentially related.

Yeah, it's all bullshit lies. They're trying to misdirect you, user. This the only real theme on National Socialist spiritual/Aryan traditions. Watch THE MYTH on Holla Forums now.
Hitler's most trusted friend in the fight.


It's funny because if you continue with the logic HP gives us, Voldemort was right. Mudbloods will eventually reduce the magical potential of wizards.

You are smiley and you're a fucking liar. Kill yourself for betraying your race. And let your parents off the hook



Even when I was bluepilled, I always had problems with this. Because Mrs. Crabtree had no real powers but to see ghosts and shit. Meaning that would be the end result of race mixing.

Take your meds. Smiley is a faggot who jerks off to sigils. Just because he is retarded doesn't mean he invalidates anything related to Hermetics.

Nigger what are you talking about?

On Holla Forums right now. The entire middle section

I'm telling you that "Hitler and the Thule" was a Jew misdirect. That's why he shut them the fuck down.


Ah, i think i get it now.

OH NO! He's asking for sources to back up our claims! fast, brother shlomo, go to the international JIDF database of falacious counter-arguments to show this goy who are the gods chosen people!

You're just as much cancer. Stop being a retard and shitting up the thread.

You're Smiley and got tired of the namefag

Watch it you lazy faggot. You want me to do your homework. I don't respect you. Hermetics is just called science now as they milked it for anything it was worth, which wasn't much. You're just a degenerate.

Yeah, what's up with these name/tripfags 'disappearing' but their posts keep on coming? Every religion thread still has the Illyrian posts.

You're just as much as a schizo as he is if you think anyone who talks about this subject is automatically Smiley. He's going to end up in a mental hospital or killing himself and is a prime example of what Rosenberg was talking about when people like you keep parroting to watch The Myth and everything will be answer, as if you're selling a bible.

Interesting theory OP. Very gnostic in a dualistic sense. I am inclined to believe the spiritual origin of the Indo-European peoples lies in the Black Sea. The Ancient Egyptians had a Great Flood myth if I do recall. Could this be the northern Hyperboria, from which some of the displaced people of Atlantis migrated south into Egypt?


Very sad.

Yes, Aryans come from the North Pole/Center of the Earth

You have brought absolutely no arguments to the discussion so far other than making baseless accusations on hermetics not beign a science, even though no one claimed it is.

I misquoted you, i meant it to the guy you were criticizing, sorry.

Can someone explain the 'V' sign and how it counteracts the svastika

even a simple google search will dispel that amazingly ignorant catholic nonsense

Filtered and reported. Fuck off transhumanist shill.

Misdirect from what? Are you some super fedora faggot?

crowley apparently took credit for "energizing" that
can't defeat the swastika though

nigger don't you know hermes trismegistus was black an sheeit?

You guys are retarded and fanatics.

Race will not carry you. It doesn't carry SJWs. You discard technology akin to Napoleon. Time will leave you behind; all because of your arrogance.

You all need to look into Esoteric Hitlerism
(silly sounding name, i know, but the ideas are sound)

It did, or maybe the 'fist' did?

What this user says its true, race will be irrelevant given enough time, its just unavoidable.
However, said thing is unlikely to happen on our lifetime, so fighting for your race is COMPLETELY valid in the near future.

not eternally

Hermes was black, the original nigger.

Kek says it so it is true.


Hitler dubs confirm

What I have read about Esoteric Hitlerism has been great stuff. I am particularly fond of the idea that Hitler was an avatar of Odin or an archetypal Hero. I'll throw in here, since there are so many shills shitting on Hermes ITT, that in no way would Hermetic practice preclude Esoteric Hitlerism, or any other racial theology, for that matter. Hermetics is not a theology but a framework of practice.

I claim that Hermetics is a science.


They locked him up in a camp because he didn't want to practice Black Sun magic. This means to me, that I will not devote my entire life to his systems, but Initiation Into Hermetics remains the best work on self-initiation.

But he also said that he was tortured and operated on while in captivity. Not that all Nazis were dindus and that this is not possible, but whenever someone claims persecution by Nazis it makes me skeptical on intentions.

Are you familiar with the West to East migration theory.

It is based on the idea that when Atlantis was destroyed the Arya took refuge in 'the fortunate isles' ar as we call them, the British isles.

From there, these Arya spread across Europe.


Egypt was subverted by Akhanaton/Moses and under him, a monotheistic cult sought to
1) Gain and increase power
2) Destroy the true history of the Arya

This is why the bible is so geographically inaccurate.

Michael Tsarion writes and produces videos extensively on this, citing a huge number of earlier sources.

Ralph Ellis shows that the biblical characters are merely parallels with Arthurian myth among others.

Its a hell of a redpill

I was looking for an introduction to hermeticism and found this video. It resonates with many of my deeply held beliefs, plus the guy speaks with conviction.

What do you guys think?

WOW ok. This guy is legit. He made the Masons look like real faggots at the end there.

Watching this now. I like how he sounds down to earth and logical. Fuck, this is good stuff.

Incredible find, holy shit this guy does not dick around. He just bombards you with information overload. I started watching his "new age bullshit" video. The explanation of the "Temple of Solomon" blew me the fuck away. I'm really fucking pissed that Jews stole this symbol now.

Uyghurs are a mix between Turks and Tocharians. Tocharians are Indo-European but not Celtic.


That's the one.

Get you some Krumm Heller, Samael Aun Weor and Belsebuub books/videos.


How are vikings more noble then lets say the warriors of the Kongo kingdom?
Both conquered and took slaves, both sacrifieced animals and humans, both belived in charms and curses.
Negro kingdoms taxed other negrotribes and not always were genocidal fucks like the zulu.

They had some royal lines and more complex kinds of beliefs, I remember that I read about some greater tribe which when capturing male warriors gave them the choice between slavery or death, giving them a slap if they accepted slavery as a sign of subjugation, but if they chose death they were seen as keeping their honour.
Their valor in defeat.

Now, vodoo and hodoo is basically what happens if you take only slaves, aka the lowest class in africa itself under the tribes and bring them into a world all about subjugation and sugarcanes :^)
Im not apologetic for their barbaric rites, but the power mechanics have to come somewhere from and to reduce african religion to that seems like an oversimplification due to degenerated remnants.

Fucking Christcucks

Actually the did the exact opposite. Genetic Aristocracy disappeared except is the royal families that cucked for the Pope. It created the Spanish/Italian/Greek/Spic muddy whites we see today. Before the equality of Christ, everyone was white as fuck. And philosophy/natural observation/inner-thought became Esoteric sand nigger Khabbala Hermes faggotry.

Evola (like all esoterics) is the enemy of National Socialism. That's why Jews allowed him to shill while they killed men like Ezra Pound

Evola is among the least esoteric among esoterics, in that he doesn't advise the reader to do magical experiments like some faggots of his time. He also wrote the most sober account of Hermeticism. Perhaps there's something to that.

Also Erza Pound wasn't executed, but like every registered fascist in Italy, he was persecuted. Evola wasn't because he was farther right than fascists in Italy and wasn't registered for the party.

"advise"? He talks a lot about ritualistic bullshit. Ritual is stage magic to trick plebs. At best you can get a girl really horny with it.
I though Pound died in prison.

In which of his books and how do you define ritual? There's nothing wrong with them, if anything the concept of a ritual has lost all meaning. Doing a morning jog can be made into a ritual, cooking a meal can be made into a ritual, or can be scaled up to something like pic related.

And Pound died a free man after Italians petitioned that he be released from the psych ward he was thrown into.

First of all, this was only told about the 'fake' Jews, secondly the 'synagogue of Satan' verse is found much later (Revelations to be precise).

t. spoke with an avid Bible reader about rhis

So indo-aryan religion and non-semitic sumerian religion is radically different?

Where does Egyptian religion fit the picture? Also what is your thought on the unification of Thoth/Hermes/Ningishzidda?

the conclusion of vedanta is that reality is the external energy - māyā - of krishna
nature worship it is not

Do you not think it's a little odd these Kongo savages crossed the Atlantic 500 years before Mediterranean civilization? Learn a little about their technological accomplishments (not to mention political) before shooting your mouth off.

just nonsense

Who crossed the Atlantic?

The archetypical mastermind. Studying and mastering all fields and shunning no idea.

Please list some reading material regarding your post.


GTFO pol isn't your personal echochamber.

Mark is cool, but hes pretty autistic on anarchism, and his handler is a jew named Bob Tuskin.

There are many similarities between European and Near Eastern myths, and they are far more genetically similar to us than we are to East Asians. If there is a protoreligious divide, then it is between the Eurasiamerican peoples (Semites included) and oogaboogas

After the Bible, this was Luther's favorite book:

They're "genetically similar" because it's a heavily mongrelized part of the world which is actually much closer to jews than Europeans, but mass mongrelization between so many different people is true degeneracy and thus they, especially "semites," are about as far away from us as Africans in terms of relatable nature.

We have more in common with East Asians than with the hodgepodge that is the Near East who have been trying to conquer us for close to a thousand years. We can't coexist with brown horde (unless, maybe, if that horde is under a wise leash and they lose their religion) but it's possible to coexist with some Asians and form a symbiotic relationship where we exchange ideas and technology with one another which is something Germany did with Japan.

I think the answer there is very simple. Thoth and Ningishzidda are the names by which Hermes was called after his death in his deification. He was called Thoth in Egypt after his Book of Thoth. I am not as well versed in Sumerian mythology, so I cannot say where that name came from. He was later called Mercury, due to the planet's proximity to the Sun, and the figures Enoch and Krishna are very likely Hermes as well.

As for your first question, like I said, I am not well versed in Sumerian mythology. Someone else may be able to answer that. For your second question, I think the post you linked already answers that. The Egyptian traditions were all informed by Hermes.

Thank you for the elucidation, though :^)

I have not come across anything Bardon wrote down about specific tortures in a concentration camp. Frabato the Magician, his supposed autobiography, was not written by him. Everything online I have found referencing his supposed torture in the camps cites a book first published in 1997. I have my doubts that he ever wrote or claimed such a thing.

I think the Nazis were skeptical of him because he was a known magi, but he refused to use his magic to practice statecraft. They may have thought he was working with their enemies. Since he would not cooperate, such a thing would not be unreasonable to assume.

Can you recommend a good source for this theory? Until the civilization of Atlantis is discovered, I will retain doubt for any relating theory, but what you say is intriguing.

This is a great video. Have you read The Kybalion? This video is essentially a crash course in it. The text in the slides is taken straight from it.

Your assessment of race and Christianity is spot on, but you obviously do not know what esoteric means.

Obviously a single post on a broad subject on an Ancient Egyptian digits checking bulletin board system is going to be a generalization. I don't know as much about the Kongos as I do about the Vikings, so this information about honorable practice is news to me. Good on those groids, I say. I see no reason to believe that this practice was consistent across Africa.

I also see no reason to believe that Vikings drank the blood of their own dead children before going into battle :^)


Not yet. I just wanted a short and sweet introduction to hermetics to see if it resonates with me and it does on several levels. Would you say I'd find more, reading the actual book?

Sat through the whole 8 hours of and getting into video related just now.

Forgot to add that Beksinski is a great painter btw.

You most certainly will. Mark Passio has some good videos, but he did not cover all the bases when it comes to the Hermetic Principles, and he has a tendency to act like an insufferable faggot. The Kybalion is very short. You can read it in one sitting if you want to.

Passio is so full of shit its not even funny


I actually like him. What I find is that some of his ideas are a little out there or retarded, case in point his opposition to money.

Gonna read the Kybalion, no doubt about it. Thanks for the heads up.

Bet you haven't read one lick of Evola, fuckface.

Sure I have. I just can't into self-aggrandizing spooky nonsense from half-witted homosexuals.

but I'm sure an autiste like you can. go masturbate on a sigil while sticking your finger in your solaranus

So what do you think of the idea that great races and civilizations modeled themselves after immortal principles by applying eugenics through caste systems? Do you believe that, or do you prefer to believe the h'white race appeared purely by chance?

Remember Jews had access to the Library of Alexandria. What a coincidence the Library happened to burn and thousands upon thousands of years of human history, magic, and writing were lost.

I object to this nonsensical jargon

There is some truth to this. Genomic "improvement" does happen this way, at times, but these human-made systems can be disgenic as well. All in all, eugenical processes occur, I would say, at both macro and micro levels, and through human and non-human action (ie. natural selection based upon the demands of "the environment")

But, yeah, I cannot deny that many social groups killed 'tards or got strong/wise men to breed more to better develop their "stock." It's probably not nearly as controlled as you imagine, I would infer from your statements and what I've read of Evola.

This is the same retarded false dichotomy that Christians assert – ie. either God did it or it was "purely by chance" (which means to them "accident")

It wasn't by accident. It was through random mutation and environmental selection (which can be human or non-human and can exist at a micro or macro level). But, no, I don't believe the Jews breathed the breath of life into some monkeys and have been grooming them and doing eugenics on them ever since.

Oh fuck… I mean, European "Nobles"… fuck, somehow I got confused and thought we were talking about Judaism again and not Evola. Weird. Any idea why I could make a mistake like that? :^)

Weird… why did I suddenly think we were talking about judaism… huh, weird…

ps. kybalion is for retards who aren't smart enough to read continental philosophy

who says this and where?

sage for freemason "Hermes" bullshit degenerates

See this is why esoterics is for fucking faggots. You people are no better than that Zietguised Communist.
You'll never understand anything deeper than a goth kid

/fringe/ = Goth kids 20yrs later

Define "continental philosophy" first.

Fuck off and play some Pokemon, or whatever it is uneducated morons like yourself do to pass time. I certainly won't cast pearls before swine.

All of you should read Joseph Campbell.

It's true that Hermeticism was tainted with Semitic universalism via Christianity but as far as I can tell there was a strong current of Indo-European spirituality.

Semitic esoteric tradition ( 'magic')

Freudian Psychoanalysis
key idea - mind control

entry level material

I find Adam Curtis to be fairly superficial and glib but he accidentally stumbles into some truth.

Indo-European esoteric tradition 'magic'ännerbünde-Indo-European-Monograph/dp/0941694747

Roger Bacon
Isaac Newton

Science and mathematics is the pinnacle of Indo-European 'magic'

key idea -
mastery over nature (includes instinct to domesticate animals imho )

entry level-

"I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." ~ Isaac Newton

The mythology of Týr, Odin and Freyja is important

The idea of Ragnarök is important

I have been compiling sources on this subject but need more time.

Current working hypothesis is that the cyclic view of time, innate belief in cause and effect and 'destiny' is due to North-Eurasian hominids surviving as predators in a harsh and seasonal environment. As far as I can tell agriculture and urbanization leads to a kind of self-domestication effect that purges the unconscious mind of this knowledge because thoughtless calculators and merchants dominate. The only way to stop the merchants from flooding the Aryan gene pool is eugenics to promote the survival of the warrior and 'wizard' archetype.

This is all preliminary I am sure there are some anons out there who have been delving into this subject.

Some more entry level reading material on Hermetics

Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation - Henrik Bogdan

The Corpus Hermeticum's_occult_studies

Adam McLean's work looks promising

A Treatise on Angel Magic
A Commentary on the Mutus Liber
The Alchemical Mandala
The Rosicrucian Emblems of Daniel Cramer

Daniel McCoy provides excellent sources for material on Indo-European history, Germanic, Celtic and Egyptian mythology on his websites

there's no need to. if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you're profane, nigger

So Holla Forums, at the end of the day, what is the true faith of the White man.

Is it traditional Christianity of the middle ages?

Is it the fragments of the faith practiced by the celts, norse, etc.?

We have been debating this for a while now. Surely some of you that were between them have come to a conclusion.

If you can, present the Holy Texts of your faith and your reasons for adopting it. How does it resonate with you?

What about this one, faggot?

Hegel along with Goethe are the actual originators of the ideas that lead to Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Jung, Rosenberg and Campbell.

Roger Bacon
Isaac Newton
~Hermes Trismegistus ?

Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Emerson, Aquinas, Descartes, Jung, Campbell, Leibniz, Euler, Gauss, Laplace, Thomas Young, Maxwell, Riemann, Poincaré, Lagrange, Clausius, Boltzmann, Plank, Hilbert, Gödel, Bohr, Dirac, Schrödinger, Fermi, Linus Pauling, William Thurston, Galileo, Copernicus, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Chaucer, Wordsworth, John Donne, Edward Gibbon, Heraclitus, Origenes, Aristotle, Plato, Tacitus, Cicero, Diogenes the Cynic, Euclid, Thomas Hobbes, Russell Kirk, Thomas Carlyle, Meister Eckhart, Tacitus, Ovid, Lucretius, Virgil, Pliny the Elder, Anthony Burgess, T. S. Eliot, Yeats, Ezra Pound, Walt Whitman


Traditionalism, Romanticism, Romantic Nationalism

The Natural and the Supernatural in the Middle Ages - Robert Bartlett

The Letter on the Secret Workings of Art and Nature and on the Vanity of Magic (Epistola de Secretis Operibus Artis et Naturae et de Nullitate Magiae)

On the Wonderful Powers of Art and Nature (De Mirabili Potestate Artis et Naturae)

On the Vanity of Magic or The Nullity of Magic

The Place of Magic in the Intellectual History of Europe - Lynn Thorndike

Mystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste 'de Mystica Theologia'

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Schopenhauer for example was a strong anti-Hegelian, I will quote him:

user is stupid and bluffing hisv way through this conversation.

I am aware of the criticism of Hegel…..

Notice that Schopenhauer is discussing Hegel …

Wow, so your argument is "hur dur he be talking abut him!!"

That's it.

Why don't you actually pick up the authors you are quoting and notice they are all influenced by Kant, not Hegel.

Yes I am also aware of Kant, what do you think of Nietzsche's criticism? (reason I didn't include)

You have nothing to say have you?

You have no understanding of the subject you are talking about.

Stop bluffing already.

The post was never meant to be exhaustive, just entry level…
I am happy to learn from anyone, if you want to educate.

Perhaps these sources will be helpful

You won't find those books in free circulation of course. It would be like asking for a blueprint for some kind of super-weapon. Which is, what this science actually is. Your best bet is to read as much as possible from what's available, but listen to your own intuition and read between the lines. It's not a knowledge that one obtains in a single lifetime anyways, or the one that's contained in a single book.

Also, learn mathematics, you will eventually find all the proofs there :^

If you are interested in rabbinical blood magic, your best bet is to join one of "philanthropist" secret societies and then advance through several until you meet the right people. Of course, you would need to be a (very specific type of) Jew and know Hebrew, because the books in English covering it are practically nonexistent, and only offer an "introduction" or a short review without providing anything practically useful. Or, if you are interested in biotechnology, genetics, and cybernetics, they might invite you instead :^

You would all do well to watch my embed.

This guy is actually really good. Some of his stuff is a bit sensationalistic, but he's definitely right that there are massive human habitations, and most likely at least a few (stone age) megaliths now on the continental shelf dozens of miles out submerged in the ocean

Franz Bardon was thrown in a concentration camp by the Germans for being a degenerate homosexual.


I'm willing to bet fantastic proofs exist in those once-coastal communities regarding our origins.














filtered and reported

maybe. maybe. it would be very interesting if we could do underwater archeology and find burial sites, drawings or other artifacts… particularly DNA would be interesting. I don't know exactly how much we'll find, but I think it would overturn a lot of the bullshit we hear today…

think about it: every religion, every culture, every mystery cult, every history, every eschatology, every anthropology, etc that rests its authority on the idea that Mesopotamian civilization, and in particular Egypt, are the "beginning" of history and the "beginning" of knowledge would be destroyed completely. All of those mind-control apparatuses would be given a death-blow.

I find it silly as it is right now, tbh, that people believe this shit anyway, considering we know from writings of people like Augustine that the Egyptians themselves said that the knowledge they had of celestial movements etc was passed down to them by others and that it was, in their words, 100,000 years old.

In other words, even the Egyptians didn't believe they "held the keys to the secret knowledge developed in Egypt" since they admit it wasn't developed there.

Think about it. This would mean that, for instance, something like 1/4 to 1/2 of even the Mediterranean is covering human habitation and possible monoliths that maybe be 10 thousands or even tens of thousands of years older than we have ever imagined.

that would be badass

What the fuck are you even talking about. Look at the comment you are responding to, then look at your comment. Now think about it from the perspective of an undecided outsider.

Will mark for later, thanks.


I'm half-white. What now? How can I benefit from this knowledge?

you can't bc of your monkey blood

It's currently impossible to prove that this info can be used in a "magical" way

What it can be used for right away is reprogramming your mind so you aren't stuck with the Macroshit Wangblows Niggernet Exploder programming that you're given by default

kill yourself, you LARPagan kike

Secrets meaning how to worship daemons and get technology, and banking structures to keep the goyim in line.



These words are antithetical.

Jews fear nothing more than Europeans who embrace nature religions.

Show me your ways. I'm in Part Two of The Myth. After finishing it should I read Evola or any other author?


Morgoth's Archive!pJNACA5R!yRmrvwQwHAVSwBrhkuj1Ow


Nice link there.

I honestly think this guy is just an autist, a shill wouldn't bother switching IPs.

I thought The Myth would go deeper into, well, the Myth. Mostly it was a repeating critique of modernism, capitalism and judaism and it went on and on and on. Nothing new, actually.

The Myth isn't going to tell you anything new. There's some autism going around that The Myth BTFOs esotericism, but all it talks about is how Europeans were/are trapped using the revelations of sand people as their divine inspiration. I think The Myth is great, but it appears that there's a bloodsucker lurking 8ch with the intent of creating some internet NEET Vrill Society around Rosenberg's works and for some reason sees threads like this as a threat to that.

For a primer of reprogramming yourself, or alchemy, read Prometheus Rising. Feel free to skip over 2/5 of the book, including the exercises. RAW probably wrote most of it while on peyote, but it's easy to read and the material is good when it's good. The Memetics book that was popular for a bit is like the lesser version of this book.

Then I would see

The Kybalion is about as tl;dr as you can get on Hermeticism. One book not on that list is Evola's Hermetic Tradition, who concluded that Hermeticism = alchemy, or the mental side of alchemy. Evola is much less "airy" than William Walker Atkinson and Franz Bardon on this, so it focuses more on anthropology than these two did.

Hermeticism doesn't offer any explanations or insight as much as a ruler wouldn't directly tell you the measurements of certain items without actually measuring anything. It's a tool set.

Thanks, man. I'm reading the Kybalion right now and I'll also watch this doc:

To be honest I never heard much about hermeticism so I'm kind of excited and cautious at the same time.

Have a read you Jew-worshiping filth:

Did you see any benefits in your personal life after knowing these secrets?

he's (mostly) right you know. judaism is inherently anti-nature; in fact, its one of its most important tenets (along with anti-goyism). Judaism seeks to control and subjugate nature, so anyone seeking to free nature would be in direct opposition to the jew. I don't know that it is what the jew fears "most" the samurai but it is definitely in opposition.


This stuff is mostly common sense, but there is some great insight in these works.

There are many poor quality White people about. If they don't stand for their people, they will be left to the savages. So, future Whites will be the ones who are ethnocentric, and they will reject Frankenjew knock-offs. Some Jews look almost White, but 99.9% of the time you can quickly detect what they are, as they are a corrupted copy. Imagine you could turn Eddie Murphy into an Aryan. At some point, he is going to start talking jive. It's unavoidable.

I think it may be worth noting the story of Abaris, a sage associated with the worship of Apollo. He allegedly came to Greece from the steppes to the north and acted as a diviner and healer. Pythagoras is sometimes stated to have been one of his students and having taken the golden arrow given to Abaris by Apollo.

It's said that Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, took from the teachings of Pythagoras to create the Cultus Deorum (The Roman Religion).

There is a reason we are all here together.

It seems to provide a framework for many things I've figured out on my own, plus some new ones.

You are absolutely correct that Hermeticism, in and of itself, does not offer profound insights. As a methodology, it is the Way for obtaining profound insights through its methods of study, meditation, and interaction. I consider such things as Alchemy, Astrology, and Theurgy to essentially be applied Hermetics.

If thou but settest foot on this path, thou shalt see it everywhere.
-The Thrice Great Hermes

This has been an enlightening thread. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed. I extend thanks also to the autistic faggot who keeps spamming, for giving us someone to laugh at.

For posterity:



this is an amazing thread


I once nearly drowned in a pool when my floatie went wrong side down and my cousin was on the upper side, nearly had an asthma attack in camp, bashed my back and head on a wooden support beam by swinging to the right a bit too much, etc.

The camp one was in 2012, so maybe that's when I "died".

When I was young, very young, maybe 4 or so (putting this event… during 1998), I remember being taken up to a pond on my family's property. I was standing on the pier, when I leaned over the edge and, being a clumsy toddler, fell in. I sunk right into those murky water, and in my thrashing, I felt the weeds wrap around my arms and legs. The last thing I remember is a man who had been a friend of the family jumping in to save me.

This is a rather vivid memory for me.

Now I wonder if perhaps I wasn't really saved at all.


I wasn't going to bump this thread anymore, but I discovered a new KEK sigil, so I though I would post it here:


I would explain what it means but I'm sure you all can figure it out.

If I missed any dubs may KEK smite and redeem me.

I would like to thank the OP for bringing Hermeticism up. It's a fascinating topic I didn't know about. I'm reading Evola now (The Mystery of the Grail).

i would like to kick the mod's ass for deleting those interesting posts above