Holla Forums please explain this.
Holla Forums please explain this
What? That's not even hard to explain. Steve believes the cause of Hydra is just, that it is pure. He probably furthers the cause of Hydra, as he interprets it, in as morally sound as way as he used to further the cause of America. Is America pure and without flaw? No. But Steve Rogers never fought for what America was, he fought for what it COULD BE.
I mean, the current Cap writer is not amazing, but it's more about execution than the whole Hail Hydra thing. If written better, it could be very, very good.
But the Hammer has "only those worthy may lift the hammer of Thor". Not "Who thinks their cause is just or righteous". Otherwise any asshole could lift it.
And Captain America isn't America, he's a man.
Yeah. And he isn't Hydra, he's a man. The man is worthy.
Cosmic cube memory altering bullshit.
The whole Hail Hydra thing was a fake out. This guy in the vid explains it well.
Could have told us to skip to 4:26 before anything Cap related came up.
sorry user.
What a cuck. Rogers would probably be a CruzMissile.
Yeah, yeah, we get it. You shitpost. Keep at it.
So if the man is worthy and works for Hydra, what does that mean?
Captain America is a Reverse Zionist?
Well, post the whole comic!
Retcons are acceptable for the purpose of smoothing continuity wrinkles or compressing history and incorporating the better developments over the years. Retcons that try to run counter to the clear intention of the material are misguided at best. And that's not even touching on how stupid it is when EVERYTHING goes back to the beginnings of time in some vast network of pre-destination to tie it into current happenings.
America is founded on enlightened principles. HYDRA is founded on domination. If you get played by Nazi holdouts, you may be the nicest guy in the world, but you are not worthy.
Shit writing.
Plot point thrown together to drive up sales and not taking into consideration previous canon, the usual stuff from Marvel.
I never said it was good I said that was their explanation.
Do you mean the video? Because I have no problem with you posting a source that tried to explain it. I have a problem with them shilling bullshit and acting like it's okay. My implication was 100% directed at the vloggers.
Aww, reddipol got triggered.
yeah I meant the video. Sorry for the mix up.
I considered storytiming some of this Cap run, as no one has done it, but I figured people stopped caring. Which, would be the logical thing to do.
But if you really want to talk about it, someone should post the issues that are out, so everyone is on the same page. Otherwise, most people are talking about some story they HEARD ABOUT, not one they read.
That's usually the case with comics, because no one reads them.
Cosmic cube.