Nigface comics thread

Honestly I find humor as one of the best tools to redpill normies. Hell years of reading Nigface comics done it for me.

Other urls found in this thread:

They're called sheeeit comics.

I like the last one

Fucking love these. Wish there were far more Tyrone comic threads. Here, have a few from my collection.

Heres some more in exchange for more .png's.



Are there any other characters like these? There used to be a Bombslime caricature, but I think it's way too old to really work any longer. Plus there's a remarkable lack of a spic one.

exactly my point


niggaz in tokyo

What's (((jewish))) is that there used to be a nigface subreddit (yea, I know, we all hate reddit) where you could find the creator of these, the original template, and a shitload of various adaptations of this original theme. Fucking kikes and SJWs shut it down.

I guess not a comic, but I have to post this.

@0:45 black carl the cuck, lmfao



I changed that oneā€¦. I think it's better

watching niggers chimp out on PCP is hilarious

that was funny


I saw one version where they edited in a white guy who reacted completely rational.





Did fucking Tim Buckley write this?


I love the woman complaining about how "dey suppos'd to feed dey kidz" when you can buy a 5lb bag of frozen chicken for that cost.

Like, just cook it yourself bitch. Your kids don't have to starve.

Surprise there no CISbusters comic yet





His name is Tyrone. Not that niggers need to be properly addressed, but if you're interested, ButtNut made about 100 of these about 2 years ago after Tyrone was on hiatus and brought him back to life.

Viva Tyrone!

What are you sliding Moshe?
The Dutchbro leak or DNC convention?

have you seen leftist memes, comics, and macros? they're full of words. this kind of style attract the pseudo-intellectual leftist into reading it.

Best way to kill niggers: cancel EBT cards and destroy KFC outlets everywhere.

The guy who made the first comics, tripledge, posts over on Voat


Found an old-school tyrone by Dr. Seuss


Thanks, user. Have a Tyrone I stole from over there as a token of my appreciation.

is that first one a thing they actually do?

slide it

Yes, it's called Jenkem.

Take the brown pill kid.


The young niglet in blue on the right even seems to have a mustache. Damn.

We should have an archive of classic, old timey dank memes that have been preserved throughout history.

I've got a few more old timey memes.

Love the Spawn one