Debbie Wasserman Schultz scrubbed from DNC


The Chair of the DNC being scrubbed from the convention is already a disaster. Hopefully bernouts will cause a ruckus

Need a gif of that jew cunt's face swirling down a toilet.

wew laddie

we 1968 DNC nao

Bernout is pissed over the D&C

Has the burnout crowd gunning for her for a while? Because holy crap, the pics that her name pulls up are just too easily mineable to be coincidence.

Did you jewoogle shultz retarded

user ye have little faith.

KEK shall bless us with a chaotic convention.
Is the fart in still on ?

This is gonna be fucking hilarious. I can't wait to see Killary having a seizure in public

What'd happen if evil racists on Twitter started bringing up her religion?

Would the Clinton camp brand the whole thing an antisemitic witchhunt and keep her in place?

and WE are the antisemites…

She did well in several nigger-filled states lad.

I hope it turns into a shit in.


Dubs confirm. We are antisemites.


that went without saying…

Wait goy. Don't tell me you're okay with these antisemites!!!!

aww. don't be angry at me moshe.

here a dancing giant dollar bill to sooth your nerves.


That's my money! I had one just like it last week that someone took from me! It was like annudah shoah when my wallet didn't have it!

Wasn't DWS in a lot of hot water for supporting payday lenders?

So it'd be really easy to bait Salon into writing an article about "The Antisemitic Crusade Against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz". You just need a confirmation bias trap like the "Trump is racist" meme.

There's a lot of potential here.

It's too late. The entire Democratic Party will be imprisoned for racketeering after they raised money for Bernie knowing they were never going to nominate him (and he's probably in on it too, since he gets to keep the leftover money). This is fraud, and with the racketeering, every member of the organization can be charged at the same time.

Where were you when Trump put the leaders of the Democratic Party in federal prison?

Where were you when he made America great again?
