I'm coming round to black people. They need leadership, a father figure or they chimp out on us...

I'm coming round to black people. They need leadership, a father figure or they chimp out on us. This is a strength to a nation that is fighting Islam. Blacks might want gibs but they dont want 72 virgins. I see them as a test for a nation: if it can handle its minority populations, it can face a hostile religion/ideology like Islam.

There are many blacks who are now supporting Trump, who support the right, who just want a country to live in. Meanwhile, Muslims want to conquer everyone who disagree and are actively trying to establish a Caliphate in our lands.

It's a little "Brave New World", but a class of lower IQ/higher T blacks are precisely fit to do much of the labor we still require to maintain our society. If we can channel their energy it could be a positive force to keep our nations culturally fit.

Muslims are the real enemy. Minority populations just want leadership.

Other urls found in this thread:


sagan in a shill thread

As long as they keep their hands off white woman and don't chimp out I'm fine with them.

Most blacks were well-dressed, hard-working, and family oriented until whites started bending over backwards for them in the 60s.


You shouldn't weigh in on discussions like this, especially with a sage hit-and-run where you're going to come back and check for replies anyway


A good leader/father can use these people and keep them under control.

Here let me post the same statistics I also saved because I agree that most black people, especially in the US, are chimp-tier, but that is not the point you niggermind.

is it just me or has there been non-stop bullshit shill threads for the last 12 hours?

I have this feelings you're massive cucks who don't want blacks around purely out of insecurity.

black violent crime rates were the same before the 60s you dips.


The only good qualities niggers have is from the mistake of miscegenation and have non-negroid ancestry.



Stop acting like everyone is so mind blown by your post that they're horrified. This is a completely shit thread that doesn't add anything or bring up any good points.

Deal with your internal struggles more silently. Blacks kill more whites than Mudslimes.

triggered hard

post more like this

Here is my deconstruction of OP
OP proves he is a cuck in the first sentance.
even with fathers blacks are still more likely to commit crime its in there DNA.
We don't need niggers to fight islam all we need is to detain and kill muslims on sight.
that's a crock of shit ALL blacks convert to islam solely to get 72 virgins and have a reason for violence (jihad).
no they are just a poison that needs to be removed
that is true but not in the way OP means. If you have a white country and you kill all your minorities you'll kill islam in your nation pretty much.

most are voting hillary for the gibs a token black here or there doesn't change anything.
and white countrys shouldn't be any of them they have multiple black countries just for them; Haiti, Liberia, Ghana and the list goes on.
yeah and most blacks either don't care or support it "as long as I git dat seveny tooo cracka pootang allahu akbar"
it's called being fucking retarded cuck
we dont require slave labor anymore you fucking faggot, and white teenagers and low iq whites need the work more than the fucking niggers
or more realistically become a demographic timebomb that will destroy the white world
the enemy of the my enemy is not my friend and should all be hung from trees pushed ass first on to long wooden stakes vlad style.

saging for shit thread I also recommend everyone else either sage or not reply to this shit thread.

I'm sorry you're naive and think that we're heading to a white fascist utopia in a matter of months. Nobody, even on our side, wants to listen to solutions involving simply exterminating an entire population, because we could do that at any moment. A nation that can lay down the law of the land, claim ownership and remind guests that they are guests is a much stronger nation than your edgistan which has to exterminate everyone who isn't identical.

Fucking children are so easily hyped by this movement. Leftists dream of utopias, former alt-right cuckathons do too. You're both weak for it.


Your argument is retarded.


You're scared of fighting, aren't you?

No OP you just a civic nationalism jewish cuck. Vermin a step away from allowing nigger fuck you in the ass.

it's you


No and there isn't a slightest difference between you and the libcucks that believe in integration and assimilation will solve a primarly racial issue, different people can't live amongst each other without tension and natural, instinctual territory-actions. They will act like aggressors against you, always. It's just the way it is.

Just suffer from the exact same fucking delusions as the coloners had, when they thought if they could teach them how to speak, read and ethics they would become just like us. There's no noble savage and there aren't any hidden powers amongst the blacks.

And oh

Figure that out and follow the money.

Noblesse oblige user.
The superior have an obligation to lead. To lead toward the benefit of all, not just for the benefit of (((themselves)))

Whites should own the country. Blacks should live in it as a guest minority population. *I* am not the one calling for blacks to become just like us. I'm saying it's a much more economical solution to our problem to openly lead blacks instead of enforcing some kind of false equality.

The irony in this thread is how much the replies are reading egalitarian notions into my posts when I've repeatedly stated I don't believe blacks are equal.

Oh well, tribalism is infecting Holla Forums like an eternal summer

Niggerminds scared of having to argue a novel point: You can demand respect in your own country. That is, if you're not a narrow manlet I suppose

Literally can't understand the notion I am putting foward: MAN UP. Be a father in your nation: Blacks can respect us as the owners and leaders of our country, or they can leave.

Yeah mate I'm insecure about me or my relatives being the being the victims of crime, my peoples share of the pie being fed to people who didn't earn it, my culture and country being diluted to the point where it no longer feels like home, I'm insecure about switching on the television and seeing yet another news story about blacks attempting to get this or that piece of my history and heritage blacklisted or destroyed because it offends their feelings.

I'm insecure about all of these things because I'm a sane human being, you fucking ape. Thank you for being a living example of what a nigger is - a shameless braggart and a base character with no depth to his or her opinions.

I don't want to live with actual feral chimps either. It's not because I'm insecure of them it's because they don't belong in human society. So why the fuck would I want to live with uppity talking chimps?

America has always been a meritocracy.
equal opportunity =/= equal outcome

are they not allowed to live with their outcome?

Blacks acting out in the US is your failure, you half-man. You're the men who let jews own your economy, women rule your culture and blacks go wild. You're an embarrassment.

what planet are you from? or is that sarcasm?

How Jewish of you.

If blacks are less competitive in our society but accept their position, you're not OK with that?

No, the Irony, Schlomo, is assuming that Holla Forums is full of white supremacists. We don't want to rule over anyone. We just want whites to have their own countries and be left alone the way that niggers in Africa get their own countries and are left alone and the Asian races get their own countries and are left alone. We want to be treated the same as anyone else. That is all. We want equality. That's the irony here. Holla Forums wants equality and is shouted down by self professed "equality loving" leftists.

In fact, the only people here I've met on Holla Forums who push colonialism do so because the niggers were better off economically under white rule. They push colonialism because they think it's good for black people, not because they think it's good for white people.

Imagine being in my position. My government never asked me if I wanted to flood my country with people different to me, with different beliefs, with a different religion, many of whom blame me for all of their personal shortcoming and are Muslims who actively plot my murder. Then a demographic study comes out which says that my people will soon be a minority in their own homeland and may be extinct before the end of the century. Then, when I object to this policy, every left wing dickhead in the world lines up, accuses me of racism and bigotry and applauds my races extinction. Imagine if we treated any other race this way.

And then, to add insult to injury, the monkey in the white house reacts to this by telling me, and teaching my children, that being treated this way is a kind of "privilege".

People aren't responding to your thread because they think that you're either bait or some dumb fuck summer-faggot shill.

American blacks should be sent to Liberia. They'll be happier there with their own kind. That's the best solution. That way they can be happy in their country and we can be happy in ours.


we've been over this many times newfag

Won't happen. Whites taking (semi-)official superiority to blacks in the US is a better option.

What they need is a master to tell them when and where to pick cotton and if they don't they get whipped. That's the best and simplest analogy of what black people need to function like human beings.

Never had a problem with them personally. If jews and anglos hadn't radicalized the fuck out of them for their own ends, they'd simply be confined to their own communities.

Have you ever even interacted with niggers? They are basically just apes that talk and wear clothes. You can't actually civilize them… They are subhumans you retard.

How old do you think I am? Hundreds of years old? I was born into this shit like all of us were. It's not my fucking fault that Jews flooded my country with these apes centuries ago. I'm not the cuck saying we have a white man's burden to lead them.

Here's a fun fact: niggers will never respect you or care what you say or do, ever. It doesn't matter if you care about them or help them or whatever. Sure, you can force them to fear you but at that point it's just better to get rid of them altogether. I don't scare the roaches in my apartment into submission with my "super alpha leadership" and we shouldn't take the same approach to niggers either.

Don't be a fag.

You have a plethora of foreign bacteria living in your guts doing all sorts of useful labor for the body as a whole. These are like blacks. If they respect the host, they can stay. Compare that to muslims who are more like a virus - they have no use.

Ok. I'm 100% convinced that you're a nigger. Bacteria, unlike niggers serves a unique function. There is absolutely nothing that a nigger can possibly offer society that a white person can't. You ought to know that.

When referring to a group, Tyrone, use a plural.

What a surprise, a historically illiterate nigger.

Isn't it funny how despite all these flaws in our societies, we're still the best? That blacks, despite affirmative action, media worship and handouts galore have not achieved a fucking thing?

Filtered, reported. Don't come back.


If any American doesn't want to contribute to the best of their ability towards the good of the nation…
No I'm not OK with that!
I don't believe in letting dumb animals suffer, I don't believe in letting people starve.
What I know is that the social programs instituted by LBJ have destroyed a segment of Americans that were on the road to improving themselves and America. The social welfare programs have done much harm in that they almost invariably prefer give a man a fish over teach a man to fish philosophy in the implementation.

I want to lead the world to a better place
lead =/= rule
I'm cult of the cowboy not cult of the victim. We will not solve our current problems by imposing our will upon others, we will solve them by leading the peoples of the world to see their (((masters))) for who and what they are.

You didn't enjoy the fiction of Alexandre Dumas?

I just can't believe the arrogance of niggers, Holla Forums. At least the OP now knows that his shit thread had the opposite of intended effect.

Where do you see this implication? Some whites does not equal 99% of all niggers. No species is defined by its outliers.

They can be more content with less complex work.

good post but they wont be happier in liberia lol

every non white in the world wants to live in white society because it is objectively better and they get a free ride.

Less complex like being forcefully put on a galley and let them row back to Africa.

Goddamn, your post is riddled with minor grammatical errors. Who is paying you? Use that money for proper education, please.

So, a mulatto wrote some books? I think white people are capable of that too.

A content nigger? What the fuck are you even saying? They are the most malcontent people on Earth.

They need to leave.

discipline and self discipline are more difficult for some than others but I do believe you are conflating negroids in general with the stereotypical basketball american


if not a free ride at least an easier ride in a better place.

We need to keep 'em out and teach 'em, to the extent they are able to learn how to do it for themselves in their own county

Ok now fuck off.

I hate niggers not for the color of their skin but for their actions.
Based black man wants to improve life for his children and I'm supposed to oppose that?


The exact opposite happened to me.

I used to think blacks were poor oppressed people who just needed X, Y, Z so they could pick themselves up.

But then I realized that the supposed white man's boot wasn't on the necks of most blacks, blacks are just not capable of fitting into Western society.

Coincidence? They just need a daddy and some jobs? Is that what you are saying? Because that's pretty naive.

This. No one on this board should be afraid of a meritocracy. Those who are smart and hard working will naturally climb upwards. The feral will pool to the bottom. There is no need for special treatment for anyone. This includes all races. This goes for women too.

And surprise surprise look at how the white man soars!

This is a separate issue. A meritocratic system withing our own in-group is highly desirable, with certain limitations. Even the best, most intellectually superior leftist should not be allowed to hold a position of influence and, considering political views are at least somewhat heritable, whether or not they should be sterilized is a debate worth having.
But opening up our societies for out-groups to compete with us on a level playing field is idiotic, and should be opposed by everybody on this board, as it is completely incompatible with the 14 words.

Fuck off kike. All non-whites are destined for extermination, regardless of the Semitic demon that they worship. There is no rational reason to let a single non-white live on our planet.

Aw shit, this is a nigger video thread now.


you're fucking retarded to boot I see

Your nose is showing, Schlomo.

Why not take a relaxing train ride?

That applies only to our own human European people, not to non-white subhumans.

No, America has always been an ethnostate created by whites for whites. Non-whites have no right to citizenship in this country, regardless of merit.



unfortunately if you keep just the good blacks around, it will be their kids and their kids' kids causing the problems again.

quite frankly blacks can only succeed, as a people, as jew-wary christians.

again with the always


nigger promotion thread
wants nigger to become even grater part of society

ID: 8b648a - NIGGER

filter the nigger


It is allowed to hate blacks AND muslims you know, it's not an either/or you low standards having motherfucker

You kikes are in for some surprises over the next few years.

get lost Goyvin McCuck fans


t. cuckservative

If we kill off the violent ones then we can keep the rest as pets

Look at this disgusting case of cuckservatism from reddit.

Beware of those who only speak out against Islam and not mass migration from the third world in general.

I think you mean

t. Christcuck