How does the thing have sex anyway?
He don't. Hence his desire to be human again
veeeeeeery carefully.
It's a dick made of rock. There is no way you can be careful while cutting the insides of your wife.
How does having sex with The Thing not kill her?
The question is, how can a rock ejaculate? Has it ever been explained how Ben can move his body as if his rocks were muscles?
Only his skin is rock. Everything else is normal.
No it isn't. If it was his skeleton would be crushed by the weight of his skin, for starters
I imagine it's the same way Reed can stretch himself endlessly and not severely damage or tear apart his internal organs, or how Johnny can fucking set himself on fire and not die.
Well, it was explained in the ultimate universe, so I don't know how it works in the official universe, but it was once told Reed is just a massive unicelular creature.
This wouldn't explain how Reed is able to produce viable offspring.
Hm… space magic?
There's no official diagram, but I've seen a couple of fan-made anatomies.
Thinking about it every meta human has to have a reinforced organism and above-average resilience. Otherwise Spider-Man would not be able to lift tons without breaking his bones etc.
Someone please tell me this is taken out of context.
That was your own fault.
The comic is probably from the Ultimate Marvel line.
Tell me about Doom !
Why does he wears theask ?
So wait, Thing is covered in shit?
Is Doom giving a speech… to a toddler?
would you expect anything less?
Doctor Doom wasn't supposed to be smart?
forget it, he's just retarded
Both are easily explained by his overwhelming ego and sense of vanity
Not at all. It's obviously from Waid and Wieringo's FF run.
If you read the wiki, Marvel has realized this too. The new generation of Inhumans are automatically hardier than humans, even if their powers don't need it.
Oh damn, I forgot about that part.
The thing I hate about Doctor Doom is that Kirby had such a simplistic arch villain design, which I guess is appropriate of the time he was created. Like all legacy characters, he eventually had to be developed. But then people come along with some misguided notion of returning him to Kirby's original vision, or try to reclaim his villain credibility with edgy bullshit.
Of course, now you have the opposite happening. Doctor Doom is going to become a heroic character and replace Iron Man to cash in on both his popularity and because Fox could never use this plot as material for a film.
I just want Doom to be a family man and be happy. He'll still try to one-up Reed, of course. Get a more powerful wife (wives?*), raise more children, help them make better science fair projects than Franklin. They can butt heads over the legitimacy of mysticism in pursuit of scientific research or go back and forth trying to reverse engineer eachother's latest technological advancement so they don't have to endorse their foe.
*Who are your top 3 for Mrs. Von Doom?
You know, Tabitha from New Mutants once seriously considered this, but then she realised that would make her Boom-Boom Von Doom…
why is the baby hillary clinton?
Did the artist not understand that when anime does it it's to leave the eyes uncovered, but if the eyes can still be seen no matter what panel having the eyebrow visible is just plain retarded and ruins the style.
Age of Apocalypse Susan Storm
Earth-1112 Malice
Earth-TRN279 Sue
It's still Doom, after all
Doom should be a rival character, who starts out as Reed's bitter enemy, but becomes less vengeful over time.
He's like vegeta if he didn't job and was actually as strong as he said he was, plus not a total dumbass.
Didn't he head in that direction during Byrne's run?
He'll, even in the 80s the Power Pack was explicitly given tough bodies and low level regeneration in addition to their unique powers.