==Russia Insider: "Russia's New Conservative Allies in the US: The 'Alt-Right' Phenomenon"

==Russia Insider: "Russia's New Conservative Allies in the US: The 'Alt-Right' Phenomenon"

What is the Alt-Right?

If you listen to the mainstream media, the Alt-Right is the birth of an American far right Frankenstein that was mid-wifed by Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric in this election cycle.

But what we are seeing now is bigger than even Donald Trump. It is part of a massive paradigm shift that has been underway for some time now. For those that have been paying attention, it is clear that nationalist, patriotic movements are everywhere ascendant in the West.

The endless migration of millions of 3rd world men into Europe, the callousness of the Elite class to the concern its Natives, and the fever-pitched identity politics of the Regressive Left have brought us to a crossroads… It should come as little surprise to nobody that the native populations of the West have started asking some hard questions about their own identity.

Who are we? What do our people stand for? Will we have a future if nothing changes?

These are some of the civilizational questions being raised for the first time in the West since the end of the Cold War. And the "Alt-Right" is the term (that hit the Internet by storm in 2015) under which many dissidents have rallied under in the United States. The etymology of the term however, does not go far in explaining the significance of this rapidly growing movement and the underlying trend in politics that it represents.



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Context is King

The last 7 years (at least) have seen the complete takeover of national discourse and cultural exchange by a group of rabid left-wing fanatics in the West. These “Social Justice Warriors” as they have come to be known, have managed to push their fringe Trotsky-ist ideas on the cultural mainstream of America and now act as the enforcers of punishing speech codes in academic institutions, the HR offices of corporate America, the mainstream media and our elected officials.

They have managed to do so with the tacit approval and even outright encouragement of the Establishment Elites.

It is no exaggeration to say that the West is in a state of complete self-negation, lost and confused, angry as well- and willing to lash out. There has perhaps been no other time in history where the Western peoples have been so abjectly demoralized.

The younger generation of Westerners in particular has been systematically taught to be ashamed of their heritage during their 12+ years stint in the Education camps. It is especially noticeable in higher education, where students are taught to believe there is something uniquely oppressive in being a straight male, something uniquely oppressive in being of European descent, something particularly deplorable about being straight…and on it goes. And there are serious consequences for stepping out of the echo-chamber of ethno-masochism and self-hate…

It has come to the point where it is easier to come out publicly to polite society as a tranny than it is to come out as a Trump supporter.

But for every action there is a reaction. The witch-burning mob mentality of the Regressive Left engendered a reaction, and in 2015, the lame stream media finally caught a whiff of it. But even before the current year, many Nativist patriots, non-interventionists, economic nationalists or social conservatives found themselves unable to articulate their views in any public capacity without facing serious repercussions for their unfashionable WrongThink.

Consequently, many movements took to the wild unexplored reaches of the Internet to hone their rhetoric, conduct their discussions and reach out to new minds. By the very nature of the current political paradigm, the many disparate movements that were spawned online had to remain anonymous. (This is true in Europe as much, if not more than in the United States. ) And it seems that only now with the Donald Trump's meteoric rise in the Republican party has the Overton Window begun to shift back to the right, and allowed for the public articulation of these taboo sentiments.


But what IS the Alt-Right? What do they stand for?

The span of blogs, sites and online communities that can be called “Alt-Right” is as vast as it is varied. They range from well established alternative dissident right sites like Unz, Vdare, Takimag, and Amren that pre-date the “Alt-Right” label and instead can be thought of as the inheritors of a Natural Conservative or Paleo-Conservative tradition in American politics. But there are also younger, more free-wheeling sites like The Right Stuff, and the masthead of the Alt-Right- Radix Journal.

To quote the Head Editor of Radix, Hannibal Bateman:

Many of these new right thinkers eschew the big tent “Alt-Right” label that the MSM has lumped them under for one reason or another, but all together they comprise a massive samizdat movement of online Dissidenti. Furthermore, the alt-right does not just deal with politics; it is an all-encompassing intellectual movement. There are HBD (human bio-diversity) enthusiasts, male self-improvement advocates, rebellious sub-cultures of 5th gen. meme-warriors as well as Monarchists, Traditionalists, National-Libertarians, Socialist-Nationalists, Identitarians and Russo-philes…


On Russia

In the West, Russia is usually viewed with a mix of foreboding and hysteria. However, the Alt-Right has a more favorable opinion. Their generally russo-philic attitude stems from their view that Russia and Eastern Europe have preserved the best of European cultural values. After the fall of communism, a sort of role-reversal occurred. The west remained free of economic communism, but fell under the spell of "Cultural Marxism."

On the topic of Cultural Marxism, whole tomes can be written, but suffice it to say, whereas traditional Marxism aims to erase economic inequality, Cultural Marxism aims to eliminate perceived social inequality based on race, gender and sexual orientation. One could say that the West won the Cold War and retained its free-market economic system of Capitalism…and yet there is everywhere apparent a spirit of Cultural Marxism prevalent in the West. .

The late Jonathon Bowden, (a dissident right wing thinker from the UK) articulated a prevailing belief in the Alt-Right in a talk titled, Western Civilization Bites Back.

To put it simply, Russia is seen as a beacon of reason and civilization by many on the Alt-Right. Time will tell if their faith in Russia is justified or not. But they, and other similar Dissident Right movements are the only parties that will even hear Russia out.


Generation Trump

Just as Russia is being encircled by NATO forces, and pilloried in the international media, so too have the hyenas in the MSM been hounding the now GOP nominee, Donald Trump.

To put it mildly, the entire edifice of Western civilization is crumbling and it would only be a slight exaggeration at this point to point out that much of the West lives in a post Camp of the Saints scenario. Yet, just as America- shell-shocked and confused- hit Peak-PC, Donald Trump arrived like a savior in the night. His boldness and willingness to openly state Anti-Globalist policies won him the adulation of dispossessed middle-America…and the scorn of the Neo-Trotskyite Intelligentsia. Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump is seen by many on the Alt-Right as the last chance for Western Civilization to save itself from the brink of civilizational collapse.

Most importantly, the rise of Donald Trump heralds the new era of identity politics. As Donald Trump taps into the simmering discontent of the dispossessed white working class of America, he begins to transcend the traditional left/right divide among voters. The real divides are now along the lines of Identity. With him stands Generation Alt-Right. Against him stands the New Internationale.

Perhaps the best example of the merger between globalist interests and the Regressive Left can be seen in the recent #marchforeurope protests. Indoctrinated Millenials, old-school labor voters, and the recently imported Third World have joined in an unholy alliance with The City and EU bureaucrats to protest a popular referendum on the European Union. The New Left- once a champion of liberal values in the West- now demands harsher controls on speech in the name of combating “Hate Speech” and actively promotes greater flows of economic migrants who will undercut the wages of the native working class.

To many of the older generation, much of what I have said may come as a surprise. But the fact remains that the old political positions have gone topsy-turvy, and it all has happened in the relative blink of an eye. As it stands now, the old peace-promoting, anti-imperialist, pro-working class Left has left the stage. We live in a brave new borderless world now- or so we are told by the new cultural commissars. Many are coming to realize that there is no left or right anymore. There are only Globalists and Nationalists, and the young Alt-Right stands at the vanguard of the latter. They are the product of a new generation being forced to rediscover their identity and come to terms with their dispossession.

A generation who spit out the narratives of guilt and self-hate they were fed as children. A generation that intimately understands the raw deal they have been given and that resents a political culture that justifies their economic, and social plight on the grounds of fighting “systematic racism.” For their whole lives, they have been blamed for historical "sins" outside their control. And now they fight over an offense they did not give, against those who were not even alive to be offended. That realization forms their consciousness. Where Samuel Huntington once asked: “Who are we?” - the Alt-Right has picked up the torch and started coming to its own conclusions…


Why do people keep pretending a website that gets less traffic than Renegade matters?

I and the rest of the umbrella term encompassing the "alt-right" are neutral on Russia, we're anti-interventionist not pro-Russian.

Maybe this is the wrong place, but what is the underlying hostility with russia, in the present? We aren't really competing for super power status or domestic oil production, but purely for influence in the Middle East.

Seems like maybe the US is being used by the saudis to attack russia. Kinda like we just are enemies cause we've always been enemies. If we united with russia we could dominate the middle east.

Its mostly fabricated. Only elites and people who blindly listen to them think Russia is a looming threat.

I personally admire Russian and Eastern European culture but i have slav heritage so I'm probably biased. Obummer has absolutely ruined relations with Russia and i think trump would be great to get it back to GW levels of guarded friendliness. Its a mistake to either shut Russia out completely or trust them on the level of Britain or France, but being cordial to each other would be nice

Our (((elites))) are hungry for a war with Russia. Why else would NATO troops regularly train so close to Russia's border?

do you even remove kebab, son


But why are the elites after it, is it so we have a bogeyman?

The greatest kebab removers are the mongols.

Lmao 3 of the 4 leaders near the end of the Mongol Empire were Islamic. Hence why Indonesia is the most kebab country in the world.

Race, not religion. Mongols humiliated the fuck out of the sandniggers for killing their messenger.


during genghis' rule Muslims countries were forbidden to eat halal and circumcision was also forbidden


this is a very reasonable way to look at it, there is no need for this power jockeying and saber rattling, unilateral hegemony is a fucking pipe dream, we and the ivans would all be much better off getting along, except for a…chosen few that will always want chaos.

definitely the boogeyman psychological aspect, but probably more importantly the fact that "war is a racket" to quote Smedley Butler

conflict, the debt it causes, rebuilding after you have rubbelized, its insanely good for business.

sometimes wars are necessary, but usually they arent and benefit only a chosen few through a variety of well developed schemes

lastly one should add that the "elite" in the US really does have its back against the wall at the moment, its pretty much the only out they see. the financial derivatives bomb is about to go kablooey, the economy is an outsourced sham, people are fed up with the system, rampant poverty and predatory multinational business practices covered up with shadowstats, the list goes on and on and a big fucking war or at least a scare would be an insta-solution of sorts

A product of propaganda from over the course of the cold war plus those that simply hate a nation for wanting to promote a nationalist pride, plus those that dislike anyone promoting their own interests over America's.

The norm for many in Washington is that they be allowed to play out some Machiavellian fantasies such as you see in Syria, where they try to fund one terrorist group to fight another group. Russia stepping in and wanting to kill off all the terrorists isn't something Washington is really accustomed to dealing with as they're used to the idea that other countries would be afraid to intervene in these conflicts directly. The only way the US could maintain its prior goals for Syria would be to essentially go to war with Russia so they could defend the anti-Syrian terrorists, but that would be too hard to sell Americans on so all that's left for those in Washington is to have their blood boil that Russia is foiling their plans.


The thing about the "alt right" if it is a movement is that its a giant tent movement for all kinds of far right dissidents, but also the media cant grasp when people on pol are just trolling.
Also the wikipidia article which has been really revised since the last time i read it to exclude any intellectual origins or interest in right wing philosophers and to include MUH ANTISEMISTIM over and over again is interestingly out of touch.

IF you google the word alt right the jews are already trying to warp it to being pro israel .


So i can say the idea of the alt right has already been co opted by jews and i do not consider myself apart of that

It's just a fucking name.

Alt-right, Far-right, whatever, we have the same fucking goal.

All this anti-alt right is D&C at very core, it's splitting hair, it's brother fighting.

Spencer also attended Milo's "Gays for Trump" party with crypto-kike Geert Wilders and Pamela "Nuke Europe" Geller.


I used to think he was just an opportunistic closet case, but it's looking more and more like he's working for the enemy.


you don't get to repeatedly bump yourself under the ruse that you are trying to "help out" by posting the whole article, you stupid doublenigger

Post the link and the archive, then say something to start a discussion while giving a summary of the article.

This is probably the faggotiest shit OP I've ever seen. I hope you get raped by a pack of wild niggers

I see a lot more D&C coming from the alt-right than the other way around.

They just cry victim the same way the kikes do.

fucking shill

what moron wrote this?
the word was coined in america but the feelings, thoughts and opinions behind what we stand for are global in nature
its nationalist mutually supporting nationalist to throw off the evils of communism, islam and (((them)))

I've never considered myself "Alt-right" and I have no idea where this meme has come from.

I've only seen it used by cuckservatives and christcucks who hate nationalists.

The writer sounds exceptionally friendly. What is he pandering the alt-right for?

I have never seen somebody calling out a natsoc on Holla Forums and not getting shit for it.

Every day I see somebody calling out alt-right on Holla Forums out of the blue.

It sure as hell feels like D&C.

pretty sure alt-right is what they're attempting to label the resurgence of nationalism among youth and the elderly
because obviously socialism doesnt quite remove nationalism by default like the commies think

Because the alt-right flings so much shit (outside of Holla Forums) that it finally comes back to them and they get called out here.

Go read any of the big alt-right websites or watch a couple Ramzpaul videos.

I'm no ally to Russia, I just want to prevent WWIII. The warhawks in congress may see otherwise but they're nearly all draft dodgers themselves and even unwilling to send their own children into war like Mitt Zogney or Shillary.

I respect Russian strength, they are a tough people.

you try living in snow for 11 months of the year, eating nothing but boiled cabbage and eggs and brewing all your alcohol in a bathtub inside your shipping container home
survival of the fittest in one of the first worlds shittest

As far as I'm aware Ramzpaul's pretty much disassociated himself from them and they've done the same to him. All I ever see is people flinging shit at alt-right, in every thread they're even tangentially brought up.

If I was doing a D&C on Holla Forums, that's textbook. Same thing happens with "christcuck btfo" being posted in every tangentially religious or morality thread.

Who will they send to fight against Russia?

Ramz was just the worst example, but a lot of the alt-right kvetches about "1488ers" and "LARPers".

I'm usually in favor of taking the "no enemies who hate kikes" approach, but most of the alt-right hate here is entirely deserved.

Russians are white so they're our brothers. I'm neutral on Putin and don't really trust him, but the Russian people, as in ethnic Russians, are part of our white family.

With every BLM chimpout, with every cop killed, with every new Muslim attack, with every new outrage from the Jew, ole RamZ gets pushed closer and closer to 14/88.

Yeah, they do, though I think a large part of that is due to the Renegade/Firestarter crowd who are insufferable LARPers, idiots, and plants. God, some of the fucking morons on Twitter who do nothing but bitch at everybody else and bitch about anything anyone does and tries to make every fucking thing part of the jew-illuminati-flat earth conspiracy just make me want to fucking long knives some bitches.

I don't like Renegade at all, but they only went anti-alt-right after they got shit on. They were actually defending Spencer after the "rainbow coalition" controversy.

Like the jews, the alt-right cry out in pain as they strike you.

Nothing new under the sun. I remember seeing somewhere one of the old fascist thinkers saying that the left called fascists hard right while the right called fascists hard left.

Fucking Baby Boomers who still think it's the goddamned Cold War. Anytime they talk about war they gotta compare it to Vietnam, any major happening and they gotta invoke where they were when kennedy was shit, the Jew ones can't stop talking about Munich and appeasement OY VEY, every scandal is Watergate. They all see the world through the lens of stale memes from 50 years ago.

thats what happens when you have 2 successive generations of sheeple taught to associate fascism with authoritarianism

He's right though, you don't OP by posting 5000 replies with 1 article without any personal input, any retard can do that.
I could put title "ITT post proof jews are behind it all" then link a wikipedia article about ww2 in 50 replies.

Spencer I'm not very fond of either, but he at least sometimes says and does useful things amid all the dumb shit he spews.

Any examples?

Only good things I can think of are the "implicit" meme and the song.

Probably because Spencer is more public than those at Renegade. Brand recognition in a nutshell.

It was a pretty good neutral article though. I was actually impressed, but then again it was done by alternative media.

Damn fucking straight.

He's a journalist, of course he is. Look into his background.

That said, I do love his edgelording and posting him around to normies helps hide my power level on the JQ. Use him as he uses us.

This is pretty fucking good.

It was there to not click on links I guess…

I had a feeling this was a Russian psy-op.
No wonder there is Putin worship.
Not that it's entirely a bad thing, but I do not want to become part of Russia because of it (if that's their plan), I want to keep my American Nationalistic identity.
Speaking of that, people saying that Americans can't be nationalistic because the cities are niggers are absolutely retarded and might be part of the psy-op.

I have no doubt in my mind Russia would roll over the Baltics if they had a chance.
I get called a shill a lot for saying it though.

I find most of the people saying that are Europeans.
I'll tell them this though: it's like saying Germany can't be nationalistic because the cities are turkroach and kebab, or that it can't because it's a federation of states like bavaria, prussia, and the other clusterfucks

Or that it can't because it's a young country, which is also BS.

The only way out of the debts trap for the US is WW3, well more like a Europe/Russia war where they're just the supplier. Basically WWI bis.

So you take antediluvian politicians and uneducated folks that think that's it's still the cold war (hell you regularly have on this very board amerifags posting that Russia = Putin = Communism, when the communists are actually the only real opposition in Russia to Putin…) eager cunts of journalists that have yearns for the cold war (because they were relevant back then) and a few (((elites))) pushing the agenda and voila: Russia is a danger to mankind, Putin eat children, Russians are sub-humans (almost amazed by that subtext from people that scream EVIL NAZIS§§§ everytime they get the chance).

Soviets won the war.


when I tell people this they think I'm nuts

I never understood why people keep posting this guy. He's way too ambiguous to the point you can't even tell if what he's saying applies to the modern world.

Or maybe not.


It doesn't matter anyway since none of those countries are English-speaking. Moving to Alaska might be the best option.

If you dont know about the Frankfurt school and critical theory then you will not understand Yuri Bezmenov videos.

Thing is I know about both but other than the fact that commies and cultural marxists were both financed by the Rothschilds I see no connection to the USSR and even less to the KGB.

That's the first article I've read that was at least in the ballpark, let alone accurate.
10/10 would read again

Nigger what


Great post OP. I come to Holla Forums to find good articles like this.

did an old podcast with bowden

Have you seen this? Conspiracy, muh right user? …………………………….

Lrn2read nigger, I was asking for clarification.

pretty well written, sums up what's been going on for the most part. doesn't mention jews but I don't think it has to. that comes later

Yank here. I have love for Cheeki Breekis. I see no problem with forging new inroads with the slavs. A united USA and Russia could potentially be a step forward in removing kebab and ultimately removing kike.

side note, he could so without some of the colloquialisms, but overall pretty good


i definitely trust russia so should you goyim

Spencer gets money from Thiel through PHALANX and uses it to seed groups via TRS.

To me the alt-right is richard spencer and radixjournal.com which was originally called altright.com, if i remember correctly. People like milo are not alt right he just talked about alt right. No real alt-righter would consider milo to be alt-right. It's true that alt-right tries to avoid getting involved in debates about homosexualilty, but that just means we have bigger enemies to take take down.The Allt-Right is just fascism for this generation. It is a make over. We have to appeal to people on the fence between nazism and mainstream cuckoldry. The alt-right does this while staying somewhat hip and not becoming totally cucked.

because spencer started a lot of this. Radix used to be bigger. now his podcast is the biggest thing on the site. But someone who gets arrested by Orban fucking viktor for being too right wing has to be the real deal. No one can sound as normal as spencer while basically saying the same things that hitler said.

Everything is alt-right now


hello hillary.

If your country is 100% taken over by jews, why would you not look for allies in a european country that is experiencing an orthodox revival and generally anti-NWO? who cares if russia or china becomes the word superpower? I just want to be free of Untermenschen.

Because Spencer is likely funded by the Kremlin like all the other kosher "nationalists" in Europe. He is without a doubt the most artificially propped up white nationalist I have ever seen. He rarely if ever says anything insightful, witty, or funny and changes his opinions as soon as he starts getting too much heat for being a retard. Literally the only supposedly good thing anybody ever has to say about him is "he looks like a normie"

Let's make it so. It's pretty much alt-right or Jew world order now.

People like Milo (and the kikes behind such people) use the term alt-right to try and create a false distinction between "1488ers" and some cuckservative by any other name fantasy. Milo wants everyone to become altright because that means he would be saved from the rope. No one is alt right however, there are simply race traitors and the noble ones.

Yah we are all Putin loyalists who were trained through advanced forum shilling that rewired our brains to make us Nazi KGB assassins through a covert Kremlin program that is making us a vanguard for the Trump MAGA momement.

Yes they are pushing this now. The idea that Trump will be weak in dealing with Putin I don't believe, and the stupider pundits think that "the Russians made them think this" despite their own, on display again and again, incompetence.


I question a lot of things he says ideologically, but some of you are really lacking critical thinking and communication skills. So much of what he's actually saying goes right over peoples heads or being misinterpreted then repeated elsewhere.

You are full of shit. Ever read his articles? Ever saw him speak? He is the more Holla Forums version of Milo.


we have to convert the average white guy.

who cares if he is funded by the kremlin? I have more loyalty to Putin than to king nigger. Let's make the world great again. Russia is less cucked than europe. It is the least cucked white country with any power right now. Let's all get russian money. The aryan race is more important than the federal government.

agreed milo should be gassed. however he didn't create alt-right: Spencer did. The real alt-right will still lynch milo. You have to understand that pure nazism while not win (yet). We need to appeal to the mainstream. Pure nazism can come later. No real alt-righter has anything to say against nazism. We just say "that's larping" or "it's not relevant anymore". That just means don't wear nazi uniforms. I have been a loyal reader of radix since i got interested in politics and I can assure you that it is just fascism with a new name. There is almost no ideological difference.

Someone told me Germany won WW2 and that the EU of today is what they desired.

It's not D&C it's fucking serious.

The "alt-right" label is the way the media found out to attack right wing movements as a whole.

They are pushing this shit hard, just look at those articles and kikes on twitter saying calling people altright more than people identify with it.

Look at the jews themselves, you can't attack them because you can't name them all because it's a taboo and they all hide in different ideology branding which it's impossible to attack.

Seriously, it doesn't matter if people doesnt know what it really suppose to be, the kikes are already co-opting it and you'll have no power to take it back by telling people going to watch Ramzpaul's vids.


yeah that is bs. Russia is actually our friend. Russia has done nothing to threaten America. It has threaten the NWO/JWO, but that is our number 1 enemy. Supporting russia while not lead to a russian dominated world but even if it did so what. Your kids would learn russian but they wouldn't learn how evil the white (goyim) race is.

Watch the video. Really! WATCH IT!

I'm not sure this is true for the current circumstances. He has been spearheading this ongoing push to drag people down from nobility to an alt right quagmire. When the (((media))), cuckservatives, and gassables like Milo mention "alt-right," it is to this new pseudo-definition that they refer. And none of us are going to take you seriously if you cling this term. Alt right is unacceptable for the same reason that no serious reactionary would call himself a neo-reactionary. Semantic twisting and adherence to labeling rather than ideology are signs of liberalization rather than stabilization.

Which is kind of a half-truth, something Alex Jonestown and others in alternative media use inaccurately. He wanted a Richard Spencer esque pan-european state, but not to melt all the cultures, instead create a unified "Europe" for once in history.

The current EU is the Zionist pre-planned model from the League of Nations, which failed and was orchestrated before WW1. The EU as it is now is an abomination of what Hitler wanted.

that is called meth. As as krautchan veteran trust me; no german nazi believes this. Some do think that the nazis fled to antartica and agartha, but that they had something to do with the JEW U is a joke.

When in serious company, discuss the "movement" as the conservative counter culture or conservative youth culture. That way you don't get bogged down in e-celebs.

I prefer the term identitarian or new right, but I remember the alt-right before Milo. He isn't really part of it.

Why does everyone pretend that Richard Spencer is so fucking important?

Honestly I feel like he came out of fucking nowhere while imageboards pretty did pretty much all of the heavy lifting.

Its not a half truth. The only similarity is that hitler wanted to unite europa (but against jews).

I've only been in pol/ tier company and jew tier company.

OP dindu nuffins, the reality is that Holla Forums will not read an article if it's not pasted directly in the thread. OP was right to paste it.

Media was always attacking right-wing movements long before "Alt-Right" came along as a coined term. That was never going to change. Labels aren't always bad, it gives people some kind of way to identify themselves and all the previous ones were very negatively seen.

It was destined to try and be co-opted or watered down. It doesn't matter what you call yourself or what the movement is this will always be the case.

You can't really compare naming the jews to what we're doing. They built that up and it's apart of them as a racial group. It's really an apples to oranges comparison IMO.

There are new terms being rotated in now. Identitarian and ethno-nationalist are two such terms. Very clear and very hard to disrupt. Alt-Right, for what its worth has its role in consciously awakening others and bringing people into the fold. Like all previous ventures we should capitalize on it and maintain the core values wherever we can and lash out at those who are just edgelords without a concept of the JQ/Race/White Genocide aspects.

It's a never-ending churning that we have to do. It's how Holla Forums came into existence. If the ground work wasn't laid in various forms for decades we wouldn't be here, at least in this state, today.

People remember a name over all else, they attributed the "Alt-Right" tagline to him and the rest is history.

Does anyone but the extremely dedicated remember Hitler's cabinet or the Nazi policies? No, they remember the man and put all that happened to his name.

No, he just weasels his way around shit. After the phalanx pyramid scheme shit got leaked he reduced the price of membership by 90% because he realised how much of a retard he looked like. Not to mention him saying his 'homosex is implicit whiteness' tweet was out of context when it clearly was not. He's a smarmy faggot.

Yes and yes that's why I can't stand him, I've never understood why he is so special when he just regurgitates some old nationalist talking points and adds nothing new to the table.

So a gigantic degenerate faggot who likes white buttsex rather than niggers? Ok I got it.

Who are you converting exactly with your lukewarm PR cuck bullshit? I have never heard anyone say they were redpilled by Richard Spencer, you arent converting anyone that wasn't already converted.

I do because I'm not a naive burgertard who thinks Russia isn't just as kiked if not worse than america. Putin is as much of a nationalist as George Bush, he might say patriotic things but he does not give a shit about whites. He still panders relentlessly to muslims and kikes while actively throwing white nationalists in jail for 'hate speech'. Anybody who believes they are uncucked has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

maybe, but he really helped me. A freind turned me on to image boards (int), but spencer was the one who red-pilled me for good. I don't understand why you guy seem to dislike him. We need all the help we can get. He is clearly helping us. If you don't like him make your own blog/vlog and tell us the truth.

Because the clueless pundits read that the term originated from his blog before it started to live a life of its own. Spencer has always been an irrelevant PR cuck who actually fucking joined (((Milo)))'s gay party with a bunch of jew guests. He'll go straight into the bog.

Meant to reply to

He's the epitome of "please, fuck my wife, just don't call me a nazi", he even called faggotry implicit white identity. Still got fucking banned from Hungary for being a nazi. And after that he headed to the POZ standard zionist fuckparty, and you can just expect him to get progressively more cucked.


I've tended to just use language in the veins of "reactionary," "fascism," "nationalist," "traditionalist," and "monarchist." That last one is of course a more personal touch, but I don't think I miss anything with that roster unless I need to directly state EURO-CENTRIC or WHITE NATIONALISM to get the racialist aspect across to someone unfamiliar with the deep-seated racialism of the noble ethos.

I think he even specifically says that he isn't alt right, but he has written about the topic quite a bit in order to try to control of the momentum that is reaching its critical point. He creates with his pen an alt right which is simply cuckservatism outside the GOP; conservatism without the racialism and traditionalist morality.

Do most people even give a shit about him? Seems once you get to the level of imageboard users, most people are too disgusted with how little leading such individuals do despite hierarchy and duty being the foundations of traditionalist ideology. It's sort of a self-filtering system of knowing who you don't have to care about because they aren't actually walking the path. There's the "just wait for Hitler" meme, but I think even one GLR or Mosley would do the trick these days. For fuck's sake, Trump is riding the nationalist wave to the White House due to how high the waters have risen.

I didn't say russia is uncucked. But jewry has chosen america as its vessel. Even a nominally pro israel russia is less jewed than america. Putin opposes the new world order to some extent. if as Russian nazi opposes him than good but right now he makes the jew world order weaker.

Protip: Its not all israel. The jews here are the real problem.

I was partially red pilled by him. Not just him but he helped a lot. Please stop insulting people on our side. It's not time for ideological purity. It is time to get stuff done.

Peter Thiel?

Are we bankrolled by Peter fucking Thiel?

I mean it kinda makes sense as he's German and pretty right wing.

But still do we actually have supporters amongst the super elite?

Milo is just a jewish infiltrator. There is nothing more to say. He is the enemy who happens to think we are funny.

Can we use meme magic to make some of the elite agree with us?


pic related for alt right politics in action

Is Spencer actually pro-israel?

Is he controlled opposition?

If hillary wins the white working class will be ready for the revolution

No. He is anti- jewish supremacy and seems to not give a fuck about the middle east.

The point is that the term alt right means something rather specific at this moment, not just because he wants to redefine his way into surviving the DOTR but also because there is no reason to cling to labels which cede legitimacy to the ideologically weak. There's no such thing as the alt right, just The Right and cuckservatives. That's the sort of mentality that you're going to see going forward.

There aren't enough fucks to make sense of that entire manifestation.

We Remember Who, and What, We Are

But at least Geert is a step in the right direction. Gays are degenerate but they don't really matter. just let them be untill the 4th reich is a reality.


Honestly why does the "alt-right" even need journals and communities outside of Holla Forums?

We pretty much made all of the memes and culture of the "alt-right" and we did just fucking fine making a large movement.

Why can't it all just stay on imageboards and avoid E-celebs? I don't want a repeat of GamerGate.

God I hate that e-celeb label. It's plain nationalism.

They are trying to connect Russia with this article, the 21. century Nazi Germany, and the right wing backslash to scare the right wing voters from voting.
Little do they know that no one gives a shit about the Western narrative since Putin basically threw a spotlight on USA ZOG support of ISIS.
Even normies take Putin for based.


We are a racial group with certain goals just like jews.

They all infiltrate different ideologies but still subvert it into pushing their own agenda of mongrelization and financial control.

And you can't point out the people who are pushing these endgoals because you can't name them directly and they hide under different ideologies.

The alt-right thing give them exactly the opportunity to name people with our endgoals, calling us nazis doesn't it's not fully effective because we don't label ourselves like that, now having a bunch of people signaling themselves as alt-right is like them putting the echos on their names themselves, you are giving the proof that there is a movement with those ideas and it also make easier to co-opt and scaremong to the normies on their media.

It's about movements it's about ideas, it's way harder to sabotage an idea than a group of sheep, and movements always and up with sheeple who don't understand what it stand for and only take orders.

maybe for for us it doesn't matter but not everyone uses imageboards. And it is nice to be able to read edited articles on radix and hear podcasts. Do you understand that one day we want to become the new mainstream?

*It's not about movements, it's about ideas

You can't build homes for your countrymen on an imageboard. At the end of the day, leaders are going to have to come forward and be accepted because adherence to the just hierarchy is one of the defining traits of the culture which we have inherited. Very few if any of the current names in the hat can actually command any allegiance, but that is a problem of lacking noble leaders rather than a flaw in the ideal of organization. Anonymity and anti-hero worship are poor ways to get a new monomythic saga started, except maybe as a prelude.


This is exactly the alt-right. say you are something new but advance all the posistions that nazis do. We just need a make over.

agreed. I don't give a damn about chan subculture. I want results. We need to make the real world great again. Politics is about celebs. tump proved this. We just need high energy and to show the world that we are cool.

We really don't support Geert Wilders all that much since he's not even fucking white and fucking LOVES israel.

Trump is different because honestly he's named the Jew in the past(Called Jon Stewart Jon Leibowitz and said that he was ashamed of his heritage) and has so far only really paid Israel token lip service.

I really really really do fucking loathe journalists.

dont think that this is jews thinking putin is some jewish messiah

this is russian orthodox jews sucking off a russian leader

daily reminder that russian jews in israel hate the leadership and they are instead putins israeli 5th column

You are not nazis thats for sure, you dont understand the NatSoc the Third Reich and the values of them . You cant advance nazis postions. Those positions should be revered. not "advanced"

Putin cracked down on degenerates and partially removed kebab (or keeps them in their place, at least). (((Somebody))) with influence in the media and western politics doesn't like it.

Actually, no.
WW3 would not be a good solution, it is not really profitable & our system of financing any form of rebuilding would simply leave us in worse shape than before.
The way out, and the probable future decision, will be to Wiemar our way out. We will hyperinflate the money, pay off the majority of the current debts with worthless numbers, then restructure our money & start the entire mess all over again.
Ultimately, as always, the citizens will bear the brunt of the pain, as the issuance of the "new" currency will be a fraction of a "new" cent on the old dollar. This will benefit those that will be told it is coming (or are smart enough so know it is), while screwing the general public without even a candle-light dinner.

WW3 is too risky, simply too destructive, and would require the U.S. & its allies go even deeper into debt in order to fight it. And we cannot really go any deeper in debt, as our current debt-to-GDP ratio is already similar to what it was AFTER WW2, with us fighting a massive war on two fronts…in other words, we have ALREADY been "spending our way out of a depression" without a war, and it hasn't worked.

Jews need to flood white countries with shitskins & destroy national identity because, if there were no niggers, Jews would be the niggers.

Protip: they already are.

Found the kike.

The USA and Russia need to determine they will be white nations, with a white culture…no doubt it will still be a mishmash of various white cultures, but the very nature of our countries makes this inevitable. The countries of Eastern & Western Europe should strive to preserve their unique heritages, as they occur nowhere else on Earth.
I see no problem with an alliance straight across the board, with the Angelosphere countries, Europe, and Russia.
If we don't watch each others backs, nobody else will…whites are only about 18% of the world population, we are outnumbered.

he's a meme because some podcast e-celebs like his haircut


Just two years ago we were a people without a country—abused, discarded, exiled.

But now in the current year and from this humble outpost we taking back our lands.

We're gonna make them give back our past.

The alt-right is where you bump into a jew, trip over a christcuck, fall across a faggot, and land on someone's asian wife.

They are worthless scum.

there's a simple truth to this. Jews don't pick sides, they pick every side, and ultimately nobody. They work for themselves, everything that surrounds is a lie.

Think about Syria.

If NATO wins in Syria, then Israel immediately benefits.
If NATO loses in Syria, then Israel suffers—and needs to become someone else's greatest ally.

Right now NATO is not really winning in Syria. In all liklihood, NATO will lose.

When the Jews praise Putin, they're hedging their bets.

spencer was redpilled before imageboards were around


I think the thing with the alt-right are that they are a spectrum who range from people who think very similar to us but aren't quite Holla Forums yet, to useful idiots who share a few of our goals and ideals but are complete faggots who we would and should never embrace.

Take Donald Trump as an example. There's a chance that he's more redpill on the Jews than he lets on, but we also have to take him somewhat at face value and assume the worst could be true. But either way, he's still very useful to us and will not only potentially enact some highly beneficial policies as president, but is also already shifting the Overton Window in our favor.

If anyone on the alt-right is helping elect Donald Trump and doing anything to positively shift the Overton Window, that's good. If they are co-opting anything or promoting degeneracy or falsehoods, that's bad and should be called out.

I don't like what someone like Milo is doing, but I'll never object to him shitting on some of our enemies or whatever. Like Kike Shapiro when he was blowing out Piers Morgan on gun control, that was great but anybody calling that Jew Rat based were fools. Now, ironically, Piers Morgan has said some good stuff about Trump.

So we should absolutely use the alt-right whenever and however it benefits us, but we do have to stay apart from it and it's rampant degeneracy and co-option. People can lump us in all they want, but the point is that whatever anybody tries to label the alt-right with, it will never (necessarily) apply to us, unless we ourselves decide it does.

It isn't even D&C, it's just a matter of accurately defining things. We don't embrace some of the alt-right values that are being pushed, however a time may come when they embrace more and more of ours.

All I want from the alt-right is that they don't put us in the same basket as them. We are not them.

But he isn't redpilled?

I hope somebody snapped a pic of Dicky Spencer in front of those posters. He was there too.

>Dubbed the “WAKE UP!” party by organizers, guests were entreated to speeches from Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders; Breitbart writer and (now-banned) Twitter celebrity Milo Yiannapolous; and anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller. (Geller’s was, she said, her first public speech since her Garland, Texas, appearance last year that was attacked by gunmen.) Notorious conservative writer Charles C. Johnson was in attendance wearing a Make America Great Again hat, as well as white nationalists Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow. It took place in an anonymous ballroom at Cleveland’s Wolstein Center.



Maybe kebab removal is too much; maybe they are the best makers of kebab instead.

Good fucking goyim!

What are you then?


Holy shit, I think the guy is on our side.


He is a Trump delegate, he spoke at the convention…


He's a gay Bilderberger.

Don't think so, friend

I think he is, he's just not obvious about it. I don't think he's perfect or anything, but I listen to Radix podcasts and when he's on TRS stuff and if you listen carefully to him he's actually a pretty big shitlord. He just doesn't go screaming it from the rooftops.

K. It's always the same nit-picky lame complaints about a sort of dorky Texan SWPL-y guy that for better or worse is the face of what journalists can actually cover and interview.

Holla Forums red-pilled me good, but it's important to remember that though we are influential we are not that large of a group of people. I meet up with other Goys from TRS at SPP's and I'm always surprised that a good chunk of them never spent any time on the chans. Holla Forums is always right, but there are people that might never find us, and Richard Spencer and TRS and other groups/blogs that are maligned on here are helping to spread our ideas to people who might have otherwise never heard/read this stuff.

Fuck off shill.


Ted Cruz.
Glenn Beck.
That one jew on twitter that everyone hates.
That other jew on twitter that everyone hates.

"alt right" is controlled op that was created as controlled op.

All you Russophobe shills - have you thought about why our Western (((liberals, leftists and media))) hate Russia so much? Why are you on their side?

Anti-Russia is codeword for anti-white.

Pretty good article, over all.
My only problem is with "alt-right".
There is no alt right. Thats just what people call themselves when they've just hit the redpill, before they're willing to admit that they're now right as fuck.



Bullshit, Putin cracks down hard on any White Nationalists. But you're right insofar that (((Western elites))) are preparing for war.

10/10 article tbh. Hit the nail right on the head.

Those groups in Russia are no different than the jew funded pro EU "nationalists" in Ukraine.

Someone fucking understand this.For the love of everything sacred read everything about Operation Gladio, MSI and the "fascist" massacre that happened in Italy after the war, same thing in Japan and the culmination with Otoya.Nationalists parties are not exempt to be subverted, usually are the most easy to do because people love their land and their people.

tippity top kek

He was responding to their annoying attacks, accusations and various forms of trolling. If you visit thedailystormer, you'll see they are now describing themselves as "the world's most visited alt-right website". Speak of hijacking a label.

What did RamZ even do other than that one tweet that keeps getting posted

Watch this.

But I thought it was supposed to be a big tent?

Yes, but don't you see, here they mock the label, there they try to co-opt it (ironically or not) to the detriment of the original alt-righters and anyone with anything remotely like mainstream acceptability. They don't accept their obviously fringe role. Eventually Ramz learned to deal with them by ignoring them, but you cant blame him for biting at first.

But, isn't Daily Stormer part of that big tent? And they're definitely bigger than any other website in it, so that tagline seems entirely accurate.

That's not how they describe it.


At some point, it doesn't matter whether it's fact distortion or ironic shitposting, it's just as cancerous either way. They are basically trying to crash the alt-right concept with no survivors.

I guess there's a reason everybody calls it the aut-right…

that's obvious satire

Now, back to what I said before:
1. Does the Daily Stormer fall under the "big tent"?
2. Is it bigger than every other website that does?

Are you entryists just mad you got beaten at your own game?

Who said anything about the city's we go by the entire population of the country

Do Jews fall under the "white" big tent? Similar answer. You can make the case that they kinda do, but they are not here to help.

That's irrelevant, because, with their not-sure-if-serious level of Nazi larping, they would be the fringe at best. The alt-right is NOT another name for national-socialism. You can also find some alt-rightish content on Reddit. Is Reddit the biggest alt-right forum?

The Daily Stormers are the entryists.

All of DS likewise reads like over-the-top satire, but then what's the actual content? what are their actual positions, their actual claims? and what's the point of the whole exercise, besides attracting attention to themselves?

Obviously not. Shit analogy, but else should I expect from an autist.

But you guys are constantly saying Holla Forums is alt-right, if we are, DS definitely is.

Even though they're infinitely bigger than the "mainstream" alt-right?

But I see National Socialists lumped in with the Alt-Right all the time? The whole thing with Sinead started over her saying she wasn't alt-right, even after whoever-the-fuck from TRS said to her that NS was alt-right on "Between 2 Lampshades".

Another shit analogy.

No, they were part of the initial pro-White/nationalist resurgence that the alt-right attempted to hijack.

*what else

Ashkenazi Jews are genetically very close to Europeans, deal with it.


Again, the real issue is not whether DS is or is not technically "part of" the alt-right. They (you) are actively trying to destroy everything right-wing which is not THEM (YOU).

It's not "infinitely bigger", and yes, the label "alt-right" was not coined by them, and the viewpoints of its actual creators are different. This criterion takes precedence over sheer size of the website.

And yet again, the bottom line is that you are not acting in good faith. It's a hostile move and you admitted as much ("Are you entryists just mad you got beaten at your own game?")

That's not a rebuttal.

Wrong. There was no "resurgence". Neo-Nazis have been around since the 70's at the very least, and they haven't changed one iota. And many of them have turned out to be (surprise!) Jews. And those who are legit NS are also legit morons who did far more harm than good. Case in point, the author of "The Turner Diaries".

The alt-right is not an attempt to co-opt or hijack this steaming pile of shit. Quite the contrary, it's an attempt to start anew thinking of nationalism, traditionalism and similar concepts, without the Nazi baggage. Hence the new label, which you attention-seeking autists are trying to co-opt.

A lot of niggers have European ancestry too. Are you going to argue that they're White next?

still a shit analogy

I have nothing to do with the Daily Stormer, and, given their traffic and influence, they are the pro-White right-wing.

Show me one that even comes close.

Fucking Renegade, which claims the Earth is flat, gets more traffic than most of what you consider to be the alt-right.

So Colin Lidell's blogspot with a dozen or so readers is more important than the Daily Stormer?

Because it's a point so weak that it doesn't deserve one.

The Daily Stormer is a single news outlet, while reddit just gives different platforms to various (kosher) viewpoints. You should have at least used the example of a popular subreddit or something.

You must really be a newfag.

The only noteworthy case of a "Neo-Nazi" being a kike is Frank Cohen - a homosexual jew. Give him a change of clothes, and he'd fit right in at AmRen or NPI.

In death, Dr. Pierce is still doing more good for the movement than Spencer, Taylor, etc. are alive.

How did he harm the movement? By writing fictional novel where people did mean things to blacks, jews, and race-mixers?

Then stop shilling here and drop all the Holla Forums memes you've appropriated. That's what you owe ever "alt-right" accomplishment, as well as just taking credit for things we do.

I guess autists like yourself can't into irony.

….wut? I've been channin' since 04. What's the break down of generations?

A lot of whites have a few negro genes. That's a better analogy. If Jews were's so close to whites, they could never go crypto.

You are a big fan at the very least.

If that were the case, the pro-white right-wing would be doomed. Fortunately that's bullshit, because your criterion is bullshit. Holla Forumsacks visit the DS for the memes, but their (ironic?) neo-Nazi ideology has zero mainstream traction.

Encyclopedia Dramatica also has a lot of pro-white "commentary", and their Alexa ranking is better than that of the DS. Doesn't mean shit.

I'm not disputing the traffic claim, but the claim to the alt-right label, mainly because the DS is not acting in good faith.

And astrology websites probably get more traffic than astronomy websites. That doesn't make astrologists the real astronomists.

That said, amren.com has a global rank of 69252, while renegadetribune.com has one of 194498.

The label was coined by Richard Spencer, not Colin Lidell.


But why just one, when there are many such subreddits? I bet the joint traffic of all right-wing pro-white subreddits is pretty big.

Again, the claim itself doesn't bother me, the problem is the intention behind that claim.

You must be a newfag if you think the neo-Nazi ideology is new. It's old, it's a dead end and it's been acting as controlled opposition for decades.

There are more, some of them very recent if you count exposed anonymous trolls.


He's still influencial, but his influence is bad.

Not just "mean things" but extermination of all non-whites. And then descibing the book as an instruction manual. Can you get any more cartoonishly evil? It's a globalist's wet dream.

I'm also part of Holla Forums, I like Holla Forums, I go along with the happenings and the memes, I occasionally send some OC, like most anons I guess, but this is just site to discuss politics and current events, and have some fun with the memes. Let's not be delusional. Mainstream opinions evolve according, first and foremost, to current events, and secondly they are shaped by people who write under their real name and showing their face. Trump is winning because the American people are fed up of the globalist-leftist anti-American, anti-white alliance, and he knows how to tap into that feeling, but he's winning despite the dead weight of his vocal neo-Nazi fans rather than with their help.

If that's irony, then what is the non-ironic message? If the DS claiming to be the alt-right is ironic, then why do you unironically insist that they are? I don't see anything useful going on in this situation, just trolling and attention-seeking.

I started on IRC chat rooms cybering and rping back in 2005-7. Really gay shit. I transitioned form there to gamefaqs and other game forums. This is where I gradually developed my reasoning to a more advanced level. I was awash in absolute poz and to a degree I became pozzed.

I started on 4chan around 2007 or 8 but I was still mostly lurking and trying to understand the community. This was where my gradual departure to the right began. This was from about 2009 on through to 2014. There were many happenings in this era. The biggest one was probably zimzam's trial and jabba the niggress.

Then gamergate kicked into high gear and you saw the bastion of free speech that was 4chan be compromised. That was the time of the exodus. Cryptic filters that kept anons from posting unless they use very specific language (this is the key) became more common. It was a sort of pre-censorship sort of deal.

After that posting on cuckchan felt wrong; dirty. I'll occasionally bounce between the chans but I don't bother posting on cuckchan anymore. It's essentially Reddit tier now. I've drifted further to the right from then on and while I still consider myself a classical liberal I'd be lying if I said I didn't align myself with the alt-right.

No it's not. Some jews being White seems to really hit home with you, are you one?

Nobody from Holla Forums's going there for memes. If anything, people come here and to 4/pol/ for them to post on the DS forum.

It's hilarious that you're claiming that, while defending websites that don't appeal to anyone and have almost no audience.

Anglin's doing something right. Accept that. Learn from it.

You're on a role with bad analogies.

Renegade has a message that really couldn't be any less appealing, yet they still outrank the PR cucks who think their milquetoast message is going to be a hit with the masses.

I said most, not all. AmRen also has a 20 year had start and the benefit of hitting the niche of people who hate niggers but love jews.

But he worked on the original site, which his blogspot (kek) is the successor to. He's one of the originators.

Still shit. That's like saying since Daily Stormer runs off of wordpress, wordpress is actually the biggest pro-White website.

Reddit, like wordpress, is simply a platform.

Using "neo-Nazi" unironically is extremely semitic.

I'm talking about the growth, that largely originated on 4/pol/, that the alt-right has tried (and failed) to hijack.

I'm not sure how a kike seeing the Daily Stormer as such a threat to his "people" that he infiltrated and tried to discredit it is a point against Anglin and proof that "neo-Nazism" is jewish. I guess that only makes sense to you and ramz.

Goldberg's actually ideology was lolbertarianism, one that's still quite popular on the alt-right.

Because he promoted racial separatism and National Socialism instead of tolerance and civic nationalism?

That's a lie. Dr. Pierce made it very clear that the book was a novel, not a manual or book of advocacy.

Speaking of "good faith", I've seen you make that claim on here and get shut down in the past.

I think we're done here.

You should probably just take page out of Colin Lidell's playbook and say you were only pretending to be retarded.

Those groups are the normal people who don't like that putin has flooded russia with musliums RIDF

Spencer deserves gas after we remove all non whites. His Pan-European ideology and muh faggotry is implicit whiteness is pure cancer


you are autistic if that's what you got from that

Not to my knowing. It just seems silly to deny the genetic, physical and cultural evidence. For instance, blacks and other nonwhites think of Ashkenazi Jews as white. You hardly ever hear of crypto-niggers or crypto-gooks, because the racial difference is evident. Ashkenazi Jews are described by WN as nonwhite for purely political reasons. I'm not saying that means you should trust or support Jews. In fact, I made that clear in my analogy.

That's a petty quibble. The point is, do you think normies (the vast majority of Trump's voters) would touch DS with a 10-feet pole? If there's a statistic of what kind of person visits DS and why, I'd love to see it.

You are using a dated popularity metric. Nowadays mainstream success is more accurately measured in youtube views, RTs and followers on Twitter, Facebook likes and so on, rather than on your domain's traffic.

He's exploiting a niche market very successfully. What's supposed to be the lesson? You think going full Tay-tay will gain you any mainstream presence? Meanwhile, Jared Taylor has been allowed to make his case on TV and other mainstream media quite a few times. For instance:


That's what I call mainstream traction.

I beg to differ. People are dumb. The "ancient aliens" guy is a mainstream celebrity, and his message is almost as bonkers.

What you describe as "milquetoast" is what most people would describe as "sane". Their message also feels fresh, compared to the stale 1488 bromides.

Correction, the people who focus on preserving the white race and Western civilization rather than obsessing over the JQ. Which is the vast majority of racially aware whites.



Not really. The successor of "alternativeright.com" is Radix Journal.

Talk about shitty analogies! The fact that DS uses wordpress doesn't change its domain name, so it's irrelevant to web traffic statistics.

The point of the original analogy is that being "the biggest alt-right website" doesn't mean shit when your website can barely be described (or not at all) as alt-right. The proposal to use "alt-right" as an umbrella term assumes good faith and mutual respect between the different right-wing groups. The bottom line here is that you fuckers think you are entitled to calling yourself "THE RIGHT", and you are trying to "purge" every other right-wing ideology. Which is obnoxious and pathetic, since you are the irrelevant fringe, not the other way around.

It's out of respect for the real, historical Nazis, who, for all their failings, don't deserve to be lumped with a bunch of larping autists.

So he was only pretending to advocate genocide of all nonwhites and execution of all racemixers? Way to help the cause of white nationalism!

While the "handbook for white victory" claim may have been taken out of context, the advocacy purpose is obviously real. For instance:



This means that we approve of many things which a person who has not yet developed a wartime outlook finds quite shocking. Committed to total war, we think of the System only in terms of damaging it and eventually destroying it, whereas the conservative thinks in terms of reforming it.[..]
Destruction and waste appall most sane people, but these are unavoidable concomitants of war. [..]
The transition to a truly radical outlook comes when the individual has severed these attachments and is no longer trying to save the bridge (to continue the analogy) into which he has put so much work, but accepts the fact that it must go. And has been stated before, The Turner Diaries is not a plan or blueprint, and it is highly unlikely that the events of the next few years will bear a detailed resemblance to those of the novel. But the book has more than entertainment value, because it helps the reader understand the aforementioned aspect of the radical outlook.

What claim, the one about Pierce? I'm far from being alone in my negative assessment of his influence. Even if it had been me, what does that have to do with "good faith"? Just because I have a life and couldn't be bothered to reply to some user's text wall, doesn't mean I was "shut down" or proven wrong.

Suit yourself.

And you could imitate your heroes, Pierce and Anglin, and say you were only pretending to be a genocidal maniac.