Hey Holla Forums

How many of you out there have stopped drinking because you realized how much it sucks the next day.

not like tomorrow is not gonna suck

I quit drinking but that wasn't the reason why.

Just don't drink so much. And also drink a full pot of strong coffee the morning after–it counters the symptoms of a hangover AND prevents damage from being done to the liver, and probably other organs too.

Before and after your pot of coffee, drink some water to counter the dehydration. Most of the bad stuff will get pissed out this way.

I don't drink because I realize when my body tells me its being poisoned.

Alcohol is degenerate.


Where did he get the land to work at?

I would still bang this chick

most people on Holla Forums don't drink because they're underage

What does being underage have to do with drinking?

23 U.S.C. § 158

His local farmer


I drank to cope with depression, but it doesn't help the next day. I stopped to push myself towards healthier alternatives. Spending your days drinking is a hollow experience where you learn nothing and waste your life. If you can enjoy a beer every now and then that's fine, but when it becomes a crutch, you've got a problem.

you're a faggot.

im drunk right now

You really showed me.

no really, you sound like an attention whore. man the fuck up.

It only sucks the next day if you're too fucking stupid to eat and stay properly hydrated.

I think most alcohol is unhealthy shit. I don't know if anyone can find it but I read a study that went something like this

also the french drink wine but they eat almost as bad as americans but in slightly different ways, and smoked alot, but have less heart problems than americans. also the french have or had? seems bad lately less stress than americans.

all that being considered (and I really hope someone can find the study because I can't find it) I drink a little bit. I make it a strong point to drink small and never overdo it, and when I drink I make sure to drink double or triple the amount in water, and to never drink with anything else in my stomach like food. I also never do it more than two days in a row. surprise surprise I never get a hangover.
ask your doctor before doing anything. I'm not a doctor.

I like mixed drinks but with only a dash of alcohol. My goal is never to get drunk but to socialize.

Those Titties are waiting for "the scoop"

the day that my dad tried to stick his dick up my ass.

i didn't because i'm not a pussy lole

I stopped because the enjoyment wasn't there.

When your young, to get drunk is amazing. It's very intense, hypnotic and euphoric. But after a while it goes away. You can chase it but it never comes back.

I still drink a little, but it's more just to alleviate a physical urge. After two beers I'm over it.

Alcohol is not a good high. Moderation, for the taste, OK. It's effects are like huffing gas imo

what now??

I can see how drinking water would help, but coffee?

When I drink too much, I drink a big glass of OJ and several large glasses of water, then I take an ibuprofen. This regime pretty much always keeps me from getting a hangover.

you fucking degenerate

used to drink all the time till one day i had a hangover along with food poisoning. haven't touched a bottle since.

I used to get drunk very easily while on meds.
Now where i don't take meds anymore i just can't seem to reach the same effect.

That is how i stoped.

Fuck off back to 420chan.

Weed is definitely less harmful to your body than drinking, especially if you vape it.

I get sick just from one cup of wine, fuck alcohol, it can go to hell.

dont over drink niggers and white trash don't understand. have 3-4 beers max

me, the last time it did I had a terrible headache that didn't even feel like a hangover for 2 days. 2 months now

That's why I stopped. I fucking hate hangovers. Drinking is degenerate anyway.

Alcohol is the shittiest drug out there, even worse than weed or vaping, or even smoking, if you're gonna do drugs do psychedelics.


alcohol and drugs are for degenerate faggots. try psychedelics once but stop once you get the point

real classy folks drink coffee and tea.

Only got hangovers rarely. Quit drinking because I figure
Even if it doesn't work, im no worse off than I would be if I sat around drinking.

I'll stop drinking when I feel like a well-adjusted human being.

fuck off back to the commune faggot

I'm Holla Forums nigger that's why I'm saying if you're gonna be degenerate enough to do drugs at least do worthwhile ones that give an experience you can get anywhere else, do psychedelics.

Drinking can be a good way to relieve stress and help you think so long as you're not a hedonistic idiot who knows when to stop. In my case it helps like nothing else will. I've tried legally perscribed drugs, some over the counter things, working out, talk therapy and even shoveling cocain up my nose, yet none of it ever helped with introspection like booze does.

Now before you snub me for being a degenerate junkie - you shouldn't turn your nose up at the reasoning behind what i've just said. Basically anything and everything can be a tool to help you improve your existence if you use it properly. being able to think clearly and without your hang ups for just the time you're drunk can save you months of pain and hardship.

Also you should have drank some water before you slept, idiot. A litre will usually stop hang overs if you've had enough to make you sick.

Drinking sucks over the age of 30

physically it may not be comparable in damage to alcohol but I'm sure that is talking about the mind set of those that take it, the culture and ideas that it perpetuates.
Also you may argue that some people have great ideas on weed but the same can also be said for alcohol but we shall judge the effects by the majority and not the anomalies that appear every now and then.
Consider also that those people that came up with good ideas may have also done it sober, and the argument that those people couldn't have come up with those ideas sober, because of the way the substance changes your way of thinking isn't a good argument because your thinking can be subject to a new way of thinking if you so please, which I might add is a taught skill eliminating the need for substances to alter ones perception of the world.

A note on culture.
The culture is for the most part damaging and non-productive and relies heavily on emotional thinking, not to mention that in the past the culture gave way to the free love moment, which I might mention was a part of the destruction of lasting well functioning and emotionally stable partnerships. so if you're going to argue that any culture that's based around these aspects is good then I know what we can say for you.
Fucking Degenerate.

Hangovers are a doddle until you hit 30, then they fucking suck

as a side-effect of prozac i don't really get hungover

it just takes me forever to get drunk

Drinking is a sin in the eyes of Allah user!
It is good you are turning from the path of the infidel!

Why dis the girl in OP's picture lift her top up to vomit ?
Not complaining, I like tits just you'd think she'd be more likely to puke on it that way


Because the top is tight and uncomfortable and the last thing she wants right now is something tight and uncomfortable on her body.

Meh, maybe.
I've puked my guts heaps of times and I didn't ever think about my shirt

i think ill die if i stop drinking at this point

Drinking is just a vise for people that think they have friends.


Alcohol makes me feel sick, vomit almost every time because im a lightweight feg. I'd rather pop adderall or something than drink because at least I gain something.

never understood why you fegs are addicted to numbing out to non-existence

The effect has been shown, but the mechanism is unknown. Something in the coffee probably reacts with whatever metabolite from alcohol metabolism that damages the liver, or supplies the liver with something it needs to quickly get rid of it.

People who drink three cups (the maximum dose studied) had 40% less cirrhosis than those who didn't drink any. The effect appeared to be linear, meaning those who drink 6 cups would likely have 80% less liver disease.

A friend of mine has been a heavy drinker for 55 years, went in for a liver panel expecting terrible news, but the doctor told him he had a healthy liver, like that of a man 20 years younger than him. He also drinks a full pot of coffee every morning.

I find it unusual that this happens to you. Most people I know get emotional and let their problems get the better of them when they're drunk.
It's why I don't like drinking

Coffee and tea are just more drugs.

In fact, caffeine is not classy at all because it is just a way of forcing the populous to be more productive.

If you overdo caffeine you end up euphoric, dehydrated, move jerkily and overreact – or if youre in a bad mood you end up anxious.

If you overdo alcohol you end up euphoric, dehydrated, careless, and lose muscle control.

I don't see much difference there other than how present you are.

I stopped drinking when I realized I've been driving home and not remembering how I got home

the only times i get hangovers is when i drink vodka, but also

i dont get hungover i just wake up with cuts and bruises sometimes.

what's even the point

makes being around normies tolerable

yeah in my 20s i started getting hangovers
i dont even think my liver got fucked, i can still pop all sorts of drugs and need relatively high doses on all except the ones that hit your brain first at microdoses
people who drink past the age of 40 just love the hangovers or have been drinking so long they dont know anything else

Haven't stopped per say, but don't enjoy it as much after trying MDMA.