I don't think that there has ever been a writer that summed up everything wrong with modern comics more then Bendis.
He's someone who plays it safe, yet continues to pull shit out of his ass to get out of all the corners he constantly keeps writing himself in. Not to mention his outright refusal to write Miles as anything but an overpower Gary Stu self inset.
But I think hands down the story that best sums everything wrong with Bendis' writing is Civil War 2, where the conflict is non existent and Tony is constantly being written in the wrong that it's not even funny.
The fact that Marvel keeps bending over backwards to please this hack just makes me sick.
I think Bendis must have something on someone higher up in Marvel due to all the shit he gets away with. I heard a rumor stating it had something to do with someone's background and that's why they don't fire him, once again it's a rumor. Seriously though he makes so many shitty mistakes in his writing that even amateurs know not to do, he doesn't pay attention to continuity and writes like his shit is separate universe from everything else. Gets all pissy when he doesn't get his way, he wanted to kill off Peter for CW2 and when told no he killed Bruce Banner instead.
And all his mary sue characters which will be fuckin irrelevant after the arc is over. Is that Riri character even doing anything now?
Easton Gray
They should have never put him on team books. That's where they started to go wrong, they put him on team books
Nathaniel Barnes
would it be better if they kept him to street characters rather than the larger in life characters?
Elijah Butler
Since the only book he's done that I really enjoyed most of was Ultimate Spiderman, a lot of times it feels like he only knows how to write teens or fratboys. As much as people complain about Whedonesque banter, that's in large part due to Bendis, who is actually WORSE about banter than Whedon. None of the characters feel like adults, they really feel like teen fuck ups who just happen to have been superheroes for decades.
And he really is just a boring fit for cape books most of the time. Ultimate Spiderman worked because most of it was about Peter Parker, and even if Bendis only wrote "they fight for 4 pages" in a script, Bagley was enough of a pro to make it work. But when you apply that to a whole team of heroes, you get books that are mostly just people sitting around, not even fighting villains. I'm convinced Bendis is a lot of the reason that Marvel villains are now just minor problems and so many stories are just about heroes getting into stupid arguments.
Combine his shit writing with lunatics like Perlmutter demanding whole franchises in the Marvel U being thrown to the curb due to arguments with Fox, along with a horde of untrained writers with no guidance, and we have current Marvel.
Blake Baker
Wait what happened?
Kayden King
Editorial should have definitely stepped in at some point and said 'look, this guy is best at solo heroes, this guy is best at street level heroes, we should only give him solo, street level books'
I mean, his solo stuff sucks shit now too, but with some editorial guidance it didn't have to be that way.
This is basically what it came down to. On Ultimate he had a good artist and he had a good editor. For the first few years he had people sort of guiding him with storylines and characters. The first arc was something that Bill Jemas plotted and Bendis just sort of refined it and the Venom arc was an idea that Jemas came up with that they went back-and-forth over and sort of refined it until it became what it was.
Once Bagley left and once Ralph Macchio (the editor) retired, even Ultimate Spider-Man, previously his only good book, went to shit
Anthony Richardson
No, not Ultimate. I mean things like Fantastic Four and X-Men. All fucked over because Marvel doesn't have the movie rights.
Leo Thomas
Does Bendis want to be Miles Morales or does he want to blow him?
I honestly can't tell.
Jeremiah Green
They actually based him on Obama, so I'd bet on 'blow him'
James Wood
I don't believe it. That's too fucking retarded to be true, even for their kind.
Noah Watson
Didn't they base him off of Donald Glover?
Hunter Ramirez
And Obama
Benjamin Lee
repeat for twenty pages and you have any Bendis comic.
Isaiah Carter
Blackmail is too complicated. It'd be easier to assume that he's just very friendly with the likes of Quesada, Alonso, and the other editors to the point where he can spitball any idea and get the green light for it, regardless of whether he can write it effectively or how it affects other books.
Christopher Barnes
Mason Brooks
He comes across as someone who gets trigger by Batman being rich and white.
Sebastian Long
Well there's a black Not Robin now so I'm sure he's happy in some way.
Josiah Evans
Were Bendis' comics always shit? I remember back in the 90s, Wizard Magazine's indie comics columnist liked his title "Jinx." Was it any good, or has he always been as he is now?
Julian Long
his ultimate spiderman was good. At least the earlier runs.
Tyler Turner
The first time I ever read him was an issue of Powers, also at the time liked by Wizard. The dialog did seem unique at the time, but I ultimately didn't stick with the book.
Looking back on it now, of course, it's a mess of Bendis speak. Something he still does at times (the beginning of a recent Iron Man issue has two firefighters going full Bendis), and once the charm of it is gone, you have to look at the rest of his books. And honestly, most of his writing is just about dialog and sitting around. Which works at times (the issue where Peter tells MJ that he's Spiderman is entirely set in Peter's room, and it's really enjoyable), but, obviously, makes for a boring event.
I don't think he was as defensive as he is now though. Just the last few Spider-Man issues have things like a background rant from a teacher about how unfair people are to writers, and a comment about how only "people who say mean things on twitter" have secret identities. I know a semi recent statement of his was basically "If people hate my writing so much, why do they buy the books?", which is easily answered with "You hold characters that people love hostage.". He's too full of himself and too defensive to actually work on his problems as a writer, so instead of constant improvement, he's become a tired joke.
I'd love if he pulled his head out of his ass and became a good writer, he's writing too many books for me to want to see that much shit published. But he does enough to get paid, and it doesn't matter that both Iron Man books are clearly treading water until the character switch. He doesn't care enough to improve himself.
Parker Russell
Ok, I heard from Razorfist that Bendis actually wrote one of the best Daredevil books of all time. I'm willing to admit that Razor is already a die hard DD fan and that I haven't seen him talk about Bendis again. I need to read it and find out my self, but have any of you read it and if so, what did you think?
What the hell is Bendis speak?
Liam King
Eli Baker
To answer that, I think everyone should pitch in. I'll go first, with the most recent example I know of.
Basic structure is:
From there think of it like chaining a combo, you have options, but there is a structure. You can throw in a pop culture reference, you can meander into other topics, you can even repeat yourself over and over. The ender is when someone says something that matters at all and all the other dialog is shown to be pointless.
Nicholas Rodriguez
This should give you a pretty good idea. It also includes people sitting, but not enough repeated panels.
Only times when Bendis was decent were early Ultimate Spider-Man issues and his "crazy person at a police station" gag was mildly amusing, before he started to overdo it.
Adam Rogers
I forgot the picture.
Xavier Miller
y bendis? Why do you hate Peter? Were you raped by someone in a spider man costume as a child?
Take any panel of Miles face from the CW2 thread, and put it next to a picture of Obama, it's not hard to see.
Jinx was okay, but I'm betting it got a lot of praise out of avant garde types due to 1. Bendis' rotoscoped art and 2. not being capes. It was also short, so it didn't overstay it's welcome.
Parker Ross
y Bendis?
If he kills Peter off then he can officially dub Miles Sue as the Spiderman. It's what he wants so desperately he can barely take it. He got it for a while with Ultimate Spiderman, but now that Miles Sue is in the proper Marvel Universe, he wants that Peter to die too so he doesn't have to have his nignong Spooderman share the spotlight with a cis-white male.
Mason Martin
Fun fact: They actually had to cancel Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (and indeed the entire Ultimate line) because the sales were so low
Aaron Johnson
Holy fuck I thought that parody comic was exaggerating;
Can one comic writer be this one-noted?
Ryder Hughes
I find Miles increadibly unengaging as a character because I know he's not going to struggle in any significant manner during the story. Does he get in a fight? He'll just insta-win Venom Blast them and win with no fuss. Emotional problems? That'll be gone in a couple pages to make way for virtue signaling.
Leo Perez
1)Who's the red-head? 2)This isn't the book with Mike Deodato's photoshop filters, is it?
Asher Gonzalez
It's MJ, she works for Tony these days. It is indeed the bad poser model comic. Collect a check level art to go with collect a check level writing.
Nicholas Gonzalez
Yeah, comic.
Oliver Moore
What the fuck did they do to The Almighty DOOM?
Easton White
What, like Garfield?
Kevin Peterson
Ian Green
Maybe Bendis wants to keep her around so she can become Riri's girlfriend. I honestly don't know though.
Nolan Morgan
Yeah, just like Garfield.
Michael Evans
Marvel will do anything to keep her from getting back with Peter, it seems
Christopher Rogers
Hey, do you think Bendis is gonna have Miles fuck Mary-Jane? SPIDER-CUCKED Or maybe Ms Muslim is gonna nail her, either way, MJ's getting blacked, I call it now.
Owen Taylor
Nathan Wright
So, I wonder if Ms. Marvel could use her powers to use her clit like a dick. But if she's Muslim she might not have one. Then again, she's a pretty crap muslim, she might have her clit.
Xavier Williams
Ryder White
Didn't Gwenpool get blacked first?
Noah Martin
Leo Reyes
I'm pretty sure they already had MJ fuck a black guy
Xavier Martinez
spider-gwen got blacked
Adam Richardson
I don't think he would dare. Noone would be that crazy to harm their own company that much.
Cameron Kelly
Oh sweet child, you have much to learn about comics.
Thomas Taylor
I just… have some hope? Well, not really, and I wouldn't really bat an eye if Bendis do that because I'm like someone watching his father being eaten with cancer and in a coma. Just waiting for him to die and get over with.
Luke Wright
That kind of shit has been happening so much lately, we should just make a list or an infographic or something. It's getting hard to keep it straight.
Christopher Foster
Your father is already dead. He's been dead for at least a decade now. If he looks alive, it's because they taxidermied his worm infested corpse to hock shitty movies.
Juan James
I didn't follow ultimate at all and gave up on Spider-Man after OMD, but wasn't Miles gay? Can't Bendis even be consistent with his own characters? Is urge to be Louis cuCK of comics really that strong?
Luke Rogers
Asher Diaz
I fucking hate Maria Hill, I want Comtessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine back.
Tyler Butler
I miss the days of good artwork.
Christopher Martin
They made him Rand Paul.
Jaxson Myers
But he's still not Anthony Burch
Adam Williams
user remember that entire storylines have been dropped, characters killed, personalities reverted just because writers, editors or artists had one fight/disagreement. The landscape of The Big 2 work environment is so incredibly petty and vulture-like that its no surprise SJWs easily rooted themselves in. You have people who don't know the first thing about loyalty, sacrifice, teamwork and good will trying to write it. When a new artist or writer comes in and sees/experiences how fucked up and dumb alot of decisions or ideas are then they'll be out as soon as their assigned run is over.
Lincoln Gutierrez
user, you are talking about a person who is partially responsible for ruining cosmic side of Marvel and making good and steady sales of GofG plummet.
Asher Powell
She has one. You couldn't get Marvel to say/show a bad thing about Islam even if you made them watch every terrorist attack on France in recent memory, Clockwork Orange style. Man, what a shitshow, Ms. Marvel could be revolutionary, a mainstream comic with indie style honesty, if someone would call Kamala on her religion's incompatibility with the West. She would have to face the fact that it really doesn't work as written, forcing her to live a 'triple' life. Then, just when MM is getting used to not thinking about how she constantly lies to her family to get by, her friend gets disowned for lezzing it up with that blonde girl. MM's brother isn't willing to get arrested for stoning the girls, but if they get hit by a bus? Allah's punishment. All this culminates in MM doing the only thing you can with Islam, take the stuff about not committing crime and promoting the general well-being of people and leave the rest on the cutting room floor.
But this is how it will go down: We'll never see the inside of Camela's Kamala's mosque ever again, because they've established her practice of Islam, and they hope that they can just pass it off as normal, like Kitty Pryde (is the Jewish religion the same thing as Judaism?) or Matt Murdock. If they repeatedly imply "religion of peace," eventually people will just accept it. And somewhere along the line, they'll kill her for cheap drama, to take a potshot at "islamaphobes," and I'm sure Doctor Doom will speak at her funeral about how racism is quaint. Later they'll reboot the Ms. Marvel name via another character with zero imbued controversy because they spent the controversy budget on their new trans/furry/pedophile/. And Marvel will keep the "Muslim hero" feather in their cap while having divested themselves of any need to speak at the personal level about muslims again.
Sorry for going on an on, I just really hate the wasted potential of young teen heroes. These are people who should be rebelliously redefining themselves ever other issue, questioning their understanding of the world as they are forced to confront things they hadn't conceived of. Instead we have a trite lesson about hero worship that will likely be undermined when we find out that Carol had Brain Problems tm.
Hudson Miller
just curious do they ever explain in the comics why Kamala doesn't wear a hijab.
Ryan Cooper
Yes, Garfield you moron
Jack Flores
People say that but no. Nigra-Man is basically a street level (or very low super) book and it's complete garbage too. Bendis started running out of ideas 10 years ago and the car finally died with Siege.
You can see all the same problems with his writing going back to Avengers: Disassembled: nonsensical plots, complete ignorance (either willfully or due to incompetence) of continuity and past characterization, plot twists for the sake of plot twists no matter how little sense they make, shitting all over characters he doesn't like.
All of it's there. It's just that he had the occasional good idea to mask all of his problems. Once Siege came though it became obvious that he didn't even have the tools needed to mask all of his bullshit. Put Bendis on space books, team books, mutant books, street books… it doesn't matter. It's all the same result because he's out of ideas. Most writers lose it after too long: Claremont did, Waid and PAD are fairly mediocre now too. Bendis just peaked early.
Jack Moore
It's sad seeing writers I admired as a child getting worse in their writing abilities.
Jace Fisher
Because they wanted to be just controversial enough, without making her totally unrelatable to someone who reads comics.
As for actual content in the comics, all I know is early on they had her in the mosque sort of questioning "the old ways," but it was played for laughs along with all the other religion talk, so it feels like they know they are walking a fine line.
While thinking about this, I realized X-Men has always done religion and "multi-culturalism" better than the rest of the Marvel line. Mutants are cool because even if they cling to their old lives, there's always something making them the other and bringing them together as a means of coping. In a practical sense, there's also a handful of them, so you can just sketch outlines, and avoid ruining them with too much detail.
Anyway, Dust was way more interesting than MM will ever be. She killed sexual slavers who were going to sell her. She's seen the shit that goes down in the religion, and it's likely she would be someone like Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Salman Rushdie. By contrast, Kamala grew up in a first world country, regularly indulges in geeky interests, and doesn't have much trouble in school. Her heroics were wacky adventures until recently. Let's not forget she rubs shoulders with the hero elite because she's an Inhuman and therefore one of Medusa's chosen people. Christ, every time I think about Mutants vs. Inhumans, it's just disgraceful.
With the Lasagna?
Henry Bell
Oh god his run on GOTG was fucking terrible! Drax was written like a complete fucking moron who kept getting his ass handed to him. Then he had the gall to turn Iceman gay and say that he was gay the whole time.
And let's not forget Hawkeye's "death".
How does this man still have a job?
Thomas Hall
Finally regained access to one of my external hard drives. Got a couple relevant images to post.
Brody Cruz
Andrew Wilson
So a right-wing version of Anita Sarkeesian?
Anyway, Dust was just as shit as Kamala. There's a reason why writers barely used her even when she was the hot new thing on the block. She just seems better in retrospect.
Aiden Williams
I'm surprise Ellis's Gravel isn't on there.
Jacob Phillips
Zachary Sullivan
Oh, fuck. I said things like that as a joke, but they really do those passive-aggressive faggotry actions?
Can we laugh together and cry together by looking at some examples?
Josiah Stewart
Not seeing anything where she lied her ass off while begging for funding, so no, nothing like her.
Isn't that a good thing, though? That's what I meant by more characters to make stories about. She gets some nice characterization, appears throughout stories that involve her, but you're not saddled with endless issues focusing on her, leading to wasteful filler or character decay as they try to find different stories.
And at least Dust was from a time when they weren't afraid to have someone soundly reject Islam, instead of treating it with kid gloves.
Wouldn't it be great if they did a story where, just like Norse legends and Biblical angels and devils, the Quran is all real? Especially that part where a whole section of its writings were influenced by a demon. And there's djinn and all sorts of other crazy arabic monsters. We'd get a twofer: it would be a crazy, off-the-wall story, and terrorists would shoot up the Marvel offices, hopefully killing Bendis and his cadre.
David Baker
Thomas Jackson
I liked Kingdom Come and some of his other work like tower of babel and parts of Superman Rebirth. Thats why I thought he was a good writer.
James Thompson
I think that's one of the few interesting things about Civil War 2, Kamala's tied to both Carol and Medusa, the Captain Retard and Queen Bitch of the event. And, she eventually does reject them and realize their bullshit is wrong. That's a compelling character arc, even if she isn't always written great (or even well). I think she looks stupid when she uses her powers (the big dumb hands) but if someone held me at gunpoint and said "write this book" I probably could.
But yeah, it would be interesting to see her deal with both the good and bad of her religion, the same way Daredevil deals with his faith issues. Obviously it would be boring to have her deal with that EVERY issue, but from time to time would be good.
Luis Thompson
Asher Hughes
Cameron Richardson
fuck off casual
speaking of casuals and Bendis fuck em, casuals don't want to be helped
Jose Perez
I'm pretty sure Ayaan Hirsi Ali got busted for lying about her background and making shit up for sympathy points (hell, she was thrown out of a country for it), and there was some similar scandal for Rushdie.
No, because she was barely used for the same reason barely anyone uses Steeljacket - she wasn't a terribly interesting character. The difference is that back then writers had the decency not to push characters that mostly no-one liked onto an audience against their will.
Le what?
I'm actually not too sure that Marvel is the reason for so much pozzing of their comics recently. This rising level of SJW degeneracy only really got underway after Disney fully assumed control and got the cinematic universe underway, which makes me suspect that all this crap is being ordered from upstairs.
Kingdom Come was meh, IMO, Tower of Babel was OK, but Birthright (I assume that's what you meant by Rebirth) was just plain garbage.
Robert Harris
She wasn't thrown out, she left the Netherlands and Dutch politics because she lied about her name, age and the country she arrived from which is pretty common for asylum seekers. And while it's true that she's plugged deep into neocon shit the people who attack her are exclusively suicidal progressives hellbent on defending Islam and Muslims going full taqiyya.
Lincoln Edwards
There was a picture of Miles french kissing spider-gwen in a solicitation, I think october
Daniel King
Gotta love the fact that casual fags are paying to read Bendis' fan fiction.
Grayson Nguyen
I don't care what she did wrong, that is not being a man or a super hero. You let the law deal with her, but you always take the high road. Super heroes have become so evil.
John Foster
Oh silly user, evil is a social construct… unless you are a white straight male, then you are objetively evil.
Hudson Barnes
The people upstairs couldn't give less of a shit that they own a comic book company. In fact, it's the people upstairs constantly asking the Big Two why they're spending all this money publishing new comics when they've got plenty of old comics they can repackage and resell
Ryan Collins
actually this shows how a real hero acts, shitty art and all.
of course. The irony is that most of those characters Marvel is trying desperately to paint in the wrong often sound like the only ones with any common sense and come across more as heroes than the actual super heroes do.
Jeremiah Wood
Why do all the tinfoil hats suspect Disney is behind this shit? Is it because of Frozen?
Marvel was doing this shit LONG before Disney bought them. Bendis has been working for Marvel since the year 2000.
Elijah Anderson
Well, we are in a time where villains sound more reasonable than heroes, so writers and artists have to make them do the most horrible actions so the readers don't feel sympathy for them, even if it doesn't make sense with their background. For example Nazi Redneck Trump Supporters becoming suicide bombers.
Zachary Ross
As those anons said Disney couldn't care less. In fact they are just waiting for an opportunity to shut down the company and just make a profit with the established franchises and IPs.
Christopher Bennett
Those rednecks were being subtly mind controlled by the Red Skull thanks to his new Prof. X psychic powers
Benjamin Price
Wasn't this AFTER the Prof. X brain surgery?
Colton Wright
wait, did these things really happen or are you making them up? With Marvel it's hard to tell.
Nolan Reed
I see you haven't been here for long.
Enjoy the ride and prepare for drowning in despair.
Jack Lewis
I've tried to ignore Marvel since they pulled the whole Gwen x Norman thing. That's when I saw they were just grasping at any straw they could to keep their stories afloat.
Tyler Adams
Well, I don't have the pictures so I can't post them.
Any user has the pages and wants to share them so we all laugh and despair?
Zachary Perez
Spider-Gwen, Gwenpool, Gwenom.
Nathaniel Jenkins
The Gwentastic Four
Jose Gonzalez
man, the more I think about this the more it's eating me up. What did that girl do to get slapped around by super heroes(who are supposed to represent justice) while she begged for her dads life defenselessly on the ground?
Henry Edwards
She went out with Miles, who then told her he was Spider-Man and not to tell anyone. I think (haven't actually read it) she then told her big sister who told her parents who turned out to be agents of HYDRA
Lucas Phillips
the scary thing is that these are being pushed as heroes. This is what has become morally acceptable and the people who are writing these characters are completely unaware how fucked up and evil they really are. Man, it's just sad.
Nathan Collins
The Uncanny Gwen-Men
Nathaniel Gray
I think anons are overreacting. They're not supposed to be boy-scouts. It wasn't Superman who decked her. They're just normal people and to be perfectly honest, a normal person in that situation, if a friend or a lover betrayed them, might be inclined to deck them.
It's not like the Whor situation, where that woman supervillain didn't do anything to Whor, stood down and surrendered to her in the name of feminism, and Whor decked her anyway because she's a cunt.
I'm surprised this is what bothers people and not the fact that Miles Sue took out Dr Doom and all of Hydra by himself.
Kevin Ramirez
we've already talked about that aspect of the comic numerous times. Sure it's fucked up how much of a Gary Stu Miles is, but he doesn't even have the moral compass to realize somebody down and out of a fight shouldn't be kicked. She was defenseless and they still smacked her around, that's not how heroes act. Funny thing is, these Marvel writers have a big issues with police brutality when that's what happened here.
Adam Gutierrez
Dagger gave her a little push.
Nathan Collins
from the dialogue it sounds like she did a little more, it's hard to tell with Marvel's paneling and posing. Either way, it's not right. If they can't control themselves they shouldn't be written as super heroes or having any sort of moral high ground… but Bendis.
Benjamin Brown
Joshua Lewis
Do you have trouble reading from left to right?
John Cox
no, but multiple things can happen in one panel that we have to fill in later. For instance, it wouldn't be unheard of to see the next panel with that chick completely fucked up when it comes to Marvel's paneling. We'd then have to assume she took multiple hits. I don't know though, I haven't seen the next page, but from what is provided, even if it was just a "push" with super powers it would still not have been right to do to a defenseless girl begging for her dads life. You have one super hero messing with a normal person with their powers and the other one encouraging it. Tell me, does that sound like the way somebody who refers to them self as a "hero" should act?
Aaron Allen
Oh man, then you're going to love this.
William Howard
Isn't Morales the most boring teen superhero character ever made? All the powers with none the responsability.
Easton Sanders
It's amazing how one writer can inject his sexual fetish into everything he writes and no one calls him out on it. Imagine if he was putting chicks with dicks in everything.
Dominic Green
Also, how sad is it that Miles can't have an original love interest? He's stuck taking Peter Parker's used goods. Aside form his fat friend, does he have a single character original to him?
Matthew Carter
They'd still do what you describe. Wank over how progressive he's being
Jayden Edwards
At least we would have decent porn drawn in the internet.
William Wright
Image would be more accurate if Capeshit category was generalized to: main character gains superpowers due to a crazy accident or he is an alien. There should also be one more category that would include creator owned books. That's where Hellboy, Savage Dragon, and Mask should go.
Whoever made that image doesn't quite know much about comics they are using as examples. Constantine is lumped with Punisher and The Boys, Hellboy is considered capeshit, and so is the Mask even though it would fit better in the second category. Scott Pilgrim is not even a webcomic, and women in it are not infallible - Ramona is shown to be as much of a piece of shit as Scott. in Menage a 3 everyone is a horny moron and a butt of the joke regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.
Eli Cruz
I wouldn't really describe him as a 'character' per se. Merely an outlet for Bendis' compulsive need to virtue signal
Gavin Collins
The thing is already autistic enough. It took a very simple source concept and mangled beyond recognition
Zachary Edwards
You've pretty much summed up the entire character. There's not a single thing that's unique to him with the exception of him being a Blaxican, and not even an obvious Blaxican, the hispanic part was clearly just so Marvel could say 'Look, he's two ethnic minorities! You have to like him!'
Austin Bailey
Are you even trying? Picking up the dropped combo: Gwenhumans
Dagger hit her in the chest with her powers. You know it's a panel from Ultimate when established heroes are acting like bitter children without question.
Punching a troublemaker to establish control of a situation is not even close to tormenting a defeated girl after control has been completely established. She even gave them the info they needed.
Austin Reed
One, she hit in the stomach and two, all that would have done is put her to sleep
They are children. They're fucking teenagers
It's exactly the same situation. The situation was resolved, troublemaker posed no threat to John Wayne because he'd disarmed him. John Wayne hit him anyway. It's exactly the same
Blake Phillips
Fuck off, Bendis.
Parker Sullivan
I really wish people would use creative insults instead of defaulting to aut- Oh man, it really is the 'tism.
What else would you call it? The original had a clear point - Pixar make inspired films and Dreamworks make uninspired samey shit with talking animals
This? What the fuck is the point of this? There's so much shit here the joke has clearly been missed
Thomas Roberts
You realize that teenagers can do the right thing too, right? The original Spider-Man always tried to be morally upstanding even back when he was in high school because the first fucking thing he learned as Spider-Man is that if you don't do the right thing people you love get hurt.
Now fuck off Bendis.
Anthony Myers
Did you actually read the original Spider-Man? When he was actually a teenager?
He was constantly letting his emotions get the better of him, even when he should have learned from the Uncle Ben incident.
Christian Brown
You're a moron.
And this was portrayed as a bad thing that he had to overcome. See the subtle difference?
Jose Richardson
yep, I was about to say this. They didn't play it off as he was in the right. The writer was aware what he was doing was wrong and he would often face consequences for letting his emotions win out over doing what was right.
Ian Murphy
You are. You've clearly never read a Marvel comic.
DC's characters are the ones who act like perpetual boy-scouts, not Marvel's
Aiden Wright
You couldn't even be bothered to read the very next line where he realized that autism was the proper description?
A room full of characters and nobody interjects to stop Tandy from knifing the girl, which may put her to sleep, as someone said, but does so by disrupting her lifeforce, it's not a tranquilizer. It's the wish fulfillment of cynical teenagers and people who think like them. Giving in to petty acts like that come at the low points of a heroes life, when they are most vulnerable. If a hero does so after winning? That's heartless. Some Obama clone Miles turned out to be.
Jason Adams
There's a big gap between being a boy scout and knowing that attacking a helpless downed enemy is morally reprehensible. You understand this, yes?
Kayden Torres
I'd say that wouldn't even be an issue if there was some form of repercussion for them acting so carelessly. Again, the problem is the writers aren't morally sound enough to realize this or actions like it are even a bad thing.
Cameron Thomas
Charles Hughes
One day bendis is going to get raped to death by the niggers he lives so much And he STILL will never get to be one himself :^)
Easton Martin
Fuck, that kind of shit is something you'd normally only see in a direct translation of a work from Nipponese. How the hell do you do it as an English native with no knowledge of the language?
Liam Roberts
Bendis is going for a very specific type. He's explicitly trying to imitate the snappy dialogue you'd find in the works of David Mamet and Aaron Sorkin and failing miserably.
Brandon Morales
The real irony here, is that you're not reading that the description specifically points out not a single one of those comics is satire, and when they claim it is they're incorrectly using the term. Which ones are satire? Note: just because you like the comic doesn't mean it doesn't fit the tropes.
Ayden Murphy
The image was created in response to people who criticize superhero comic books as being childish and simplistic, and then lists the garbage they suggest as alternatives which invariably are always far more simplistic and stereotypical. Every time someone comes out and says "Capeshit" asked to provide an alternative, it's always some Garth Ennis shit, hipster bullshit, or something from France. And each of those comics suggested as an alternative to superhero comics is invariably stuffed with SJW politics and the same exact tropes over and over again.
Samuel Hall
I miss the days when you read comics for fun.
David Thompson
So it's a troll image.
Ryder Clark
No. It was predominantly about creator's rights and big two's fucking over creators working for them.
I haven't sen anyone here recommend Saga, Rat Queens, Bitch Planet, Scott Pilgrim and other stuff like that. What generally gets recommended is stuff like Hellboy, B.P.R.D., Atomic Robo, Chew, Commando, Judge Dredd, The Goon, Bone, Thorgal, and Sandman.
Capes still are the "to go" place for those. Marvel in particular.
Dylan Reed
But that's not even his fucking skin tone… most of the time, he looks like it in pic related, but Marvel probably thought that made him too white
Eh, when people say 'capeshit' they're generally only thinking of Marvel & DC fucking over their writers for their Jewgold. This user has some really good alternatives listed Hellboy is in Hell right now, it's pretty cool fam. It's not so much that capeshit's shit as a genre concept, it's just the two main publishers are awful. Marvel's objectively worse at the moment, but that's like saying living in India is better than living in Africa, I don't wanna do either.
Nathaniel Flores
The Invincible Iron Gwen
Oliver Smith
The AGwengers
David Peterson
Gwendians of the Galaxy Gwen Lakes Avengers
Matthew Perez
The Gwenisher
Juan Parker
Apparently CW2 #5 will have a double spread of a vision where Miles kills Captain America (Steve).
This is kinda given away by the solicited covers of the issue afterwards and the "tie-in" books.
Landon Thomas
I don't see how he gets visions of SINGLE KILLS. Cap has killed people in service to Hydra since his change, but Ulysses never saw any of that? But he can tell that Nico is going to kill a girl in A-Force, but NOT that the girl she kills is a GIANT BUG? If he's this fucking unreliable, they really shouldn't jump at his every vision.
Luke Edwards
Bendis should really take a step back and rethink his life.
Nathaniel Williams
Are there comics that try to hide behind satire? Yes. Does that make his use of poor examples more valid? No.
Looking closer, it seems like poor research more than autism. Someone who doesn't care about webcomics googles for some images that fit with what he's saying and mashes them all together regardless of context.
I thought Cap got better? Do they explain why Miles kills him? I really wish there was something underlying this whole event to give us a reason to believe we're not just being strung along as they go. Any sort of hint that Ulysses or Medusa have some darker plan. So far the only people with long-term strategy going on are Kingpin and Maximus.
Charles Hall
I like to think that the marvel universe is undergoing some kind of rapture where all the good characters are dying and heading off to heaven and are being replaced by demonic body doubles and opportunistic z-listers hoping for relevance.
Benjamin Adams
Personally I think it's just another Bendis fake-out and that'll lead to another pointless wild goose chase (everybody's after Miles) that drags the event out even further.
Lincoln Nguyen
Joshua Cox
Wait… is that seriously how things happened? Was it Hastings that decided her actually being Gwen Stacy was stupid and just made her a different Gwen, or did they alter the idea because Sony has the Gwen Stacy rights for movies?
Dude… I made that image. It had nothing to do with creators rights, initially it was just two panels, directly comparing superhero comics and the wide variety of stories within, and "gritty realism". However after that first version was made, web comics and Indy shit like love and Rockets and Scott Pilgrim started being suggested, so I added the third section. Also, to whoever was saying stuff in that image is satire, I'd still like to hear which. I scanned over the image, trying to think of which one you could be referring to and the only one I could think of you might possibly think is satire is Kate Beaton's "straw feminists" comic, in which case you've missed the true misery of the comic. It's not the characters, it's that she's asserting feminists like that do not exist, that there are no feminists who say insane shit like the characters she's portraying. So it's not so much satire as propaganda. I'm replying to this here because I'm making this reply with my phone.
And anyway, Once I'd added the third section, I figured I may as well add a fourth, so the section on Bendis while accurate is mostly intended as a joke, because I really hate everything he's written.
Joshua Hernandez
Cosplay is the source of all evil in this world.
Levi Anderson
I misunderstood you. I thought that you were referring to Image the comic book publisher. In my defense, English is not my first language.
Carter Watson
He's just a brain dead nigger lover, he's never going to change. Even if a dindu stuck a knife in his gut he'd still love the niggers He's "that guy" that even other social signaling libtards feel uncomfortable around
Carson Cooper
Man fuck the cosplay community. Alot of them are pretty shallow, dumb and practically the pits of society. The only interesting people you'd meet in that community are those who do it once or twice but actually have a job or career they're going towards. What I commonly see are people who never grew out of their teen phase and constantly striving for any type of attention, they keep making random 'friends' at cons then act surprised when they turn their back on em, also never working and just mooching off checks their disabled family member gets.
When you talk to cosplayers try to move the conversation away from cosplay and you'll see how sad their lives are.
David Clark
For real? Ugh, I feel stupid for having given her the benefit of the doubt.
The other things I took issue with were Scott Pilgrim in the webcomics (the criticisms don't really fit, either), Oglaf (yeah, lots of sex, but it's used as a joke instead of wish fulfillment), and I was going to defend Menage a 3, because I found it pretty inoffensive, but I haven't read it all and I could easily see it sliding off the deep end.
Ryder Jones
Only thing that changed is that nipples and ass shots are mostly gone, because advertisers didn't like that. They just can't seem to get that it was one of comic's draws.
Other than that, every character is as much of a shallow horndog as they used to be. They might have even subtly poked fun at SJWs a few times.
Joseph Ramirez
I am so sick of this fucking "play it safe" school of thought when it comes to marketing. The sooner it dies the better.