Can we have a far side thread?
Can we have a far side thread?
You mean MAY we have a far side thread.
Now this is a WHOLESOME thread I can get behind.
My social skills took a severe hit after they stopped making those far side birthday cards.
I need to start buying Far Side collections.
The world was a better place when this strip was running.
I don't get it
Koreans are bad at making tools.
I think this sums up much about the Far Side; it's what we suspect the rest of the world is like when we're not looking.
I heard it has something to do with the color of the eyes.
it's about suicide but the color denotes the reason.
it's a cultural thing, I don't understand it fully
Funny thing; much like how office workers post up Dilbert strips, scientists and academics post The Far Side on their walls and corkboards.
No, you retard, it's just a monster that shoves people off the building. It's kinda funny how you are trying to apply term "culture" to the nation that believes that electric fans can kill a sleeping person.
Ur ratardu anyan.
Green meens greed.
Red means passion.
You're all retarded. The monster is the father, who pushes people off buildings. The kid bugged him, and now the monster is sitting at the dinner table, suggesting the father is going to buy him a game boy and shove him off a building.
Bumping for interest. I used to love reading The Far Side when I was younger. My aunt had one of the collection books that I used to look at whenever I went over.
I always found this one amusing.
what does brown eyes mean?
The second pic never fails to get me.
Anal fissure.
I'd never seen the Midvale strip in 3D.
I always interpreted the red guy's presence as implying the kid was about to fall out the window. Seems a stretch, but it really makes more sense to me than any other explanation I've come up with or heard.
You aren't fucking kidding. One of my best friends of the past 15 years just moved to Idaho. I went to Walgreens and Walmart and looked at cards for over 30 minutes at each.
Didn't buy a card. Used an old Native American Charity art card and wrote my own stuff in it. Re-read what I wrote and threw it in the trash.
I am going to Hallmark at a strip mall this weekend.
If I remember this correctly, red eyes are depression or bullying, brown is insanity and green is financial troubles. It's extremely depressing if you have seen the father's behavior in real life before, it's pretty common.