Why are some people there so concern about this whole "SJW" crowd?

Why are some people there so concern about this whole "SJW" crowd?
I live in a conservative part of the world, so there no "Social Justice Warriors" here. I understand that they maybe are getting mainstream in USA and Western Europe, but why are they considered so dangerous by some leftists?
Most of them are just left liberals who think that equality can be achieved in capitalism by the means of reform, reality banding and consumer movements. Ok i get it, its unreal, naive, often fake… but why even consider them a problem?
Personally i know only one girl that can be considers SJW. She thinks that by big business promoting ecological lifestyle We can stop climate change. Sure its naive and wrong… but is it so dangerous? Is it more dangerous than anti-SJW crowd, that attracts many right wing crazies?
Don't attack me if i don't know enough. I'm more then willing to change my mind.

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SJW's have good ideals, but their priorities are fucked up, they are willing to resort to totalitarian strategies and their interpretation of those ideals (i.e. what equality means) are based on insane theories.
And therefore what they do and advocate for is not only bad per se, but also makes everybody associated with them, including us ('the left'), look bad.

"leftists" here are afraid of "SJWs" because they're former Holla Forumsyps trying to justify their spooks and likewise their use of the word degeneracy while trying to pass off Žižek's writings at their own

pic related

This is where I'm lost. What is so totalitarian about them?

Also: isn't distancing from them enough?

This to be honest, new fags are all botherd up about SJW's while if you stay longer here you see your concerns for them going away to the point you consider them irrelevant. But then we gain another big other as the young Holla Forumsack here gets a meme overdose and begins to become part of one of the many leftists idealogy's and eventually becomes sectarian. And then in the play of shitposting and memes the curiouse polack has fully become a leftypolack.

When people say you must do something or else you automatically are the enemy. its like when Holla Forumsacks say when you dont support the white race then you are a jew supporter or whatever.
Sniffing pure concentrated idealogy can fuck up a person beyond alot that they consider EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY to be automaticly related to their idealogy where they cant even see anything outside their idealogy anymore. (There exists only for and against and no middleground or innocent mindset)

Anarchocapitalists, who should have this board physically torn from their grasps, will call anything they don't like totalitarian and ironically need the same kind of idpol "safe-spaces" they claim to hate.

Echo-chambers and false dialectics.

If they were so totalitarian it wouldn't be so easy to dismiss the whole of an individual's thought with three words.


Well, chanting "Fuck free speech" for starters.

Ignore these faggots:

Anyone you tells you that a mass movement in American Universities that seeks to demonize a subset of the population or starve people to death for calling someone the wrong pronoun is not an issue is part of the problem.

These people call themselves the left. As far as many Americans are concerned they are what the left is. How many people do you think are going to support an American Khmer Rouge?

Sure Zizek calls things like political correctness totalitarian, but He is just being proactive while making a point that things like political correctness are non effective means of dealing with real issues(racism, homophobia etc).

Oh, hey Sargon.

Oh, sargon agrees with me on something? Shit, better change my mind immediately.

That is why I've said that I am willing to change my mind.
Sure I'm presenting my perspective, because it is the only one i have.

This 100%. SJWs are the invisible boogeyman of Holla Forums.

Because liberalism masquerading as leftist is a far greater hurdle to recruitment and education than anything else. I can convince most working class folks they don't need a boss and that the basic tenets of socialism are possible and preferable, but SJWs tend to keep them away with their elitism and dense lexicon. What we need is a leftist movement that is easy to understand and preaches egalitarianism without alienating based upon identity and SJWs are antithetical to that.

Conversely I'm not concerned with the alt-right because they can easily be made to look like idiots and as such make right wing ideologies look stupid. I'd argue they're a blessing and we couldn't have built a better strawman.

And yet he never outright demonizes the people "SJWs" claim to protect, like much of this board will think bitching about trannies as degenerate is somehow revolutionary.

Bullshit, the only time faggots here call trannies mentally ill men is when milo is posting.

Those are the tankies who are protofascist polacks who are new here. The more you are here the less you care about trannies and gays and the more you dedicate yourself towards marxist rhetoric and sectarianism. Lurk more.

Holla Forums's """"intellectuals"""" are the worst people on this board

I second that.

When a college feminist decided, one cold night in 2014, to burn her personal copy of pseudofeminist Christina Hoff Sommers’ book The War Against Boys, the internet’s antifeminists responded as if Hitler himself had risen from the grave.

“Universities bring book-burning back, one page at a time,” declared a blogger at TheRebelMedia. After an extended comparison with the infamous book burning campaigns of the literal Nazis, he declared that “[t]he burning of Hoff Sommers’ book is a striking visual synecdoche for the malaise afflicting free expression across not only North American college campuses.” In a featured article, A Voice for Men described the burning as a “disturbing” example of “misandry in academia.”

On the Men’s Rights subreddit, meanwhile, one angry dude declared that

If you’re burning a book, you’re basically admitting to being not just a bigot, but one who doesn’t even have enough confidence in the strength of their own views to believe that they can stand up for themselves without needing to silence and censor those that oppose them.

If we set aside the fact that, unlike the Nazis, who confiscated the books they burned, a person burning their own copy of a book that is readily available to others is not actually censoring anything, he’s got a point.

So it’s interesting to see how many of the Internet’s antifeminsts and Anti-Social-Justice-Warrior-Warriors are embracing a proposal from one of their own to literally censor all academics who teach stuff they don’t like.

You can sign it here, bucko: change.org/p/universities-suspend-social-justice-in-universities

Lel. It's spelled 'sane feminist'

The problem with "SJW"s (a perjorative usually applied to feminists, LGBTROFLOGMWTFBBQ activists, and self-impressed post-everything do-nothings) is that they dominate every conversation they can force their way into and splinter every movement that does not expressly kick their asses to the curb. Never forget that the FBI intentionally insinuated them into the Anerican left to destory it from the inside.

Thanks for proving his point, retard.


Yes, you're literally a fascist.

No, idiots like you two are the worst people on this board.

I really hope for your own sake that you are trolling.

Me too.


Pure idealogy, read Zizek.

Looks like the problem is more the means of propagating instead of the actual content of their idealogy. The left has a long history with idealogy's that enforce themselfs to be the ultimate form of the general idea and denouncing all who dont particpate with their line as thought as heretic. ML'ers, trotskyists and all them did this a time ago but with diffrint content.

The old left is dead (Bootchin was the final nail in the coffin for the old left) and the new left is dieng in the face of populism and post left (or atleast neo left or whatever) is now being born with new theory of Zizek, SI and Post Left Anarchy. I dont consider the new left and their IDpol to be a big deal cause i allready know they are a dieng trend and soon to be replaced with traditional right wing idpol of populism.

Really epic, nice way to put words in my mouth. You really are just a misunderstood intellectual who is ostracised for his outspoken refusal to bow to society, man.

I wasn't claiming dissent to "the status quo" was bad, I was taking issue with the bullshit meme you constantly spread that everyone who uses the term "SJW" (I don't even use the term, for the record) is somehow corrupted by the ideology of Holla Forums. It is funny how you claim that "SJW" is a big other while simultaneously seeing Holla Forums in everything you disagree with and hate.

But don't let that get in the way of your unwarranted self-importance.

How does that prove user's point at all? They're just giving an example of Sargon being a hypocrite.

How does it not? That user gave an example of something "SJW"s do, which Sargon apparently also cited, and suddenly he agrees with literally everything Sargon says or does.

Do you not know what being facetious is?

It doesn't mean whatever you think it means.

I made the point that you can agree with sargon on occasion without agreeing with him on everything. Obviously the anarchabaiter went to assume I agreed with sargon on everything.

I'm interested why you think Sargon is a hypocrite. Surely information being dispensed by the academy should be presented in politically neutral terms?

vid related

Of course. Their ideology is complete nonsense, but nonsense is not inherently a problem. The problem is that the noise that they generate, thanks in no small part to their support from liberal institutions, drowns out legitimate discussion.

That is not what is going on with "SJW"s. There is no coherent ideological agenda that they are pushing. They take bits of Nietzsche, Foucault, and postcolonialism and turn it into one loud, nonsensical whine.

You know, for esposing an ideology that rejects "grand narratives" posties do love to treat philosophy as if it were just that. The Old Left got replaced by the New Left which is being replaced by the Post Left which will ultimately be replaced by something even less coherent! It looks like a teleology that is headed nowhere. How appropriate.


You seriously don't detect any hint of sarcasm in that?

It isnt my problem that user attached the status of intellectual towards what i post. An assiged indentity by the other is irrelevant to me as its a value that he attached to me. Its his perspection, an idea that he attaches to a person. An idea outside of me as being outside of my authority so being irrelevant as i have no power of the idea of being the ironic identity. Call me Autism Ass Man. :^)

Holla Forumsacks are the only ones absolutely obbsessed of the big other for their constant exposal of negative publicity on all majority of thread on Holla Forums. Majority of the threads there are about some news about SJW did this silly thing or allowing this to happen or whatever. Witht he amount of exposure that Holla Forumsacks get to the enemy it would only explaint that crossboarders of Holla Forums and newfags would bring their fear mongering of their enemy here.

The unman is up to get me, its my idealogical duty to find the antigod that tries to destroy all wich my idealogy values!

Does 'anarchabaiter' make you think I don't?

In vague but melodramatic language Benjamin proclaims that

Social justice has become scientifically illiterate, logically unsound, deeply bigoted and openly supremacist.

He doesn’t specify exactly what kind of supremacism he’s complaining about here; presumably not white.

Nor does he ever define exactly what courses count as “social justice courses.” There aren’t any departments of Social Justice that I’m aware of. [EDIT: Oops! Turns out there are.] Does Benjamin mean a tiny handful of, say, women’s studies courses taught by radical feminists? Or does he hope (at least in his wildest dreams) to take down the humanities and social sciences as a whole?

Social justice professors are indoctrinating young people into a pseudoscientific cult behind closed doors that is doing damage to their health, education and future.

Well, technically, I guess, virtually all college courses are taught “behind closed doors,” since the doors of lecture halls generally do get closed before class begins. Technically, I’m writing this post behind closed doors, because I don’t leave the doors of my apartment wide open. (People might wander in; the cats might wander out.) I suspect that Benjamin himself wrote up his petition behind closed doors!

Benjamin goes on to declare that

[s]ocial justice … has become another ideology fit only to pave the road to Hell, so it is time to turn around and choose another path that is concerned with reason, science and improving the lives of every human.

If only some evil Social Justice English professor has indoctrinated Benjamin in the devilish art of writing without resorting to hackneyed cliches.

But that’s pretty much all there is to Benjamin’s petition. Somehow, thought, the vagueness of Benjamin’s plan hasn’t stopped 73,063 people — so far — from signing the petition.

SJW is a rightist stawman used to demonize anyone who isn't a white nationalist. The fact that people here unironically use it just shows we have a lot of issues to work out.

I just think that people who decry feminists for being against free speech or whatever are themselves just as much if not more so.

You're acting pretty butthurt ',:~)

this isn't even fun bait


Purging these fucks looks more appealing every day.

That's not an answer to my question. I asked you if information being presented by the academy should be presented in a politically neutral framing. Answer my question rather than engaging in stupid LSR nitpicking.

I agree on that, even if their idealogy is silly the constant yelling of the megaphone to demand attention to something stupid is still annoying. We must do this and that and if you dont agree you are the heretic and should be burned.

I was making an example about likewise anoying and totalitarian people.

Where should it go according to you?

Being facetious isn't sarcasm, retard.

You realise I wasn't actually calling you an intellectual, yes? That's actually the precise opposite of what I was calling you.

But the term has become the common term for a particular strand and behaviour of an ideology. It is used by those outside of Holla Forums to refer to the same vaguely defined group of people. It isn't exclusive to the scary Holla Forums other. It's part of the common lexicon, whether you like it or not.

I think that SJW ideology is just and extreme form of left liberalism.
The narrative of classical liberalism goes more, or less this way: People are free to do what they want on this big market, and their life is just a result of their actions and merits.
Then some people have noticed the systemic injustice, that on this big market not everybody has equal chances and opportunities(for example people in racial minorities in racist societies, woman, sexual minorities, poor people) . They conclusion was not to leave the basis of liberalism, but to "uplift" everybody.

Epic horseshoe theory mate

You clearly do not know a lot of IRL people.

Someplace original. It has been a long time since philosophers first took the psychadellic language pill. It is time to sober up and get back to work on changing reality.

Pointing out that the way some people respond to "SJW's" is retarded does not make the behaviour of "SJW's" any less retarded.

A lot of SJWs are people who've been brutalized by class conditions and are trying their best to make sense of their plight and restore some sense of personal agency. If some feminist who was raped and not believed engages in intellectually sloppy argumentation, I'm not going to crow "GOTCHA" when the limits of her argument become apparent, because she's probably just doing the best she can given her traumas and her resources.

Some SJWs are the way they are because of serious past traumas. Not all, but enough that I reserve judgment for the most part and just focus on doing what I can for class struggle a little bit better rather than getting indignant about how someone struggling to make sense of their life isn't on my level.

And I'm not one to obsess or get mad over them either, as irritating as they may be they are ultimately harmless. The real issue that we need to deal with at the moment is porky and a resurgent and violent far right.

No, they are not.

If they're not entirely harmless, then they're a very low priority on the harm scale and their motivations are sympathetic. A lot of them could be reached and made class conscious, and those who can't are probably dealing with really dark personal shit that just makes our duties that much more urgent to do on their behalf.

All I really want is for people to maintain a little perspective when dealing with SJWs and try to remember that they're not actively or intentionally politically toxic.

You're right. They might get on a white persons nerves. They must be stopped.

Have fun doing the work of the Not Socialist vulva owners party.

It has been my experience that the "traumas" that SJWs have experienced are often what sane people call "minor annoyances."

I'm sure you'd never filter out or rationalize the experiences of people you'd already set out to dislike.

Hey, go back to the gay pride thread. That is the designated trolling and shitposting thread for the day.

What gay pride thread?


Well, I do tend to problematically disregard complaints of "almost rape" that involved leering and nothing else and cries of oppression prompted by the lack of female leads in Hollywood movies.

It is the one with the big rainbow flag in the catelogue. It's solid shitposting; it's fucking hilarious.

Fair enough. If I want to troll, I'll visit it.

Is there not a video game you could be demanding for more tit physics in? I hear porky is really good at offering that kind of thing.

Plenty of feminists do talk about those things and it's horseshit I'll give you that. Feminism as a whole is horseshit tbh.

Isn't that, more or less what the Nazis did?

You mean like Nazis did everything all about "ZE JOOSE"? Makes sense also.

Sargon is a demagog, that has found a goldmine in 'Muricans looking for someone to blame for everything and feeds them NeoMacarthism to get mony.
Thus, he turns any attempt of valid critisism towards the nomenclaturiazation of modern academia in the US and GB, into shameless anticommunist propaganda, branding everything he doesn't like "Marxist".

Happy now?

This is why we can't have nice things.
OFCOURSE they are the other part of the immidiate enemy!
Pol and tumble have both become the tools of the bourgies to split and distract the people from reality.
First you defend yourself against the hammer and then you cut of the hand.

Well, I hear the Porky needs for sexual represion to rise, in order for fascism to flourish and his chaire to remain intact.


godwin's law is bourgie faggotry to dissregard the causes of the rise of the nazi party in Germany.

Sex scenes were so gut in that movie( or then it`s just the nostalgia getting to me).

Dont you mean college and Uni?
Social Justice stuff is non existant here in rural europe, folk dont even know a thing about whats happening in the uni's or the internet.

Exactly, they constantly occupy themselfs with the actions of the enemy to keep to constant flow of propaganda going.

kek ur the reason I'll get a tripfag, just to piss y'all off

No, everywhere people feel irrationally threatened by those people. They could be commies, nazis, immigrants, terrorists, millennials, boomers, fags, cishet mysogynists, or whoever. It is not unique to the fascists.

Fight da powah.

t. someone who hasn't read a lick of analytic philosophy

Thus, he turns any attempt of valid critisism towards the nomenclaturiazation of modern academia in the US and GB, into shameless anticommunist propaganda, branding everything he doesn't like "Marxist".

No, I'm not fucking happy that you have again dodged the question. I accept Sargon is a demogogue and opposed to us. I am interested in his arguments on this topic and not more generally. Now answer my fucking question, will you?

That's the problem, user… he doesn't really have any arguments about anything aside from people so stupid that a literal toddler could see through them.

That's where I think you're wrong. He's quite clear in establishing that his petition is against the academy distributing information that is framed in an extremely politically biased manner. His videos introducing his petition even presents evidence for this.

I think you need to shut up about people "not having any arguments" if you're too stupid to have spotted that blatant reasoning in his material.

Could you please, restate your original question?

Sooo… you want the academic nomenclature, to stop being nomenclature, while it serves its purpose, by splitting the left and creating windmills for the right wing to fight as giants.

And all these, whithout changing the capitalist system.


For the most part, the "SJW" fad gained steam because of the people that despise it: everyone kept impulsively sharing Tumblr posts and FemFreq videos out of sheer rage until they became well known enough to establish a following. They gave it appeal to stupid millennials by making it seem like edgy truth being repressed by an irrational society.

The only exception being universities, which conservative media has become partially dedicated to because it fulfills their anti-intellectual fantasies of ebul librul Marxist atheist professors. In reality the only reason unis appeal to the mentally undeveloped is because it's profitable.

You're missing the point. Who gets to decide what is and is not "politically biased"? Young Earth creationists and vaccine protestors have a long-standing feud with objective reality.

SJWism was created by the CIA and the FBI to replace and become the "left".
They are pure idpol and absolutely nothing else, the problem with idpol has been discussed billions of times on this board already, it is a vile tactic to create discord and confusion among the working class and distract them from real issues and the class struggle against porky.
Ironically (or not) most SJWs are bourgeois or petit-bourgeois "privileged" kids who are trying too hard to do something to ease their "guilty" for being in a "privileged" position. They are just fucking useful idiots being used by porky to transform the "left" into a joke and guarantee that no sane proletarian will ever going to look at the "left" ever.
They are enemies of the real left and must be crushed.

Oh, and before I forget, fuck everyone in this thread who are too naive or dumb to not see how much of a threat SJWs are.
No struggle but the class struggle you fuckers.
And fuck you again.


I see words, they just don't connect in a way that has meaning.

Please. It's not difficult to tell the difference between presenting someone's opinion as opinion in the classroom versus presenting said opinion as undisputed fact. The academy should do the former, not the latter.

You're a Libertarian Socialist Rants fan?

They are only a "threat" to reformist pussies.

People are still going to bitch as I said. It's a logistical issue, not a principle one.

I didn't know you browsed here, Carl

Epic as fuck my man you sure showed me

There is a way to do that.
Show all aspects of X. Say "these are austrian economics, this is marxism, this is anarchism, this is neoliberalism and non is absolute".
Would Sargon and the Sargonites like that? I for one think their "neutrality" is "don't talk about anything that challenges the system" covered under the blanket of sociological academic nomenclature, that spreads BS only because otherwise they would have no point of existance.

AKA blah blah blah.

As long as you say "Marxism" as a "bad word", you cannot demand "neutrality".

Again, all Sargonites demand is Neomacarthism and "cleansing capitalism of the evil commies".

Do I think academia in US social sciences is bourgie nomenclature?
Does Sargon want any REAL change?

Sorry, no. It's not a secret that the SJW mob want politically biased social institutions. Go have a read about what Law and Justice have been up to in Poland recently…

I wish I had Carl's YouTube gold! However yes, all Cameron did in his reply to Sargon was asked a load of spurious toss questions. Much as Carl is biased and blatantly full of shit a lot of the time, Cameron's video was a fucking pathetic response.

Apparently so. Somewhere in this three hour video:


Sargon and his little chums make remarks amounting to the affirmative. That's what they state. It's up to you if you wish to take them at their word or not.

Of course he doesn't. Again, I couldn't give a shit about what Sargon wants. The fact you keep bringing this up is making me think that you support the Lysenkoism he's opposing in this specific case.

1- They are replacing the REAL left.
2- They don't care about class struggle and divide the working class.
3- They are socially authoritarian.

You don't seem able to even understand my argument, let alone refute it.

To be honest, I'm assuming you're not talking in plain English to mask your utter lack of an argument. That seems to be the usual tactic for wafflers here.

Anyway, it is a point of principle not to be setting up even more systems of state control over the masses. Unless you've got the keys to a T-34, I assume.

And how, exactly, do you think the socjus cult got into academia to begin with? They bitched and moaned that everything was biased.

There is no 'real' left.

Take your post-modernity and go to >>>/gulag/

Meh. This is a gross oversimplification.

Who's again that can't formulate an argument?

It means "a way for coping out when you're called on your bullshit"

She wasn't a lesbian, though.