Updated after the second attack in Germany in less than a week

Updated after the second attack in Germany in less than a week.

Like in the past, Germans trying to get ahead of French in the cuck race.

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are you fucking retarded?
you're obviously not autistic an autist would come up with better labeling.
nigger perhaps?

Kek do you think this trend is going to change next year?
What a delusional moron.

a bump UUUU lad

I'd say your "almost cucked" category is more appropriate. But I'm curious, what makes you say Denmark isn't cucked?

go back to leftypol, you mohammed apologetic

Did another spic amerimutt made this?

Spain should be in the almost cucked since they still have a lot of moors and occasional terrorist attacks.

They're the ones letting refugees in Europe, though it's true that they crack down on "islamic terrorists" way before they can even enact their crimes. Makes you wonder, huh?

Somebody calling up a government office and yelling "España chupar! Viva cataluña!" isn't a terror attack, no matter how much the European Union wants it to be so they can say separatism is the leading cause of terrorism.

OP seems to be a disabled retard
because he is one


It has finally happened, we have hit cuckchan levels of trash

oh god look how stupid Holla Forums is.

>>>Holla Forums805638

just observe. hardcore shilling just makes them feel special

kike detected

I live in Denmark, and I can confirm our country isn't cucked.
We have strict laws regarding immigrants that puts a difference on refugees and immigrants, and the EU sceptic party, which is also the
second most largest, and part of the leading government, has pushed for an EU referendum.
We aren't completely uncucked, but we aren't on the path for cucking any time soon

We hit that months ago.
I barely lurk here anymore it's gotten so bad.

Russia should definitely be maroon. As long as the Russkies have lorded over Chechnya, there have been daily kebab terror attacks.


stop colecting dust in your vagina.

denmark IS CUCKED

it takes in niggers
christianity is the main religion
jews are not executed
its part of eu and a salve non-country

No, you guys are cucked to shit



actually i wanted to mark albania.
but this countries are so unimportant it wasnt even worth to memorize them

Practice your English.

I'm Danish too, which is why I am sceptic of our "not cucked" status.
Dansk Folkeparti has so much power, yet they aren't using it for fucking anything except small inconsequential tightenings of the migration policy here and there. One could be tempted to call them controlled opposition.

We still have as much as 100 migrants a week
We still have "tålt ophold" granting rejected refugees the right to stay because we're scared they might get killed for being war-criminals or rapists or whatever else led them to flee their shithole of a home.
A migrant gets as much welfare as a Dane, with the option to get an additional 1500DKK if he/she learn basic Danish.

As long as the fuckers who assaulted me and my sister haven't either been deported or hung from the nearest lamppost, I regard my fatherland to be partially cucked at best.

Forresten, hvor er du fra? Hvis vi er tæt på hinanden kan det være jeg gir en øl.

What the flying fuck? I don't know about Langeland, but Lolland and Falster has around 40% voting for the Danish People's Party.

Iceland isn't Muslim soon, they've been kicking dunefags out and not taking any in.

83 iq analbanian detected

He wants to mark Albania as a muslim shithole but fails due to a lack of geographical knowledge. That doesn't make him Albanian you stupid fuck, it just makes him geographically ignorant.

albania here, i think we're like 50% muslim. please nuke us

wtf how do you have internet

i won us citizenship from some lottery shit lel

meant for



fuck you

uses gay language.
without checking the danish party i can tell you its a controlled opposition same as german afd and all other fake right wing parties.

ive seen different pictures on youtube but iceland in not killing anyone?
country that tolerates islam, christianity, jews and niggers is cucked.

everything else is either jew owned or will be jew owned soon

What fucking retard made this?


I agree that DPP is controlled opposition. But voters being ill informed enough to vote for controlled opposition doesn't make them less sincere in their opposition to the muslim hordes.

What are you talking about you humongous faggot?

probably a spaniard or even a moortugese

i may be an albanigger but i hate islam and i've converted to christianity




how is albania part of the european union again?

It's not. It's a candidate.

are you sure? when i visited there they used euros

By your definition, every nation in Europe is cucked.

Compared to other nations in Europe, that number is much lower, also it's been lowering.

Jeg bor i Hovedstaden

And Ecuador uses USD. Doesn't make it a state.

According to wikipedia, their official currency is something called "Lek". It is possible their stores accept euros.

Albania is only nominally Muslim. When Hoxha came to power, he declared Albania the first "constitutionally atheist country in the world". Clergy were forbidden from having anything to do with the education of the youth and were regularly humiliated.

In reality, Albania is around 80% atheist, but polls are piss-poor and many who are atheist are counted as Muslim.

Det er lidt langt væk, jeg bor selv på en flad klump ler fyldt med sukkerroer. Falster

ultra cuck for Britain? I think surely Britain just gained some points for brexit

Godt at se folk faktisk bor der.
Jeg bor op I Gentofte. Som typisk er den mest konservative kommune, men jeg ser mange folk der ændrede deres stemmer til DF.

Yeah, but London is less than 50% British, thats pretty fucking cucked.

you seem to be and average guy who have an initial error in understanding how things work.
it will not stop "muslims".
the idea of controlled oppositions against islam is to create an european islam.
same as the russian jews have created a (((russian))) controlled islam.
european islam has also several other benefits like to divide
to establish international connections to the middle east and north africa through trade
interfere in foreign politics of muslim countries

they will make them return to islam like they are doing it now in turkey

Lyngby her. Jeg er færdig med DF. Bliv stiller hos Nye Borgerlige.

Don't forget that Pakis and wogs are still marauding around the nation, Brexit isn't enough to absolve us of our sins.

Wouldn't UK be in a category of its own

We might be able to add Austria to that category soon with Hofer.

this map is so wrong and stupid, it is just obvious that a burger made this.

Hvem er de?



calvinism is protestant

french jews hated calvinists so much because calvinists bias wast to take everything over.
they had such huge success they because better than jews and that why they wanted to get rid of them.

calvinists main bias was to work hard
if you have success its because you proved god to be enlightened to lead the way.
but you are only chosen if you have success.
therefore they gave everything to get rich.

Wew lad, time to re-assess and unlearn what you have learned.
A nation founded on literal Marxist terrorism cannot be uncucked. Every political party is left wing cancer. The only reason they've avoided Muslim swamping is because their shitty socialist economic policies bankrupted their country. Everyone is cucked and would import muzzies by the boatload if they could.
Your map has marked Loyal Ulster as "cucked", it's the only part of the UK, hell, probably all of Europe, where:
The Republic of Ireland are 100% cucked, and "Irish Nationalism" is rooted in Marxist cancer and is no nationalism worth respecting.

Separatist apologist pls go

Tell me how you would run a European country Shekelberg

first of all i would get rid of all jews physically.
to determine jews i would do dna tests of whole population.
second thing i do is to destroy all churches and mosques and kill all major supporters of that religions.
all niggers and shit skins will be killed on spot and mass executed without putting them into any camps.

i would kill all major criminals and even stealing would be punished with 5 years jail.
i would allow genetic manipulation and create better, smarter and more beautiful humans.

as birthrate seems to be not re-constructable i would create humans artificially as its already possible.

i would either create an own religion only benefiting white people and white race, or i take non-semitic buddhism and change it a slightly so its not cuckable and will never allow degeneration.

minimum voting age will be set to 27 years of age.
woman will be restricted from government and politics.
only white people will be allowed to receive welfare and healthcare. (there will be no poo humans left anyway)

no drugs. alcoholics and drug addicts will be executed.
supervised suicide will be allowed to everyone, as people who dont want to live are ballast anyway.

and a lot of more things

Nye Borgerlige er stort set Liberal Alliance med en stram udlændingepolitik. Det er endda sponsoreret af Lars Seier Christensens bror Peter Seier Christensen, så det er endnu et parti der får sin politik dikteret fra Saxo Bank.

De er nationalkonservative og vil som sådan primært trække deres vælgere fra de Konservative og fra DF's højre fløj. Dog kommer de nok til at kæmpe med Danskernes Parti og/eller Dansk Samling, da alle tre bejler til folk som ser DF for værende slap på asyl- og udlændingepolitik. Nye Borgerlige kan måske også hapse end del af LA, hvilket de to andre nok ikke kan præstere da de ikke er ligeså laissez faire i deres økonomiske politik.

Is this b8 or are you fucking retarded? I have to know.

One does not necessarily exclude the other.

Danefag here aswell, you guys do know Danske Folkeparti is shilling HARD for zionism, right?

It is controlled opposition after Pia left.

NB bliver ikke sponsoreret af PSC. PSC er næstformand. PSC er ikke en "rigmannd": I Danmark er det umuligt for et parti at få penge under bordet.

Jeg er medlem af NB, men stiller for DP og jeg stemmer på DP når folketingsvalget kommer.

MEEEN det når vi ikke, der kommer "borgerkrig" først.

It did well to redpill Germans in my experience.

They used to cry "lol but they don't attack germany so is ok, ja1!! lololoolo"

Angående vælgersegmenterne kommer NB til at sluger mange stemmer fra LA+DF+K og V.

DS+DP kommer til at sluger mange stemmer fra DF og muligvis lidt fra S+SF.

Danskerne er pisse trætte af det lort her.
DF har fejlet helt, fordi de ER controlled opposition. Det er næsten for tydeligt. NB er også tildels controlled op, men tror de kom bag på dem et parti som NB dukkede op af den blå luft.Lars Hedegaard om har meldt sig ind er jøde og er sandsynligvis Mossad agent.

DP er influeret, men ikke controlled op. Daniel Carlsen er national socialist hele vejen igennem. Han er ikke dum.

Jeg er selv tidligere K/LA/DF vælger, men er gået over til DP og er ren national socialist nu.

Why not do this in Africa instead?

Duh, who doesn't know that? They've been acting as controlled opposition since at least the 2005 election, possibly since the party's inception.

Du kan personligt donere op til 20000kr anonymt til en kandidat eller et parti. Der er ingen grænser for hvor mange kandidater du kan gøre det for, så man kan "snyde" ved at give 20K til partiet og hver af dets kandidater.
Derudover kan du starte en "erhvervsklub" eller en "indsamlingsforening" a la de Amerikanse PACs, sådanne foreninger er ikke pligtige til offentligt at oplyse egne støtter, og figurerer kun med foreningsnavn i oversigterne for partistøtte, hvilket betyder de facto anonymitet for pengemændene bag.

Kort sagt er partistøtte præcis så ugennemsigtigt som donor vil have det, og det er naivt at tro andet.

Hvorfor i alverden så være medlem af NB!?

This. Had not Denmark a nationalist running for President assassinated by muds?

1 Denmark is a constitutional monarchy, we have a Prime Minister not a president.
2 No such assassination has happened.


Where the fuck you do live, moron?


are you totally dumb?
jews won the second fake war.

eu is a jewish construction.
jemany is totally run by kikes.
eu is a slave state run by kikes.
russias government and elite are all kikes.
ukraine is run by kikes.
this year serbia was taken over by a pro eu rulership and the heead is a kike.
engalnd is ruled by kikes since they intermixed, even david camoron is of german banker kike origin.
the deep state and intelligence is obeying jewish money.
the baltic states are filled with mix-kikes
even through polands jews moved away many of them are mixed to jews. jews still own the core of poland.
the borders for eu are opened. even if you close them all big cities are full of nigger trash and muslims.

do you think that even a single nigger has the right to come to europe even as a tourist?
you are living under a stone

Nothing to see here goys…

Richard Gutjahr - German journalist

Husband of Ex-Mossad Lieutenant and former Knesset member, who just so happened to coincidentally find himself in Cairo to film the (((Arab Springs))) just as it was "Habbeninks".

Later he would find notoriety as the goy…er guy who managed to get back from his historic holiday in Nice managing to capture on film a white truck doing nothing much, shortly before it went on to do something that made headlines around the world, after his lovely holiday trip he got back arriving in Germany, Munich to be precise, just in time to catch the beginning of the Munich terror attack.

I hope no tin foil hatters are going to use this mere cohencidence to make claims that israeli intelligence services are directly involved in this.

Remember coincidences are just that, a coincidence, nothing more, nothing less filthy goyim.

We have to shed ourselves and this entire movement of all these conspiracy theorists, who provide facts and evidence of conspiracies taking place, and go with whatever the jewish media tells you goys.

A bit like uncle CIA-kike Anglin has been telling you goys about since he started, remove tin foil hats and watch and believe all you see and hear on TV, got that goys?

Conspiracy tin foil hat wearing nutjobs almost all become anti-semites in one way or another eventually, so we must purge this site and all others of any and all people who notice things…

Now go fight for israel you filthy low-down dog goys… er guys.



maybe you're thinking of the netherlands?

gas yourself

Looks like this one wasn't a Jihadist

I'm not sure about the baltic countries being in the anti-cuck alliance.

They are so afraid of russia that they allow the west to do whatever they want to them. Lithuania is doing austerity, estonia is accepting migrants.

All of Western Europe is cucked you dumb Amerifat.

Italy, Denmark, Moortugal, Greece and Switzerland are very un-cucked.

Greece is ruled by communists that are not doing anything to stop immigrants from entering Europe and has threatened repeatedly to send them to the rest of Europe, EU meets their demands and the communist greeks still send the immigrants anyway. They are more cucked than anyone else in Europe.









Holla Forums BTFO

Well, I see that we've gotten the worst of the edgy Reddit fedoras recently. I don't understand how someone can have such advanced Asperger's.

Is that he killed mostly sandniggers? How are we btfo.



Christcuck detected.



Thanks for reminding me.

Holy shit

Gah fuck, I missed Iceland.

Gah fuck, I missed Iceland.

Heh, that hasn't happened for a while.


Your map is retarded m80.

i just added my country to the op pic because he's ill informed

There is no sentiment to remove kebab in Serbia?

Dansker her, skift Danmark til "Almost cucked"
Dane here, change Denmark to "Almost cucked"

I'd love to say otherwise, but just looking at our political parties proves that our climate is ripe for the full Sweden treatment. Its only our population (outside the big cities) who are not cucked, but also never represented. News from mudswine attacks are supressed or changed, etc.


Nah, you're already cucked.


Sure chaim.

Germany and France has both had multiple per year, your map is shit and serbia should be anti-cuck league.

Wew lad.

It's true, you're all about watching Tyrone fucking your wife.

Serbia is hosting hundreds of thousands of kebab, and they only want to send them to Germany.

Serbia is borderline cuck.

speak english properly you autistic faggot

no, we just named a muslim for the head of the educational committee in the parliament. Also the cancer of feminism is reaching us

They are an outright muslim country and not even european in the first place.

Why are they even on the list?
They should be put on a separate In need to be crusaded list

Bosnian muslim right? not a a durka durka dune coon mudslime?

Haha oh boy

Hvor kan jeg tage hen for at få rigtige nyheder om Danmark? Jeg har fuldstændigt opgivet at få nyheder fra nogensomhelst steder og er derfor blevet uinformeret. Jeg kan ikke tåle aviserne og DR.

yes, we don't have sand niggers in our country, but a muslim is a musllim, and ours are separatists

Doesn't Denmark have an alt-media?

You cant seriously be this stupid

shit skin president


I don't know where to begin looking and I've been too busy improving myself to find out where to look. Its my own failings, but I may as well ask for help.

I wanna believe that you are better off than this shit country

Exactly like over here and everywhere else

I wouldn't know, I'm not Danish

But if we can have an active alt-media you should probably have one to.

you should start taking in niggers who dont like niggers.

oh and wait. as the nigger dont like niggers he should breed with your daughter instead (probably he should breed you first).

but its not over yer. because the nigger says niggers are shit, you should start worshiping him.

i really think cristians are not white.
they are like you. praise you nigger in the end you will be hanged by him.


Was either not talked about or blamed on "youths". Of course the population knows who were doing it, but it just goes to show how cucked the media is.

More like (((controlled))).

How in the fuck is that a shitskin?

are you measuring how much peace of the religion of peace there is on these enriched countries?

Oy vey


im sorry he is probably white
same as turks are white.
same as albino niggers are white

Remind me you absolute nigger, who said "Don't remove Gaddafi" before all the other faggots came out of the bushes,years later, saying "Oh yeah,removing Gaddafi was an error, silly us"?
Our political situation isn't different from Germany, we are in EU until it collapse thanks to our constitution and the peace treaty of the American in 1947. And sure as hell wasn't us who started the "bring immigrants in" ,our police used to bash them and so the lefties, so much they had to make a film. Who the fuck removed Berlusconi if not Obama,Merkel and the other filth?

I have to inform the op and everyone itt that despite your regular Joe here despising muslims and wanting nothing to do with these subhumans, our (((government))) has been going out of it's way to be the bestest goy and play mother Theresa with the "migrants" even if we have been telling them to close the fucking border since day one.
At least we never had those girls with "refugees welcome" signs or housewives bringing them sandwiches and shit, so that's a positive.

Intermarium when?

We're between a rock and a hard place, user.


Some turks are white, turks as in nationality of those olde analtolians who couldnt get out on time

Turks are mongrels of southern euros, middle easterners and Mongols user, they're sort of their own unique race, kinda like pajeets

Nørgaards Netfix is liberal propaganda disguised as comedy.

Cool D/C, kike.

Turks are turkic scum, they are their own race, and most arabs are turkic mongrels who got raped by them in the pajeet crusades
But in turkroach territory there's old european enclaves in the west, like Izmir or Antalya, with old mainland greeks (anatolians) and some illyrians

Obviously they are a very small minority like the original arabs (yazidis, persians)
And shockingly enough they don't seem to be savage terrorists
But they do exist

Denmark is far from not cucked people I know instantly laugh when le ebil extremist Daniel Carlsen talks about white genocide like they have been programmed to do so.

The Danish People Party is controlled opposition Denmark always get record high immigration whenever they are in power.

They are blame everything on Islam and don't see the big picture along with their Hardline Zionism.

All they really do is to install symbolic laws like the smykkelov which does nothing but increasing the public sympathy for mass-immigration.

As someone who's live in Ireland for a long time Ireland is definitely cucked to hell.

Finland barely has any muslims. The fuck are you on about.

IIRC turks barely have any of that turkic/mongol blood left, their DNA is about 40% southern european, 45% middle eastern, and 15% asian

Siden der er masse dansker der holder øje med denne her thread.
Hvem vil du stemme på i det næste valg, og hvorfor er det DP. Ud over at de ikke kommer til at være med ;_;

There, I fixed your retarded color keys. It was driving me nuts.


I'm not a Christian you retard, I just think that killing off nearly every White person in Europe is a terrible idea.
Fags are a small percentage of Whites, we can just send them to mental hospital to get them fixed within a few years of research, develop a cure and BOOM, no more gays.
I can barely take you seriously with how cancerous you spell. So have fun killing nearly the whole population of Europe, that will help the Jewish White Nationalist cause.

Måske Dansk Samling, Hvis de stiller op.

Jeg vil stemme DP hvis de kommer på stemmesedlen. Mit andetvalg er DS, tredjevalg er NB.
Jeg er så utilfreds med DF at hvis ingen af de tre partier kommer på listen så tror jeg at jeg vil bruge den tid jeg ellers ville bruge på at gå ned og stemme på at skrive et brev til General Hillingsøe og opfordre ham til at komme ud af pension og lede et militærkup.

Men du skal nok se, næste valg er først om en 2-3 år med mindre et af støttepartierne trækker stikket inden da (Kan eventuelt ske til efteråret når der skal forhandles skattereform). DP var angiveligt nået over halvvejs til de 20000 i April, og det var før den store medieovervågning de fik i Thisted. Så jeg vil vove at påstå at hvis regeringen ikke vælter før efterårsferien skal DP nok kunne nå på stemmesedlen.
NB kommer nok også på stemmesedlen, da bagbords-piraten hos de Konservative gør sit ypperste for at sænke skuden og drive vælgerne til NB. Af de tre nye højrefløjspartier tror jeg faktisk kun at DS kan få reelle problemer med at stille op, siden de er så pokkers tavse.

Hvad der så sker ved valget kan jeg kun gisne om, men de tre burde have 13% af stemmerne at slås om hvis den undersøgelse fra Januar er noget at gå efter.

Jeg er ikke sikker på hvem jeg vil stemme på hvis DP ikke kommer på stemmesedlen.

Jeg har ikke nok viden om de andre to partier og deres politik, jeg ved stadig ikke alt for meget om Danskernes Parti, ud over at de er National Socialistiske, som er godt nok for mig.



Why aren't Germany and France gray?

Hungary should be under its own category simply based on the magnificent level of anti-cuckery that is going on over there.
And it just seems to be getting stronger with time; just recently Orban was the first leader of the west to openly endorse The God Emperor.
Faawkin Based

The green should be "not that cucked".

Fixed it.
