Can someone explain this shit too me?
Can someone explain this shit too me?
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Didn't you hear? Even the costumes are edgy.
Who the fuck thought those ugly suits with no color to them was a good idea?
I think we live in a world that the watchmen movie and man of steel had more colors than a power rangers movie.
Its the Keaton Batman situation
I don't know..the Keaton Batman thing isn't that dark, well at least the first film anyways. Batman Returns is so dreary I only watch it to see Walken hamming it up.
Theorically Does this mean one day we will see Tommy carve the green ranger symbol on the foreheads of child rapists and drug dealers? Sorta like what the DCEU batman does.
MMPR isn't Holla Forums. It's Holla Forums.
This thread about dark reboots in general.
Simple..because they want to be "mature" but they confuse "mature" with "So edgy you might cut yourself pointing at it". Seriously, using Power Rangers as an example, take a look at Sentai, they can be mature yet still be goofy. But no, some folks think that mature = no goofy stuff ever because all adults are humorless folks who would kill at a drop of a hat.
The tone of Sentai is what the G.I.Joe movies should of been like. Both humorous and goofy. Yet serious at the same time.
Friendly reminder Proto-SJWs gotten the original black Ranger fried for being a black actor playing a black superhero
Holy shit. Was this the first major SJW creeping?
No and the funny thing is, Walter Jones WANTED to be the black ranger, he was originally casted as the blue ranger.
Aren't they trying to prey on nostalgia? Why would they go with these designs
You would think so but, they're not making power rangers. Compare one of them to any of the other rangers of the same color. Take your time, look up more if you have to. They look too fucking metallic to be fucking power rangers.
I didn't watch the movie but, that is suppose to be Lex "stole 40 cakes" Luthor?
MP4 relates to both comments.
he seems like a cool guy.
i thought we were over this after FF and Man of Steel
We won't be over this until Captain Planet, inspecter gadget and street sharks get GrimDark reboots. If power rangers 2017 does good. We might get that dark street sharks reboot movie.
Come on user, we got
And now
We past the line long ago user, might as well keep going
Pretty much. Liveman and Jetman are probably the darkest/most mature Sentai and they have more than their share of goofy shit. Kamen Rider Amazon is Tarzan as a Kamen Rider and has lots of goofy shit, yet is also the most violent KR series by far and neither of it feels incompatible.
How is it bait? It's just off topic.
Sage for Holla Forums thread.
A. It did that by itself on occasion.
B. Done right, it'd be the best thing ever.
I want this, but I know deep down it will most likely end up being shit.
Isn't that just basically The Shadow?
The whole reboot will end up as a coming out of the closet storyline.
Not much of a power rangers fan but hopefully this will bomb so the studios can stop making this crap.
We can hope. But I have feeling this might become the new Bayformers.
Keaton Batman was weird. Was dark, but kept the camp, and had more of a psychological edge.
I think in both cases, the best Batman movies aren't following trends, they're being their own thing. (by setting them) The Burton movies were a bit like taking the Adam West style seriously; a world fucked up enough to have masked and costumed men fighting on city streets with grandiose plots; while the Nolan movies were more exploring what fucked up circumstances lead to a Batman, and the effects of a Batman on a city, with a touch of crime drama. They weren't dark for the sake of it, they were dark to show the effects and consequences of crime and vigilantism, and give stakes to what Batman is trying to do.