Brace yourselves for another exodus.
Brace yourselves for another exodus.
In other news, water is wet
4chan went down a couple days ago and Holla Forums got flooded with shitposters.
half/tg/ is having some drama over quests, now that the mods finally decided that quests should go to the board for quests.. Y'know, that thing that /tg/ wanted for years, but people eventually gave up on and went to 8ch for, because /tg/ doesn't tolerate shit mods fucking with the way they run things.
Not sure about other boards, but there's definitely something stirring on cuckchan.
Ah, the nazimod drama
What a way to ruin one of my favorite places in the whole Internet, fucking assholes
If, by any chance, we have Cuckchan illegals, we might have to go full Judge Dredd on them
It's been so long since I've seen cuck/co/ that I've really forgotten how badly the place was fucked up post 2011.
This is what happens when you have several generations of users who have just been imitating previous generations. It's a bad game of telephone and now they genuinely do not understand imageboard culture.
is that anthony burch? i refuse to believe someone can be THAT cucked or have so much shit taste that they can't see when they're being shit in their mouths.
God, the stupidity got even worse!
That would be the worse case scenario for us mate.
I'm allergic to cuckchan and the pleb infestation there, would you mind sharing any horror stories of half/co/?
I'm usually not one to get autistic about anime on Holla Forums. I tend to ignore weebs on Holla Forums but they were either capeshit weebshit or digimon/dbz.
Why is this jojo eternal general here.
This board is good enough without these people. We have are own problems here anyway. Too many faggots using sage as a downvote, trying to self-moderate, acting territorial when they weren't even here before the 4chan IRC logs leaked. As long as things stay the course on both sites, this place will continue to attract drawfags will the other place will continue to contain most of the left-wingers, millennials, and normies.
Adventure Time became so unwatchable they started to talk about JoJo one day (After comparing the two or something along it), a couple Holla Forums anons came and joined when Holla Forums was getting spammed one day and it just kinda stuck.
Wasn't he replaced by the pedophile-loving numale called Troid?
He was the moderator of a number of boards, more infamously known for shitting up /a/.
Nigga I know that. I want to know why the fuck it's staying here as a eternal general instead of just getting the boot
Oh, Beyonder said it was cool as long as they stayed in one thread, also because of Toonami.
Because you're not in charge here.
It's worth acknowledging that Holla Forums's decentralized moderation structure has become it's greatest strength against corruption.
4chan mods are mostly free roaming. They go wherever the fuck they want and do whatever they feel is right. If they all decide to drink the kool-aid and enforce SJW ideology, then no one can stop them. Chinkmoot doesn't care. Janitors can't do shit.
This is the kind of shit that really encouraged the GG-exodus in October of 2014. All the mods were cunts and moot was shitting on the users. Arbitrary enforcement of site rules and a hostile attitude towards users made them leave.
On Holla Forums, mods run the boards they claim or make. This means there is no secret meetings where the mods take marching orders from the site owner. There's little action from global volunteers because they aren't allowed to act on anything but CP.
It isn't even fucking airing on toonami yet. So what, we can make a thread for anything from toonami?
Fuck that. If you're gonna do some gay shit like that keep it to making threads when toonami garbage happens instead of keeping in the board.
The dubs compel you, user. Share thy tales.
no there won't be, there hasn't been one since the first one nearly 3 years ago now and there isn't gonna be one.
they had every chance to leave that place but they chose to stay , that says everything there is to be said
jesus christ just admit you don't want to talk about capeshit and garfield anymore and go to /a/
I suppose so, in a technical sense but I don't think anyone here really watches toonami though.
I would love to see every thread descend into each side repeating ad nauseum why the other sucks.
on a related note : if indeed every other board on 4chan had the same meta threads just like half/co/ had then that somewhat explains the decreased amount of shitposting and active users across boards here well , except for Holla Forums since dramafags seem to have fucked off over there to have an input and try and shape the landscape ,as it were , of 4chan
Fucking this.
I don't bash anime or have some hate boner for it. Just the majority of it doesn't belong on Holla Forums.
Just cause you don't want to discuss it on /a/ doesn't mean you should bring it here. Find some other weeb community to talk about it.
Not necessarily, the Holla Forums moderation system has plenty of problems if not more than halfchan. But it works because people of the community are the moderators of their own board or at least care for the subject being talked. Back when Gamergate was in its prime they went through at least 4 boards because moderation either got tired or was cooped.The good thing about it was they were able to move on and start a new board, the bad was the loss of people and drama created. Our original /int/ (not Holla Forums) was a fairly decent place for /int/ refugees during exodus #2 but somehow a goon got in control and it became Holla Forums and we all know what happened after. Another recent example That isn't the Hi-jinx incident on Holla Forums was /furry/ where a massive civil war broke out because some shitty guidelines that were made and at one point their were two competing furry boards, now /furry/ has lost most of its users and currently is behind us and /a/, a first for them.
Its always cross-website scum that ruins everything. Anyone that says…
>But user your delusional, we shouldn't exclude people just because they come from half/co/ and Reddit I'm looking at you Infinity-user
That may be true in a sense but they're still a traitor nether-less, especially when they're are rules in place to replace boards if enough people get behind it.
The /jojo/ general will remain. Beyonder allows it. Please hide and ignore the thread if you do not like it.
Why though? It has fucking jack shit to do with comics and cartoons.
Fucking make some clear rules about this weebshit already.
Where have you been the last 5 months? We've already had a shit-ton of threads talking about it.
Look I'm not trying to go on some crusade on anime. Even if I'm not a fan of anime I can see why some might be on the board occasionally
Shit like Attack on titan comic x marvel. Okay fine. It's clearly a comic crossover with some anime
Marvel anime. Okay fine. It's anime based on Holla Forums properties
Digimon and Dragonball. I don't know how that works out but 4chan Holla Forums was all for it because I dunno we watched it before we even knew what anime was as tykes.
Toonami general. Fine what the fuck ever but that was only allowed during the weekened.
Anime with capeshit properties. I can't fucking name them but they appear sometimes on this board.
West vs East. Eh wahtever dicksucking and dickwaving
All this shit is fine in moderation.
They always go away after a week or two. They don't stay on board 24/7 for months on end.
Unlike JoJo which has nothing to do with the board's topic.
It shouldn't. Permathreads are cancerous regardless of subject matter, and the fact that there's one for something blatantly /a/ just makes it worse.
The moderation there just really let the power get to their heads. They had no accountability, seemed to mostly circlejerk each other in their IRC echochamber that every thing they were doing was in the right and the userbase was just wrong.
Redwood is a fine example that is often pointed to as a cancerous moderator. He banned things he didn't like, singled out users who hated him before he joined the staff and stalked them all over the place GR9'ing them, was just a poor choice for any sort of position like that in general (no technical skills, no professional background, and I heard he also recently flunked out of the navy too… like how bad do you need to be to fuck up in the Navy? I know literal retards who went through basic training with ease). Reading the leaked logs, the other staff members just seem to go with the flow with every single fuck up he made. I don't know if they were just afraid of moot coming down on them for speaking out, or if they really just kissed ass to the guy because he was a nigger and they didn't want to be called racist. From what I understand, at least now they required him to stop using his tripcode publicly since pretty much every post he makes derails the thread.
Try claiming some cartoony looking character is your waifu at /a/ or /mai/ and enjoy the shit storm, 7co/ is way to lenient and seems to love to be walked upon.
I have thought about making a board myself but people always discourage me and say noone will come, If 4's Holla Forums is banning Anime then I will have to go back, I go mostly to /trash/ anyways.
It's far from perfect, but the segmented and self-contained nature of each board ensures that in the event of total and irrevokable fuckery from moderation, no other boards will experience the same treatment from the same mod that ruined another board.
It's far from perfect, but it has specific advantages over 4chan that keep it from going the way of 4chan, which is one that is wholly irredeemable and beyond saving, as we're seeing now.
I've seen the shit that passes for waifus around here. If your waifu was drawn by Butch Hartman, then you deserve a shitstorm.
what the fuck are you on about?
what kind of technical and/or professional skills/background would someone need to shitpost on an imageboard?
I smell a Power Girl autist.
PGA loves to stir up shit with very basic troll tactics by insisting that all anime is trash and that all western comics are superior.
I think we're fine for now.
And nothing of value was lost.
It's convenient, of course, for weebs to claim that all posters who want /a/ out of Holla Forums are the Power Girl moron.
Let's enjoy the show, this might give us a few good keks
When was the last time we even got an influx of cuckchan users ?
Bruh you got me mixed up with the wrong nigger.
Hell I've kept quiet about this for a while but I saw this meta thread and saw the first image with the anime/manga autism posts.
Is it really too much to ask that people at least try to keep it semi related to Holla Forums with the anime? I don't think all anime should be given a death sentence here but these jojo fucks don't even make it an effort to have it remotely related to anything from comics and cartoons.
Welp we hate AT so lets' talk about shit that has no place on this board!
There's no reason this should be on Holla Forums.
I remember there being a thread discussing the jojo finale and it passed away after a week just fine. It might have been within the first year of this board's creation I don't mind that shit. Nobody forced it to stay on the board afterwards. Everyone had their fill and went back to whatever Holla Forums shit they wanted to talk about. This is fine once in a while.
This fucking general has been here for months. It doesn't go away. It overstayed its welcome.
I know people here will bitch about the other generals but they're Holla Forums related. I can't say the same for this anime.
You'd be happier somewhere else.
Nigga, have you failed to notice just how big a Westabooese property Jojo is?
Are you the same anti-Jojo faggot that never shuts up? Why haven't you fucked off back to cuckchan by now?
At this point Jojo is part of the board culture. It's its own form of shitposting when someone brings up a crappy cartoon that doesn't even deserve to be talked about.
Besides, iirc it's on toonami now and toonami talk is allowed.
This is literally the first time I talked about this shit. I don't make it my business to go into the jojo threads since I don't come to this board to be a weeb. Who knew there were others that might have some qualms about hosting a eternal /a/ general on Holla Forums.
Shit that hasn't even aired on toonami and won't for another fucking month which makes the past few months a mystery.
I really do want to see some clear guidelines on what passes on Holla Forums if it's anime. If you're gonna talk toonami anime then fucking make a general when toonami airs instead.
Might as well say SAO or kill la kill threads is suddenly a okay because it aired on toonami.
This isn't cuckchan. Posting around here has a relaxed enough pace that any Toonami general would 'hang around 24/7' and quickly become another 'eternal' general thread for you to bitch about.
Since full/co/ can't satisfy your aspergers, then you should pack up your shit and leave.
You're absolutely right that the slow pace of this board allows for threads to stay on here far longer that it needs to.
Delete the toonami general after a few days. Wait a few more days until the next weekend to discuss your anime shit.
It's more than anime deserves on a board dedicated to cartoons and comics.
Let's try to at least put some limits to this board being treated as the dumping grounds for /a/ and Holla Forums
Hide the fucking thread or get the fuck out, faggot.
The only ones who should pack up and leave are the retards who only come to Holla Forums to suck anime dick.
You have to work extra hard to be as abysmal as 4chan Holla Forums is.
i believe the words that come to mind rhyme with 'tugging yell'
I fucking hate these queers
Holla Forums's delusions have always stunned me. In their own words they have the best mods, the best userbase, the best content, the best level of traffic, the best opinions, when in reality they have the worst of all those things and the rest of 4chan despises them.
On the bright side, this does mean we don't have to worry about another exodus, at least. If they wanted to leave, they'd have to admit that something was wrong, first.
hahaha oh wow
That's basically it. They're literally the "this is fine" mindset as everything decays and turns poisonous around them as result solely of their own actions and behaviors.
And anyway, they wouldn't survive here, anything outside a libcuck echo chamber triggers them.
Holy shit Boco is still there.
Who was that tripfag again ?
Clearly they cannot withstand the presence of Lord Kek