Want to get in shape

Dude this is sounding really gay. Can I just eat whatever I want and do 5x5 training?

Other urls found in this thread:


well, it depends on what you mean by "getting in shape"
honestly just get milk, a sack of beans, oatmeal, rice and chicken (whole is cheaper usually) and do things in a REASONABLE manner
also there's a great board called "slash fit slash" where this post should have gone

the /fit/ sticky isn't really that complicated

eat fewer calories than you burn if you're trying to lose weight, eat more than you burn if you're trying to gain weight

Please no, there's enough newbies who post about not reading the sticky already.

Wtf did you read faggot it clearly wasnt the stciky

Go read the fucking sticky


If you want to lose weight, then yeah, just eat whatever you want(within reason), and then exercise for an hour a day.

I used to eat nothing but trash, as in nothing but double quarter pounders, 5+ sodas a day, etc, but I was still 180 pounds because I exercised for an hour a day. Not even vigorous exercise either, just walking up and down hills in my town, and I kept the weight off.

run for the cardio skelly gains
bitches love lollipop arms

look at long distance male runners. They are like jack skellington. what you should be doing is sprinting for as fast as you can for as long as you can then work out

I want to be the skellington
leave humanity behind, become an ethiopian ubermensch

Niggersage for niggerpeople



don't worry, im 6'0'' and 145 lb

damn you already a skeleton im 6'0 195

No, unless its fruits, veggies and baby sized portions of meat consider food your enemy from now on

Sure go ahead, its pretty lame but if you literally have no clue how to train its a good program to go through and introduces you to strength training.

I only eat like a whole 300g packet of red liquorice and 150g chocolate a week
fruit is sports candy, just like the lazytown guy said

also, eat fibre, it makes you less hungry. I eat 10+ carrots a week, thats why my BMI is 20

found the faggot

Im not fat, Im skelly

You really should just ask a gymbro if you aren't a nofriends autist.

I've lost about 30 pounds so far, all I did to accomplish that was cut my daily calorie intake down to about an average of 1500 per day. Keep your carbs down, cut sugar as much as possible. I also lift 6 days a week and do cardio 7 days a week, but diet is the biggest thing. I had a birthday last week and still lost a half a pound eating cake twice a day for most of the week. I average about 3 pounds lost per week with my diet and exercise routine when I don't fuck up like that.


Fucking wew. I'm pretty sure Holla Forums gets at least a third of their traffic from the Donald now.


If you're a skinnyfag, yes. If you are a fatty, no.

What are your goals?


I have toothpick arms and I want them to be bigger. Not shredded, but good enough to call myself a man. I also do cardio so I can get into parkour in private since normalfags ruined that too and now people think it's somehow fedora tier

I've read that sticky a million times and the tl;dr of it is to eat chicken and vegetables ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Vegetables, because they are filling, and chicken because it provides a ton of protein.

If you wanna lose weight, smoke crack.


All you need


Just don't eat the carbohydrate jew which is essentially empty calories. It's not hard.

Pretty much this. Keep net carbohydrate intake below 100g per day, keep it below 60g if you're not very active.

Stay away from fruit, wheat, grains and rice. That means no pizza/pasta/nuggets/etc but you can eat as much unbreaded meat/fish you want. You can even load up on certain cheeses like cheddar and parmesan. Focus more on staying under your daily net carbohydrate goal than calories. It'll be very hard to overeat if you're sticking to under 60-100 net carbohydrates a day.

Net carbohydrates is total carbohydrate minus fiber btw for fellow Americans. For example that means if something has 12g of total carbohydrates and 5g of fiber net carbohydrates is 7g.

I seriously started this diet 2 week ago and have already lost 15 pounds just walking on my treadmill while watching TV for 30 minutes 3 times a week.

If you're a skelly and want to bulk up, just start eating peanut butter.

How true is this?

If you wanna be healthier, then eat good food (tons of veggies, reduce bread, pasta and carbs, eat meat and fish twice a week) and do cardio like there's no tomorrow.
If you wanna be fit, tho, it's something else.

I don't think either of those are healthy

Oh my fucking god. Why do you people have to keep spreading the keto meme? Do you really want me to unleash the Ray Peat autism on this thread just like the last one? FUCK. I've been eating more sugar than in my entire life recently and I've been losing fat. This isn't some fucking trap where you get diabetes. Nobody needs masochism to lose fat.

Get plenty of sugar from orange juice, oranges, or mandarins. Literally eat an orange or mandarin every two hours and you will lose weight while eating more calories.
Add that sugar to all meals high in protein. Milk is good because it pairs protein with lactose and a bunch of vitamins.
Get some iodized salt on your meals to activate the thyroid.
Avoid polyunsaturated fats. Saturated tastes better anyways.


What are you even on about?
I specified bread & pasta, and you are talking about oranges.

You also said carbs in general. I even quoted you saying carbs. Fructose is a carb. Oranges have fructose. What's the problem here?

When people say carbs they don't think of fructose man, chill your autism.

wat do Holla Forums? i heard crossfit works..

drink some milk


how much? what about crossfit?

Round is a shape.


You could have hypothyroidism.
Refer to in order to take the first steps towards speeding up your metabolism. If you eat "trash", that almost inevitably involves polyunsaturated fats. Stop eating those. You may become diabetic even while skinny from eating those. [1] You need to have plenty of carbs, dietary fat, and protein to restore healthy weight. Milk is not a bad idea, as it contains all three, but it is liquid. Cheese and fruit is another option. Don't rely on that alone. Get meat, and always add sugar in some form to a high protein meal. The more vitamins and minerals that come with that sugar, the better. Fruit and fruit juice is tier 1. Raw honey is tier 2. Refined sugar is tier 3. High fructose corn syrup is garbage tier and contains mercury among other things.

Once started on this dietary path selectively increase dietary fat intake if you need to gain weight or decrease it if you want to lose weight. Use coconut oil or dairy such as whole milk, cheese, or butter for additional fat as this is the simplest way to get primarily saturated fat. So eat plenty and keep adding butter or coconut oil until you gain weight. Maybe you don't have the appetite to do that right now, but eating oranges and mandarins between meals will increase your appetite.

I'm sorry if this means you'll have to stop eating "trash", but I want you to understand that the diet I recommend actually tastes better than junk food. Butter tastes better than canola oil. Plenty of salt is better than none. Fruits satisfy the sweet tooth. Ice cream is great too, but avoid carrageenan. [2] Eating "gourmet" is more satisfying, not necessarily because of discipline, but simply because it just tastes better.

[1] raypeat.com/articles/articles/sugar-issues.shtml
[2] raypeat.com/articles/nutrition/carrageenan.shtml

Regarding the hypothyroidism. Look for these symptoms:
1. Frequently cold. Are your hands and feet cold?
2. Tired all the time.
3. Depression. Low mental energy.

There's actually a hundred other possible symptoms, but if all you have time for is a quick glance, check for those. Otherwise go read about in on Wikipedia and elsewhere for more information especially if you aren't sure. It's not necessarily textbook hypothyroidism either. It could just be "not-enough-thyroidism" if you know what I mean. Just like there is anorexic and skinny. Neither is optimal.

This. Eat exclusively sugar. You'll be fine. As long as you run a bit it doesn't matter what you put in your mouth. It's not like your body is an incredibly sophisticated chemical factory with numerous raw material requirements. The same goes for your car actually. Calories are calories, so just shove whatever fuel you like in it. Sugar works there too, since it contains energy. If your car starts to have problems, you just need to drive more to burn off the excess calories. All problems in the world can be reduced to "energy in vs. energy out".

i will reduce my shit-eating habits. i already eat meat everyday, so i'll start pushing oranges/mandarins in my "diet".about the fruit juices, can i pick anything for a grocery shelf, or do i have to get the expensive shit (if it has to be expensive hipster shit, i'll just start making my own juice). i'm gonna buy milk and shit tomorrow
not always.

As far as orange juice goes, refer to this chart and try at the very least to go for enzyme-free. I find it easier on the digestion. Orange juice is the simplest juice you can buy in a typical grocery store without major pitfalls. Stick with that for a while until you learn more about this type of diet. [1] Grapefruit, for example, can be considered estrogenic as it inhibits the liver from metabolizing estrogen. [2] A healthy liver protects you from many random dietary estrogens. Apples and apple juice contain pectin, which may not be ideal. Cooking apples alleviates this issue. Grape juice can work, but I don't know the details on how to choose the best variety. It's not necessarily that some fruits are deadly poison, it's just that when you seek better health, you want fruits that give you the most optimal aid.

You say you are always cold, and low body temperature is a very distinct sign of hypothyroidism. However, you aren't tired. It's possible you are constantly running on adrenaline and cortisol. This can't go on forever. Eventually adrenal glands will go on strike. I recommend you also start supplementing magnesium to modulate what are likely tired or overactive adrenal glands. [3] 6 mg per kilogram of body weight is probably where you want to start. [4] Cortisol production is a reaction to stress and low blood glucose. Getting more sugar in the way I have recommended will help your adrenal glands to stop panicking and to subsequently produce less cortisol. You must not fail to pair protein with sugar if you want to relax your adrenal glands. [5]

[1] One place you might learn more: raypeatforum.com/
[2] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8751044
[3] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21835188
[4] ajcn.nutrition.org/content/14/6/342.abstract
[5] raypeat.com/articles/articles/glycemia.shtml


fap all excess calories is easiest

To further elaborate on why keto is a bad idea, it is because it will inevitably cause the adrenal glands to kick into action on a frequent basis as I have described in my previous post. The subsequent elevated cortisol is actually a stressful condition. [1] Cortisol can have many good effects, but I hope that upon close examination one will see that it good because it somewhat rectifies a bad situation. It would be even better to not create this bad situation in the first place. is skinny but "eats trash all day". This might be cortisol wasting away his muscle tissue and breaking down fat. It is a vicious cycle of eating, stress, and never obtaining a healthy weight. Some people claim to do well on keto, but I tend to believe this is most likely a temporary state and that when they claim they feel healthy, it is because of the elevated adrenaline and cortisol. That can actually make you feel energetic and pretty good, but it's a runaway train on a broken track.

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortisol


Ray Peat on fasting and weight loss, cortisol's effect on muscles and organs.

Why should I trust this Ray Peat's advice over the contradictory advice given by various other people who also seem to know what they're talking about?
How do I decide who is correct without becoming an expert in the topic?

thanks user. will definitely start making changes.

Don't trust anybody but rather examine their claims by analyzing their arguments and investigating their sources. Take Ray Peat's article here for example:
It doesn't quite have the convenience of the clickable inline citations of a Wikipedia article, but there's a nice long list of references at the bottom you can spend time researching. I actually don't think he's right about everything. He just makes a lot of sense when he sticks to his field of expertise and with most of his dietary advice. When I took passing glances at a few of his statements that reach into other territories I was a bit more suspicious than usual. The forums I linked earlier are a good way to listen to his advice with a grain of salt. Those forums are not run by Ray Peat. It's just a community that gives you an opportunity to read where people agree and disagree or even build upon his work.

You don't, or you do so at your own peril. Your only choice is to read and research a little here and there until you establish some foundational knowledge. You don't have to be a professional researcher, but if you don't become an expert compared to the average person, you are always at the mercy of whatever nutritional narrative is popular at the moment. I'm not an "expert" I guess. I just use search engines whenever I have questions, and I ask a lot of questions. It also helps if you learn how to search for studies rather than just nutrition blogs. Adding "study" as a keyword to your search or using Google Scholar are two methods.

trash nutrition advice

Keyword "subsisting". It's not at all justified that keto is the best diet just because you find either remote tribes or ancient peoples eating that way. [1] Showing that people have and do live this way is not evidence of it being the most healthy diet. Instead, it shows that it is a way to survive. What's worse is not that you point out these associations, but that by relying on them you risk depriving yourself of a mechanistic understanding of health.

Regarding traditional peoples, I can think of one that relies heavily on protein and fat, Eskimos, and another that indulges in honey when they can, the Hadza. The Eskimo diet actually does not seem very healthy for even the Eskimos upon close examination, [2][3][4][5] and furthermore it seems the stereotypical appearance of an Eskimo face may in fact be partly attributable to hypothyroidism. [6] This may seem counterintuitive to those familiar with keto lore, but the Hadza, a hunter-gather group in Tanzania, rank honey as their most preferred food with baobob fruit and berries also being consumed. [7][8] A historically paleo diet may have actually regularly involved simple sugars for many people given the opportunity. [8][9] If lower hominids can regularly find these opportunities for sugar, ancient man should have been finding them even more except where climate made it impossible. The diet of the Hadza isn't just sweet but probably healthy as well. [10] This paints a picture of the keto diet being one of surviving rather than thriving.

Human evolution is still happening, and therefore it is possible for individuals or groups to have genes that make a particular niche diet more suitable for them than others. That being said, I don't believe we are quite that far removed from our closest hominid relatives when it comes to the type of diet which is most optimal for us. My reasoning is thus: the most prominent adaptation humans developed to eating a wider variety of foods is cooking and intelligence in general. Cooking to make more foods digestible, safe, and nutritious, and intelligence to help us recognize more opportunities to prevent starvation. It's such a powerful adaptation that further changes to the digestive system may have gone under less selective pressure than usual. Unlike most plants and animals, humans have one of the hallmark traits of frugivores and other hominids: the inability to synthesize vitamin C. If this and the fact that the lower hominids eat so much fruit aren't signs that human metabolism is particularly suited to fruit, I don't know what is.

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_nature
[2] raypeat.com/articles/nutrition/oils-in-context.shtml
[3] researchgate.net/publication/10943329_Low_incidence_of_cardiovascular_disease_among_the_Inuit_-_What_is_the_evidence
[4] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18457208
[5] ajcn.nutrition.org/content/27/9/916.abstract
[6] 180degreehealth.com/hypothyroid-face/
[7] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19350623
[8] See embedded video.
[9] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24746602
[10] onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajhb.22919/abstract

You've dumped maybe 20 citations in this thread. The average good quality nutrition book has a few hundred citations. All of those sources will go on to cite dozens of other sources.
I simply don't have to time or energy to read enough to reach an informed opinion. I suspect most people on Holla Forums will be in the same position.

Given that I'm several orders of magnitude more likely to die from suicide than any nutrition-related problems, I should probably just eat what tastes good and hope for the best.

Get a load of the retard

But you might be depressed partly because of your diet. I've become a much happier person since I started eating this way, and I find it very strange. I first encountered suicidal ideation at age 13 and continued to deal with it as a shadow lurking in the background until very recently. One of the first things that happened when I jump-started my thyroid with iodized salt was the first smile in several weeks out of nowhere and for no particular reason. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed by what I've posted. I got the data I posted here just by lazily skimming the surface after all.

It just so happens what I recommend probably tastes the best. It's sweet and allows meat and saturated fat after all. I even recommend putting traditional vegetable dogma under a lens. [1] I wish you health and happiness. Take it one step at a time if the journey seems intimidating or not worth your time.

[1] raypeat.com/articles/articles/vegetables.shtml

It might play a small role, but the overwhelming majority of my depression comes from my circumstances. My diet has remained more or less constant, but the depression has only happened more recently. It's quite rational and I know exactly what changes in society would be necessary to make me feel happy, but I also know they probably won't happen for the next ~100 years.

On the bright side I think my diet is probably already quite healthy. I cook all my own food from fresh ingredients and don't have any obvious physical ailments.


Guess you don't really want it.

If you're responding to me (>>6849958) I don't need to lose weight. I'd just like to have an optimal diet.


Take a multi vitamin, then just eat healthy. Go to the grocery just get a bunch of random crap, and eat it, random vegitables I mean. You won't learn it over night,