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South Park - Live Thread
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I don't have tv, when does it go up on their website or wherever?
Fuck, forgot about this. Is there a stream?
Usually the next day. I dunno, I'm not in the States
How long until stream?
… I'm beginning to think there is no stream.
Eh, torrent is probably better. No ads.
Not for a live thread it's not. As is, people will just come back to talk about this tomorrow. Or just watch it and not bother talking here because I know some people are going to be whiny bitches about something in the episode.
Well, Pol is going to love that ending.
Seriously though the turnd sandwich/giant doosh call back was perfect.
I always thought that episode perfectly summed up most elections
Member when Obama was reelected and the new Star Wars was announced?
I now want Trump to win just so Mr.Garrison will be president. As for a summery. It might be best to watch the episode, as the ending is gloriously unexpected and I now cannot wait to see the rest of this season.
I'm in Britain, so I'll have to wait until Friday.
Why can't they simulcast these things? Game of Plebs does it.
Can't say I'm gunna look forward to the "oh we are SO enlightened, BOTH candidates are shit, TAKE THAT AMERICA!" message Matt and Trey are gunna send, but I like cartmans "look women are funny too" jokes
especially like the "and the little gay boy's grandma was a little black boy, deal with it"
You ruined my GET
South Park has been doing the both candidates are shit shtick for now.
Agh! That sucks, hopefully it'll be put in a torrent or streamed before then, because really, it's a good twist.
I really wanted to find out how the rest of his story went.
I know, it wasn't funny then, it isn't funny now, if you want to see change to the 2 party system, do something about it, actually vote 3rd party, your vote only means nothing if you don't vote, which is basically what Matt and Trey advocate for, apathy
something terrible would happen to Kyle.
This is still Cartman were talking about.
You burgerclaps need to fucking change that shit right now to preferential voting. First-past-the-post is killing you guys.
I really doubt that AV would do anything in a political system that is so entrenched.
It's not just America, we have it in Britain too. You either vote Labour or Conservative, anything else is a waste of a vote.
Absolute monarchy is the way. Liberalism should go in the garbage.
Trump is a step above Hillary, but it'll take more than electing Trump to stop this.
Wait a second, this wasn't JJ Abrams' new but nostalgic reboot of the national anthem
it was the same goddamned song. it wasn't a reboot at all
this is what made me laugh, he didn't make a new song, he made it so you can't protest the song
Well this was a whole lot of nothing. I got some neat chuckles out of the member berries. But everything else was just unfocused mess.
The criticising Ghostbusters was a reference to Milo, right?
I don't know. By mixing all these points together at the same time in the same episode it has just becomes a stupid mess.
From a point of political commentary its all weak and doesn't stick because its afraid of making a point because its scared of being taken down.
Sums up most South Park really
Sounds like a personal problem, dude
There's a lot to digest that I think you'll need to watch repeatedly to process. I know I didn't understand everything after watching it once.
Earlier times it still did the "Both Sides SUCK" shtick. But it was easier since it wasn't going against its target Demo A, and B it was allot more focused.
An episode about how voting sucks was an episode about how voting sucks. Not also about gender pay gap, and How Kanye west sucks at driving a car.
Cartman really is the perfect SJW.
I don't think so, I'm not actually sure what they were going for that episode. I think they were making fun of Paul Feig types who go out of their way to praise women as funny, but at the same time I'm not sure how it ties into the "Women are being harassed online" thing that Kyle was talking about.
Confusing mess of a first episode, hope the season improves.
Have you seen the tv commercial after Ghostbusters came out? They were literally poking fun at the critics defending Ghostbusters super hard.
Given Cartman is sending harassment on one hand and faking it on the other, it kinda seems like he's literally Zoe Quinn.
didn't you see the end of the episode, bro?
it's kyle's dad
That seemed almost too obvious a switch-up, but hey, they got me.
Though Cartman is very obviously fanning the flames of the very conflict he's saying is so terrible in about the same manner.
Given that the past 2 seasons failed to draw a conclusion. Last season especially.
he seems less like the anita type where he acts like the "harassment" is worse than it is or like the zoe type where he outright fakes it and more like the movieblob/jim cucking sterling type
the kind of guy that wants to sit on the sidelines of the people that are going to fight and give support to the minorities and physically & mentally weaker people because he hopes that being some kind of "ally" would get him brownie points
I think the point there was that the whole PC fad and the election are far from over.
Odd to say but Cartman's too competent, proactive and successfully manipulative for that.
You know, since they've been using this theme for 10 years now, I was sort of hoping they'd use a new one for the 20th anniversary
Like I am disappointed. I get it, I don't just want "BTW TRUMP AWESUME HILLARY IS SHIIT".
But it's dancing around the issues. It's one thing if the Church of Scientology goes against you. You have the liberal media going "GO, those amazing sons of bitches!".
But if you say "BLM are violent racist fanatics", you have everybody trying to dump your show and calling you racist….Except for maybe the Republicans and some Moderates.
So as a result its got allot of dancing around the issues. Very little focus and sense with them. Member berries seems like the only focused thing with "Don't just snuggle up to the past for security", but even then its a mixed metaphor with movies and nostalgia.
Jus with the world becoming more dangerous and extreme and crazy South Park has become increasingly UNABLE to comment on whats going on without 7 proxy irony layers.
On top of that the show has pretty much said its phoned in ever since they made the two-parter about how they are bored with the series but do it out of contract.
I get the feeling it was expensive as hell to make and they aren't keen on trying to top it for a while.
I think they're kind of getting at something with the national anthem in that it's really hard to effectively protest or push an issue where everything's instantly co-opted, commercialised and neutered by the media hyperfocusing on the act and not the substance. (Or completely ignored if it doesn't fit the narrative; see the natives protesting the pipeline, ignored by the media while private security beats and sic dogs on them) People gawk, gasp, laugh and forget about it instantly.
Are you talking about the actual theme music or the opening itself?
I think they're building up to something, which is why everything is weak so far.
Yeah that's what I thought last season, but the show just kind of fizzled by the end
maybe its a multi season thing? Though its funny how reality has surpassed South Park in how fucked up its gotten. That and how much South Park predicted this shit with the older episodes.
Yeah, I thought the same thing.
Half a thought that reality collided with South Park at some point between seasons and we've got the narratives mixed up.
We actually have people trying to turn themselves into lizards now.
One day Barbra Streisand will make a giant mech and the circle will be complete
There was the whole episode about how Honey Boo Boo is basically a real life Eric Cartman.
To be fair, there are lots of real life Eric Cartmans
that doesn't matter. this is the first episode of almost an entire year, and if last season is anything to go on then this is going to be just barely over a dozen episodes total
the problem, for me, was that there was too much going on. it's like with the coon episode, that was originally supposed to be like cartman dressing up as a superhero to fight the economy or something from one of the previous episodes
this episode, however, had way too much going on all at once. Randy's having a big deal about his wife voting Republican, Cartman's trying to start a gender and race war, Kyle's trying to find shit out, there's the dumb plot with J. J. Abrahams, and Mr. Garrison's still running for president
all of these happened over the course of a single 30 minute episode. how would you find the time for it?
I always imagined Cartman growing up and turning into the Amazing Atheist
Cartman is far more devious and ruthless than AA.
Yeah, don't see it. Cartman's a literal sociopath whereas Bananafucker is, well, a banana fucker
I meant more being a loud, obnoxious, obese fucker who screams in a high pitched voice rather than give a reasonable argument
Sure, but there's more to Cartman than that. I think he might grow up into a con man or something.
But again, I don't see it. Firstly because as said, there's much more to Cartman than that and secondly because, unlike AA, Cartman can often be quite reasonable, especially when he's trying to manipulate people.
South Park might be inching towards a Gamergate type event.
The girls have no idea who the troll is but they are happy to claim that ALL boys are responsible for the trolling. But that plot point was buried under all the election and national anthem crap.
The show really needs a female villain that can go LW and exploit the situation for Patreon bucks. Someone who bullies and smears other kids while claiming she's oppressed. Someone for Cartman to team up with and white knight.
It did seem a little like game of thrones, where you only get a few minutes of each plot point.
Its not great because people get interested with one mini-story, and have to tolerate multiple others for a single small update on the one they want to see.
Its not that the rest are boring, its that one captured their attention.
Everyone is too afraid to do that. South Park seriously need a female villain, I'll second this.
I know man, that killed me.
is this what normies actually believe?
That's what they believe, yes. Hell, the national Anthem wasn't changed at all, but people still praise it.
I thought it was a clever joke.
Where's the best place to torrent it, now that the KAT is dead?
Not gonna happen. After all these years, there is 1 demographic that South Park will never make fun of as a demographic without 100 winks and nods.
Women as a demographic are never gonna have jokes made about them. Cartman on Female comedians is the closest we are going to get.
Yeah I'm not sure what happened there. It's obvious they're trying to go for another long season story arc but they stumbled hard with the first episode.
theme music
they become posters in that top board with letters.
The episode's up on kisscartoon if anyone missed it
That's the problem. The two main parties have such control that they'd never change things.
The change would only happen if people start tossing their votes at third parties. One of the third party candidates is actually deathly close to getting just enough of a percentage in the polls to get into the official debates, and if people paid more attention like that, they'd have more power and be able to change our voting system to something less fucked and something that benefits other parties beyond Republicans and Democrats.
You'd be surprised to see how badly the two rigged things so that they stay in control.
Still believing in the lie that your vote matters, years of brainwashing has lulled you into believing in this impotent ritual so as to undercut real efforts toward change. I've gone through enough elections to see the actual guiding hand behind these things and the same old kabuki theater going on, merely repackaged in new cola form(Bill/Gore/ Kerry/Hilary) or coke classic (Dole/Bush Jr/ McCain/Trump). All useless except to the puppeteers behind the scenes.
Even the so called "outsider" decree is pure marketing, the "insiders" just hire mercenary politicians.
Voting third party is irrelevant, as the candidates are actually decided by shadow government puppeteers and Wallstreet. You think they would just leave their gravy train, serf supply and military endeavors up to the peasants? Guess again.
People don't realize that things like political change requires constant effort and activity, not merely punching a ballot every 4 years.
Actual change comes about with force, that's all corrupt authoritarians in a rigged system fear.
Jesus Christ, don't shit up the new thread too. Nobody cares
This is why I don't really give a shit if Trump is elected despite hating him.
I mean, if he is, he's not going to be president for long. And with how much BLM assholes like looting and setting shit on fire when shit doesn't go their way? Maybe our country will hit rock bottom and then we can see some real change.
Then again, people here do have a short memory. Remember the Occupy protests, were cops had a media blackout just so they could beat the shit out of people regardless of their race or gender or age? Apparently not a lot of people do, with this sudden insistence that cops only target dindu nuffins.
South Park is pretty shit anyway.
Then why in the fuck did you come into the thread dedicated to discussing it?
We had two equally crappy candidates in Australia, and that just meant Pauline Hanson and Derryn Hinch managed to get seats. PAULINE HANSON AND DERRYN HINCH.
I don't know what the American equivalent would be, Imagine Sharon Osborn with the politics of Jack Thompson, and Rush Limbaugh if he thought he was Chris Hansen.
Why did they make it a school message board instead of just…facebook or twitter for the harassment?
Parodies can't always directly reference what they're parodying, you know. That makes it too obvious.
It was perfect.
yet they had an episode about facebook
and twitter
Well, half the episode is about the decade old joke of Douche Bag vs Turd Sandwich elections.
To be fair Elections have been a stale joke for far longer than a decade.
How do you guys feel about the recent video game delay? On one hand, it'll make us savor this season more. On the other hand, that Captain America Civil War spoof is going to feel somewhat dated in early 2017
Is Civil war 2 showing any sign of wrapping up?
so the whole episode is about leslie jones?
whens chimpokomon go happening?
Pauline hansen is a fucking treasure, you melbournite trash.
That's right, voting is pointless. Stay home so only retirees and churchgoers vote.
No one reads comics.
She's not going to fuck you.
Bruce Jenner's stupid face and corpses under his car got a good chuckle out of me.
We need some Happy Merchant music with this webm….
Go home Holla Forums you're drunk
where is episode for today at
airs tonight at 10
don't have cable
Someone better make that shitposting sequence into a webm
Wait until 9 (or midnight depending where you are) and download it.
Was the big breakup sequence referencing something?
A school shooting
In general
What's the song? An original?
I don't recall. They may have bought just the Boston song and not another, but I'm not sure
I come bearing great things
so, they finally did a Gamergate episode?
I want as 'music video without music' done for this scene
Wait a second why is there an israeli bomb scene?
I can never find a good upload on short notice these days.
"how internet trolls actually live."
Since when did Kyle have a girlfriend? And I thought Stan and Wendy broke up.
I think they got back together.
I'm pretty curious to see were this season is gonna end up going. I think this was the first time in a long while were I felt bad for Cartman.
Thanks brudda
Kyles mom in the movie you amnesiac faggots
Leslie (literally last season)
Clinton (multiple times)
Sarah Jessica Parker
Barbra Streisand
Chef's Succubus
Mrs. Hankey
They're not all villains, but South Park has never, EVER shied away from making fun of women.
A smidgen ironic you guys are asking for more female representation for no other reason other than 'just cuz'. Let Matt and Trey do whatthey want and just enjoy it for what it is, or don't.
When you get down to it, they are just kids. Really fucked up kids, but kids nonetheless.
More and more every year.
Love the scene where Gerald is having the time of his fucking life.
The season finale will be an intro to the game just like we saw with The Stick of Truth. I predict that half of the boys will become internet trolls in retaliation for the mass breakup, and the other half will form a "muh pr" camp. Boys will use hero and villain personas to protect their identities from adults like PC principal. Eventually all social media accounts will be nuked from orbit, so Douchebag will have to start from scratch and collect Facebook friends all over again.
There was a Mrs. Hankey?
Who would marry Mr. Hankey? He's such a piece of shit.
Seriously though, which episode was that?
Still haven't seen the second episode so maybe I'm full of shit with that opinion
I think South Park's great writing stems from their perfect understanding of "noise".
Namely, they present problems, actual, genuine problems (in the case of that episode, women being harassed online; while I get that for many of us it's harmless, it remains something that many people feel concerned about and want to fight against, and the idea of feeling insecure is something very present in the female population anyway). So, to that, they simply show how the only thing people care about is : noise.
They don't give a rat's ass about their own daughter's match. They came to see girls show they were unhappy, and especially the black one if possible. That's all, that's it.
And then you have another noisy side, the "GIRLS ARE PERFECT, YOU HAVE TO OBEY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR DEMANDS", that claims that women can do EVERYTHING a man can, proof being she can TOTALLY be funny and if you say ghostbusters wasn't the biggest masterpiece of this century FUCK YOU.
Noise. Just overemotional noise.
And in the meantime ? Nothing gets fixed. Women still feel hurt and nothing at all has changed. But at least Cartman gets to feel better about being an "ally" and parents can keep ignoring the actual issue.
And then (I think that's genuinely clever), the one that turns out to be the dick online
is the jew
the fucking JEW
and that's brilliant because it obviously isn't an "JEWS RUIN EVERYTHING" commentary, it's a "well ? what now you idiot ? still mad at harassers online ? this man is JEWISH you know ! are ya gonna call him a kike to his face ?"
There's also interesting commentary on the only character actually hoping to fix the problem being the SON of the problem itself, generational stuff basically and potential good confrontations later on in the season; and there's also quite a bit to mention with the "you have to feel guilty for OTHER PEOPLE's crimes !" since… holocaust, all that jazz, etc.
The berries served to justify people's mental laziness about the notion that, as long as they get self-validation and worthless comfort, they'll be willing to do whatever's coming. They're not going to fight as long as they can stay safe in their little ego bubble.
Most likely gamergate will be namedropped at some point.
very good analysis, I'm starting to lighten up to this show again
I hope the whole trolling/shilling arc leads up to making fun of George Soros
And I hope they do an episode on the internet being transferred to the UN, it would fit in with the theme of the season
It's not unlikely, as usual with those clever retards, that the whole "the problem was that my dog is gay" turns out to be that aliens are involved and worldwide conspiracies and george lucas raped obama or some shit.
I hope the whole trolling/shilling arc leads up to making fun of George Soros
And I hope they do an episode on the internet being transferred to the UN, it would fit in with the theme of the season
I'm rewatching Sponsered Content and is Jimmy supposed to be copypaste?
That's what makes the show so fun to watch though
Well that was quite a good episode. Very simple but placing the context of the world basically.
It's actually pretty sad that nowadays the "she quit twitter" is actually taken by so many people as actual suicide. The part where the girl was sitting right there while they were all tweeting about her as if she were dead was just brilliant
Forgot to mention, my favorite part is when the woman goes "he's a miserable person with nothing better to do who just hates himself, and then he comes out of his house the happiest man on earth. Brilliant.
Also notice how being happy is defined by his ability to not eat the member berries ?
so can we gas the kikes now?
last season was basically the history of imageboards retold in sp form
Never stops being true.
who is this for?
You do remember they did that whole queefing episode?
calling it, gerald gets doxed in the inevitable gloobetyglop episode
Shake Weight episode.
The indie film festival episode. He had a whole shit family.
That was a retarded episode. And the point was guys where disgusted by queefing, and how they where all stupid (Thats assuming the episode had a point whatsoever). But I guess you are correct in a sense,
as is
This is a bit narrowing of the goalposts for me, but Im still gonna argue that South Park really skirts offending women more then anything as a demo.
Like Has South Park done anything in the vein of Chef a Black guy, being wrong in the protest of a Flag of people hanging a black man? It's a very direct link to say black people protesting the confederate Flag, saying that the flag doesn't necessarily represent racist tendencies for the people who enjoy it.
To me that stands as a great example of how far south park would go (or used to go at least), in saying shit that GENUINELY would get people outraged. But still never at women.
They have had Kyles mom lead a protest group, but that was more about censorship then about women.
Well regardless, South Park is still becoming less and less daring with time. They have more on the line now. They have a franchise and families to support. If they said something like "Black lives matter is WRONG in violent protests", they would get crucified. So at best they have to wrap anything they want to say in six levels of ambuguity until there is no point left. That's why the last seasons ending was so weak.
I think you're completely delusional. Aside from being filthy rich today and being able to just outright stop for no reason overnight if they felt like it and still live comfortably until death, they have never once seemed to give a shit about people going "HOW DARE YOU"
at E3 they always make jokes about their own bosses/companies, and they go way overboard with the "risky" shit, especially with how touchy the gaming industry is
while I agree that they go less "far" than they might have in the past, it's mostly because they try to actually "tell stories". Ten years ago they reacted each week to extremely recent events and basically commented on them and mocked people openly and gravely, without a care. Now, they go with a story that lasts more than ten episodes and that is probably already planned and ready until the end, with just a few open parts in case something important happens (like the american elections of course). That's it.
It's not that they don't have the balls, or anything retarded like "they have families to support" -are you stupid ? No, they just have one thing they want to talk about and tell and that's it.
Also there is an entire episode where they make fun of women's focus on appearances where Bébé is mad her boobs are growing and Wendy is so furious and jealous she gets silicone boobs and is mocked and insulted and treated like shit for it.
Also there's an entire episode about photoshop and women abusing this shit for themselves and their ugly incapacity to avoid preferring looking good in a picture than in real life.
They aren't shy with shit. They just tend to attack "male" issues more because "female" issues are manspreading and women in videogames. Who gives a shit about those ? Men, meanwhile, care about children warriors, racial violence, death and grief, or gun laws.
not the other faggot but what's that episode? sounds interesting.
Basically women aren't seen as beautiful IRL, but from their photoshopped picture. That's how you measure a woman's beauty.
It actually has a feminist (well, not the twitter kind, genuine women's issues driven) tone, namely : women have to go through life driven and focused on only their outward appearance than who they truly are. They have to force an outwardly identity instead of being themselves.
Basically, a filthy ugly girl becomes the most popular girl in school when she gets photoshopped into a cutie, even though she really is ugly even in south park terms. All girls start doing the same and Wendy is the only one with enough self-respect to refuse to do it.
The ending is actually quite sad
Yeah but what is the actual name of the episode, I want to watch it
Oh ! No idea hun. Must've been from season 18 I think. Been years and I haven't saved south park episodes in so long. I usually just watch them online. Sorry.
What do member berries taste like?
It's the final episode of the 17th season. It's called "The Hobbit"
Sour grapes tanged with nostalgia
Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Filter and ignore, people. Filter and ignore.
In my opinion, if South Park had an episode about how the alt-right is gonna cause the rise of the apocalypse you would suddenly unsubscribe from every person even IMPLICATED alt right. Or wait that's incorrect. You would always interpret South Park to always be on your side no matter what.
You have positive memories related to this show, and so you don't want to believe that it's just getting worse.
I will admit. The schizophrenic and unfocused nature of the later seasons means that it IS much easier to interpret them however you want.
Like that episode you mentioned about Women and photoshop. To me, it was a anti-Photoshop episode (And about how media affects girls self esteem or the like) but when you point it out it becomes very clear that in fear of not offending anybody, it's very confusing and nonsensical.
So in the episode an ugly girl gets a Photoshop image done of her….And a boy likes her because thats whats her photoshop? See this begins to leave the realm of sense whatsoever. And so all the girls start doing it because….it works on all the boys aperantly? And Wendy demands that any photoshopped images of Women be clearly marked as modified but the media says she is just jelous. Until wendy succumbs as well.
So is this a metaphor for Plastic Surgery? Because what does marketing magazines have to do with any of this? Its so unfocused it doesn't end up being about anything at all. It doesn't end up going the middle route as much as just make some half comments about
Huh, well I guess you got me there. Guess there are just certain topics South Park is afraid to target directly. But I guess women are not one of them.
And as for money you don't understand how that works. Its for the same reason even super millionare action stars have to star in D- grade strait to DVD fare playing the antagonists with dogs farting in their faces. Money isn't like this pile you can just sit on forever. Unless you make your money make you more money (Like Vanilla Ice did when he wen't into Housing sales). People with money invest it in places, and that investment requires constant upkeep. If you live in a mansion, all the people that work for you and that place will require payment as that place breaks down. You can't just buy yourself an amusement park and just ride all the rides privately if you understand.
I think it's just relevant to the current season and that's why he posted it
I mean at the end of episode 2 what was their solution?
if you haven't noticed how obvious this is: member berries is a euphemism for testicles. So I say they taste like balls
But in all honestly, they probably taste like grape-flavoured gummies.
The episode was obvious satire poking on how insecure women are, and how literally stupid dating as a kid is. (Taken from the fact that the boys were stupid enough to fall for the photoshop.) Also it was about how men really don't actually care about having a hot girlfriend, they just want other men to think that way whether or not their girlfriend is really hot.
how the fuck have you come to that conclusion?
Your member is your dick so berries of your dick would be testicles.
The whole point is Cartman became a SJW when he realised he could be an asshole and get away with it under that label.
And then had the fun MovieBob-esque experience of the 'ally' who isn't enough of a minority to protect when people turn against him for being an asshole, even if on paper he did everything 'right'.
I'm pretty sure the queefing episode was literally just there to draw attention to a disgusting bodily function so they can make more jokes about it. Tapping new veins of gross out comedy.
The Photoshop thing is one of the frequent cases where South Park draws a deliberately absurd comparison that still isn't far off reality; that women are judged by their public, Photoshopped appearances, even though everyone with some brain KNOWS they aren't real.
The show's probably done more to tackle actual women's issues than any SJW has.
then again, a dog turd in the street has done more to tackle actual women's issues than any SJW has. They have actively boycotted their cause since they went into the mainstream.
SJWs aren't people who believe in an ideology anymore, they're a product sold by big corporations. Look at MTV.
Literally the point the last season was trying to make, spot on
Also what is Val doing here? Shouldn't he be molesting some kid while wearing a beret or something?
Reminder: >>>/cow/227886
Val aka "John Craft" from twitter is a muslim pedophile living in France. He claims to only like loli but actually stalks young girls online. He has ruined several imageboard collaborations such as last year's Holla Forums - The Musical, which resulted in people migrating back to halfchan.
Remember, only you can prevent namefags from ruining things.
Only this week SJWs blocked and completely ignored actual Muslim women campaigning for the end of literal patriarchy in Saudi Arabia.
South Park tends to be contrarian in that they don't like to hop on overcrowded bandwagons; they avoided caricaturing Bush as a braindead idiot too much because everyone else had beaten that to death.
There seems to be a theme since the seasons had ongoing story arcs that modern media and social media blows non-issues massively out of proportion while ignoring or distorting real ones, and prefers a handy narrative to an ugly truth, resulting in people clashing because of their completely incompatible views of the world and total inability to actually discuss and find out what their real differences are, let alone reconcile them.
I think if they feature the 'alt-right' it'll be similar to the OWS episode; a fart in a teacup taken massively out of proportion by the media and activists because it's a perfect storm of things they fear and don't understand. (far-right politics, unashamed prejudice, the internet, memes, young people, nerds)
fuck the french
__member your favorite candy from when you were a kid?
Yeah, I'm actually now impatient to see them show pepe.
I have a feeling it's not gonna be specifically Pepe but an obvious, show-relevant equivalent, probably attempting to highlight how completely fucking absurd the situation is.
South Park seems to be having to lift its game to compete with reality.
Pretty much. Those past few months have been mentally straining over the power of meme magic.
Do you have a playstation 3?
Ive been using Playstation vue free the past few months.
All you do is:
Enjoy it until next week and spend about 20 mins doing it again. you can always use the same gift card. Eventually the card you use will stop working but another pre paid visa is $5 whereas a psvue full subscription is like $60
Why you think there was a cardboard cutout female lead? and a black loser coprotagonist? and an evul autistic white male?
So critics wouldn't say anything bad about it because muhprogress
No it wasn't, if you had ever seen previous south park episodes you would know gerald was a sjw before it was a known term
And a lot more shit but I'm too tired to spoonfed your newfag ass. Point is what matt & trey are trying to show here is that most harassment comes from sjws themselves, not kids like cartman
So just a normal muslim then?
kek why are all namefags/tripfags terrible people
anons are also terrible people, you can just never identify all the ways in which they are terrible because they're anonymous.
You know the best thing about women arguing on the internet? They're treated as equals, just like everyone else, which is what they've been claiming they have wanted for years. The only thing that carries weight when they type up a post is the content of their argument.
Here, you get to see how much women truly hate equality.
Gerald is on his way to beat Randy as the WEBM goldmine.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums with your shilling.
They hate equality in this case because it plays against their benefits, chiefly the fact that
What? source?
I dont remember the OWS episode rising a shitstorm
I think the shitty part about the new episodes is that they did not shit on BLM enough, ignored muslims, and also seem to try and say that Hillary is as bad or better than Trump which is retarded.
Dude, we're two episodes in. And they're not saying trump is "as bad"; first off they can have the opinion they want, second they've several times gone with the "all politicians are dickbags, that's how it is", and third they didn't say he's as bad, they said trump basically is just a guy who says crazy shit and gets himself surprised people like him for it… which he is.
They're making an entire series devoted to the general issues of status activism, there have been only fourty minutes, give it some time dude.
Where did they ever say that?
are you being serious
are you dense on purpose or just pretending
Isn't that what Hilldawg fans actually say, though?
Shillary being "Lesser of two evils" is one of the main narratives that pushed in her favor in current media.
Fuck off, that was an actual quote from that moment. Sure there's a plot related reason for him to say that, but from intonation and wording it sounded like Matt and Tray spelling their position on this out loud. Seriously though the whole subplot of [Garrison] not having a plan and not really wanting to be a president vs a couple of frames of [Turd Sandwich] looking slightly stupid, it's kinda clear who's candidate it favors. South Park always having "Lol I'm neutral" position is just a meme.
Did you completely miss the point of that scene?
You're right user. And also when they show a living poop as the spirit of christmas it means they literally think the poop is the spirit of christmas.
Are you retarded ?
Not being mean, genuinely asking.
You yourself seem unsure of your own position. Can't you be more sure of who these two people, who you've never met before, favor in the 2016 election from their stupid cartoon?
reminder to disregard this faggot for being a french cuck that ruins projects
Are you legitimately autistic?
That's what they portrayed it as; the protesters outnumbered 100:1 by cops.
im a girl and this offends me.
i'm sorry
the little arrow at the top left of each post isn't there for decoration.
the name filter is your friend.
Eh, seems to be pretty clear that they think Trump is a goddamn buffoon, but Hilary isn't even trying to offer anything but the bare minimum alternative.
Anyone hoping this is going to end with Stan realising he doesn't need Wendy? She's just been a massive bitch to him in recent seasons.
Nice try.
No, actually, terrible try. Try harder next time.
I just can't believe these faggots keep trying this shit like they think they still on cuckchan
But you're right, at least I can filter it
It might have been Ayaan Hirst Ali, she's an apostate who has been campaigning against Islamic theocratic governments for decades. But she's also friends with Richard Dawkins so fuck that shitlord.
Wendy has been the avatar for either Trey or Mike's wife for several seasons now. She's the lisa simpson of the show but thankfully nowhere near that level of hamfistedness. Which was the season where wendy beats up cartman and the principal condoned it? I still can't believe that ever became a south park episode. It was done in the most pathetic fashion imaginable. So out of left field that it seemed to have come from a different show. And let me be clear I don't care that wendy beat up cartman, it's the way the episode carried out the entirety of itself that was the problem. It was like they incorporated 90s brand feminism into the show even if it was for an episode.
Though I think Wendy was the voice of reason in the last episode compared to the rest of the girls. Basically the old-school/moderate feminist realising the loonies have completely taken over but not daring to speak against them for fear of being erased. (While basically letting it happen to her anyway)
Funny that the entire message of the last episode could be summed up as: The trolls are winning.
That's part of the lisa simpson package. She's supposed to fill that role and caricature and is basically no longer a normal kid character. Aside from that other pointless episode in a bygone season where she was obsessing over photoshopped images of girls online, she's as close to the show's lisa simpson as it gets.
I disagree. Pretty much like Stan and Kyle most of the time, she can both be the smart one and the dumb one. She can be overemotional and she can be self-conscious, the same way Kyle can be too vindictive and care too hard about unimportant things, and Stan can be too proud and too self-driven. The point isn't to go the "SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT", but the "sometimes even good, smart people let their emotions speak over them". Hell, even Cartman sometimes is shown as "human", like this one time he fell in love with Wendy (sad end) and you realize he is just a very lonely, sad little shit. Things like that participate to liking the characters, even when they're wrong, or outright terrible.
Sure they do, no one's denying that.
But it's not like they're shilling for Hillary. The clip referenced earlier came from the perspective of a dude who wasn't prepared for the presidency and was trying to find a way out.
I just think it's silly everyone's taking a tear down of one candidate as an endorsement for the other, which I believe is some fallacy, but I can't recall the name of it.
is it the false dichotomy? Or maybe the false equivalency? Its been a while since I took that philosophy class in college.
False dilemma, I believe it is.
that sounds about right.
I'd argue that her obsession over the photoshopping couldn't be more Lisa Simpson-ish if it tried.
Fortunately, unlike Lisa Simpson, Wendy doesn't get that much spotlight
If she really is the avatar for Trey or Matt's wife, Stan's not going to come to that realisation until Trey and/or Matt get divorced.
I think this has to be the most accurate representation of a troll ever portrayed in fiction. The biggest mistake everyone else seems to make is that they think trolls actually care about their targets. When in reality they just enjoy watching people freak out over something as meaningless as a comment from some random dick online. While having a drink and listening to some good tunes, of course.
Didn't she start as a insert of Treys GF who cheated on him? That's why she basically vanishes for a few seasons (he discovered it and they broke up) and was perpetually a bitch when she did appear.
And yet you are not displaying your mammary glands for us
We are waiting
Cartman got a tshirt that says "token lives matter" for two whole episodes
And south park has been laughing at racial bullshit for decades, did you even see the episode about hate crimes? or the one about the flag?
It was "token's life matters" wasn't it?
Yet token never commented on it, kinda made it funnier
I think Gerald is supposed to represent major jewish shilling forces and the "establishment" (grown ups) being the real culprit behind the propagation of the fringe SJ rhetoric supposedly pushed by those against the establishment (children, especially Cartman) on the internet. The "offensive" shitposting is actually a metaphor for PC shitposting.
They literally brought back 'Douche and Turd' to refer to them without changing anything else.
Indeed, and especially accurate in that the trolls are winning. The more people overreact, become hypersensitive and consider internet trolling to be the most awful thing that ever happened to them, the more rewarding trolling is. The only winning move is not to play.
The episode is like a guide on what NOT to do when you get trolled. Especially the part with the danish athlete. What she did was the worst possible thing for 3 reasons:
1. The fact that she took the time to make a very public video stating she doesn't care is proof that she does care.
2. Her statement is of course interpreted as a challenge, insuring that the troll, who just thinks of the whole thing as a game, won't quit.
3. More trolls are bound to show up in droves since they know that they'll get a reaction.
Not to mention blaming and attacking a random scapegoat in retaliation, which is pretty much the golden win for trolls; their targets literally refuse to believe it could be anyone but their existing scapegoat, and the trolls can continue indefinitely.
Yeah? And? My point is they aren't endorsing either of them
I think I replied to the wrong post there.
To be fair, there are situations where trolls GROW to care about their targets as time moves on, Troll's Remorse is a very real thing too.
But the situations with it are very intense and that stand out, like in CWCs case there are people who think trolls went too aggressively and made him "burn out" too fast when there could been Sonichu content made had people just trolled softly.
Can testify to this, I remember a raid on a little twitch guy and halfway through some user couldn't handle it anymore and told him the truth.
I lived it.
PFFFT. I told the class of a girl that nudes of her ended up online, despite I was done with school.
Man, I was a real piece of shit a few years back. Although it was mostly making ED articles.
True, getting people banned for things you do is a tricky but satisfying challenge when griefing.
Trolls remorse seems to happen with people who want to be assholes but still feel good about what they do. People like that usually end up becoming SJW's.
Chris is also kind of a special example since a lot of the fun was seeing him incorporate events into Sonichu. He was at his funniest when he was deluded into thinking he had millions of genuine Sonichu fans. So the trolls that worked to keep him in that delusion were the most successful ones, while the ones that went the usual troll route are considered the ones that broke him.
streams where?
if you need to be spoon fed go back to cuckchan
Greatest pickup line? Or GREATEST pickup line?
>Cartman will not get laid
I need that "shut it down" scene as a webm
don't forget
I think South Park summed up the election's major issues rather neatly, truth be told. Trump is unpredictable and that's his appeal but he doesn't SEEM to have a plan(he claims to, obviously). Meanwhile Hillary is mentally and physically suspect and can only recite canned phrases regardless of context.
This is where some people like to crow about Johnson or Stein but Johnson is an idiot who's into the same crooked deals as Clinton and Stein is shocked to learn vandalism is illegal. There are four choices and they all suck as much as the douche and the turd. Worse there were 20 more but once you factor in Bernie's spinelessness they're all just as bad or WORSE.
whats her face, that mom that nudes Holla Forums found and fapped over and then even sent her birthday presents later when she actually responded.
except the people voting for trump don't see it that way. There is a huge difference in how the camps see the candidates.
If gamergate gets mentioned then it will be in the context of the mainstream harrassment of womyn narrative unfortunately.
Only people who were there from the start realise that it's all lies
Like I've said; Trump's been so incoherent that people basically project onto him, assuming that whatever he said which fits their beliefs is totally what he meant this time.
Actually, Clinton probably isn't much different in that regard, given how many people are convinced she'll make lives better for women and minorities somehow and not just fuck them and everyone else maybe slightly less than Trump would.
Hillary supporters don't see it that way either. They don't care if Trump has a plan or not, they think Trump shouldn't be in the White House because he's racist and sexist. This is literally all Hillary had to attack him with during the debate. She attacked him for doing business and for being racist and sexist.
Hillary gives less of a fuck about minorities than Trump does. One of her big cons was enabling corporations to rip off Haitian earthquake survivors, for which they paid her in money they got from the US Government to spend on relief efforts.
Even tim fucking Buckley knows this doesn't work.
people who commit suicide over Internet trolling were mentally unstable from theb beginning.
I'm waiting for Denmark to unleash real mythical trolls out to hunt Gerald.
is this really what passes as being "non-partisan" nowadays?
It is. I dont know why I even asked.
Do you even South Park, faggot?
Will Cartman have a GF?
I don't like it either but it's South Park. It's how they do things. Least they're attacking both sides. They could go harder on Hillary though.
I want to go back
Seeing how it's Southpark, I'm sure the conclusion to all this will be vague and unsatisfying.
Where were you last season when they were making fun of your kind? And why have you crawled out of the woodworks now to be a Holla Forums-tier faggot?
calling it.
Maybe its because I've seen this opinion everywhere this election cycle but this sentiment's charm ran out.
No. He'd stop being Cartman if he got laid/had someone that genuinely cares about him.
But both candidates are bad, tends to happen with an overly corrupt and rigged system, no existentialism about "maymays" or ADHD derived boredom, is changing this fact.
Trump will have plans for sure, they just won't be his own or the rosy visions some gullible anons on here have, because presidents are nothing but company spokesmen, for which to absorb blame instead of the pupeteers behind them.
Trump, like Hilary, will just be following the same script that the likes of the Pentagon and Wallstreet lay out for them, business as usual, if he even wins.
Its so ironic how many Trump whores think their guy will bring about change, just like the dickriders with Obama, thought 8 years ago, largely due to their lack of experience, thus a perception of being less compromised and corrupt.
The sad truth is that none this "outsider" nonsense matters when mercenary politicians are a concept to the puppeteers, and when Trump is and has been for sale for some time.. Campaign rhetoric be damned, as lying is what puppeteers value in their puppets.
"B-but my guy is differnt and will ch-change things"
Sure buddy, keep believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny too while you are at it.
Not that everyone voting for Trump likes him either. People around my neck of the woods hate him, but simply believe he is the lesser of two evils, because they perceive him to be too dumb to go through with any draconian schemes, little knowing that he would just be a mere puppet anyway, but meh.
This is the reason of Trump, Hillary just want to push an agenda of Globalization, Uncontrolled immigration, identity politics, and Cold War II
That dick sucking sound tells me that the indoctrination is far too ingrained in you, still believing that choosing between pupets will make a lick of difference. The likes of Henry Kussinger pretty much stated that he doesn't give a fuck about which candidate in this race wins, precisely because it doesn't matter, as the candidates will still do what the puppeteers tell them.
Get out Holla Forums
But I like the Illuminati. Who else is good enough at pulling social strings to make America this unamerican?
You defeatist fucks disgust me. All you do is complain without offering a solution, or actually doing something. You deserve to die alone.
Defeatism is a natural symptom of blind idealists like you running the nation off the cliff while refusing to address any problem that's too big to handle without shattering your fantasy of "all is well." People like you have the same mindset as the "Great Society" Democrats, just different morals.
thank you for Correcting the Record™
Except Trump is good.
He's a businessman that knows how to make money and control people, who else would you want as president?
What do you guys think Cartman is up to? He wasn't the troll, but I have a hard time believing he's completely innocent, especially considering he drew that vagina on his face to stir shit up.
Could be he's playing the part of white knight thinking being an sjw will get him laid when in the end it will just make him a cuck.
I think Cartman might be blameless for now. If he is trying to start something in the shadows it probably won't be revealed till the last few episodes.
Before having all his stuff broken he was probably fanning the flames so the war between the boys and girls could start. Like that other user said I think his stuff with Heidi is genuine but he'll lose his shit after realizing the jews are behind it all.
You make some good points.
I wonder what he wants out of the gender war, then. Does he really think he'll get laid, or does he just like watching the chaos unfold?
this season is going way to easy on Clinton.
be careful with that kind of talk here on Holla Forumsmblr
Have they said a single positive thing about her aside from that she's probably more competent than a guy who is running for president basically because he's bored
I hope her vagina monster returns
Fuck off back to Tumblr
there aren't enough snukes in the world.
Don't worry, the tumblr regiment of the People's Democratic Republic of Holla Forums is currently occupied with forcing Mexico to build some walls of text in the Princess Marco thread.
After that they'll probably un-trigger themselves with one of those fujoshi husbando smartphone apps and frig themselves unconscious for a few hours.
I think he honestly believes he's doing the right thing, just like many real SJW's. But just like them, he's simply changed from being an asshole with one agenda to an asshole with another.
Gerald has been trolling people he knows IRL. Something I would not recommend unless you really don't give a shit what anyone thinks of you.
Let's be real most people on here are supporting Trump just to see if they can meme somebody into the white house. If you're supporting him unironically you're just as dumb as any of Hillary's supporters.
That's a reference to the old tale user. That's the joke.
Also, it's extremely important when watching this show to stop complaining that they are mean to "your side". If you can't take a joke at your own expense you're being exactly what they -and people who don't like "your side"- laugh about the hardest.
Anyway, I assumed you guys would like pic related
I'm supporting him because he's the lesser of two evils. Still neither of them are good. I'm just hoping he can get us through four years to a potentially better president. Also, I think he'll be better than Obama, but that isn't saying much at all.
You could argue their first criticism of her was actually a very subtle jab
She was told by her aides to denounce everything Garrison said, but that obviously backfired on both parties involved, as he was giving the debate to her, but she, like everyone else, wasn't actually listening to what he was saying.
In short, she's over-controlled and over-corrected to such a point where it's actively hurting her chances and don't make her appear any better than him.
Further, it's what people are saying about Trump, that despite what he MIGHT be saying, it's worth it to at least use a big stage like a presidential debate to break down why HIS plan might not work, and why YOURS might.
As Holmes would do, take every idea, no matter how outlandish, and break it down to a point where 'one truth prevails', or some shit.
Exactly. The point is presented in a brilliant way : "why the fuck did it have to be her".
Even if Trump/Garrison were indeed literally the worst candidate on the planet, his opponents have picked the fucking WORST person to face him. The guy is so retarded and self-defeating they should have a field day defeating him and winning every single voter on the planet, and they manage to make everybody hesitate between the two.
They are insulting Clinton WAY MORE than Trump in this, honestly; all they're saying about the guy is "he's an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing"; what they're saying about her reaches levels of spite, contempt and mockery beyond most of what the show has used us to.
"Trump is shit, but what the fuck, Clinton makes me want to vote for him"
Yeah, this. Hilary doesn't seem to even be trying, and is expecting to just waltz into the White House and do whatever. The election has become all about Trump and she isn't helping; figuring that putting the spotlight onto him will scare enough people into voting for her. She's running on fear; Obama at least made an effort to run on hope and make people feel good about voting for him, rather than bad about the other guy.
Not really counting on how many people are stupid or desperate enough to vote for the orange shouty man because they've been trained all their lives to hear politicians' speaking as white noise, which is what most of it is.
On the left is a McDonald's happy meal, on the right is two pounds of dog shit. Don't be smartass and shovel literal shit into your mouths.
Amerifags do yourselves a favor and just vote in Trump. It's just common sense.
Sooo, the 'left' is the happy meal?
Imagine if everyone voted their political opinions instead of mass voting for retarded candidates do nothing but shill themselves.
Fast food is bad for you
Why you eat either? Is there a gun to your head?
Next time compare the left to the happy meal and trump to a juicy steak or some other "luxury" food item
Do you think she is legitimately retarded, or it is that kid baseball episode all over again? You know, where everyone was trying to lose the game?
I just realized something. You know why everyone is stuck to the screen and they treat leaving the social networking same as suicide? It's because Reality was killed in the previous season
If it is it would be a nice callback
That thin with Scott reminded me of some girl who always used to message me everyday about how miserable she is and how she is going to kill herself and ignored or dismissed anything positive or helpful I tried to say.
I'm liking this series anyway. I'm not a big fan of all the cliffhangers, but I like the parts with Kyle's dad and stuff.
So now that we have a south park thread what did everybody think of s19's finale? I never really got an opinion from 8/co/'s on it. Is it supposed to be anti or pro sjw? Or were they pulling the somewhere-in-the-middle shtick? Personally, for me, I think it's saying that corporate ads are manipulating both ideologies for their own benefit, hence Leslie saying pc principle's a dick and using him in the State Farm ad. Look at how everybody threw a fit every time some company endorsed / belittled gloobedy gnop back in the day. "I agree with you!" = brand loyalty generated from ideological stances = money. As for the scene in the gun show, that was just making fun of the whole "guns make everybody honest" subplot. The final scene was more meta than anything else, saying that PC Principle (and therefor lampooning social justice, just look at how hard they've ragged on the "muh trolls!" mindset this season) is here to stay on the show. You're not actually supposed to take anything he says seriously, it's just PCP being PCP. The last line I'm not sure about, but I think Stan's saying it's going to be really hard adhering to PCP's way of doing things, not that we should agree with him. After the safe space episode I doubt they'd have pulled that much of a 180.
Finale or not, Season 19 as a whole was all the proof people need that Matt and Trey do not have the balls to tackle the socjus problem and all surrounding and encompassing issues. Regardless of the real reason, they not only shied away from outright naming things but treated everything they did address with padded gloves and multiple layers of renaming and redressing. It was also terribly overhyped and its impact was overplayed. You don't have to go into detail to even explain it. With characters like the PC principal, you have a lightning rod of a character that fails to be what the hype says he is.
Taken at face value, the PC principal is supposed to represent everything wrong with being PC. But if they were going to go that far why didn't they go all the way and deliver a neon-haired cateye glasses wearing aged dyke? Instead we were given a dudebro who shouts PC slogans. There's missed opportunity, but this screams something else. This screams that they couldn't embody that caricature with its most famous looking archetype. Again, for whatever the real reason is, this says a lot about how they select characters in this day and age. It's almost the same line of thinking as having a muslim character in a socjus comic be the one espousing virtues and warmheartedness so that people don't think muslims are villainous.
The ads thing was the weakest part of the entire season. It's so weak that it was surprisingly forgettable. When it was finally revealed, it was honestly kind of baffling. Everyone's attention was on the hyped idea that South Park would tackle PC (PC so they don't name socjus or the like) but then they introduced the ads thing to gloss over what people came to watch. See how convoluted the show has become? Even within a mostly self-contained season where we now have season-long arcs, these new elements don't make any sense and even the logic within the show is falling apart.
I think the saddest part about South Park is that it's so far up its own ass with padded gloves that they can't make simple stories about how stupid a character doing stupid things is anymore. If South Park had the same balls it did when it started, we would have had an episode or many episodes devoted to how stupid socjus people are, how ridiculous reverse-racism is, how stupid people are for reacting to trolls, and so on. Instead we have a dudebro shouting PC slogans, watered down caricatures of BLM and the like, overblowing the concept of trolling to the point where it was more cringe-inducing to see what Matt and Trey came up with, and overall it's no longer possible to tell if Matt and Trey are outdated, scared to touch these issues, contrarian to the point of engaging in multiple layers of contrarianism, or they themselves are part of the problem. Personally I think it's a combination of all the above and they get away with it all because people read into South Park episodes like each episode is a cryptic bible verse. It's honestly quite sad. I feel like South Park became Zombie South Park around Season 12 and then came back from the dead and they're a completely different show.
When is the next episode supposed to come out again ?