Why is the world so fucked? What events even led up to this?

Why is the world so fucked? What events even led up to this?

French Revolution
Civil rights movements in the 60's

The entirety of the 20th century tbh. The world would be a better place if the years between 1900 to 1999 just never happened

So basically liberalism and Jews.

Niggers and Muslims have poisoned the earth

Lazy faggots like you who think they are too good to study history is what led up to this, you fucking imbecile!

You can't learn from the mistakes of the past if you don't even know what they were.

So fuck you, it is YOUR fault!

A bunch of lies and mental disorder

Based user has it correct.
Our 'Liberal' modern world is the end result of the French Revolution and its 'liberty, equality, fraternity' ideas carried to its conclusion.

And of course Napolean's emancipation of the Jews, who quickly took over control of the finance and media of all other countries in Europe in short order.

Yeah, I have to second this.

White people.

both Holla Forums and Holla Forums told me it was 9/11 so i agree with them.

I would also add the Russian revolution for giving birth to bolshevism/communism

It's not fucked up, you just took the sensationalism pill.

Things were so much worse before but people just accepted that life is shit and tried to be happy anyway.

im confident it was religion

It most certainly is. Perhaps existentially so.

Some aspects certainly were…But when did we ever have 100s of millions of non-Europeans living in Europe before?
When did another race of (((people))) have control of our politics? When did women ever mix with non-European men en masse?

The age of consent must be lowered… the world will become a much safer place overnight

correct, should i start with the aniims of ugly face ridden whores that try to pervade and control our society when they have no sense or appreciation for logic.

ITT places with low age of consent

man needs to be true and strong again, the western Caucasian man.

Brits and there circlejerking

Holla Forums tier

Don't forget the father of Marxism, (((Karl Marx))), who had gave birth to ideology of said Marxism and Communism.

everyone being so distant

Something something human nature, something something societies constantly reverting to hedonism.

Marx did nothing wrong tbh


Everything shit in this world can be traced back to kikes

The Nazis lost WW2.

Yeah, we know.

All of them, user.

This to be sincere, familia.

vuluptuous thread barth


I wonder who could possible be behind it all… Hmmm…

Hitler was unable to snuff out all the jews. I blame the Romans too, they have an even better opportunity since the Jew population was much smaller. Wiping out Judea would have been a much simpler process and less of a logistical nightmare.

It's dangerous to say this, but I have found the real truth: We live in a society carefully manipulated by a dark council led by an insane, chaos-bent time traveler. Humanity is powerless against this foe unless they are able to dismantle his deceptions and abandon the false rhetoric that has been forced onto them.

Thats an odd way to say we are controlled by jews

Funny thing is that u c­ucks do nothing about it.

Jews, obviously.

confirmed jew bronies rule the world

I second this. Atheist ruined everything with their belief in non-belief.

this too

December 23, 1913