Wikileaks threatens to make competitor to Twitter

Oh shit. Wikileaks just threatened Twitter with making a competing platform if they keep up their social justice bullshit.

Keep it up, keep forcing their hand! We may get an amazing new platform out of it.

More about the story here

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Excellent idea tbh.


Wish a nigga would. Please no honeypot, feds.

Why not just operate a private blog platform that pushes out to multiple retweet accounts? Congrats you just reinvented RSS feeds.


Wikileaks could probably pull it off too, that's the great part about this.

There is a free, libre, open source alternative to Twitter called Twister. They can easily just host it on their own server and call it something that isn't gay, and boom; twitter alternative that is run by people that give a shit about freedom.

The only hard part would be to get people to post there. A solution would be to clone all the posts from twitter to their competitor so people wouldn't have to browse twitter for posts. Auto-mirror that shit.

Maybe they have the pull to attract a large user base, but I doubt it.

What makes Twitter great is all the normies, celebs, politicians, media people and what not so that we can wreak havoc and troll.

An echo chamber would be pointless.

reported for Breitbard clickbait.

Don't do this faggots or you'll provoke our ire and wrath. cut it out

fuck off anonemoose justice faggot


I will actively fight for and support a radically libertarian and free-speech social network of any sort.

It's time to beginning making this world our own. Taking it back from the fucks that have put us here for the past several years. We need to make life ours.

That is the problem, you have to define your goals to create a certain environment. Do you want a lot of people participating then you have to make a version of twitter that has more pull. Or what kinds of people you want to attract, a lot of edgemeisters and intellectuals? It will turn into an echochamber non the less. You might aswell create something like pokemon twitter, where you get certain achievements when a big player follows you, or some kind of reddit cancer like eve where you have swarms of trolls downvoting or stealing your achievements from you. But then again this would defeat the original purpose. The only way you can counter this is by a more likeable interface but that only has a minor pull. If you make it more troll friendly than you only have a troll echochamber.
The trolls are like the little parasites or symbionts like a tree and the little fungus.

So in order to steal users from twitter you got to offer something that twitter hasnt, you need to make it hip, intellectual but not some uppity shit. Or you create the linux of twitter, full of spergs but a decently sized community with a celeb here and there. But then again your trolling wouldnt be that much satisfying since the the people prefering this platform know your game.

reported and filtered for shitposting




based Assange. If there's going to be a solid competitor to Twitter it has to come from a group/company that has a well established brand. Wikileaks could do it.


Isn't twitter already dying?

A huge chunk of their accounts are supposedly fake marketing bots while real users are in decline.

And they still haven't made a profit.

Shut up, stop whining. The screenshots tell the whole story.

Yea, and as it is now, Twitter is a huge platform, people aren't just gonna switch because normies don't care about Milo or whatever. It's like when Google+ tried to challenge Facebook.

It's a shame that they enforce the rules as jewy as they do because I think Twitter is a great platform tbh. It's done wonders for us meta-politically (#cuckservative, etc) as well as been a source for endless lulz.

I remember when Twitter was new and they promoted it as this free speech platform for people under authoritarian regimes, organizations like Wikileaks, Snowden, etc. Look at it now… The American tech industry is so fucking pozzed.

yeah, I knew this one wasn't very smart from the beginning


no, you fuck off. that garbage has no place on this site. newfags, advertisers and cuckchan rapefugees shall not rape this board

stop being a cuck

That happens automatically once enough people use it as a platform, it becomes normie friendly and then people in charge have to ensure it is save to use or making political moves.

Or you take the full spergshit approach and make it some how decentralized, once a discussions spawns enough controversy and gets a certain number of replies upvotes or whatever the spergs are obligated to meet in real life depending on certain variables like geographic proximity otherwise they get their spergaccounts banned or somehow punished like losing upvotes or whatever. But that would be a totally different environment. The spergs are also obligated to do certain normie shit things to make them representable. Or you combine that meeting with an intelligence induced "passwort" just like if you want to connect to a wifi people have to do a certain task to gain access maths related or you use other types of "virtue signaling" like doing certain tasks to gain access.




We also need a YouTube and Google alternative.
whatever objection there is to them applies 10-fold to google

This is a tough cookie. I'm searching but the websites are pozzed like hell. Even the ones that turn a blind eye to copyrighted content have "no-racism" or "no-harrasment" in their policy.

There was this chinese knockoff mentioned yesterday that allows even full movies and gives 0 fucks about copyrights or bullshit, but the one issue is the lack of english interface. Luckily this could easily be fixed with an browser extension if someone bothers making it

Accessibility is number 1 priority. The website can be good, but it needs potential to attract the masses.

When such website is found, we ought to colonize it and then shill for it. If anyone has suggestions, they are very welcome.

The thing here is that these services already exist. You can already use them, the question here is for what purpose and with what magnitude you want to create an alternative. Google has excellent searching algorithms (i dont understand that much of it but i assume their a top notch in certain deperatments) to say it in a very broad way (personalized search results and datamining are on a different board here). So if you want to create these platforms, you have to ask yourself why do you want many people people to use it, what do you provide to make it a selectable alternative, what gives you the edge to draw many users to it. And you cannot do it half assed. So you have to use something that combines shit that doesnt exist but draws many users to it combined with the sharing of information. The information you see on the internet also gets moderated by real life interaction and the exchange is put into a more pragmatic destilled usage but carried by real life vectors.

OR you invent a google that once it gets a certain number of hits of that topic you also autmatically get guided into a certain forum irc style that makes it easy for the users to access and have a discussion about it.
So if you google something you have the option to join an information platform vagule connected to the search results defined by certain variables to have a number of users discuss this or related topics without having too much or too little users. That makes it also easy for trolls to infest certain channels with your shit.

So for example someone googles turkey purge you can interact with with people interested in that topic to discuss that matter, and you can join and post roach pictures. Or you can infiltrate SJW shit once they google shit they autmatically get into a easy to use chat that is defined by certain guidelines, chat speed, chat interface having certain mods that moderate the channel. That would be like reddit on steriods.

you're the cancer killing this site


Ehh, I don't particularly mind giving traffic to Kikebart. They trigger SJWs, which makes their presence a net benefit despite whatever other shitty things they do.

Activate it.


Stupid goy

It is incumbent upon us to make competing platforms to every shitlib organization. We need free speech twitter, TrumpTV, a real Trump University, and to start making real movies

I think TruTube's back, but it looks like it's down at the moment,

For christ's sake OP, post an archive link IN THE OP so 80% of the thread isn't wasted on one faggot REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about no archive link despite the ease of making one while some other faggot spams "bump".


Or something like legocompany. You basically set up a lego format of making a company, deciding which route it goes and how much funding it needs and then you can vote for people on defined margin neccessary for the company while each person puts in a resume with a little bit extra, so then people get certain votes (including people that are already voted in) so you can fine tune it. That would be a good idea to see how your legion shit works.

Then people that are unemployed can create their own company doing certain jobs while they are already predifined on certain agreements (payment, distribution of payment etc.).

Usually these little companys are small enough to fly under the shitlib radar. And small shitlib companys do not get traction anyway, only bigger companys can afford and have to afford shitlib retardation.

Yes, because the majority of people do not want SJW bullshit pushed or enforced on them, hence why twitter stocks went down the drain.

I only hope the twitterfags degenerate even more, let the company slowly rot into obscurity like myspace did.


trutube was made a while ago but it never took off.

It was a perfect youtube alternative. The thing was it would not appeal to normalfags and the rest of the retards that brows youtube

Wasn't the guy threatened until he had to take it down?

YouTube is a tough cookie as stated because the storage requirements would be absolutely astronomical.
I've thought about htis problem and the only solution I can think of is a combination of FreeNet and torrent technologies.
The problem then becomes enemies flooding the network with spam and cp.
Some sort of voting system would then have to be created. Perhaps uploading a video would have a cost in BTC or some other altcoin, although this might not stop CP vids.

I should add that the FreeNet style solution (with and I2P anonymity network and torrent like multi-user transfers) would require at least a few million anons building multi TB nodes.

Fuck off.

This kind of thing will take over:

How would you stop spam and CP on a completely anonymous and free to upload video network then? The BTC would go to people who host nodes based on the amount of storage they provide.
This would create a market for people to provide storage, which would probably be necessary to meet the insane storage demands of such a site.

I'm for this. Twatter needs competition badly.

>what is GNU Social
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>what is GNU Social

That defeats the orginal purpose of creating an alternative, most people do not want to pay for content and they also do not want to to use a platform that gets flooded by this shit.
Most people are already tech illterate. They want an easy platform to sign up to with an email.

See twitter is just like society itself, it self moderates and this is pushed by certain "forces" and these forces automatically occur. That is why once a platform reaches a certain size it always becomes normie friendly unless you predfine a certain codex that makes up a certain integrity. Just like the chans lose integrity once user information gets sold or abused. That is the dilemma of such platforms, i assume you can only make the linuxesque so only the spergs with a certain knowledge use them. Every obstacle involving payment or technical knowledge requirement will diminish your userbase. Not to speak of our analmouse alphabet derivates, SJW dirt or ideological retards and alphabet friends.

You would just create another fringe site.

You should try a different approach it would be fring aswell. All the people that use this platform have to go to a local meeting using certain methods to prevent alphabet and sjw retards, that means the meetings have to take place at a certain time. You have to set up a platform were people interact, gains traction people then get authentificated through RL interaction and then choose new nicks to prevent stiflement. Once the people are authentificated it prevents CP spam and SJW retards and alphabetfriends are drawn out.

Once you set up traction beforehand you can also involve alutirsm so some celebs use this site, which get their own special status. Maybe you can fine tune it so it isnt completely anonymous and people still can use a RL picture and alter ego. But no ties to the people they have met, mb these meetings have to be small so the amount of interaction they get with other users are minimal. You can also combine this shit with other stuff. It would slightly self moderate the community, using a certain intellectual barrier without being too mainstream. SJW retards are weeded out because you have to put in certain effort and these people are not RL compatible and a bit moderated through RL authentification. But then again it has downsides.

Thanks user

More like provoke your autism

On topic though, social media is a battleground, and twitter seems to be the primary front. I'd fucking love for twatter to see some real competition.

OR you create frankensteins monster, using various platforms and combine them into a single base but you only get authentificated by achieving certain shit. Like you caught some pokemons traveling a certain distance, or you have a certain rank in sc2, or you got a certain number of posts on a certain forum and the forums get preslected like reddit, bodybuilding forums, linux sperg shit, or a certain donatoin to a patreon or put in a abysimal number hours in eve, or steam. Or little other gimicks like having big natural boobs above c-cups. Or you have a cetain number of youtube viewers. And other rnd accounts get voted in or rndly chosen.
That makes it possbile for you trolls to get in, or other options. Would be nerds heaven.

You then can establish certain competions between all the different communitys. Like a drawing contest, trolling contest. You can also create randomized battles between different communities depending on the tags the users give them selves. Like linux spergs vs bodybuilding bros drawing a picture or making a song shitting on a SJWs for example. Or we draw the best pepe, or we solve maths shit and asthmatic black mulatto man has to ride a bycle with a trump head once you a group donated the most money on a preselcted project. The winner can make him wear a t-shirt like "i m an asmatic mulatto, i kill calories like the KKK kills blacks (none huehue)."

But then again the psyducks find it really important to include boobcarriers, we should motivate different communities to include females.
And then we determine which community has the most females with a certain stomach to bust ratio, but that is determined by group size relative to females. Or other normie friendly shit, and then the boobcarriers can vote on which group is the most boobanimal friendly community and relative to your point of perspective you can see that as an achievement like dialectic, if it is a frog community you take pride in having the lowest score and if you are the most bro community you catch more females like pokemon.

I dont really know. I lost internet for nearly a year due to debt and alcohol issues after the site wass made. All I know is when I came back the site did't grow much and died a few months later.

Honestly, It really wasn't shilled enough. I only ever saw one mention of it on Holla Forums and that was it. I kept it in my bookmarks since I hate googe and youtube with a passion and I do everything I can yo avoid using those sites .Right now I hardly even use youtube anymore. and replaced google with Startpage. I

t's either webm or no view.

"free speech" in countries like iran where a new government is desired, "reasonable speech" in countries like ours

no publicly traded company can remain moral

But you could also create a SJW site, doing special projects and then they get rated by the communities that try to help giving them a school ratings. We should use social pressure and legion shit to make them engage in this. It would be a perfect mirror for them. Because if the shit they do is rated badly they cannot defend from itself claming "white men did this".
Like all the soe quinns and laurie pennys would get some real feedback from the communitys the represent, and black women get more votes than white women get, and you can predifine the scores through their special olympics determined by "experts". You should really create some social pull for them to engage in this, and the alphabets would be delighted at least the ones that sit on the different side of their conpartmentlized government specialized on national stability.

You should call that site piratesfortheprojects or refugeesrateme. Now they can show them how much their postmodernistic education will bring some real life impact rated by those that do not have that nasty white confirmation bias.

We should also create an app that forces the white knights into the hood, it will be like pokemon, the more time they spend in the hood the more points the diminish on the the oppression scale. We could involve some tech retards that combine the skincomplexion measured by their smartphone with the amount of people they meet. The darker the overall complexion the faster they work up their oppression scale. That means the longer you spend in an area with blacks and browns and the darker they are the faster the oppression bar goes down. Like an excercise you do every day averaged through a month, so every sjw has to spend a certain amount of time with oppressed minorities or women (defined by certain parameters so it makes sure you arent a bro). You can also include parameters to detect women but to double check you have cetain amount of men if they arent trans to make sure we do mistake broud shouldered women and wide hiped transmen with the inaccurate gender. So your app shows you every 50women you meat to ask one women if she is really female or every 50 men if he is really a man.


Isn't there already a twitter copy? I heard it before on Holla Forums. pretty niche website

Why not a competitor to fucking YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too big of a fish to fry yet. Give it time.

You could also widen that app with having conversation with them interacting with minorities, once you enter the hood you have to have conversations. Then the number of words you exchange increases the acceleration of diminish of your oppression bars. Bonus points for talking to black women. Now you use that app to connect to your credit card that you use to give them money. You can finetune that by the minoirities giving you ratings on your generousity. Just like the parable of jesus, the rich man spending a dollar and the poor women spending a dollar is different. You all fit that in a fine tuned algorithm that determines your karma, that gets valued by our psychological experts and philosphical friends, totally not steered by alphabet friends.

You can make a new youtube called hoodtube where all the sjws post their game advancements i just describe above. You can also get certain ratings.

But we should widen that impact a bit, we should make a cultural enrichment app where people get to vote their cultural enrichment of that day. But the algorithm values the impact of your rating based on the oppression bar. That would be the perfect job for google to fight all the white confirmation with their new app.
That would be a new job for moot to do, since it wasnt totally inpredictable that he would get hired by google. I think google should step up their game and use their new algorithms i just described to fight the white supremacy. Maybe make a app for jews too.

Or we should make a new app, to rate social compatiblity. Everyone gets an app and other people rate you based on your ability to work in large groups. You can also refine that based on certain tasks and certain circumstances. And we should give that feedback to your employer, that uses another tool factoring in your linguistic proficiancy your ability work with groups, the amount of time you spend abroad connection with your overal grades on the shit you studied. We should also define a variable that determines your lawscore. Defined by "really intelligent" fat lesbians that you use to present your product.

thanks user, and fuck the detractors.

But then again you could take that a step further, and use an app that factors all these things into a mathematical models and caculate a karma coefficiant. You then use your postmodernistic philospohers to determine the variables and your smartphone that is the little helper that helps you elminate your confirmation observer bias to correct your selective observaitional bias like your 6th sense. So we have more senses like we had before smelling, hearing, touching, seeing tasting and our selective observiational bias helper app.

duckduckgo is owned by jews though.

Nobody has to click on that link because the screenshots tell the whole story already and if you have an ad blocker installed on your browser then it doesn't matter, you're not indirectly giving money to Breitbart.

You sound just like the Holla Forums troll who hangs out at /n/ who's always trying to derail threads when there's an article from Infowars. Fuck off little whiny faggot, go back to Freech, you're not even entertaining.

Searx is fine but not Duckduckgo:

IxQuick.EU is very good.

#1 IxQuick
#2 Searx

Dailymotion gives 0 fucks about what's uploaded there.

That is a good idea



Yeah, sure, keep lusting over a jewish invention.

Milo got banned for knowingly posting (not retweeting, posting) fake tweets from Leslie Jones that damaged her character. It seems that fact has been swept away.

Control your opposition and all that. -Hurr Durr Lenin


This is a good thing to spread.

There's literally millions of video websites. Just pick one.

Not sure why everyone's shitting on you. Oh yeah this board is reddit now.

This thread might be slow, but here, have a triggered furry to laugh at. Wikileaks is doing a bang up job lately

no need to type is so many times

Sounds like a good way to get hit with a law suit

That depends, who owns the tweets made on twitter?

Can get hit with a lawsuit for archiving Twitter's home page?

fuck you,you nigger faggot pigfucking basic training reject jim.



piss upon you, fag