Looking for weird movies. Pic related

Looking for weird movies. Pic related.

bumping with another recomendation.
Swiss Army Man

Bad Taste
Bad Milo
Atomic Sharks

Mosquito Man


Speaking of which!

fuck off





Thanks never seen it.

Takehis' love the actor, will watch it.

Tetsuo Ironman.

Basically japan capeshit, if you love MCU you'll love this one, it's black and white tho.

All of Steve Oedekirk's thumb shit.

Lair of the White Worm

Motivational Growth (existential comedy)
Shinboru (Absurdist fantasy)*
Haze (Psychological mystery)
Paperhouse (Psychological fantasy)
Yesterday Was a Lie (Surrealist noir)

*Almost any movies by Hitoshi Matsumoto would count

You haven't lived until you've seen woodchipper massacre


Meshes Of the Afternoon.
No picture because I'm on mobile but it's the oldest film like this I can think of.




Hell Comes to Frogtown

The Holy Mountain

Might as well say Eraserhead if we're talking about Reddit tier movies.

The Taint

This one's been on my list for a while.

I don't think pretentious art films belong in this thread.