Fuck you. I'm a proud progressive libertarian and I won't stand for this anymore

Listen you faggots. I work at a prestigious law university and I'm sick of you vile Trump supporting nazi trolls fucking up the internet and harassing women.

So here's what I'm going to do - when I'm finished with my degree, I'm going to do everything in my power to shut down this site. It's full of nazis, commies, pedos, and Trump supporters. Sick!

And no, you can't call me a fake libertarian. I'm proud of my belief in liberty, and I will use the courts to get this site sued, which is exactly what would happen in a progressive libertarian society run by me!


I'm even confident enough to post this. There's nothing you can do. Try taking on a real man. I protect women and the weak while you shit on them. I'm proud of my Jewish heritage, because it makes me a REAL American.


You can't stop me.

Other urls found in this thread:


What are you, gay?

gr8 b8 m8

What's wrong with being gay? I'm straight but I take dick to show my solidarity in these difficult times.

I've got some bad news for you.

I don't want Trump to win.

Then, I've got some good news for you.

quality control for trolling is doing bad, bigly.

Libertarians = Autists

Something just isn't adding up here.

Anyone can claim they like something to distance themselves from people they dont like, only to seem like they have different perspectives when really they have more in common with the same folks that disagree with their agreements to what they might not even really care about because who really cares.

where did i mention Holla Forums? i said trolls are too obvious and shitty nowadays, me included.

Trolls don't really need quality control, because regardless of if someone knows it to be a troll, they answer in earnest.


you get the point you faggot

u kow he trol rigt?

I wouldn't put so much faith in your fellow posters if I were you.

i come here expecting nothing, but shit like op is everywhere now





obvious bait and PA request, but hey. Im looking for a good raid

can we get some people in here for doxing.

Oh look he lives in DC:


if someone could find his birthday then we could do this:


his zip code is 20057, and he was born somewhere in 1991

get in here instead

His birthday is Feb 14th.

He posts on rotten tomatoes off topic under the name NimChimpsky. You can find a birthday thread in search.


14 mill something district of columbia washington…

shit b8