The descriptions on this site can't actually be real can they? I mean it has to be exaggerated...

The descriptions on this site can't actually be real can they? I mean it has to be exaggerated, just like Jews exaggerated the Holocaust.

Other urls found in this thread:


I read cw porter's website years ago if I remember correctly he learned the german language just so he could do in-depth research more effectively. I think he is also a lawyer as well so he is not just some Holla Forumsack that made a website. A cursory look at that web page and I would point out it seems it would fall in line with the Katyn forest massacre.

You seriously think the kikes and their golems would refrain from such brutality? World War 2 was a Jewish Holy War against "Amalek" - any mercy at all would go against the divine commandment to extermination. Hell, Jews are STILL salty that they didn't get to use the nuke on them. Just look at what they're doing right now in Palestine.

Don't worry, the average media-consuming goy will just shrug and say "they were Bad People, they deserved it, remember the six million".

It's just so crazy and out there though.

Like disemboweling a priest then sticking a fetus cut out of a pregnant woman in the opening. WTF

Sucking the dick of a new born baby after cutting off the foreskin is normal? And I have no idea where you live but the movies will never portray the reality of what real life consisted of in asia prior to the WW's

It's disgusting but at least the baby gets to live.


There's a good reason everyone between russia and Germany fucking hates the Russians.

How do Germans feel about Russians nowadays?

I think most europeans who dont have the looming threat of being invaded by russia again have moved on


I wonder what would happen if Russia invaded Poland and the Baltics again

You know nothing, OP.

And that was not meant as demeaning.

This thread is now holocaust storytime. Post your favourite holocaust stories or make up your own, doesn't really matter.

What do you mean?

OP how old are you? I have a feeling you have no idea what mankind is capable of, and when it comes to the jews there is more than ample evidence that what they claim was done to them was in reality what they had done on to the goyim. The problem is when the people that scream the loudest own all the media who is there to speak for the other side?

Browse this website for about a month or so, you might be able to read half of it in that time.
You will find it is all original sourced magazine and newspaper articles.

Until he acquires an infection due to poor sterilization plus contact with that dirty rabbinic saliva, has his penis removed or eventually dies/kills himself.





To understand the Soviet war crimes, you must understand what the Soviet soldiers were told. Here is a famous writing of (((Ilya Ehrenburg))), a notable Jewish writer. His writings were distributed to all soviet soldiers.

And another:




You know, it's times like these when I remember all the arguments saying "b-but Russians were just as victimized as everyone else by Jews!!!!" that have been on Holla Forums for a while now. Funny stuff.

Slaves and mafia.

It's Germans who are slaves to their leftist government and political correctness though.