How does this power work, and how does one abuse it?

How does this power work, and how does one abuse it?

It's a combination of The Hand and King Crimson.

You abuse it by absorbing shit you don't like and leaving what you do.

King Crimson I'm familiar with. The Hand, I'm drawing a blank. I asked /tg/, and they bitched me out, that's why I need to know how to abuse the hell out of this ability.

Oh gods, this is King Crimson all over again.

The first thing you have to figure out is what it actually means to absorb time. Do the events that occurred during the absorbed time still count as having happened, or could you, for example, absorb the time during which an important event in the past occurred, and wind up changing history? If you start absorbing the future, does time effectively stop?

Though, looking over the examples in the wiki you linked, it looks like the power is just 'the Final Boss absorbs literally everything except the party of heroes into itself, thus creating the stage on which the final battle is to be fought', which would be considerably less useful for you.

part 4, Okuyasu's stand. Anything he swipes his right hand through get's erased, including space (such as the space between him and a target, allowing himself to get pulled towards the target or vice versa.)

It's a very vague description. If I had to take a guess, is probably on the right page. With out some extensive limitations, it's a ridiculously powerful ability.

The fact that you are 'absorbing' the space time could make it even more broken. Imagine 'absorbing' some rich and powerful person and basically gaining everything they had. You might even be able to steal specific things or dillude out stuff you don't want.

So go to some buff dude, now you're /fit/
go to some rich dude, now you're loaded
go to some young dude, now you're basically ageless

And… come to think of it, there's no reason you would need to just take from one source. You could just walk through the mall somewhere and come out with tons of cash, an adonis like body and in the prime of your life while the people you walked by maybe lost a month or two of life, less than 50 bucks and maybe a fraction of their muscle mass.

Granted it wouldn't be that useful in combat if the user wasn't smart. For example I don't think trying to absorb an attack will be very helpful, though might reduce the damage you take from it. But in the hands of someone intelligent it would be busted. You just have to absorb negatives that would cancel out what's happening. Think of a generic kamehameha energy blast, all you would need to do is absorb energy at the opposite wavelength to cancel it out or have it dissipate into nothing.

So, yeah, pretty broken ability.

One Piece RPG. Game master set up and RNG to determine devil fruit users. Another player and I were chosen. Other player was logia Argon, I was paramecia this website, per GM instructions. The power is touch-based only, and /tg/ gave me no end of shit when I asked how it would work/how I could abuse it.

Cuckchan /tg/, or Holla Forums /tg/? Because I don't see any threads about this over on Holla Forums /tg/.

Both, and it was months ago. Didn't want to start this thread again so soon.

Ah. Well, as said, the ability is way too powerful on its own. Space and Time are very broad concepts, and even if you're just limited to touch, you can do things like touch an opponent and absorb their entire personal history and skillset, basically turning them into babies while you suddenly get to do everything they can do. And if you can do that, you'll eventually reach the point where you don't really need the rest of the party for anything but an extra pair of hands to help out every now and then.

I think you might find it more useful to ask your GM if you can tighten up the scope of your power a bit. Remove the Time part from your absorption ability and play a guy with Absorbing Man's power-set, or something similar. Defending yourself from gunfire by absorbing the metal in the bullets being shot at you, becoming a discount Luffy by absorbing properties from a rubber tree, boosting your attacks by absorbing both the sharpness and the tempered steel of a well-forged blade… That should leave you with plenty of room to get creative without getting overpowered, right?

Holy shit, thank you so much! I'm gonna be the best over-powered acting under-powered diplomat to a pirate crew ever!

This is a pretty good solution. Mine would be to tell your GM to use some common sense, and if more than half the examples on the power page are from final bosses/crossover event antagonist, just reroll.

They already went, "Shit. Fine, it's touch-only powered." So that's why I'm trying to figure out how it works, and how to use it to my groups full potential.

To preface, they said a combination of Rogue meets psychometry. Despite that, I want to know how it really works, because the website description leaves me wondering how it works.

Yeah, reducing the range is a very good first step. Another is explicitly defining "absorption". For instance, when you absorb time, what happens to it? does it simply cease to be, a la King Crimson? Does that extra time enter you, and if so, what effect does it have on you? Very importantly, does this power only work one way? Can you give time away, or are you stuck with all the leftover time until it runs itself down?

I don't know, and my GM didn't say. That's why I'm asking the comic board how to use it.

Yeah, it's one-way, I can only take and use it on myself, my GM was very clear about that, no super powered crew.

Another fun option is restoring broken and worn-down objects to newly-made condition by absorbing all the time that those objects have experienced. You can fix anything with just a touch.

And this is just with absorbing time. For absorbing space, your GM might find it easiest to just give you a touch attack that does some fitting amount of damage and ignores damage reduction and hardness, representing your ability to absorb things into yourself with a touch.

Of course, the drawback there is that you get bigger and heavier, the more matter you absorb, so unless you have some way to purge it from yourself, (vomiting? taking a big poop?) you'll eventually get too big and heavy to move. Which would probably lead to your guy relying more on time absorption than space absorption, now that I think about it.

Maybe just ask your gm to ditch the space absorption part entirely, since time absorption is already more than strong enough on its own?

By the way, I still think that the latter option in is probably going to work out better for you and your game. It will also be easier to work with, flavor-wise. You could say you ate the Absorb-Absorb fruit and became an Absorbing Man. Coming up with names for Space-Time Absorption, on the other hand, will be much tougher.

What if absorbing time reduces your lifespan?

Then just absorb anti-time.

OP, here. I just want to be the Zoro of the group. Number two, and an absolute badass.

Absorb time? Isn't that what Mister Mind did in 52?

So…Hol Horse?

This is the One Piece d20 rpg, right? I think you've already gotten all the practical advice you're going to get for your character's powers, and since this is Holla Forums, you're not likely to get much advice on exploiting the system itself.

Is there anything else you're looking for help with?

I thought this was going to be a thread about the Tick, and was disappointed OP.

Simple. You waste our time and take up space with another stupid thread with an unrelated image that is the forum equivalent of clickbait.
