Is Jenny for sexual?
My Thread about My Life as an Adult who Loves a Teenage Robot
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Absolutely not. Now the Krust Cousins on the other hand…
That depends on if Jenny makes the pattycake noise or the squeaky rubber ball balloon noise.
I always imagine the squeaky rubber ball balloon noise.
Please post more
With pleasure.
The better to wrap around your body when you're penetrating her.
I want to impregnate her with my sperm, if you know that I mean.
Can't argue with that logic.
So what she's supposed to be? Is she supposed to be a Wigger girl? Or a Mulatto?
British of Indian or Pakistani ancestry.
Guys, some of those pics are really naughty, really risque.
Anything can be made sexual.
That's a bad thing btw and no about of >implying replies will change that you aborted troglodytes.
How 'bout this here stick?
He's talking about Tiff, not Brit. It's not explicitly stated how close or distant as cousins they are.
Shit, you're right. Sorry.
I'm sure Tiff is just white with an urban attitude. I like the joke: the black one is proper and the white one is slangy.
Ok, you got me there.
How about this here humble kettle, then?
Can it be made sexual? It's just a kettle to me.
…. I've got nothin'.
You can bore a hole in and shove a smaller stick in it.
That'd be pretty lewd.
source on those last two?
Well, I stand erected.
What did I miss?
My life as a teenage robot was the most cringeworthy name i've ever heard in my life, it stopped me from watching the show.
I agree, I don't like it either.
I also don't really like the show, I just like the art. And them biatches are for sexual so I watched it with many a boner.
Where is the stream?
i'm streaming something else right now, but could stream mlaatr in a little while
gibe link fgt
movie now, mlaatr in an hour
Mine what?
Let's see. Here is the official blog
Without that stupid optimus prime symbol that first pic looks like Jenny as a Custom Robo.
Jenny is not for sexual
Then why is my boner very real when I see her and think about her robopyssy?
Because your a degenerate
have you ever even watched the show?
do you know what kind of person her creator is?
She is EXPLICITLY for sexual.
I don't.
Here, have some pictures of jenny vibrating
You tell me.
God, no!
is the brown haired guy Dave Willis?
It does look like how he draws himself.
i want tiff to bully me sexually
You can call me a normie or whatever but the artsyle's a little too cartoony to arouse me.
An hourglass…
And what a life-giving pear.
Loud House drawfag, if you would…?
Anyone has that post from the guy that fell in love with Jenny and had to go to the shrink for a couple of years?
May be the first case of treatment because of waifu.
I wanna fuck Jenny because I love her but I'm not sure how that would work. Because she a metal and my dick is a normal dick. What do?
Thanks bro, I kiss you.
So you have Gepetto Dr.Tenma Dr.Light Dr. Nora Wakemen making a robot girl to act as a defender of the planet earth.
But Professor Utonium Wakemen was clearly lonely and wanted a daughter so she created one that doubled as a superhero.
Perhaps also wanting to create a defender that had a humanoid thought process unlike her previous creation before the XJ series, Armagedroid.
Jenny is intended to be a teenager but Wakemen clearly didn't even intend for her to go to school so when she agrees to let Jenny go she doesn't attempt to make her daughter fit in and instead deal with the stigma of being a teenage robot.
In a more positive light one could see Wakemen wanting her to stay true to herself.
Eventually Wakemen created the symbiote Exo-skin at her daughter's behest.
At some point Jenny would learn about human reproduction and would be curious about the act especially because she is a teenager.
I don't imagine wakeman would build her a receptacle considering her protective nature.
Jenny would probably just build an autoblow into herself integrated with the pleasure buttons.
She'd see how much whoever liked her after she used it and then she'd get the idea that if she did it to all the guys than she'd become really popular.
Not wanting to be outdone the Krust cousins would also take up being huge whores.
Brad would talk Jenny out of being the school bicycle because nobody actually liked her for her personality.
Tuck would be hosing her off on a front lawn.
Sheldon would have had a cold and never learned about anything that day.
So to answer your question:
A Jenny isn't for the sexual, but she is a curious teenage robot so she could be.
Sounds to me like you ruin your own fun being so particular.
Where are Brit's organs?
When point out that someone has used flawed grammar, and then use flawed grammar yourself, imagine how it makes you look.
on retrospective, that episode of Zim was fucking traumatizing.
i can't believe i found it funny as a kid and find it making me uncomfortable as an adult
Death and dismemberment gets less funny as you get older.
You are a wizard user.
Tastes are tastes.
I guess…
I mean, I can respect someone's preference without sharing it.
I'm posting here so i don't forget that I wanted to draw some sexual jenny tomorrow
Yes! You draw some sexual Jenny tomorrow!
This is a worthy life goal for any man.
So… Jenny confirmed for sexual?
user it is the next day, and i wanted to remind you about sexual jenny
nice dubs too
yes yes, I'm already on in, but I can't decide who do I want unscrewing jenny
Another Jenny? Lilke, a R63 Evil Jenny?
Or maybe futa Jenny? Or Brit with a strap-on.
i vote for futa jenny
I think I'm gonna go with brit, because I have an idea for a possible sequel pic.
Also, I like brit
can you just make futa brit then?
We could always use more /ss/ between Tuck and Jenny.
Gonna second this
Yes! YES!
Oh lord, YES! Tucker x All the Robots, including
Tucker's cute shota duck must be raped by all sorts of gynoids, with and without exo-skins. Needs to happen, the world needs art of a scared, crying Tucker being forced to have sex with orgasming robots that can't get enough of his dick and don't really care about his trauma (may in fact be turned on by his tears).
dong nabbit people, calm down.
I'll go for that some other time
working Jenny x crusts now
Play of the Game!
I mean, do what you want. I think most of us appreciate the effort, but you can't ignore the request now because we have a hashtag.
Yay! The hashtag worked!
okay, went with that pairing, since I had some place for butt exposure, and there is only one noteworthy butt.
Yes. YES!
What are the chances for Jenny ever getting a reboot?
Not very high, But then again I said the same about Samurai Jack getting back
bless thee user
colored the second pic.
Why is Jenny so sex? I mean, I love her but not even I'm sure why.
Not just her body.
I think the saying Mother knows best couldn't be more true in this situation.
Well she's innocent, caring, and protective.
She actually has a good personality, so that boost the dick-o-meter to 11 for me.
webm unrelated of course :^)
A reboot would be awesome and if they do it right people would watch. Why don't they just do it?
I dunno. Maybe they haven't thought about it. Let's make a petition. President Obama will have to acknowledge it if we get 100 signatures.
If they reboot the show I only ask that they respect the artistic choices (Art Deco, flat colors, changing colors that suit the tone of the scene) and don't make it "realistic" and dark.
See? Everything is possible.
Believe, user! Believe!
You all make me sick.
You did too babe
I didn't. You're the sick ones buckos.
Things like this motivate me to practice and become a worthy artfag.
Buck up because this sicko is gonna show you something.
Plz no
That makes me so happy to hear that, keep on practicing and it'll pay off someday.
Remember Dressguy?
Really makes you think huh.
Who says he did, you creepy insane faggotronico?
he just never came to 8ch
here's his last DA submission that is jenny related
he also appears to be into sonic, ponies, and some other characters i don't recognize.
I'm surprised as fug. Don't tell me he's also into Minecraft too.
Why us his English so good?
i haven't seen any minecraft stuff, but it would fit the M.O..
his English is good because I believe he came from Cuba as an expat when he was young, so he was able to absorb proper English while he was growing up, yet retain his parent's Spanish knowledge and heritage.
he's certainly an interesting character, being a foreign-born autist.
he still seems to be into cartoon-oriented things, but sonics and ponies tend to leak into anyone who's remotely autistic.
Famous Artists Cartoon Course:
>>>/loomis/ guides:
Where is the stream?
butthurt decepticon detected
i can stream
are you around nigga
He may not be but I'm around and I wanna watch.
how about in a half hour?
I'm always ready baby!
You say when.
i started streaming another movie in the meantime
you can come watch star trek if you want, half hour till its over
okay, mlaatr now if you're around
i'll be around for a little while, will leave stream on overnight
episodes are random
okay, mlaatr now
i'll be around for a little while more, stream will be on overnight, episodes random
Link ain't working for some reason.
i should spell it correctly
Yes! Up again!
Is it?
It is.
I don't really understand why people fap to Jenny.
As a kid, I always thought Jenny was cute, not sexy. Jessica rabbit was sexy. The dark magician girl was sexy. But Jenny? Jenny was cute and crushable, in a non-sexual way.
I just can't see her as being sexual.
These people take anything the get
robot fetish + fun personality + cute voice
Her voice is 140% sex.
time for jenny porn
i miss when MG drew cute sexy jennys. pic 5 is the current state of his jenny.
wiz you still alive m8?
I don't like it, but I am hard.
You know who else has really degraded?
I mean his fetishes were always questionable for me
they are shit
But man, he really has let himself go. At least we have Fridge and Henry the Duck still.
i miss his cute jennys
his art seems to be getting better (coloring and shading at least) but bondage is indeed shit
he also never fucking finishes most of what he draws
she does stuff besides mooch off of vagina credit
Wasn't My Life as a Teenage Robot not popular with kids but got ridiculously popular after it was cancelled due to porn and fanfiction?
it did get three seasons, which is par for the course for most cartoons, so it must have been at least somewhat popular with kids
They produced 3 seasons but aired only one.
Wasn't the president of Nick at that time a womyn who made banal decisions that drove the whole network into accepting shit like Fanboy & Chumchum and Planet Sheen?
They aired two on Nickelodeon, along with the TV movie and Christmas special, but the third aired later on Nicktoons Network.
Why do you find this character attractive? is literally an stick figure with a circle and two triangles for a head. I just cant understand this board.
is this going to be a Holla Forums waifu thread?
use your imagination a bit
Love the landing lights.
Jenny is definitely not for 3D.
I just checked the artist's DA and he don't seem to be trolling with that horrible pic. In fact he made more in the same style.
I'm not posting it because frankly I felt sick just looking at it.
Nice, but too late.
The 3d you just posted looks alright.
yeah, that one is not too bad, but
sometimes, 3d jenny can work.
but sometimes IT DOES NOT WORK
If you want 3d jenny to "work" wouldn't you just use a different artsyle, like anime?
I thought that was a cosplay for a minute.
I'm not sure if I should find the chick dressed as Jenny cringy or not. Though the female ghostbuster looks pretty cute.
ghostbuster girl has 90s punk girl next door look down perfect
Half-arsed paint job is cringe for sure
Would loved to have seen her face when most people assumed she went as some sort of zombie hooker.
I wonder if there's a dude inside.
it's a girl, she makes fabric things
Not that I'd buy it, but I'd like to know that I could.
She's for sexual, bro. She's for sexual.
Like, for sexual sexual?
Life is so disappointing
I like it.
Does anyone have those greentext fapfics that one guy on halfchan wrote about brown Jenny?
I don't remember. Did Jenny ever use her
ability to change color to blend into the backdrop and camouflage herself?
most of them are here
what the fuck is an MGF?
Mega Gigantic Faggot?
most likely
You want the skin on, or off?
Forget the robot inside I want to fuck that skin
off, please
Because Zone did that video of jenny getting gangraped.
Too bad.
Does Jenny have the best robutt?
When everyone talks about this show they always say how they had a crush on Jenny. It's always Jenny this, Jenny that, Jenny jenny jenny.
Was I the only one who had a crush on Brad?
i think you are m8
i've heard of people being into sheldon for some reason but you're the first brad i think
The great thing about robot is that you can upgrade them, both softwares and hardwares.
So is Jenny for sexual? Wait a minute
*Installing SexualPleasure 4.0 and attaching pussyinator 5000*
The answer is yes.
Wait, is that some sort of Loud Exo-Skin?
Me likey!
But if you upgrade their software beyond certain point, then they are no longer… they…
Just like us human right? I mean you met someone from your child or teenagehood when you're all grown up and they are different.
The difference is that robot can't get pregnant, and I say it's an advantage. You can cum inside her all the time and you don't need to worry about having a baby.
But that's development, and it's slow and is punctuated by meaningful and real moments, realisations and changes.
If it's from one second to the next, which would be the case with an upgrade, you'd be interrupting the continuation of the self and replacing it with another. If you upgraded Jenny then you'd be forcing Jenny to cease being and then you'd have another being.
The question is how much Jenny going to change just because she got sexual urges and actual genital? It's not like we want to program her to become a total slut. She's already got AI that learn about love so consensual sex is still generated from her AI heart, combined with lust add on.
Yes, she can use her intelligence to learn about something, but if you install the knowledge/desire in her mind then you're changing her mind and you end up with a different entity.
Sexual urges are not knowledge. Just like puberty suddenly we got this attraction to do more with the opposite sex. Like I said it's not like we gonna turn her into total sex slut in seconds. We can always program it to affect her in small amounts and in different time intervals.
that's why humans are shit and should be interacted with as little as possible.
They change unexpectedly based on biological reasons, hormones, other shit like that. You cannot reason with those factors.
I would much rather explain to a robot why do I like sex, and convince her that despite a lack of libido, she should do it on her own. Teach her she can make others happy by being a slut.
Can't wait till commercialized sexbots are a thing
Until they ban the
Can't ban love.
Is that a bulge I see?
More like a curve in the skirt, probably
I hope
She's a robot. There's probably a pegging mode switch in her.
It's just a butt cannon.
Nothing to worry about.
All robots have one.
Girls are in the front.
it's her skirt going between her legs.
Vexus and Melody Locus need more love
merry Christmas
it's the holiday season goy, be more inclusive!
a jap drew it, it bothers me too
My prediction is that the Jap has zero knowledge about christmas so he googled it and stumbled upon an SJW tumblr account that trying to mix hannukah with christmas tradition so that's how we got this faggotry.
probably a gook tbh. most "jap" artists are just sneaky gooks, even if they use the moonrunes.
Christmas was one of the things the japanese picked up from GIs while we were occupying their country. they liked the whole giving gifts, decorating, being charitable, putting up a tree and such, but probably missed out on the whole "Christ was born" part.
Actually christmas doesn't become a trend until Bubble economy set in in Japan, it was when they have abundance of money and need a way to spend it. Christians exist in Japan but not that popular. They either atheists or pray to local and bigger deities of Japan.
Also KFC was smart enough to enforce the idea that christmas is not complete until people eat KFC fried chickens. It became a tradition now.
but what if I want to bully Tiff?
She seems like the kind of person who could get pretty blushy when alone.
Wish it was bigger
thats what she said
Thst's what she said!
Just kidding, she didn't say that. But boy oh boy I sure want to rape Tiff.
That's pretty lewd. You sure you shouln't spoil that?
I can do that easily.
She's spoiled already.
10/10 bro. Excellent answer.
I don't look anything like that.
Oh wow.
Only if you fight back against them.
God bless westaboos
I can dig it
This isn't what I had in mind
I've seen worse.
How about posting five images instead of the pathetic one image bump nigger?
cute robot girls are my fetish
Don't remind me, goddammit.
i usually don't like fat but for some reason chubby jenny is cute. might just be itimu's style.
some other thick jennys that aren't brown jenny.
I fapped
No ragrets
Why is that a thing?
It looks like a horse pussy and asshole
It kinda does, but puffy anuses (anii?) have been a stylistic choice for a while. Even shitty hentai artists draw them that way.
I also though it looks like a mare's pussy, and then I has to face the fact that I know what a horse pussy looks like…
them's fighting words
how you even judge when been AWOL so long omg
this DA account is… more disturbing than i could have anticipated
don't click this one. i'm not joking.
Some people are just sick…
mein gott
God help us all.
Somebody commission skuddbutt to make Jenny
Thats 3D? Damn.
Why do people do this?
Needs spoiler
No! No…
It's perfect.
I mean it's clearly beyond lewd and now it's art.
Don't browse imageboards in a place it'll be awkward to get caught in.
We're going to need a new thread soon
Fuck off.
it's board rules
jenny's boobs, hard metal or squishy?
You know he's right.
fucking why
Most fucking overrated show ever, Made fucking PPG look good in comparison.
Wait a minute, you lefty weirdo. What did you say about PPG?
As far as clang waifus go, Jenny is mediocre at best. That's the only explanation I can see for the nostalgia boner people have for the show.
Original PPG was pretty good though. The movie wasn't bad either. nuPPG is animated cancer.
Its a pretty mediocre show made better by its animation style.
Not sure what Monster Mesume has to do with any of it though.
Hell yeah, son! But the last seasons kinda sucked, we have to admit.
I have to disagree, it really is bad. This comes from a fan.
Well, no one will argue with that.
As always, worst girl has worst taste
Why do I see reactions from this Chinese cartoon? Is it any good?