New right-wing pol-like board on infinite

New right-wing pol-like board on infinite.

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hi chung! promoting your restaurant again, huh?
sweet sour fried kitten *meow *meow

I will expose here the reason the american establishment is spewing so much hate lately towards the christian, hard-working mexican people.

Now that americans finished with the Middle East, they are with their eyes targeting Latin America, which is also a continent with large mineral riches, which they are seeking to steal as they did with middle east oil. To do so, they need to create a new "enemy" in the eyes of the people.

Next years, american big media will start to demonize latin america as a continent dominated by drug trade. They will propagandize that USA army needs to invade Latin America to "free" its people of drug cartels and bring freedom and democracy to the continent.

As always, it's all a theater. First, if Latin America have a problem with drugs, the culprit is USA itself, which always controlled drug trade on Latin America. This started as early as on the Bill Clinton's government, when USA government created the FARC organization - the biggest drug producer in the continent.

Recently the mexican government have attacked the main mexican cartel, Juarez Cartel, which is entirely controlled buy the american government - CIA. This has caused USA to lost billions of dollars. That is also why Trump is proposing to extraditate mexicans in USA: it is a retaliation of the american establishment against the recent Mexico government initiatives against drug trade. The CIA always controlled the mexican drug cartels. Americans have profit billions of dollars with it, in expense of mexican people lifes that are being lost due to drug cartel wars.

So prepare next years for american big media to make a big case about drugs in Latin America, and the subsequent invasion of Latin American countries.

That is the entire thruth about it, that you will not see on TV (or on Holla Forums).

More on the topic will be posted here:

Japan is trying to cut the constitutional ammendment, forced on them by americans, that castrates their Armed Forces.

I see that with eyes of hope. It means Japan will finally be able to retaliate against USA for what was the biggest war crime ever commited, the drop of two nuclear bombs on Japan by USA armed forces.

Japan never forgot that hateful crime. Americans ignored every international and ethical law, and dropped two bombs aiming especifically at the civil population, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

USA NEVER ever have answered for that war crime. Nobody ever paid for it. But they certainly will. As they will pay for every other crime and abomination they have commited.

I can't wait for a new Pearl Harbour. Japanese people will take all that feeling that they were force to conceal for so many years, and finally take it all back, destroying USA pride once and for all.

More on the topic will be posted here:

fuck yourself


For saying the thruth?

Typical Holla Forumstard.

It is a continent dominated by the drug trade. You're right though, Paco. We are coming.

Will you attack us with your dildos, fat fag?

No, we're simply going to come in full force like we did last time. This time, however, we will not be leaving. You children were given an opportunity. You have squandered that opportunity.

I'm totally terrified by american men.

Not really. Kek.

Wow, americans are so masculine. Hahaha.

How many of you faggots are needed to fight against a latin-american?

What happens if the usa army faggots decide they want to be fucked in their ass by macho latinos, instead of fighting them?

Kek. I'mt truly terrified.

did you somehow not realize that all of the people in that image are hispanic?

Good Luck, Paco. You're all going to die.

Americans = jews.

I honestly don't care so long as brown people die


I honestly don't think one can die from being throwned dildos at.




Thanks for correnting for me.

I usually don't speak fag, so not used to it.


Hi, is this the Holla Forums?