LOL!!! Have you guys SEEN this XKCD!!!!!
LOL!!! Have you guys SEEN this XKCD!!!!!
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I sincerely blame this webcomic for really kicking off the
So…what the comic is saying is that you can have free speech but if you don't follow the group think, you have no rights?
While he's technically right, the stuff that he's applying this logic too isn't hatespeech or extremist opinions like "hang all niggers!"
He's talking questioning feminism or calling bullshit when some hysterical retard claims that getting killed in a multiplayer game is rape.
I actually made a thing for this.
Here's another
You know, I was JUST thinking that xkcd sucks.
And that's how found this five minutes ago.
Funny how coincidences happen sometimes.
The book REALLY sucked. It's just one joke drawn out over a whole coffee-table piece of shit book. Makes a great gift for that smart-ass cousin you hate, like the pop-up Escher book.
I love the classics.
Post your favourite XKCD comic!
Unfortunately that blog's been dead for years (the rants are still absolutely on point though).
Here's one that's still active:
What us this?
wow this guy is worse than xkcd
What a colossal faggot.
What a faggot
i agree 100% for once, beer is shit, normalfags drink it because other normalfags drink it just so that they can all be together in being neurotypical pieces of shit, being retarded together makes you feel better than being intelligent alone.
There are hundreds if not thousands of different types of beers.
I like my coffee black, which makes it bitter as fuck, as beer usually is. Don't tell me I drink it to socialize.
No, you drink coffee because you're addicted.
You drink beer to fit in.
Fuck off dude
You must be the dumbest nigger I've seen all day, if you're not black you must be at least brown.
For starters the coffee thing, I also drink it coffee, but I don't drink it on a daily basis, not even a weekly basis, I drink it whenever when I feel like it, because it's good and I like it.
And the beer and socializing thing, do you think the only beers that exist is Buddweiser?
Obviously a lot of people use it as a crutch for socializing, but as the coffee dude said, there are thousands of different types of beers.
I drink beer, again, not daily, not even weekly, but whenever I feel like it. I'll look up some better quality beer that looks nice and try it with whatever meal I cook up for myself.
Your "coffee = addiction and beer = fit in" mentality makes me think you're 16 years old.
People drink coffee to stay up late to finish shit or because they genuinely enjoy the taste.
People drink to get drunk whether together or alone. If it's to forget or socialize is up to the individual.
This is just from asking a bunch of people why they like what they like rather than sitting alone in a corner festering in my own shitty opinions wondering why people don't like what I like.
I can't tell which one is supposed to be the strawman. The middle panel seems to be the comic's message, but the guy sounds like a boring cunt, and the other guy in the last panel seems to have the more logical opinion.
spotted the normalfaggot
Hey Randall
Don't forget goatkcd
I hate Cider.
I love stout.
Nigger, people just like things, stop trying to psychoanalyze with your first year psychology course.
how about you admit you have shit taste and do certain things because of peer pressure? like for example, drinking garbage
both shit, alcohol in general all tastes like shit, if you mix it with things it still tastes like shit, the combination might be good, but alcohol is still shit, people drink it for the social bonus. admit it you mentally weak pussies, it tastes horrible.
i drink coffee and i know it tastes like shit, thats why i drink it half-milk and with several spoonfuls of sugar (at least 3). if i can admit i drink it because im addicted then you can admit you drink that bitter tasting garbage because you want to fit in a social group, not because of the shit taste.
what a fucking pussy.
Nigga, "beer" is a description covering your average mass-produced, so-called "lager" to things like Berliner Weisse, Flemish Red, Bohemian Pilsner or Baltic Porter.
There's a lot of projection going on in this post.
all beer tastes like shit, and i'm not addicted to it neither i need the social bonus, so why would i?
Because if you've ever tried a good one you'd know that it's not just something literally everyone puts up with besides you because you're special just in an attempt to try and fuck drunk chicks
pic unrelated
I don't even like booze but you're a faggot dude
Consider the following: You've only ever had shitty, mass-produced swill.
That said, preference for types of beer is the same as any other food preference. Only difference is that there's countless types of beer.
I don't like leafy vegetables, but I don't go around saying "YOU EVER THINK THAT WE ONLY EAT THIS SHIT BECAUSE WE'RE ALL PRETENDING TO LIKE IT?" Instead I just drink and eat what I like.
Clearly he is just smarter than everyone and has better tastes in drinks like his fashion in classy gentlemen's hats and trench-coats.
Personally I have light beer a lot because I try and avoid getting drunk and will have one after work. I just like a cold drink that isn't sugar but has a taste. go away Holla Forums. I'm talking about anything but water. But yes, drinking alcohol is also a way to be social and I know some of you are horrified at the thought of wanting to be social.
Back on track, xkcd is the epitome of autistic views and I don't understand why he even puts it in a comic form. The difference between this and a blog rant is a stick figure under each paragraph loosely related tot he text.
I like the taste of coffee. I don't have it with sugar (3 spoons, seriously mate?) and drink it black.
I like the taste of alcohol, specifically whiskey and stout.
You do not.
You get subjectivity right? You get that if I like Lobster and you don't it's not because I'm part of a secret lobster promotional group that is trying to impose itself in society and force everyone to like lobster.
Fuck off, lobster shill. Do they pay you in cheddar biscuits instead of hot pockets?
yes, i get subjectivity and objectivity pretty well.
"blue is the best color" is subjective.
"shit tastes good" is objectively wrong, your organism and your tastebuds didn't evolve to find the taste of toxins appealing, your mind, however, loves the effect. the rest is just peer pressure ("boy i want to look sophisticated in front of these idiots that surround me, better talk about how much of a connoisseur of alcohol i am!") and since it works and it has worked for thousands of years at boosting the normie points of whoever does it, people keep doing it, but the fact is alcohol still tastes like shit in all of its forms.
One could argue that enjoying the flavor of something does not necessarily have to be purely based on the flavor itself. Humans are as susceptible to conditioning as any other animal, so if you pair the taste of alcohol with the "fun" of having half of your brain turned off, or with the stimulus of sex or anything else pleasurable, you are bound to start associating the taste with pleasure, even if it's disgusting on it's own.
I guess that connecting the taste of shit with pride and praise would result in a similar effect.
You are a giant baiting faggot who always has to complain to other people about his own insecurities.
Nobody is forcing you to drink beer.
Nobody is forcing you to drink.
Nobody is forcing you to go out.
No, it's not the best way to communicate your philosophical views with other individuals, but you don't go out on friday night to get intellectually stimulated. You faggot.
>can't drink alcohol yet
just kek my shit up fam
I can't stand the taste of coffee myself, but even pepsi has a lower sugar portion than that.
Here's the kicker: I don't like coffee, but I looooove me some good wheat beer.
Neural damage can screw up your sense of taste and smell to the point where shit does taste good.
But "shit tastes good to me" is usually objectively false.
Okay, you got me good.
I tend to agree
I drink it like pic related
you agree with hanging around normalfags and talking shit about how they unwind from their ratrace lives so you can get your smug in?
Do you have the one where two guys are trying to keep a sentient box down?
I'm with you user, don't worry.
Good thing I'm drunk otherwise I'd care.
kill yourself normalfag
Have you considered the fact that people drink beer for the effects, and not the taste?
It makes social interaction more relaxed, and is enjoyable if you're alone, too.
Yeah RIP
its what i've been saying the entire thread, DYER?
That's literally what the comic was about.
Rather that you can't force people to listen to you.
If jewtube takes a video down because they don't like it, it's within their rights as a private company.
If on the other hand they would send law enforcment after you to arrest you for what you said, they'd be in the wrong. You know, that thing that is happening al over Europe by now.
Here's the best one
Alcohol tastes like shit, but it makes you feel good. That's why you should always drink vodka - it is the most effective way to get drunk, as it is pretty much a pure alcohol diluted with water until it doesn't burns your mouth.
I like that font… source?
I posted it, but have no idea.
Drink like a liter of water afterward and you won't even be hungover in the morning.
The problem isn't that one company doesn't like a video and refuses to share it on their website. It's when one company, or a couple companies get a stranglehold of their respective market. Then they buy politicians and politicians buy their way into CEO positions of these companies. Then this cabal decides to use their new-found power to push whatever narrative and legally censor.
at least im glad some people aren't so fake and pretentious that they can admit alcohol is shit and they drink it to get drunk
I still get mad when I read that shit every single time. The worst part is that the crowd that keeps posting that comic would be the first to cry censorship if the same was applied to them.
I bet you smoke too, don't you?
At least I think we can all agree that skub is pretty cool.
Are we really having the beer discussion again?
There are people who enjoy getting their balls kicked and humiliated during sexual acts. There are people who feel no remorse when they kill. There are people who like the disgusting bitter, cellulose taste of brussel sprouts. There are people who like the bizarre, dusty smells some school corridors develop through some strange process of nature. There are people who eat things that aren't food because of some weird compulsion, people who eat rocks and really like the crunch. There are people who feel they need to prove themselves by doing incredibly risky acts. There are people who think you need to have an identity on an anonymous imageboard. There are people who literally go against all self-preservation instincts and kill themselves. There are people who honestly believe aliens once visited the planet and created super-cool humans that became mindless apes again because of their bad decisions. We are 7 billion people on this planet. One of the biggest reasons diversity pushing is such bullshit is that we are already incredibly diverse on a level far, far deeper and complex than something as retarded and superficial as skin colour or sexual orientation. Each and every human is unique in his own fucked up way. We have to be, we are already unique genetically and then environmental factors are stacked on top of that. If you ever think "No, there can't be a human like that." you are probably wrong unless that kind of human would break the laws of physics.
Skub objectively sucks you fucking faggot
In every fucking thread. Piss off, your comic is dead!
Shitlib brains are truly a wonderous thing.
kill yourself. While I agree that most hard liquors taste like paint remover, there are quite a few beers that are good.
ITT: people who never drank a good beer in their life
paint remover really has better effects.
Like, have you ever tried wiping permanent marker with beer?
this nigger dosnt know shit about skub
guess what, when someone likes something thats terrible like many of the things you described we cal them crazy, mock them, say they have shit taste and all rightfully so, like people who dislike skub being called illiterate retards because they are.
kill yourself, alcohol is shit in all of its forms.
muslim detected
nah, just not a hypocrite normalfag, mudshits can eat a dick.
I promise you that any flavor "good beer" has could be replicated without the alcohol content.
Couldn't you say that about most alcoholic beverages? But what would be the point?
preferably the point is "not ingesting poison only to show off in front of others".
I'm just shooting down the "but beer tastes good" argument.
now you are changing the argument
Reminder that if you say that gay people can't be refused service you also support companies not infringing on people's right to free speech, and you also also support less gun legislation.
I'm a non alcoholic myself, but I don't think you should bash drinkers. They can kill themselves however they want, I'll just try and reccomend them alternatives like this expensive KEDEM grape juice, which doesn't contain alcohol but it's so condensed that it tastes like wine without the bitter from the alcohol.
sorry for making this thread
- OP
I like how fair he is with the comic while still poiting out it's flaws. Makes me think that he's actually looking at it objectively.
don't worry user isn't your fault that xkcd is so humorless that people prefer to argue about the "joke"
they sure can
but alcohol still tastes like shit in every way, accept it.
A lot of Fedoras running around this thread.
I bet you gentlemen now how to show a lady a good night out.
Well you assume anyway; Haven't gotten the chance.
It works both ways though: Holla Forums will ban you for not conforming to their ideals, just like various reddits do the same.
then make a new politics board and shill it everywhere. if other people are having the same problem and you weren't just being a faggot then they will visit. that's how this site works, and therefor moderation is more similar to board-wide quality control than site-wide censorship. Also, go back to Holla Forums.
How can people live with being wrong all the time?
How can you not be an elitist?
I'll never understand the logic in this.
You're not shooting down shit since it's completely subjective.
You're being asshurt because people like something you don't.
Not everyone drinks around other people.
think about it user - it'll come to you
She doesn't have boobs. 2/10
I can masturbate to this, though.
Yeah, we refer to that as alcoholism.
It's the point where your brain gets used to being half-dead, and can't stand the stress of continuous consciousness.
Whoa there , friendo! You spilled the bait bucket there!
I don't get it. This is correct use of the apostrophe.
Jesus, m8, were you raised inside a cult?
I just like the buzz every now and then, as in maybe three or four months apart. Alcohol is expensive in the socialist emirate of Denmark.
Yes, actually, I was raised in poland, under the cult of getting wasted on vodka.
Shoo shoo, shlomo!
Are you perchance a born again christian, user?
You're leading me to believe you've been recently rehab'd and so the mere mention of alcohol makes you think of Satan.
Quite the opposite, I'm a massive fedora.
Mere mentin of alcohol makes me thing of people who go out and socialize
Yep, sounds about right.
Gotta question how you associate "not everyone drinks with others" with alcoholism.
Sounds like you've got some experience, like your loner alcoholic dad kicked your ass or something.
Drinking alone has never been seen a sign of alcoholism before
To each their own.
I don't like beer either. I've tried several different beers and hated all of them. I'll admit beer isn't shit when someone finally offers me a beer that isn't shit.
Yahtzee is fucking reddit garbage too, just as bad as any shit webcomic. Fuck off.
Hello Tumblr fag.
Still getting triggered by anyone mentioning any social media site?
Facebook! Myspace! Pintrest! Um… America On Line! Yahoo Groups! Holla Forums! Oh wait…
But he's lame
You are literally pants-on-head retarded.
I'm pretty sure XKCD is only frequented by teenaged pseudo-intellectuals and manchildren at this point. I should know: I know/knew both.
Jesus Christ, I didn't know we had kids polluting this board incapable of understanding the simple fact that taste differs. When your balls eventually drop your taste buds might have reached the point of maturity where bitterness and strong flavors become appealing, but until then I would implore you to fuck off with your egocentric nonsense.
You could've just said "Hey I like XKCD" and not proven everyone's point that this is pseudointellectual bullshit.
And you could just have replied "I'm a giant faggot" instead of assuming that my comment in any way relates to the shitty XKCD comics.
You weren't quoting anything so I simply thought you were replying in general using some gay ass metaphor instead of the stupid beer debate. Taste in foods is completely subjective, yeah.
Taste differs, and some tastes are shit.
This is just sad.