Based drawfag is making a comic based on Holla Forums's Board-tans, so why not have a thread talking about/ posting Board-tans as we wait?
Last thread-
Based drawfag is making a comic based on Holla Forums's Board-tans, so why not have a thread talking about/ posting Board-tans as we wait?
Last thread-
can drawfag have a short with Holla Forumsnrad and future Holla Forumsnrad standing around a water cooler talking about how shit the latest steven universe episode is
>"It Ends."
We need a female Holla Forums board-tan based on superheroines with huge ass and titties.
not really fam
But think of all the porn that could be made!
We already have Tomo/co/
People are going to reply saying >Implying that's a bad thing.
Fuck those people.
I love the hairy look on Punished Holla Forums. It suits him.
Bos/co/, Future Holla Forumsnrad, and now Tomo/co/. What the fuck man?
We couldn't decide so we chose all 5 of them.
Holla Forumsnrad tried to use the Infinity glove to fix everything but he fucked up creating five alternate versions of himself. Read the past thread
Sounds about right.
Are you going to draw more of her?
Why stop at five, when we can bump it up to eight and finish the circle.
We ever going to get any more of /tg/'s pimp lich?
While I have no pull in this, i'd honestly prefer it if Bos/co/ were mute, but still have him participate in a way, as in people would be talking to him like normal, and if a comic cut to him and another character they'd be reacting or responding to something he said, but we never hear\see it.
That, or just have him stick to thoughtbubbles only.
i thought that he is like chewbacca, as in can understand spoken language anduse body language but cant speak
Guys meet the new /sugen/-tan
It took us a while to make five, why the hell would we want eight? Then it just becomes a clusterfuck at that point.
Because Holla Forumsnnor and Holla Forumsnrad weren't already the same guy.
They technically arent.
I would like to petition that we make a new board tan for Holla Forums
because they don't have one and if they do it's so shit that it is unknown
also I have a couple suggestions
Soldering Iron, on person, possibly as a sword
IBM thinkpad
A board must decide on their own -tan. These are the laws of our lands.
Sorry, but on Holla Forums, the general rule is that it's up to the individual boards to create their own board mascots. We don't do the cuck/co/ thing where they decide things for the other boards on cuckchan.
I do Holla Forums actually and I was shooting ideas
to be honest Holla Forums and /g/ have more of a hive office style than a singular person but I see what you guys mean, it would have to be produced on Holla Forums
I like to imagine that boards that don't have a board-tan just have an user with a bunch of paraphernalia related to the board's primary topic as a placeholder. I don't know enough about Holla Forums to have a good idea of what a Holla Forums-user would look like, though.
Good luck with it if you wind up making a board-tan thread over on Holla Forums, though.
Well Holla Forums's tan could be the Linux Penguin but the version with the cigar and drawn on abs. Maybe give him some overalls, making a more handyman like look.
huh, was about to say the same
what I'm doing for boards like that to avoid imposing a tan on them is just depicting anons from it differently
/sp/ anons are wade davis, Holla Forums anons have Lain pyjamas (except probably being Tux), so on
haven't been able to do much on this recently beyond planning shit on my sketchbooks, sorry. have a model sheet for fun, I want to do these for most characters so especially in things like the Holla Forums guys other drawfags can use as reference if they want
Having model sheets on hand sounds like a pretty solid idea. And that looks like a good model sheet for Holla Forums, though there is one thing that's a bit unclear. On his chest, is that a set of scars or chest hair that's shaped like a Holla Forums?
I assume Holla Forums must be able to read lips, since he has no ears.
It must suck not being able to smell given his lack of a nose
Sweet man, hope to see more.
These are /quests/ mascots.
(there seems to be only three people active there, so I wouldn't worry about them,)
Holla Forumsirgin here. Superb work drawfag, I look forward to your future work.
Say, that reminds me, does anybody have the 'face it, Holla Forums, you've become a Sith Lord' image?
good point, I need to rearrange things a bit to see if I can get space for a naked torso shot. it's chest hair forming a Holla Forums.
only half the board even pretends to like stallman
and there is a surprising amount of mac fags on Holla Forums not to mention the windows users, trust me I thought about using tux theme
that's pretty good user, just slap an IBM thinkpad in there and you have a good tan
one thing that kinda bothers me about your Holla Forums-tan is how small his eyebrows are
Only way to solve this would be opening a thread in there and importing some artists, but the board is shit nowadays so I doubt we could ever get anything productive done.
Well, at least infinity/x/-tan got mainstream recognition.
elaborate pls, what do you mean?
Kinda hard to discern at that resolution, but look up at /x/-tan's sprite in OP's fifth picture. Her hair got shorter, she got a red hairclip, a longer sweater and (I think) ballerina shoes.
I think /x/ still has the /x/-tan redesign thread up with some art and R34. It was made back during the first big exodus as a response to Punished Holla Forums. /x/ wanted /x/-tan to experiment some changes after the exodus to differentiate themselves from halfchan, and to show some maturation or even a process of letting the past go and living a happier life away from your abusive partners remember, it's canon that /x/-tan was raped by Holla Forums-tan, and it's true /x/ had always been considered an "ugly" board that never got much required attention from the staff.
People decided that, just like according to Japanese tradition, /x/-tan should have cut her hair to symbolize the fact that she finally let go a long dead relationship. The rest of the changes show that she finally matured a bit (remember half/x/ was chuuni galore, something nobody wanted for full/x/), but now she's represented as happier and much more relaxed. Preserving most of her looks and feel was also an objective, since despite having changed a lot, she's still the same silly girl with an obsession for the paranormal.
You can make a thread on Holla Forums. There is occasional Krita discussion, there are at least a few artists there.
I'll make a thread if you don't want to.
comparing to 3angled, I think it's more I draw his eyes larger, making the brows smaller by comparison. still, anyone's free to draw his brows as they want- I'll consider whether to make them thicker
rearranged the sheet a bit to add a torso
oh, okay. thought by mainstream you meant outside of here.
Which is why there needs to be another one who is readily available to flaunt hers.
Nice job user. We need you here because this place's a ghost town.
Another one is who is readily available to flaunt her glove? Or are you referring to titties?
Man I remember when this thread first started like it was yesterday well actually the first one is still going and only on page 9. The post numbers just died down so quickly as everyone got bored because people realized that the other boards are so close to dead they don't even want to bother with board-tans. Really took the steam out of this for some anons but others are still holding in there, keeping the dream alive whatever it is. I mean it's not like we have much else to do or going on anyway.
Well bump limit was reached for a while so not much exposure was made, plus all the kiddies went back to school
I meant flaunting her twenty inch cock.
Well, I suppose she is a growing girl…
D 21
From a Holla Forums draw thread (Last week maybe?)
Since then it has been updated, colored & shaded.
WIPs just to show things're being made and to ask if there's suggestions of elements to add to the sheets (not too many though, these are meant to be relatively bare minimal)
Given Future Holla Forumsnrad's aesthetic roots, some sort of angry/serious/TO THE EXTREME expression might be appropriate.
And for the /tg/ Lich, I'm not sure if it'll fit on the model sheet, but one of the ideas for him was that his coat was so bulky in spite of him being basically a walking skeleton because it contained more than mere bones inside of it.
I like your take on his outfit, by the way. Very stylish, or at least it looks so from the rough sketch.
you should have his coat be a bag of holding for tg stuff.
Ex. Need some dice, he has every kind. Need to check a rule for some obscure game, he has the rule book. Need a deck for a card game, he has the one you need. Want a fun time, he has it.
/tg/'s Terrifically-Tailored Topcoat
Wondrous item, rare
This stylish, fur-lined overcoat has two inner pockets and two outer pockets, each of which is an extradimensional space. Each outer pocket can hold up to 20 pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 2 cubic feet. The larger inner pockets can hold up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. The overcoat always weighs 2 pounds, regardless of its contents.
Placing an object in the overcoat follows the normal rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving an item from the overcoat requires you to use an action. When you reach into the overcoat for a specific item, the item is always magically on top.
The overcoat has a few limitations. If one of its pockets is overloaded, or if a sharp object pierces or tears one of its pockets, the pocket ruptures and is destroyed. If a pocket is destroyed, its contents are lost forever, although an artifact always turns up again somewhere. If a pocket is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, and the pocket must be put right before it can be used again. If a breathing creature is placed within a pocket, the creature can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time it begins to suffocate. If all four pockets are destroyed, the overcoat unravels and is unmade on the spot.
Placing the overcoat inside an extradimensional space created by a Bag of Holding, Handy Haversack, Portable Hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it and deposited in a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be reopened.
Looking good, comic-user.
After the TIME hit piece I thought of making a "Trolly" character, but I dunno.
Ammit-tan looks like trash. You'd never guess it was supposed to be a mg version of ammit if they didn't tell you. They should have made her head green, that way it would have looked more like a crocodile's head.
A bit too late there, user. But such a character wouldn't make sense in the first place, board-tans are supposed to represent a board, not something someone once said. So unless there's a /trolly/ board, it has no purpose.
Board-tans are gay as hell.
Have you ever even looked at a pic of Ammit before?
Nah, board-tans are autistic, not gay, user. And a little autism now and then never hurt anybody.
I agree with you that the design is more accurate than that user thinks it is, but to be fair, the crocodile face is the point where the design tends to fall apart a bit. No lips and a large number of pointy, uneven teeth does not make for an appealing smile.
ammitchan's face still doesn't look like a croc, maybe if she had more green on her face, or give her scaly apocalypse lips
That picture kind of proves my point about the no lips thing, though. Her smile is much cuter when there's more to it than just teeth.
Dat hippopotamus butt.
Not really helping your case user
She's already got those green scales on her cheeks. If her whole face was green instead, wouldn't it mismatch too much with the rest of her skin? Admittedly, I might like seeing a pic of her with green facial skin, yellow torso skin, and brown thigh skin, but I don't quite like the idea of it as a default form for her.
It's the reason /monster/ almost always draws Ammit's monster girl form as having thick thighs/ass.
But user, that's not even a board-tan. It's just a dumb dog.
The greens scales look lame. The colors "mismatch" on the original picture as well
but that was kind of the point, ammit was a mis-mash of 3 animals. Not sure why out of all the nonhuman-looking deities in all the world's religions and stories /monster/ chose the hippo lion crocodile that eats wicked souls anyway.
That's why the muscles are drawn on the penguin
oh hi, have you met N8? he's pretty gr8
A bit of a long story, though this post was the start of it: >>>/8cc/1255
You know, when /m/ first created /m/anzer, I remember that one user had the suggestion that he could interact with other board-tans by trying to get them to join up in an Holla Forums-themed Sentai team with him.
Ammit-chan confirmed for Infiniranger Yellow?
Ah, that board brings back memories.
Infinity Holla Forumsnrad as Infiniranger blue or the 6th senshi
Given the color of his coat, he'd be Infiniranger Green, more likely.
Holla Forums would be Infiniranger White, assuming he didn't just tell /m/anzer to fuck off, /x/ would make a pretty good Infiniranger Black, again assuming she were to accept, /tg/ would have to be Infiniranger Skull…
Well, any proper monster lord should be able to change into different monster girls, and robot girls are monster girls to /monster/. But I'd rather her be the identity of an Infiniranger Orange.
Fuck n8 that faggot.
I'll spam him until you fucking like him. Again.
It's Super Sentai, aka Power Rangers, so it would be less Ammit-chan turning into a robot, and more Ammit-chan getting a colorful full-body superhero costume.
Alright. I still want her to be orange though. Either that or a reddish jasper color.
Also, she would likely be able to turn into a giantess robot herself. Or at the very least a part of it.
Even ironically posting this earns you torture.
need to learn to draw fedoras so I can do the Holla Forums ones
Nice progress, if you cant do the hat yet draw Tomo/co/ then but give her actual eye's though.
yeah, I'm doing these also to formalise and correct aspects like that I've deturped accidentally- Bos/co/'s mask is blue, not red, Holla Forumsnrad and Tomo/co/ have eyes. I'll keep a mask on Tomo/co/ though, for cohesion, regardless
Holla Forumsnrad and Holla Forumsnner both have artwork depicting them both with and without visible eyes under their masks, actually. I kinda prefer keeping Holla Forumsnrad without eyes, myself, to keep that little bit of visual similarity with Future 90s Holla Forumsnrad, and prefer to have Holla Forumsnner be the one with eyes in order to distinguish him a bit more.
Also, having visible eyes under the mask tends to be a bit more of a humanizing element, at least to me, and removing that element for Holla Forumsnrad would fit more with him being a bit chuuni/a sith lord.
yeah, sorry, I mixed the names. That's what I meant- Holla Forumsnrad has no visible eyes because infinity power and whatever, nor does his future version, but /vo/nner and Tomo/co/ being the more humanised, do.
Yes please, torture my dick.
I hate this character. From everything an imageboard created, this is the worst.
Would these be helpful?
I don't think that would be necessary, it doesnt really fit her character or the character she was based on.
I'll make a mention that she can be shown without it, but personally I'll keep it as a common visual element with the others.
she better have more then pearl
I think I've grown out of tans due to how spasmatic people are about them in the Holla Forums GamerGate general. Although that may be mostly the Gilda LARPing and that disgusting French pedophile Val posting about how much he wants to fuck his "daughter."
take them for what they are, modern niche mythology. they're the same thing as uncle sam and shit, just on a dumber scale.
Val may be a retard wherever he posts, especially here, but aren't you that one sperg that got /cow/ threads because of your retardation?
Many people impersonate Val.
Didn't Val get banned from Holla Forums recently by Mark?
Oh please it's extremely easy to tell when it's really Val.
Within the past couple hours, apparently.
Oh I just got banned from Holla Forums for ten minutes for the hell of it. I don't mind being the butt of the joke.
Why was I even brought up in the conversation, jesus, I'm just here to look at cute tans
Also, just as a reminder, I'm against sexualizing Vivian specifically because she's mai daughtelu (or whatever it's supposed to be). And even if I did, Vivian's an adult. That's not even hebephilia.
Polite sage for somewhat offtopic, sorry about that
Why didn't that stop you from sending creepy messages to Lt. Corbis, an 11 year old girl then? You know the one you sperged out about being the irl Vivian?
Why is there a VIDF? Why does anyone tolerate this annoying namefag? I mean you mention him, and he shows up to defend himself. He is an lolcow if I ever seen one.
If only that would stick. But he only bans him temporarily so far.
I'll go back to lurking, seriously didn't expect that sperg shill to start going nuts about me even there, sorry everyone; please keep doing great stuff
good luck too, the guy ID hops even after he's banned
Oh my god
Fuck off with this off-thread bullshit.
I never even defended him. I called him a massive fucking retard and he is a faggot. You are a lolcow though and a sperg.
If you don't want people complaining about Val, then you should have purged him from your shitposting thread a long time ago.
I've never been banned about posting about you from anywhere.
Your one of those castration-fetish types huh?
Thanks to you, of the last 17 posts, 15 are off-thread. Yes, fuck off with this off-topic shit.
Or you could post without namefagging?
He feeds off of derailing threads by acting like a faggot because he wants the attention. That's the entire point of why he does it instead of being an user like the rest of us.
So, getting back to the topic at hand… As I recall, the original 4chan House image that gets waved around as the progenitor to all this board-tan stuff had /tg/ set up in the basement, right? Would it be safe to say that the /tg/ lich also has a basement apartment in the Infinity Apartment Complex, possibly dug out and expanded a little to create a proper dungeon?
But where would /x/ and /fringe/ be?
Presumably there'd be more than one basement apartment. Actually, rather than the /tg/ lich expanding it out, perhaps the basement level of the complex was already fairly dungeon-like in terms of having winding hallways and several available rooms?
He can't very well be a pimp lich if he doesn't have any hoes.
/x/ is pretty /tg/-affine. So much, back there in halfchan she was shipped with bland normal slimguy /tg/-tan.
Considering new /tg/-tan is a skellington, I am pretty sure /x/-tan would be happy to share a room/dungeon with the pimp lich or her apprentice, as long as said dungeon looks like it was part of an abandoned building or was otherwise spooky. They would also play games (specially Call of Cthulhu) together on a regular basis. Expect lots of skeleton and bone jokes from both parties.
That said, /fringe/ may not like being thrown into the basement. For her, magic is serious business, and reducing her beliefs to "it's spooky" or comparing them to a game would probably not be of her liking. I doubt she would have much of a problem with /x/-tan, but she would not like being compared to /tg/ at all.
As said, /fringe/ could live in the attic, where she considers that she will be closer to enlightening or something. You could also put her in a pocket dimensions although it would be funnier if she didn't have any powers at all
Alternatively, just put both /fringe/ and /x/-tan in the attic and have them laugh at each other's antics.
Actually, there used to exist Troll-tan. She was just a generic blonde loli with a constant smug grin in her face who used to shitpost on boards. Trolly-chan at least seems to have been designed from the ground up to be, well, trolly.
Do you mean the "h-h-here I go" girl?
keep in mind 8/x/ is depicted as being more lowkey than 4/x/. she wouldnt be so much into magics and that shit now, /fringe/ is the one who took those traits. At least if I remember the gist from this old thread right.
Yeah. Best image she had was one in which she hi-fived Gentoo-tan as they were leaving an enraged /g/ in the background.
Yeah, I have read that thread sadly, the contents of the board don't seem to show that, and it just seems like a much slower half/x/ that has been purged from the worst types of threads, such as roleplay AMA or tarot threads. In fact, I am >>8566, in which I explained what would be the difference between /x/-tan and /fringe/ girl. That's why I proposed that, in case /fringe/ and /x/ were to be put together, they would probably laugh at each other, either for being too mundane or for being too schizo.
All in all, I don't think they would hate each other, and maybe could even consider each other friends in some way, but if they were to live together, coexistence would be far from peaceful.
I would like to point out that Stephen Strange had his own Sanctum Sanctorum in an attic as well
I can imagine Holla Forums, /x/, /fringe/ and /tg/ all sitting around a table angrily discussing meme magic.
I remember some of the early art of 8/tg/ had him as the normal 4/tg/ but he soon lost all his flesh after a freak accident during the first exodus, maybe we can add that into the comic's lore.
My own headcanon is that classic halfchan Teej stayed back on halfchan during the exodus, and the /tg/ Lich was just some random /tg/-user before he crafted a phylactery and joined the ranks of the living dead. The two characters are just too different in terms of style and abilities (paladin and commissar vs spellcaster and stylish man about town) for me to really reconcile.
That said, I also recall most of /tg/ not really caring one way or the other, so I suppose it'll mostly come down to what would make for a better story.
is she still liked here or hated?
She started to hate us ever since she became a tumblrette radfem, so probably hated.
I thought about having Holla Forums "father" Christ-chan and Ebola-chan by meme magic and using /x/'s as a magic battery of sorts. It's got certain rape overtones, though. Risks getting too grimdark?
A little too dark and a little too far into autism territory, I'd say. Ebola-chan is an anthropomorphic personification of the ebola virus, and I don't think she really needs much of an origin story beyond that. All she'd really be used for is ebola-related stuff anyway, right?
Similarly, Christ-chan is a mascot for Christianity, so her origin is likely to be religious in nature. You could probably make some decent jokes about her having a religious upbringing, but aside from that, who she is in the here and now is probably going to be more useful for making comics out of.
That said, since she is the adopted board-tan for /christian/, do you think she'd have her own room in the apartment complex, would she room with Holla Forums and Erika, or would she live at the local church as its caretaker?
it's just that most lore I saw with these characters seem to focus on the element that Holla Forums created them, and in the case of ebola-chan, that he created her specifically somehow with /x/. I thought it worked well enough in having Ebola-chan and Christ-chan have the same origin, with Christ-chan going so extremely into Christianity to atone for her kinda pagan origin.
Problem being, the origin itself, dunno. Unless I could find a more comedic way to depict "Holla Forums uses /x/".
Actually there was a heritage flowchart floating around /monster/ somewhere showing who was related to who.
Looking into it a little myself, they were both created back on halfchan, so this would be /x/ back in her wilder, more troubled days.
/x/ convinces Holla Forums to try summoning a demon, perhaps? It might also work better if it's used as an example of one of many crazy occult and paranormal things /x/ got up to back in Fortune City before leaving in the exodus in a hypothetical 'Know your /x/-tan' comic. Or Holla Forums, for that matter.
Christ-chan was pretty much entirely a Holla Forums creation, so she seems like she'd probably have a much more straightforward backstory.
That seems like something that would come in handy, if somebody can track it down.
Let me guess, Holla Forums-tan is everyone's father.
Paternity suit when?
does that make christ-chan the anit-christ?
I'll try this week when im home from school.
So what does /a/-tan look like? I remember /a/ wanting to make one a while back.
spoiled ojou-sama with an army of maids.
Found the graph.
That graph was something that Holla Forums made.
I remember posting it to /monster/ after I saw it asking what they think of it. They thought it was pretty stupid, I do too.
Whats that graph about?
Some made up family tree for memes.
Now that's awesome OC I can shar-…
anything against them
Glad to see that you're still around, comic-user. I was getting a bit worried that you got burnt out or something like that.
I saved pics related from the last thread. I think there are probably a lot more that weren't posted, though. The young ojou-s/a/ma has many meidos.
I suppose I'm not really surprised.
money issues and IRL trouble. I want to start having a doodle a day on my drawfag accounts, and get into moneymaking lewd, so my drawings of these characters will probably take a touch of a lewder turn.
Suggestion for Tomo/co/. And I don't think any anons will have much of a problem with lewd board-tan art.
Is that the Hammerhead Eagle iThrust?
I not sure this user understands why people go to /monster/
There's nothing quite wrong with pubic, hair, but if she gets that hot, it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't have it shaved.
>those JUSTICE trips
Praise her thighs.
Praise Ammit
Are you sure you're not a furry? Because only furries don't care what a girls head looks like.
It's a very fine line, I'll grant you.
The difference between furries and monstergirls is that furries are degenerates, they care only for the physical. Followers of Ammit care for what is inside, disregarding the exterior that would put off shallower men, in favour of a monstergirl's pure love.
He does care. It's just that Ammit has the same skull structure as a human would in her monster girl form.
just a sketchier than usual sketch, might bring to more finished standards later. also started her model sheet sketch, just not sure of poses.
She doesn't have lips though, and as such looks gross.
I know there are some people who just care about tits and ass, and would be happy to masturbate to a skull-headed zombie chick so long as she had tits and ass, but for me women are like cakes, it doesn't matter how good the icing is, or the filling, if there's a cockroach on it, it's ruined.
isn't basically every monstergirl described as able to live off of a man's semen?
That first pic looks good, you definitely nailed it on the facial expression. That said, with the infinity gauntlet being oversized compared to her regular hand, having all four fingers curl inward like that looks a bit awkward. In Marvel comics, the Infinity Gauntlet fits snugly like a glove over the hand of whoever wields it, so shrinking it down and making it a tighter fit for Tomo/co/ could be one option. Alternately, if you'd like to keep it oversized (and I can think of multiple stylistic reasons to do so), you could try having her just curl in one or two fingers while keeping the rest extended, or possibly even have her hold it in her hand without actually wearing it.
For the model sheet, something with the jacket open and showing off the shirt underneath might work. I'm guessing you're probably going to add in a few facial expressions and a close-up on Tomo/co/'s infinity gauntlet, as well. Have you already figured out what that's going to look like, or would you be open to a few suggestions?
sorry, forgot you offered up for suggestions and ended up just going ahead and doing it as a regular old infinity gauntlet. I'll just set up a discord for /btan/ so people can talk this stuff more directly if needed.
Depends which lore you follow.
KC's Monstergirl Encyclopedia - Yes, they're all semon demons
Okyado's Monster Musume - No, they're just beautiful ladies with extra bits attatched.
Is this zoophilia's tan?
Maybe you're just picky.
I, personally, would give my left bollock for pic related.
Ammit isn't even cute. She's ugly and her being the mascot is a forced meme.
Cracks me up every time
That's just your personal taste.
Your personal shit taste
You wouldn't even do that, since in real life ammit chan would be horrible nightmare fuel.
RIP Holla Forums comic, it was a good run.
lurk moar
Ebola-chan finds Ammit qt enough to hold hands with her. Why don't you?
it's not a hugbox, I specifically ask people from a lot of places for ideas and don't plan on stopping. It's just so in cases like these there's a more direct means of contact.
What's wrong with just making a thread?
Nothing whatsoever, didn't say you can't.
Then why do you intend on splitting the threads into two; when one group will get mad when you listen to the other?
This user is right. Just stick with the threads.
You're already not the only people I ask for opinions on, and I'll always give priority to here if asking about Holla Forums tans stuff anyways because it's the obvious thing to do.
That's obvious, if its other boards on Holla Forums then its fine. But if its other websites entirely then we have a problem.
do you not know what a discord is, or something? it's just a chat client. I get your concerns, I just think they're unfounded, especially as ideally overtime there'd be other drawfags doing their own versions of shit, instead of just me.
Fair enough. There's not much else I can tell you other than "I don't like it when that happens and thus just try to keep talking to people in whatever mediums they're in". It's why I'm not even signing these despite having a drawfag nom-de-plume, and why in every discord server I'm in, I use a different nickname. You feel it'll break things, fine. Please keep talking here anyway and giving your suggestions, if not for me, for other drawfags who may appear.
my whole problem with ammit is that, they design a goddess right? one that's supposed to use meme magic to make monster girls real. Kek before kek was cool. But when designing their goddess they forgot to give her any kind of femininity. the mascot they ended with looks way to androgynous to be of any use for their purpose. They had a bunch of anthropomorphic traits they were supposed to pick from and they said "naw lets use the whole shebang"
End result is feet that don't attract any footfags, hips like a strong black woman who don't need no man, chest of a transitioning trap, mouth with no lips so no enticing smile, bitchy eyes, and hair like fire.
Any one of these features on their own could have worked as a draw but together you get a creature that is far too monster and not enough girl.
Oh quit your bitching about Ammit, there's far more interesting things to talk about than sperging about an already established character.
That's alright, my suggestions would have been more along the lines of the original suggestion from the last thread, which I think was something like 'an actual, real infinity gauntlet from Tomo/co/'s home universe that she doesn't like to show people because it looks like a Barbie accessory'. If it's only meant to be a replica anyway, having it look more authentic to the real thing makes more sense.
Sounds like they stuck a little too close to the intent of the ancient Egyptians who originally created Ammit and made a terrifying man-eater instead of a cute girl.
and whats funny is ammit chan no longer represents the type of girls you can post on /monster/, anything above generic animu girl with funny hands and feet will get deleted by the mod. ammit as their boardtan is false advertisement. it's like they parade her around, trying to show that they can love monstrous girls, meanwhile what's mostly posted is moeshit
No lips couldn't
I don't know
those are just slime and tentacle girls, make a monster girl as monstrous looking as ammit and post it, watch it get deleted
People here are shitting on Ammit-chan for being too ugly, but I don't think that's the point. Sure, if she were to be a real girl she would probably look freaky to the point of freezing you in your place the first time you saw her, but that's not the point. The point of Ammit-chan is that she is beautiful on the inside; she is the kind of woman that would grab you and hug you tightly simply because she is caring and loving and she likes doing that. I wouldn't really care that she was twice as big as me and could probably chop or bite my head off if she wanted to, because, to me, she is adorable just for being a nice person, and that's the thing I like about her.
Don't worry user, Ammit is fine the way she is. It's just Null bitching about /monster/ still salty after they pissed on his cornflakes.
Sugar should be ashamed.
Yeah well, such a monster wouldn't be hot so yeah.
I haven't seen any monster girls on /monster/ with hair on their torsos, which is somewhat strange since I think it works well enough in cartoons(A good example of this is cheetara).
meh, she want on tumblr talking shit about pedophiles, called her Pomfpomfpomf video crap and give jessi slaughter fags from Holla Forums the middle finger.
In the end, she been called a sjw by other people, Holla Forumstarts, and mostly her fans who been trying to her hump her leg.
For me, if anything she was just /an/ and /r2k/ femanon who hated Holla Forums.
And i kinda respect her for doing that, for speak up about it and going tho with it sine you know before the shit happen she a about 1k per mont, after the shitstorm it became 400 per month; and with that she didn't cry about that shit or worse say sorry to the fags who were getting trying get down on her pants and cry for to come back for money, and i like her for not that.
so in the end, i like nyanners but if you want really know, it nor hated but really just your/anyones take on this and if anything for awhile it mostly has been quite (not good or bad) with after that and for awhile didn't really post anyone videos but now at least she posted and did livestreams more frequently(for Summer at least) and she slowing rising again but mostly with a bit of different fanbase, so good for her.
I still wish that she will make more comedic related videos like in 2012-2013 when it was posted on NyannersVA instead of more covers.
Hey, I doubt Ammit would have much of a problem with me. Besides, what's wrong with hugs?
Are you implying that's a bad thing?
There's nothing respectful in calling out Holla Forums, everyone knows that place is shit. It's low hanging fruit and a shitty excuse.
Her glorious orange mane and mighty hips and thighs have no feminity to them?
Stop making shit up. There's a sandworm thread on /monster/ right now.
She's definitely an intimidating force for truth and JUSTICE, but she's also definitely friendly.
oh so if i go there will i find a man fucking the external worm part? also, the girl part inside worm still looks like a generic animu girl
I'm starting to think comic-user should work in Ammit-chan as some sort of Batman-esque vigilante, summoned to East City from the Egyptian underworld after realizing that she's suddenly gained a cult in this decadent modern era.
Ammit's been so south of my interests and attention that I've no idea what to do with her. Whenever I'm close to finishing the 7 or so comics I've scripted already introducing other characters I'll ask /monster/ for ideas.
This is only tangentially related but mostly Holla Forums (and thus expanded Alunya cast, like DF tans or Gilda for Vivian) related, incidentally. Wasn't going to post it here but eh, if I'm posting already.
Which one looks better, catgirl or not?
They both look about equally good to me, though I'm leaning more towards the catgirl as a matter of personal preference. I'm not very familiar with Holla Forums characters, though. Who is she?
No, but those were the small controversy thing happen and if read the second link and take it word for word, giving jessi slaughter fags would be a good thing.
I didn't say it was new, i liked her for not backing down on her word for money.
You redditor
*giving jessi slaughter fags the middle finger
Her hair is like aposematism, warning coloration to stay the fuck away. Her hips aren't shapely, child bearing hips, they're just big and fat. not curvy like a river, thick and flat like a tree trunk.
It's just a poor design overall.
With a hat, non catgirl. The ears get lost with that distracting hat and do nothing but make it harder for you to fit them both on her head.
I still don't understand why you're focusing on those faggots.
It' makes more sense at this point. Holla Forums is practically a tumblr proxy.
Because in a comic book setting it would make a good foil for Holla Forums. two characters diametrically opposed, can't stand each other, would rather the other just stop existing.
It's your arch, your nemesis. it should embody everything you hate while taking care to make it a credible opponent.
as created, so far she's just a random catgirl who's a leninist. another user wrote some stuff with her though that makes her more of her own character.
yeah I've been thinking that too
Because I do like them, in the increasingly rare times they«'re not being flooded by Holla Forumstards thinking they're shillary supporters or angry redditors mad that they're not SJW enough and say words like "nigger" or "faggot".
More importantly for our context too, I like their characters. Both Alunya and Rodina themselves, and in the case of the Political Ideology Catgirls webcomic, a bunch of the other random ideology catgirls, if for design only. Would like to be able to turn them into actual characters, and have a stable of secondary characters on hand.
Well, aint it our luck!
The drawfag is a communist, halfchan ass kissing, website jumping, irc-hugbox loving faggot. JUST WHAT Holla Forums NEEDED!
Wow, calm down your autism, my man.
good on you m8.
I didn't name the webcomic and just said I like the characters in it for the designs. Acknowledging most of the board isn't the strawman people make out of it doesn't make me a communist any more than acknowledging Trump > Hillary makes me a nazi. Don't get where you even got the halfchan ass-kissing. Don't get where you got the website-jumping, unless you mean literally anyone daring to use other websites is jumping. And we just spent a good few posts derailing shit to try and tell you that the whole point is to keep getting responses from everywhere to prevent hugboxxing, which is why I don't even try to build a persona over this.
Calm your autismo, m8, and stop projecting that hard.
Hey does Ammitchan have a model sheet/turn-around?
I'd love to try and draw her, no where near the talent of drawfriend in this thread but I'm curious if she had a character ref to go on.
Try drawing her like what this user dreamt of her as looking like, but with red croc eyes, and hipposkin shins with lion feet. Drawings of Ammit-chan can tend to defer a lot depending on who draws her, but most people can agree her thighs and ass are thick.
Tits not big enough on Danielle
noted. unsure of the proportions on the two of them anyway at this point
Danielle is supposed to have an "ara ara" body.
anyone else wanna see all the boards as lolis?
Closest thing I've ever been able to find to that was when I stumbled across this image. Apparently the artist who was working on it abandoned it, though.
A shame. Maybe a drawfag here could try and finish the image.
Why does Nano never get any love ? She's Holla Forums's mascot after all…
How bad do you think Viv's sunburn is going to be at the end of the day?
My eternal nigger
She's a ginger, she doesnt feel pain.
Sunburns are itchy as well as painful, however. Especially when they're bad enough that your skin starts to peel.
She talks to people on that sjw plebbit board gamerghazi and talks about how they're her kind of people iirc. She's cancer.
So a board tans, fucking cancer.
What're you doing here, then?
Oh shit, I'd thought this thread had died. Glad to see it still up. Drawfags are always gods.
Don't you have somewhere else to fuck up? I'll be damned if I see your dumb input in another chan project.
How am I fucking up anything by telling people "I'm glad you're doing stuff" ?.. go to bed user.
That's also not my first post in the thread so you're a bit late to whine.
Polite sage because pseudo-drama from retards is never really worth it
Very nice
Not sure how I feel about Ammit hitting on Kek, but it looks fucking great and it's funny for sure
I am conflicted. On one hand, I like to think I had some hand in creating /tg/'s board tan through posting my stories about a skeleton necromancer who cracks bone puns often, and on the other hand I feel like I had nothing to do with it and it's all just a huge coincidence since my skeleton is very flamboyant, but has very little bulk in his design.
Well, looks like we now have a plot for the inevitable porn parody.
It's a fucking shame.
Don't flatter yourself. It's a coincidence.
Have this exploitable version.
It's obviously meme magic
reddit and their epic le weeb meme
Seeing as the character was designed entirely without you involved, looks nothing like yours, has a completely different hat, and so on.. Nice try, but that's not how meme magic works.
thanks bruh
trying to get used to the board tans I'm not used to, before even thinking of model sheeting them.
and the third step in that image
Needs more ass
you didn't mean it like this but I'd forgotten her tail
No her ass, needs to be bigger along with the hips. She's thick drawfag, her body shouldn't be screaming twig in any area.
Any plans on adapting the con-man that is Hiroyuki?
I'm more interested in why they depicted him as a little girl rabbit and not a bboy given that he's married to a fat cock wielding master Thai ladyboy.
because he's hiroshimoot, and moot was a little cat girl
Turns out this little bunny wasn't so lucky
Has /britpol/ a board-tan yet?
Isn't it simply Niger Farage ?
Ask them.
and also
That is very good shit user
Gilda doesn't get much candy on Halloween, does she?
Catgirls gone wild? Looks good, though.
Who the hell are the two other pets.
They're from the tumblr-artstyle comic Holla Forums has where they make every single ideology another catgirl like Alunya because they lack creativity to that extent.
How bland
that explains why they steal memes all the time.
come back pls
Its a monthly thing, they'll be back At least /55ch/ will
In memoriam of the fallen drawfag.
Rest in pieces.
Genau, lock den Krebs zu uns, gute Idee, Fotze.
thread's reaching bump limit. sorry I couldnt contribute much during this one, real life got me. hopefully next one has more drawfags.
meanwhile have another doodle of the Holla Forums characters. the next two comics, I'm thinking, shall be Vivian and Gilda
Happy to see you're still around, at least, comic-user. Unfortunately, I don't think that Holla Forums's other drawfags are all that interested in doing board-tan stuff, or at least not on a regular basis. It'll probably be better in the long-term if we wait to make a new thread, and you make it when there's a decent backlog of new material to show off. Less risk of wearing out your welcome, that way.
You know for the next thread we could try to exand Tomo/co/ a bit. When Holla Forumsnata was created some anons tried to adapt some of Lucky Stars other characters, we could try something like that with Tomo/co/.
Who's Holla Forumsnata?
I don't know if I ever posted them here, but I had some ideas on that sense already. Probably just didn't post them here so you guys wouldn't go too wild. Here, found them - a Holla Forums girl of sorts, and Alunya made into a hot-stalin teacher. Rough logic I was following was switch genders, and older characters are teens/younger characters are adults
Those designs are fairly terrible and does nothing to compliment both Watmote's characters and general character creation on Holla Forums.
Kill yourself.
they weren't meant to compliment watamote's characters, if anything they were meant to futher dissassociate tomo/co/ from being literally tomoko. As for gender-swapping, rough idea was "if Holla Forumsnrad becomes a young girl, so can Holla Forums, and a young girl like Alunya'd be a not-so-young man".
I think it softens him a bit too much, beard is too rounded
I love how Holla Forums worships egyptian deities