So why did we allow this to happen?
Teen Titans thread
So why did we allow this to happen?
We didn't allow it to happen user, CN execs did, all for the shekels.
what do you mean we?
You liked the New Teen Titans shorts, and WB took the wrong (or right) lessons from it
Sorry Satan, I did not mean to steal you credit.
is that pepe?
It's an edit you dolbgerp
they were trying to make their own "Johnny Test"
They suceeded, now they want more, have you seen whats gonna happen to Ben-10 ?
This is exactly the type of shit that gave the 90s kids all those weird ass fetishes.
Well it's clearly futa hell even OP pointed this out. Anyone with eyes could point it out on some level that that is a straight up dick..And hell we don't have context for this, this might actually be vore for all we know
Either way this is just fetish fuel.
CN needed a show dumb enough and colorful enough to make small children want to buy tons of crap from it (sinze Autism time was becoming more and more of a depresing hipster shitshow for teens at that time), from all of the DC nation shorts the teen titans ones were the most succesful so here you go
What's going on with Starfire in those last two pictures? Is she pregnant with some sort of slimebeast?
The weird thing is CN tends to give WB shows soft pushes since they can only make ad revenue off it
I feel sorry for that kid, he looks pretty unhappy but then again I'd be pretty sad too if 50 Cent was my father and I had a TTG themed party.
is raven white or a nigger?
They could have easily done a continuation but they want randumb shows now, something to fill in for Regular Show once the final season airs.
Also, a reminder of a show with similar quality to nu Teen Titans, Powerpuff Girls is coming out with new episodes again after their break today. I don't think there is anyone that will defend that travesty.
Oh, it's a call back to that line from the original show about Starfire having nine stomachs.
This shit makes me think of that gisneo cartoon that looked like it was made by vorefags
Hell, I showed it to my friend because I couldn't believe that shit. He says that when him and another friend searched furshit one night out of bile fascination he even saw the same visual gag where goofy unhinges his jaw
Basically deviantart fetishfags have infiltrated the industry and shit's fucked
I believe most of the crew don't give a rat's ass about the original show
Maybe you know about too many obscure fetishes so you start to see them everywhere?
My fetishes are best, tho
I see the meta in this image.
For it is the vusual representation of Holla Forums being stuck to a shit show that is a sequal to a beloved series.
Very deep OP. Very deep.
That's kinda cute
Ballsack edit when.
Dem legs.
fuck your quads, you know some sick fucks have wormed their way in
We can not change the feel no matter how much we dislike it.
I'm convinced that this show is now being written by DA audists.
wow cartoons still have some cleverness in them apparently.
and they said slippery slope is not an argument
They killed a good show, and retards ate it up