Animu made me autistic. Help.
Tfw you consume too many manga&animu and now you can't read regular comics since its not as colorful and expressive
Shit taste, but at least it's not as shitty as reading capeshit
I know that feeling, weebro. These days the only comics I can stand are silver age shit, but I'll read any manga that has monster girl waifus. I didn't want it to go this way, but it happened.
I've read to many mangos, now I automatically read right to left and get confused.
Metamorpho is a great comic. It's absurd fun.
It's a shame DC shit all over it, but they do that for a lot of properties that don't exactly fit the superhero mold.
From the rendering, you'd think the artist for Cherry Poptart loves cock.
You're not missing much at this point.
I always find it funny and quite a bit sad that Metamorpho was co created and drawn by a woman all the way back in the early 60s, but feminists never bring up Ramona Fradon when talking about how "GIRLS CAN MAKE COMICS TOO!"
DC has so many wonderful non super hero characters, but they insist on continually trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. They never let these unique characters get the kind of story that services them.
New shazam's costume is dumb. Other than that I approve of these pics.
Does anyone else find shazam more believable than superman? It might sound dumb but because he's magic I have an easier time suspending my disbelief than with superman. The thing is superman is a naturally occurring alien who is somehow similar enough to a human to procreate and yet still somehow gets superpowers from the sun. I suppose you could argue superman's powers are based on quantum physics but again, he isn't an artificially created alien, he's a naturally occurring one. Billy on the other hand gets his power from a metaphysical force, so when he defies the laws of physics I don't really have a problem.
I don't know, I'm probably being stupid
I agree, user. It's easier to get away with crazy shit when you have a dude that's made by magic. Plus he's a lovable character that can be pretty comfy to read about when done right. If Superman never becomes public domain then I say Shazam should. Artist and writers like the guy above could do great things with this character.
Since when does manga colour their stuff?
I have the opposite problem sometimes. Manga doesn't do it for me anymore unless it's off-kilter to some extent.
Yeah you're being stupid. CM's magic is subject to the same arbitrary whims as Superman's abilities so there's no point in fretting over which one is more "believable".
In some places, they don;t have a choice because mangas are cheaper and more readily available in some countries as opposed to Western comics. Like my country for instance. Sure, I can get 1 thin Western comic for 14 bucks…or I can grab 2 very thick Japanese mangas for less than 10 bucks.
Arbitrary? I thought his powers are clearly defined. Superman's been fluctuating since the Silver Age. Hell, even Earth-2 Superman (which is supposed to be Golden Age "faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound") is suddenly able to go toe to toe with Earth-1 Superman.
Try eurocomics. They are sort of a middle ground between Americna and Japanese comics. There are also many creator owned American books with very original and expressive artstyles.
Personally, I am the way you are with cartoons. After watching anime, most western shows seem pretty formulaic and dull.
dude, don't be a pansy ass nigger and read Eurocomics, also try american non-capeshit and you should be fine
It's what you're exposed to the most so it seems dull by comparison. Trust me, anime's gone through its own similar stagnations, and right now it's in a rut where nothing much interesting comes out that isn't a massively-funded project because otakus are the primary audiences for anime, so it falls into a comfort-zone of moe and haremshit.
Captain Marvel's strength, speed, wisdom, etc. operate purely on whatever the story needs. Superman operates the same way.
This is because the writer who wrote both Captain Marvel AND Silver Age Superman was a fucking writer and didn't need to stick to fucking power-levels to create conflict or tell a good story.
And that writer, was Otto fucking Binder. When he quit comics forever in 1967 and drank himself to death in 1974, comics lost the greatest cape writer who had ever lived.
If you are watching animu for the reasons of "colorful and expressive" you are watching the wrong fucking animu.
I watch them to be entertained and too many of them fail at that.
I demand a level of writing beyond what most of their writers can make anymore.
The first thing I see every season is a wave of shitty chuunibyou pandering light novel garbage because their creatives can't even be bothered to make a manga any more.
Most can't even be bothered to try and make an original fucking story.
Too many studios can't be bothered to animate and just use immersion destroying CG that doesn't even attempt cellshading.
I'm watching 91 days.
It is great.
It isn't about sudo-stalking a fake teenage technocolor haired girl and her friends as they ugu doshio kawaii all over their sugoi.
It isn't about a teenage boy in poorly designed power armor fighting monsters with a team of women who all have 1 dimensional personalities.
It is a period piece revenge story.
Probably wasn't made to sell bodypillows and dolls to jack-off onto.
If you need something "colorful and expressive" than pic related is right up your alley.
91 days is shit for the animation alone. Really pay attention. There's a lot of errors. Clothes and beards disappearing all together level of bad. Along with DBZ Super style faces at times. It's lazy and incompetent in many ways.
I actually consume more anime than western animation. Both are in the creative rut, but despite that there is an anime worth watching almost every season. Recently we got One Punch Man which was absolutely great, while best things from America are an odd episode of Rick and Morty and barely a half of Venture Bros' latest season.
OPM was fucking terrible because it was only 12 episodes long, what the fuck
You might have just been watching some good anime, and have realized that at least 90% of all comics are complete trash with no market other than infantile degenerates, plus another five percent that's amusing on a lark. But this is Holla Forums, so you're probably just an autistic fuck addicted to moe. Still though, you're not endlessly sexually obsessing over children's cartoons like the majority of Holla Forums, like those fat retards that touch themselves in public, so it could be worse.
Britfag here, you burgers and nips don't know how good you have it, you really don't. Life on Mars and Ripper Street only had 8 episodes a series! The first series of London's Burning had fucking five!
also the nips don't have niggers living in a rural English village in the 14th century
I love it.
Japan loves them short-but-sweet stuff, it's fucking infuriating when it's for stuff like Space Dandy that could theoretically go on forever due to the very nature of the show but then it just stops.
I mean I guess it's better than it degenerating into an uninspired heap of garbage but it always feels like it's shut down before its time.