To start it off:
The Redeemer
Weekly Warhammer 40k Storytime
Other urls found in this thread:
Skaven worshippers ?
That's heretical as fuck
Holla Forums sings "The Redeemer" when ?
I have uploaded this as well as Deff Skwadron (storytimed in ) to the volafile as well.
Necromunda had them for a while
Doing the Emperor's work here user, could you do either Lone Wolf or Bloodquest next ?
This has far too many bent elbows to actually be the work of Wayne Reynolds.
Thank you. I'll do Lone Wolves next week. It will be posted in this thread.
Most excellent.
Though, I will ask, what happened to the page with a map of the Hive?
Crap, I just noticed that page 105 is the last one shown while it should have been first.
I don't recall that page. I quickly went through my copy a few times and it seems like I uploaded all of them.
Bump so OP can remember to post more Warhammer comics.
I will post Lone Wolves tonight.
Here it comes
And that's it for today. I will post Bloodquest next week, as requested.
Triggers my autism but great story other than that.
/k/ surely has a strange relationship with 40k
Not just for their guns, but the vehicles too.
If there was ever a line in 40K that encompassed one of the best parts of Imperial ethos, that would be it.
My apologies, I didn't have time to upload Bloodquest tonight, but I will do it tomorrow afternoon.
You're doing the Emperor's work, user. Take all the time you need.
Here comes Bloodquest
Book 2
The end.
Page numbering is odd, but that's how they are ordered in cbz file I have, and they seem to be in order from the spot checking I did.
Let me know if you have any requests.
When it comes to 40K, I only know what I've skimmed on /tg/, but I really like this art, and this was an enjoyable story.
Apologies for being a day late.
Since there were no requests, I searched around, and Damnation Crusade was commonly recommended book. I read a little bit of it already, and it is pretty good so far.
I had a remarkably good dream involving two sisters of battle…
Twins they were…
Doing the Emperor's work as always, brother user
There's some new 40k comics coming up this month, would you mind to storytime them when they get released ?
That's all for the week. Here are some variant covers.
Thank you. If I manage to find them, I will. Otherwise, I will probably story time Daemonifuge, unless there are other requests.
I have been busy this past week, and wasn't able to to find new stuff yet that were requested in
I will post something tomorrow afternoon.
Storytiming Blood and Thunder.
Who knew the space arabs were cool
Somebody got Titan God-Machine?
There is such a thing?
They're anti-Dreadnoughts as the Black Templars are anti-psykers
Unless they could make those go at similar speeds…
Holy shit what a epic fuck up on their part.
There has to be more.