/rel/ general #3 - Affirmations & Positive Thinking Edition

-[[[ >>>/rel/ ]]]-

I am happy and complete today and forever. Within me is that which is Perfect and Complete. It is The Spirit of all Life, Truth, and Action. I am happy in the sure knowledge of the Inner Light. I cannot be sad nor sorry, but must radiate Joy and Life, For Life is within me now. I am happy and complete.

Are you happy yet?


You are a fucking loonie.

I was expecting a christian, not a redditor.

Just stop projecting your low negative vibrations man, you need to transmutate your hate and ascend.

I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.

I see each day as an opportunity to share love.

New ideas and opportunities are coming to me now.

Exciting new ideas and information enhance my life.

I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish.

I enjoy exercising my body and strengthening my muscles.

I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.

If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future. The seeds of our destiny are nurtured by the roots of our past.

This is what modern "spirituality" looks like. Empty, godless people trying to fill the void with New Age bullshit.

Stop telling yourself bullshit and just do it you fucking fairy

Except that
is actually a quote from Master Po from that old tv show "Kung Fu".

Too bitter and hateful, you must learn tolerance; what blinds you from the truth and breeds arrogance in your heart which will lead to your doom.

Limiting ideas and feelings of frustration are now being dissolved into harmlessness.

God’s abundance is flowing to me now as ideas, love, and supply.


I am inspired to right action in every detail. I walk forward with ease.

There are no obstructions in my pathway of mind. The mistakes of yesterday are behind, and the future beckons with promise.

I am energized through the healing life of God within me.

I am one with God. The healing life of God within me gives me strength, heals my body temple, and brings me peace.

Go back to smoking weed in California retard.

I am a radiant being, filled with light and love.

I am open to receiving all the blessings of this abundant universe!

maybe if you had weed you wouldnt be an intolerant bigot

I just try so serve negative Karma and do good deeds so my sacred light can go up a few percentage points.

I am an enlightened esoteric discordian. AMA.

why are you an enlightened esoteric discordian and what is the meaning of life


I keep an open mind on all subjects and toward all people so that I rise above intolerance.

I celebrate life's diversity fully.

what exactly






You have much to learn about Discordians

such as?


You need to leave.

Bunch of newage hodgepodge if you ask me, why not teach OP something instead of letting him feed himself bullshit? or don't because it's funny.

Be as one with the spirit which is.
~Quai Chang Kane

Be at one with the dust of the Earth. This is primal union.
~Lao Tsu


no hotdog bunz


You know what, user?

How is this not pedophilia!?

what does that have to do with affirmations you nutjob

Even if I fall off a swing, I will lay there for a while and contemplate the meaning of life and then maybe afterwards I will get back up and try to get on the swing with out falling.

Remember to think positively, affirm the best and highest within you, let you creative genius self express itself, and be a good user

Moses was just trying to do the right thing. Lmao.

Riiiight. That is what it said on Gandhi's death certificate…"Cause of death: Cardiac Arrogance".

OP, if you were as enlightened as you think you are, how is it that you don't even realize where the hell you are? If you had the lightest clue where you are posting you would realize that your efforts are counter-productive to your goals in this place. Contemplate that, and recenter your chakra, or whatever it is that you call waking the fuck up to reality.

That is some funny shit right there.
Well played, user. +1

brb starting chemo



This is the new Holla Forums where your negative thinking is impotent

Whoever told you that was lying to you.
Sure, karma may repay them, but it still remains a lie.

All the positive thought in the universe can not change the truth. Thoughts are still merely states of mind, and while they can affect some very limited states of your physical being temporarily they can not change what you are. Human. And all that goes along with being human. That includes being a biologically decaying organism. Meaning even your ability to think positively is weakening every day as the cells in your brain die off. Sooner or later you will lose that ability altogether, and be forced to live the remainder of your life hooked up to machines and bags of medicine to keep you alive while the fortunes you have amassed through positive thought for all these years (*cough, cough*) get spent on that instead of on your children and grandchildren's education….leaving them to grow up just as idiotic as you did, and with no way to break the cycle of pointlessness and wasted existence.

You really should get a gun and give yourself enlightenment now while you still can do so with full appreciation for how beautiful the future will be for others if you did.
