Why do Holla Forums hate capitalism so much?

Why do Holla Forums hate capitalism so much?

It is the best economic system invented yet.

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because they can't win under it

Because they are lefitists, everyone know that being a lefitist in 21 century is being dumb or evil and dumb.



inb4 one of them comes in here to screch autistically

because losers are drawn to socialism/communism. just look at karl marx, definition of a fucking loser, but they worship that kike because he's just like them





Because we live in a socialist society here in the west, and western society is the best society the earth has seen so far, albeit with faults. The socialist elements we've added over the past 100 years or so have mostly made things much better than they were before. Without those elements, all that happens is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, as some kids inherit tons of money and others do not. Gotta spend money to make money, so over time, without socialist elements to keep this in check, we end up with aristocracy.

tl;dr: aristocracy is the inevitable end of any pure capitalistic society.

Also people frequently equate political systems with economic systems. Capitalism is not the same as democracy, and communism is not the same as totalitarianism. You can mix whatever political system you want with whatever economic system you want, but whenever people have historically pushed for any economic change that might hurt the aristocracy, said aristocracy fights back with physical force, which results in some countries only getting changes with violent revolution, which results in military meatheads getting in power, and ruling the way they are used to, with military power. In the west, however, we have achieved changes to keep the aristocracy in check (at least a little) without much physical force, resulting in democratic socialist countries, as opposed to totalitarian dictatorships that don't really give a shit about economics beyond propaganda purposes.

The same fags that bitch about any socialist policies are frequently the ones bitching about jews on this site. But who do you think the modern aristocrats are? You're only supporting the modern jewish aristocracy that runs the western world.

I'm a white rural poorfag, try again.

they don't understand how simple and fair it is

if you don't want to do business with someone, then don't!

unlike communism, where if you try to keep the fruits of your labour then you get sent to die in gulag


This guy, being a stupid caveman russian, ignores the fact that russia has been a backwards caveman country for hundreds of years. Their culture is just 100% fucked, and they realized this as they tried and failed to catch up to the rest of europe for centuries. But as the 20th century arrived they still couldn't get themselves out of feudalism, and got their asses kicked by Japan, a country that until only 50 years earlier had deliberately tried to cut itself off from the world and stay in the feudal ages. In only 50 years Japan had beaten Russia at what Russia had been trying to do for centuries, move out of the dark ages. But of course, because Russian society and culture didn't really give a shit. They were so stuck up and built upon a premise of "RUSSIA STRONG, LIKE BEAR," while Japan had some humility kicked into them by Commodore Perry. But RUSSIA STRONG would have an effect shortly after, when their series of revolutions resulted in "strong" men strongarming their way into power and trying to brute force their way into modernity. And the result was mass starvation and other atrocities for decades. And now not all of this was Russia's fault, they didn't exactly have an easy time internationally with it, but then maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't also keep trying to forcefully extend their borders.

But these atrocities are forgiven by many russian people when their government manages to win WWII by going Zapp Brannigan on the Nazis and throwing wave after wave of their own men at them until the Nazis hit their preset kill limit, and they get a lot of new land out of it, since the Nazis had already conquered that land and basically left it sitting there for the taking, and that land keeps them going for a few more decades. But even then they fall apart. And do they learn? No. To this day Russia continues to refuse to admit they have any faults. They just continue with the atrocities, because RUSSIA STRONG, LIKE BEAR, and now they don't even have the communist propaganda to hide behind. They keep acting the same as always but without even the pretense of politics or economics behind it. Because Russia doesn't care about politics or economics, they only care about flexing their caveman muscles to try to convince themselves they're a real country, even though socially they're still just a collection of feudal lords stuck in the 1400s. All the USSR was was a distraction that helped them forget this, because up until the revolution, they knew full well that they were a backwards shithole, and were at least pretending to try to fix it. Now they don't even do that.

prove it

Because the capitalism they have in mind is an extreme form of capitalism.

Why would you give your nations means of production to an elite group who will use it as leverage to exploit you?
Why create a state to imprison anyone who tries to steal the means of production back from the elite?

capitalism is wealth redistribution from the working class to the wealth. capitalism creates artificial scarcity and inflation lowering the standard of living of the avg worker.


that doesn't make sense

a free individual has lots of choices other than starving to death. They could trade their labor for money (most people choose this), he could start his own business, he could join a commune (fun fact, capitalists have no problem with people joining communes! try doing something similar in a communism), or he could even say "fuck it" and go be a subsistence farmer

If you have to ask how then that means you were originally lying.

I didn't give them anything. If someone gave it to them it was probably their parents, and it was their parents right to do so because it was theirs to do with as they pleased. If you want to own a factory then go build your own.

How am I supposed to prove I'm a rural white person on an anonymous imageboard?

capitalism is mutually beneficial trade. That's it.

All of those things boil down to trading your labor for money. Maybe not subsistence farming. But the others do.

No, it means he's asking what sort of proof you'd like to see provided over the internet.

Good luck doing that without a substantial amount of money. Meanwhile, that other kid whose parents just gave them a factory never has to worry about that, despite the fact that you may be more qualified. With some checks and balances in place you can get something closer to a meritocracy going, which would be more efficient and beneficial for society overall.

If you are going to ask "How am I supposed to prove" then that means you cant prove it, and the reason you cant prove it is because you were lying.

Is that why America's impoverished are obese and have TVs and cell phones with internet access? Wow. I thought that shitting in the streets of India and washing with the corpse water of the Ganges was impoverished. I was wrong.
Is that why I'm replying to you on one of the most sophisticated pieces of technology mankind has ever created while sitting in my air conditioned and comfortable room? I didn't know I was so impoverished. Maybe I'll stand outside in an ally and argue with you about this on my phone. That way I can really get the feel of poverty that capitalism has bestowed upon me.

Do you give all your personal possessions away to people that are more qualified to use them?

You could easily find someone that knows more about computers than you do. You should give them your computer.

You don't know true wealth until you are standing in a bread line with your fellow comrades waiting for your daily bread ration after toiling away in the fields.

In the short term. But when the trade results in one party gaining much more of the wealth created than the other, then eventually they get enough power (wealth) to rig the game in their own favor, so that future trades with those who do not already have as much wealth are even more stacked in the favor of the one that is already more wealthy, until the "benefit" to the weaker party is "not starving" while the other guy lives the rich life off the fruits of the "mutually beneficial trade."

It means he doesn't know how. It's quite a difficult thing to prove over the internet. Unless you're positing that poor rural white people do not exist.

The standard of living in america was much lower before the introduction of many, many socialist policies over the 20th century. And the internet was largely made by public (government) efforts, as were other strides in technology.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

You AREN'T impoverished, he's talking about the children in china who made those electronic for you, you aren't the only person in the world.

Those poor Chinese peopleā€¦ if only they had a communist government

If you honestly think China is communist, you must think they're a republic too, right? They are The People's Republic of China, after all. And North Korea is a Democratic People's Republic.

Holla Forums is just a bunch of posers

if they were actually communists they would join a commune


In what way? They had food to eat, roofs to sleep under, entertainment to enjoy, guns to shoot, what is "standard of living"? You're like those idiots that try to say "level of technological advancement" as if it's a real tangible thing that isn't extremely subjective. The point I want to make is that no system of government is inherently better than the other. It depends on the culture of the society, the demographic of the society and the environmental dangers to that society. America is not going to work under communism, but communism can probably work in very small countries. Ethnically homogeneous countries can thrive under National Socialism but you can't the same to ethnically diverse countries. Democracy can successfully work in a country with very little dangers, but it can't work under a constantly endangered country. Feudalism can work under a moderately sized country, but it's horrible in anything bigger than France.

Asians are intellectually and physically inferior to whites, with the exception of the Japanese (they still being muddled with Asian blood and thus showing some characteristics of Asians). Capitalism forces those who, more importantly than being good at something, are ambitious and clever in their actions. China, however, even when practicing capitalism are just sub-human. Their understanding of life is to throw enough people at it until it falls.

Oh, so you mad because your parents did not study to give you a factory?

gee, it's almost as if giving a small group of people (government) total control of a country without any sort of basic moral guiding principle (like what we all learned as toddlers: DON'T STEAL) doesn't fucking work.

I'm not the one that brought up China, but it's a shit example of a failure of capitalism, since it isn't one.


Well, well, but those countries that are a complete fucked up are in that position because of what movement and what ideology uh?

I understand that was not a liberalist capitalist sistem that made china and north korea what they are, they leaders seemed to fallow socialist marxists ideias and ended up in misery.

daily gas everyone who posted in this thread because you are all little white niggers who are little white niggers

maybe you can't help it but that doesn't change the fact

white niggers


No one "gave" anything to anyone. In a real society, not a made up one, people create and earn their own wealth. Corporations all started out as single individuals who built their companies from hard work, unlike with communism/socialism where self entitled lazy twats expect to get everything from the government for free( not actually free because its stolen from the hard workers and given to the lazy).

The only way you are being exploited is if you want something and are too lazy to earn it for yourself so you allow yourself to be exploited. Consumerist Cuck.

You answered your own question. Theft is against the law. Laws put in place to protect citizens against communist that would steal your possessions and shoot you in the back of the head and kick you into a ditch. History 101.
You have also contradicted yourself. Communists claim that resources belong to the people, yet you use the word theft. There can be no theft if there is no property. You can't even make proper arguments.
Go back to Holla Forums





Throughout most of history, until very, very recently, people couldn't afford to study unless they were already rich due to their parents giving them a factory or some shit.

But to answer your question, yes. The sins of the father should die with the father. We shouldn't punish children for having the wrong ancestors, and that's essentially what happens when you let them be left entirely to their parents. The concept of inheriting wealth is one of the key things that ruins capitalism.

It's almost as if violent revolutions in backwards third world countries result in military barbarians gaining power and ruling in barbaric military fashions with little to no regard for actual philosophy other than keeping their military power.

Life expectancy was much shorter, and the percentage of that life spent toiling in a mine or some shit was much, much higher. Even looking back only 100 years (or even less) people were working crazy hours at ridiculously dangerous and life threatening jobs. But this was mutually beneficial, so whatever. When that kid got his hand cut off in that machine at work, though, then the relationship would no longer be beneficial for his boss, and he lost his job, and then his standard of living would go down even further.

Go look at how the average person lived in america 100 years ago. Life was absolute shit for most of history, even relatively modern western history.

Certainly not in China.

Ignoring the military history, largely influenced by international factors, including international aggression, leaves you with a very shallow and uninformed view of the situation. Many factors are involved in any historical event.

And then gave it to their self-entitled lazy twat of a kid who expected to get (and did get) everything from their parents for free (not actually free because hard workers who don't get nearly as much wealth as the kid are keeping the company afloat).

here's a better version

except i didn't

i just tricked you into making a reply post

it's called trolling people who think they are trolling people


It's not like that anymore, in white capitalist countries. Maybe wealth really does trickle down.

Capitalism doesn't exist in white countries anymore. Every western country is socialist to varying degrees, and increase in standard of living that I mention coincided with the introduction of more socialist policies.

well then

hurray for theft

You realize that almost all large corporations are public and have a board of elected officials who run the company and the company doesn't belong to a single individual anymore and isn't passed down to offspring through inheritance right?

No, you're right. When I die I want my children to be on the streets and die. I don't want to secure my families existence.
Due to illness. If you get a flu, you better pray to God that you don't die.
Unlike the most recent increase in life expectancy (which was attributable largely to a decline in half of the leading causes of death including heart disease, homicide, and influenza), the increase in life expectancy between 1907 and 2007 was largely due to a decreasing infant mortality rate, which was 9.99 percent in 1907; 2.63 percent in 1957; and 0.68 percent in 2007. people add in infant mortality rate so the illusion that people died younger in the past is present.
Appeal to emotion.
Nah, it was pretty good.
Nah, children born in rich families are born and bred to continue the lineage. They're better educated, more healthy, more quick witted, and all around better than commoners who are born from chance and are given education at the (lazy) parent's leisure.

damage control/10

yes i imagine you do have some damage control to do, but no one asked you to make it public

believe me, you are embarrassing enough as it is

that is some drunk clicking right there

You're forcing people to not care about the future. If my wealth and belongings isn't going to my children, what will push me to not do anything I want in my current life? When I die there will be nothing I leave behind, why should I care about a world that I left no impact in.

more damage control/10

yes you do more damage control

and indeed

yes your posts are cringy

we obviously went to opposite schools who teach the same exact thing

The complete opposite is true. The only thing wrong with capitalism is that itā€™s too successful. America is so rich that the people have become lazy, spoiled, self entitled assholes. Exactly like you, user. Because of capitalism, a useless idiot like you has the money and free time to dick around on the internet, bashing capitalism. You are welcome.



The threat of death by the government will push me to worry about my future? That isn't a nice incentive. I think I'd rather move to another country that will allow me to keep my wealth and do what I want with it. Maybe that way I can make a business and work hard everyday so that my children wont have to suffer the same way I did.

You should thank whites, not capitalism. Governments are just a catalyst.

this is what Bernie's America would look like

That's exactly what I'm implying. You're gonna act like inheritence doesn't happen today, and that it doesn't include many of the most successful businesses there are? You're gonna act like most of the rich people on earth, or just in America, weren't born rich? Because you know that's not true.

You realize that even then rich people's kids do still inherit tons and tons of wealth for no reason other than accident of birth, right? And even those people running the board most likely still started off rich to begin with.

Socialist policies are there to make sure that nobody ends up on the streets.

Having money to actually fight illnesses and take care of your kids helps. So does having enough money that you can work for anything more than sheer survival and can contribute to society in other ways. So does actually being able to educate your kids without having to be rich, so those kids can then actually contribute to society as more than a dumb workhorse.

Job safety has gotten far, far better in the last 100 years. And every attempt to make it better has been fought tooth and nail by aristocratic jews and the useful idiots who support them in the name of "capitalism."

Which is why we should give those kids equal education, so that their potential talents aren't wasted. You're just arguing against meritocracy at this point.

When did anyone say you'd leave nothing behind? You'd still be making the world a better place, and your children live in the world. They'd be benefiting as well. In the long run, we'd end up with a society that is more efficient since it is closer to being run by those with merit rather than those who had a lucky birth. Your ancestors would be part of that society as well.

yes you are

greentexting is the definition of implication after all

and it's getting tricker, isn't it?





way to ignore that there's literally zero food in the whole store

You should check you're facts before making baseless opinions user. It makes you look bad.

It's not communism.

is this a trick that you noticed my trick?

because it's the most obvious bait in the world

and you did

so now i wonder

have you got something in store for me

of course, in communism food just magically appears in people's fridges

Marxists are the scum of the west. It's no surprise that they joined up with muslims. The scum of the third world. Together they form the most evil bunch of savages the world has ever seen.

Socialists would just call streets homes.
Capitalism does that.
Jobs have diversified, now options aren't either work in a mine, farm, or a factory.
I think you mean "Equally bad education".
You can't teach talent. I think you don't understand what education is. You can't teach intelligence, you can teach history, math, or literature though.
The moment you said I wont be leaving my wealth to my descendants.
For leeches.
And be waiting in the same death camp as the rest of communist society.
No, they'd be losing.

yeah and way to ignore it's a fictional computer generated image with no connection to anything other than the mind of a nazi spewing out his nazi propaganda


are you actually retarded? it's a photo from Venezuela about a month ago

actually yes

what kind of nazi/capitalist bullshit have you been taught your whole life?

and now you might think i'm just talking shit

but think for a second and you will see that it is true

You commies really do live in your own retarded bubble. How much money did you send to Sanders and Stein?

Any white commie is a traitor to his race.
t. white fascist

lol fake news

and besides, the politics of venezuela has nothing to do with that cute puppy bernie

it's like when cnn says trump is like hitler

which is obviously not true

hitler was a good man who was a vegetarian and took showers

wow, user, that's pretty islamophobic. perhaps you should check your privilege? you wouldn't want to get sent to gulag, now, would you?

ITT: A bunch of Jewish Shills pretending to be ignorant leftytards who believe that "Communism is The Real and it works!!" arguing with autistic aspietards who think they are successfully trolling paid Shills.

Could this thread be any more of a Gay Circle Jerk?

i don't use money, as i find it to be jewish and thus i will have no part in it

lol a Holla Forums nigger showed up and used his communist red fat letters

all those niggers do is damage control in big fat red communist letters


Fascist don't care about you or your race, nationalism is a trick to make individuals work against their own self-interests for an abstract idea.


just look at the fat complacent capitalist sacks of shit of

Holla Forums

and how they pretend to

have a say/silence free speech

even here on Holla Forums

You should check the facts before buying into a lie sold to you by jews so that you will continue to toil for them and make them rich with practically no benefit to yourself.

((Capitalists)) want to import third world untermenschen because they're a source of cheap labor, and lower the value of your labor as well.

The idiots in your pics are too stupid to think about economics anyway. Identity politics are a tool to keep people from thinking about the issues that actually oppress us, specifically economics.

We live in socialist countries and that is not the case.

Not if the kid is unlucky and ends up with parents who don't have enough money.

And yet people who still do those jobs still have it much safer than it was in the past. And before you say that was simply because of technological advancement, just go look at how the owners fought tooth and nail against every bit of regulation that tried to make sure they couldn't have terribly dangerous conditions for their workers just so they could save a few cents.

Western education systems have a lot of problems that could be improved before I would resort to "just don't educate the majority of kids." Especially when we're choosing who gets that education based on accident of birth.

I didn't say you could teach talent. In fact, that's my point. Plenty of talented kids never get a chance to hone and exploit their talents, because they were born poor, while many talentless hacks who are born rich have resources wasted on attempting to hone talents they don't have.

I don't know if you were born poor or if you were just born retarded and had an education wasted on you, but you need to learn to read, because those two sentences do not say the same thing.

Like your kids.

No, that never entered into the equation. You just made that up. I could just as easily say that the utopia you dream for, one without any socialist policies, also includes death camps. But good job not addressing the actual argument being made.

No, they'd be winning.


New Thread here:

some got butthurt

Jews invented communism. Communism is a tool of the Jew to take over and control the people of a country. Study history.
There are many books on this.
There are many books on this written by self proclaimed Jewish authors where they promote doing this.

Nice Try.

yeah, fuck inheritances

why should people have the right to help their children?

we should be stealing from dead people, they aren't even alive to defend themselves. it's easy.

national SOCIALISM

I am going to let you guys in on a little secret:
Capitalism and Communism are the same thing. Gasp! They are part of the same system used by Jews to control the masses, enslave humanity, and get rich.

i'm sorry

did you feel it in your butt when i told you these things?

i didn't mean for it to be like a rape

but sooner or later you must learn these things

Holla Forums gave me a home

t. trans african american

You're falling for it right now. You complain about jews running the world, but then are happy to defend the system that they rule.

Why should children have to suffer for being born to shitty parents?

Largely this, in that each one is used as a boogeyman to make the followers of the other complacent and patriotic, which makes them work harder for their jewish overlords.

but the thing you said exist in the same system!

the thing you left out is that you are a nazi and what you said is textbook nazi critique of communism/capitalism!

is the truth then that all there is

is different sacks of shit trying to brainwash you?

Hitler himself debunked that fallacy and explained the difference between the two.

nobody's making them do that

there are lots of ways you could help underprivileged children that don't involve stealing from the dead which is one of the most morally repugnant things I can think of

lol except even nazis have admitted hitler can't write for shit

You completely failed to name one. Obama, Merkel, Hollande, the Pope, etc are all marxist scum.

The capitalist Trump is building a wall.

no i mean you

Hmmm, he's using the taxpayer money to build something that benefits the people?

lol ok

except i don't remember what you are talking about

You can't steal from the dead anyway. And without systems to formally help those underprivileged children, nothing actually gets better. See: the millennia of human history before socialist policies were invented, where nothing got better.

So it's not the jews who want to import refugees? Or is it not the jews who rule tons of corporations and control a highly disproportionate percentage of the world's wealth and hold a disproportionate impact on those same governments you're complaining about? Which is it?

Made up lie with no supporting facts to back it up.

Yet he built an empire that was largely successful until war. An empire that saved Germany from collapse at the hand of the Jewish banking cartels and merchants and rebuilt the economy. Not to mention all the things that were invented under Nazi regime that are used and taken for granted in the modern world today. A man who's teachings and methods are still followed today.

I am a Fascist you dipshit.
There is nothing abstract about Fascism, you just don't understand it.
t. Ironmarch

because they can't win under it the tread

I get that, you want to get cucked by an authoritarian goverment that uses your race and culture as propaganda.


please attempt to make sense

I hope you're talking about communism. If not then you're severely deluded.


Nod an argumend

are you implying that a person posting on 8ch could possibly not be severely deluded?

i know that, it was in fact

a statement

that was just plain mean

you have to remember these people get hurt

and by hurting them you push them further away

Holla Forums niggers might feel vindicated for a second

but it is a disservice to the human race

pretty cozy spot you've got for yourself, where everything good that's ever happened has been a result of "socialist policies," even if it happened on a society that is, for the most part, capitalist

and let's just ignore that every communist/socialist country has been a shithole plagued by government-sponsored mass murder

it's just what happens when your government doesn't adhere to basic moral principles

you may think that your life would be so much better if you "appropriated" from someone that has more than you, but guess what, one day someone will think the same thing about you

we're all a lot better off if we just don't steal from each other

stop fucking cpying my style of postig you nigger asshole

oh man i've been getting greentexting Ā“forvere for the way i express myself

and now suddenly people start to just casually steal my intonation and style

fuck you

i invented this

now how is one to handle this

no matter what the true nature of this other entity might be

going into battle with it would only be for the entertainment of enemies

t. Julius Evola

You mean one where the race of people are in control of their own nation and individuals work for the good of themselves and each other while BTFO of commies and racial aliens? The exact opposite of totalitarian communism that gets controlled by straight up jews who don't even need to hide like in capitalist governments.
Fuck off globalist. You seek to turn a race of people in on each other. You are the ultimate cuckold.

A false one


you wanna go? i'll go if you will




i am struggling hard to understand

wtf man

Yes. If you have a point, then make it.

Yes and yes. Your problem is that you think jews are capitalists. They are not. They are all marxist globalists.

Take the worst v9k, put him in wheelchair, lobotomize him, scratch out eyes and ears and multiply with 2000. He still will be approximately 14 billion lightyears away from the level of loser, lefties are.
