"That Episode" Thread
It's a "Check my trips" post
Almost as bad as
My memory is fuzzy, but wasn't that a good episode? It ended with them screwing up and Mystique had to bail them out.
I concur on Spyke episodes, though…
The girl power episode? No. Scott and Kurt actually bail the girls out, so it's secretly a "girls are incompetent" episode, but it's just not a good episode because it's boring (except for them dancing on eachother).
Episodes that did have a Mystique focus were damn good though. Like when she strands Scott in the middle of Mexico without his glasses. I mean… holy fuck, bitch, that's hardcore.
>Centered around one of your fetishes
so All Hail King Julien in its entirety.
From the thumbnail it looks like Dipper's getting shamed for the size of his cock and is desperately trying to hide it from the girls domination him.
Sonic Boom did exactly this. It was great.
Man, Invincible can't catch a break
Board James in a nutshell.
Polite sage for not Holla Forums.
fuck off
He means when the censors are depicted in a manner consistent with propaganda, and you're given no reason to sympathize with them. It's childish, lazy, and leads to a predictable and often cringey episode.
But Invincible is Holla Forums, bro.
Yeah, I meant that. Thanks user.
Did Beyond have one of those?
God damn the women of X men Evlolution were hot as fuck.
You could argue any episode heavily featuring Max had a tinge of that, as she was only truly put in her place a couple of times. Her overconfidence was almost always justified by her hyper-competence and incredible luck.
Thinking it over, though, Beyond can't really be called biased towards women: unfaithful, dimwitted, treacherous, manipulative, inhumane. It wasn't afraid to portray quite a broad range.
Like any good Noire story: Cherchez la femme.
God, I love those kind of episodes.
Kill yourself, ponyfag
batman beyond
Then again, Batman Beyond also has this scene
to many to count
I skipped the diaper episode because of this
Leaves from the vine…
Haha I get it
DCAU was magic tho, they had an interracial BM-WF cuck affair between two affirmative action hires who took the places of white men, and nobody even got mad.
gents the new rogue like evolution version is out
he almost has kitty pride in it and it's coming along nicely
that was a decent episode tho
The show itself is terrible but the Evolution girls is a reservoir of untapped potential.
It's lazy writing, a cheap way to make drama, and never ceases to be insulting to the audience's intelligence.
Sure the episode itself may be good, but then you just want more of the good characters and they fucked off so you don't get more of the good characters.
There's so many ways it can go and I love them all, as long as they're well written. You can go with the "we're your friends and we'll be with you no matter what" route, the "we knew all along" route, or the "holy shit how did you hide this" route, all of them are fun in their own way.
Depends on the rich guy. If he's an asshole, I wouldn't mind seeing him getting screwed over. And by asshole, I mean, kicking babies and strangling puppies level of assholery.
>it's a writer shoves in his fetish entire fucking show
Totally Spies had a different fetish for every episode.
It's basically an educational series dedicated to teaching kids about every fetish.
The implications suck, though. A cool character is essentially killed offscreen by someone who previously had a sense of honor about them choosing to be the biggest scumbag ever. Sure, that actually could be a deep and complex character arc, but remember that we don't see any of it, it's just delivered via exposition. I think that's really dissatisfying when you break it down.
To be fair, I always liked Talia as the OTP for Bruce, so I'm not the best to judge.
I'm just happy I don't see any hippie episodes about saving the earth anymore
Except for scat and bestiality, luckily.
Why is that? I would've thought that they'd ramp those up.
Alex is my fetish.
especially muscle Alex.
It's a "The treasure the episode or season was about is actually either friendship, the lessons learned on the way to the treasure, or a plot device for the next arc" episode.
Wolverine and the X men was underrated,
The show I mean.
Well..original DB fillers are OK. If you want shit fillers, try Naruto.
It's a "give up the fantastic powers you gained at the end, thus resetting the status quo" episode.
What? And Catwoman is better? I can't see a reasonable answer outside of those two. Plus Talia has a great Romeo and Juliet vibe to it.
but KND did that right though.
"bringing capeshitters here was a mistake" -japwheels
fak u teen titans
They did it on purpose
Did Duckman do it on purpose?