Reminder that Dr. Doom called Count Dracula a Islamophobe when he offered to remove kebab.
Reminder that Dr. Doom called Count Dracula a Islamophobe when he offered to remove kebab
what else is new
his armor is made out of the true cross and he's a supergenius scientist and he's smarter than Reed Richards and he's also a wizard and he has his own country and all the people in his country love him and he named Reed's kid and he NEVER loses and if he ever loses it was a Doombot and he has an army of Doombots and his armor has hidden missiles and he told off Dracula because we can do whatever we want to him because he's public domain and his armor has foot dives and he'll never ever be public domain because he was made after Mickey Mouse and the purple man can't control him because he's sooo cool and not because he's a doombot and he was sad about 9/11 and he's not racist because that would be icky you don't think he's racist just because he's a villain do you he's not really a villain though he's just so smart that people don't understand him like me
I want Doctor Doom's colostomy bag to explode inside that stupid gimp suit of his.
Can you blame Dracula for hating Islam since they raped his wife and killed her?
Fucking this. I don't know how people love him so much.
Fuck you all you britcucks.
Isn't the whole point of Dracula have full hate against muslims because they tried to invade his country? Anyway, when did this happen and why would Dr. Doom care about some goatfuckers?
Captain Britain and the M16
Also known as the comic which Captain Britain gives his position to a female Muslim.
Yes. Vlad the Impaler did nothing wrong.
I can feel the sorrow and disgust of Dracula seeing that his actions had brought true Christianity in allying with the plage of the earth.
I think he is dressing more like Rasputin or any russian or soviet priest.
Reminder, Captain Britain was cancelled over seven years ago.
It's last issue was in 2009.
Honestly, Doom is above them.
Vlad was one of the greatest heroes Europe ever had.
doom confirmed for an autist. islam isn't a race.
i miss the real racist doom.
comics used to be so red pilled.
It's because Doom is always right and has no respect for others' opinions, and the writers decided that racism is wrong. In another 50 years he'll be bombing those problematic bigots that still eat meat and objectify women.
On the other hand, if that old order goes down in flames, he'll be singing an entirely different tune. Cheer up.
Forgive me for being a pleb, but who are these guys besides Vlad and the accordion Serb dude?
Dracula should kick Doom's ass. He totally could.
I recognize Charlemagne middle top row, on the right top row I thiiiink that's Jan Sobieski of Poland (Siege of Vienna), left lower row Don Jon of Austria (second battle of Lepanto) and then the last two idk
Who writes this shit? Also, in what ridiculous fictional world is Islam excelling at anything or catching up to anyone?
You forgot the part where he's literally worshipped as a God in several alternate and parallel dimensions.
Unfortunately, they were always quite preachy, it was just never as overt as it is now.
Don't forget that he God-cucked the Black Panther.
I don't browse Holla Forums often, or rather at all. I like him because of his outfit and the few screencaps that fly around 8ch in early comics.
I find it hilarious that people still consider Vlad the Impaler any kind of "muh remove kebab hero" when he was literally a psycho that got butthurt because the Ottomans favored his much more capable brother, lost most of the battles he fought, and ended up being such a bad ruler and sore loser that his own countrymen and neighbors all hated him and allied with the Turks to take his stupid ass out.
The modern world? You can make fun of clerics, but countries such as Iran, Turkey and even freakin' Saudi Arabia are actually making some massive headway in technological progress nowadays.
Yeah, no dice.
Name one thing they contributed to society right now, leftypol.
For the love of God why don't these people know that Islam is a religion not a race. You have many races practicing it like Arabs, Indonesians, Chinese,Turks and etc.
Never thought I'd sympathies with Dracula
How is anything about Doom there racist?
The only time I know of Doom being racist was something to do with Storm/Black Panther's wedding, and that whole thing was retarded and racist because "well, both these characters are black, they should marry!"
Pretty much this. Doom is above all this.
A Muzzie trash heap since the Shah got deposed.
Went full Muzzie.
Anybody tell you how few nobel peace prizes the Muzzie World has?
So, how fucking old is this anyway?
I'm amazed how few of the people here know a fucking thing about Doom. How many people are actually Holla Forums, and how many are just here to shit up the board with a thinly veiled political thread?
Because they are stupid.
There is no elaborate scheming going on on their part (it's mostly globalist elites that willfully promote Islam despite knowing it's a destructive ideology), they really are just fucking dumb enough to buy into that shit.
I prefer anime tbh
You mean that worthless trash they hand out like candy to people like Obummer?
Twitter bitch fests, what else is new?
They had a time when they were busy choking the last bit of life out of Hellenism when they were pretty advance. But the cousin fucking and strict adherence to their desert barbarian's scrawling to ever hope to do anything of the sort.
And I thought Dr. Doom was supposed to be smart. I also thought the villains were supposed to embody right-wing ideology now while the heroes are all liberals. What the fuck is going on now?
Considering this story is probably years old, the only thing going on now is you're on the wrong board. Seriously, if this thread was Holla Forums related it would be full of either comics of Doom or Dracula. But it's not.
I'm curious how long it takes before some fucktard pulls out their charts to push whatever idiotic agenda they have.
I get that Holla Forums has an emphasis on the politics boards, but if you can't keep Holla Forums related on Holla Forums, then go talk about comics on Holla Forums-Holla Forums or wherever. OP can't even storytime the whole comic, just one page to piss people off? People who don't know shit about a character with as long a history as Dr. Doom? This is worse that casual bait. This is idiot bait.
We will talk about politics wherever we like,
They had a time when they were busy choking the last bit of life out of Hellenism when they were pretty advance. But the cousin fucking and strict adherence to their desert barbarian's scrawling to ever hope to do anything of the sort.
Mongol conquests didn't exactly help.
Man, now you're making me want to see Claremont's Doom…
Also, as if Victor needed reason to look down on people unequally. He'd probably wreck any snackbar's shit before they could even try to do anything.
I remember there was a comic where the Fantastic 4 took over Latveria and Reed had Doom imprisoned in Hell. The 4 tried to show the people that Doom was a despot and the Americans, Chinese, Hungarians and Russians came after Latveria. It was supposed to be an allegory for the occupation of Iraq or something do any of you guys remember the name of that comic?
The mongols sent them emissary after emissaries and peace offering after peace offering. The dumb Muslims kept killing them and antagonizing the mongols.
Did I deny that? Nope, no I didn't. I'm just saying that it really set the muslims back to get their shit wrecked so hard.
Wasn't even the main empire who did that stupid shit, and whaddya know, they doomed a good part of two continents.
Hm? I remember that Doom got deposed by his adopted son at one point…
Try looking at the ones for actual sciences.
Hardly the only example of Muzzie underperformance.
I'm sure you blame slavery and colonialism for underperformance of Niggers and other victims.
Muzzies are good, g-goy
Victor von Doom will hang on the DOTR.
Capeshit has been poorly written political nonsense for years. News at 11.
Keep changing the goalposts, coward.
Move to Saudi Arabia, faggot.
go back to Holla Forums, faggot
Quality posts there my friend.
Are you brain-damaged?
Virtue Signalling moments like this are especially bad because when the character speaks you aren't hearing them, you're hearing the author. It completely takes you out of the story.
Dracula talking about Islam and Dr. Doom calling him a racist is completely out of character and has no context behind it. The only reason it's there is because the author wants to make a point.
It's just bad writing. Comic writers make fun of fans who don't want hamfisted political commentary in their comics by saying "everything is political" and "comics have always had politics" by the difference was before it had a degree of intelligence and subtlety. This is just moronic.
Is this Holla Forums? It has to be. An actual dunecoon would have just posted shit like "cumskin"
Protip: comics are haram, if the wise peaceful mudslimes take over they will behead you for even knowing what Dr Doom is
I…already knew this…?
Seriously, what's your point?
For the record, I dearly wish that Germany and France would undergo a fiery awakening, and in so doing teach the musselman to fear and obey the law of the land. Don't try to call me a commie again.
There's probably a better reason for animosity between those two anyway.
You idiots do realize this is a fucking shop, right? That wasn't the dialog on that page at all.
I was wondering when someone would point this out.
But no, instead we had to have 50 posts of Holla Forums and Holla Forums bitching, "muh shitskins/mudslimes" and political ranting that doesn't belong.
==SAGE== this shit and GTFO, you baiting faggots.
It was the dialog you casual faggot
I will when you move to Saudi Arabia.