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he said cuckservative at the bit following 1:48.



No one cares.



at least use communism you retarded nigger, there are a bunch of semi-socialist states all over the world, where do you think all the useless fucking neets on all these boards come from, england, europe and even the US are semi-socialist you mongoloid

socialism is a spectrum….

didnt you get the memo, the left is now fully on board with the deep state and is actively cheering on a CIA coup, also the russians did everything including 911 now shut up slave and listen to this perfidious englishman explain how it be to you fucking yokel


thats not true, they used to at least bitch about various regime change operations overseas, they were pro whistleblowing(as long as the whistle gets blown on the other team) and they used to constantly suck off russia while it was still under communism, go figure

you always had a few "leftist" pundits willing to speak out, case in point seymour hersch and the like, he was one of the first people to say 911 wasnt possible without at least the involvement of one state gov

since iraq2 establishment left/right has become indistinguishable on any serious issues outside of a few notable exceptions, the distinction is meaningless at the top of the media pyramid, they are all bought and paid for, they are all essentially pro-interventionist pro-israel and pro bankster

Still the establishment left has really been losing their fucking mind lately, all this russia shit is just so fucking rich

Damn i couldn't wait for my dose link

And webms

webm 2

Political Shitposting - Round ???

Lmao, did he say that with a straight face when their sole purpose is to gather information through any means like torture and espionage? They break laws all the time, they just get government permission to do so.

How does this faggot have a fucking job? I couldn't even get passed the first two minutes without equal measures of cringe and disgust. I don't think this fag even has an audience anymore, its all canned laughter.

The only part that sounded genuine was when he was pretending to be Breitbart, and I don't even like Breitbart.

Social Democracies are NOT SEMI-SOCIALIST you political illiterate ass.

how are his ratings doing? plummeting down, i hope

like faggotry.

We know John Oliver reads Holla Forums. That health care bill is just shifting the deck chairs and forcing the states to cover more of the health care out of their budgets. It's designed to kick the can down the road so Trump does not have to deal with the health care issue. Nobody, on either side of the isle, is willing to go after the monopolies and do some trust busting. Trump is a failed President for this reason alone. Hopefully the bill is defeated and it forces Trump to go after the health care industry for real.

Every single part of our spending is designed to be kicked down the road. There's no serious will to challenge spending. We print imaginary money and give it to (((banks))) who spread it to (((hollywood))) and (((academia))) to tell is how evil white christians are.

The insurance companies are the vampires draining people of money and lives, destroy them with universal healthcare and the problem is solved. The problem is that all of congress is bought so they won't solve this. Trump might want things to be better but he has to play ball with that den of scumbags.

This is why I eagerly await whatever he does, because the CIA-controlled media and congress definitely do not have your best interests in mind and if they hate Trump, he must be doing something right.


Socialism would only work if America was 99% white. Otherwise people would rightly view it as a transfer payment to niggers and spics. Also, how do you have socialism and unlimited immigration? You can not.

Socialism can only work if the society using it is homogeneous in culture, race, religion, etc. If you have two groups of people who are at odds with one another, they will refuse to pay for the other side's stuff, they will refuse to pay taxes. Socialism can only work in incredibly small countries, like it did in the past in Nordic nations, but now that they are importing muds, it will stop working.

If you think he's bad, you haven't seen his Mexican equivalent. He makes John look good.
He was so mad at Trump winning that he called you gringos as stupid idiots for 10 solid minutes. And he defended and tried to make people look bad by mocking the fact about Hillary and the e-mails debacle. Of course he's a cuck that defends women, and the comment section was filled with people laughing at his retardation and hypocrisy.
And get this, he has the nerve of calling gringos as stupid idiots, yet he's on HBO's payroll.
Worst thing is that I have to bear and grin when my cousins or friends show me his fucking videos. I had a hearty laugh when Trump one, they were all smug that he wasn't gonna win.

If we made me myself immortal and killed every man except me and made all women my slaves I would be king of perfect socialist state since every man would now have the common bond of being my descendant.

Make me king of earth, make mankind great.

HBO is owned by jews not white people. I don't see the issue.

fuck off, Holla Forums. Holla Forums belongs to /pol.

His face makes me want to break every bone in his body with a crowbar.

Hiley Hitley!

wrong kiddo, this imageboard was founded on the basis of tolerance and diversity, we have no place for your fascism here.

Yeah, socialism would not work in America either. Too many different whites from the various European countries. Whites in America would think of themselves as American but would act like their counterparts in Europe. The south will be poor because it's filled with Scots/Irish, the German Americans would do fine everywhere, and the Anglos will continue to cuck in the North East.

Holla Forums was founded on the tenants of Social Nationalism by furfur Hotwheels himself.

Seriously this hack has to go back

Hotwheels is based.

He's the one who brought in all the BASED redditors from BASED reddit. I love Redditwheels.

indeed. this is now a BASED hotwheels thread.



nice try ciddie

If America goes full socialist health care then the rich will exclude themselves with a parallel private system. When that happens the public option that you will be forced to use will be used as a political weapon. The private system will be too expensive to use for the average person. The only two methods that will work are either
1. full socialist healthcare, no exceptions for anyone.
2. Break up the health care monopolies, force competition, and publish prices.

The argument that "I don't want to pay for some drug addict" is bullshit because we all know the CIA runs drugs in America and the pharma companies push opium pills on white America.

Are you implying that's an option? The rich would pool together and overthrow the government.

With what army? Why are the rich special and exempt? The rich are trash.

I dunno, maybe the CIA and bioweapons?

hmmmm really makes you think
t. Holla Forumsyp


No they would just move to another country. Pretty much EVERYONE making over $100,000 a year would move to another country. Hello inflation, goodbye USA.

The rich support a communist monetary system designed to steal the wealth from people through inflation. The constitution calls for gold and silver not fiat funny money. How do I know someone rich guy's fortune was not just printed money? I don't. The rich are trash.

Does moving to another country even work in the modern world? Globalization works both ways. If the rich can flee then it is fairly easy to fly to them an "get" them. Especially for a government that wants some revenge. This statement also implies that shitskin countries are worth moving to. Without a constant stream of money you will end up fading into the background of the country you flee to. This happened to the Russian nobles who fled to Paris after the commies came to power. Eventually they ran out of money and faded into the general population. The rich are trash.

Oliver's on fire. How will Colbert ever recover?

We wouldn't have to make all these budget cuts if it weren't for blacks and mestizos.

You can shift your assets to somewhere else, and the super rich don't put all their eggs in one basket, you fucking idiot.

Why do you fags watch Late Night shows for news?
Aren't they just meant to be comedy, music and celebrities?

The only good late night show was Craig Ferguson. Everyone else is unfunny or political. He just enjoys making semi-crude jokes and sexual innuendo with a shitty robot made by mythbusters.


Electronic assets are not safe from governments you idiot. If the government of America were to turn against the super rich their assets are easily confiscated by the NSA. The NSA already goes into people's bank accounts. The final stand of the capitalist scum is in America. You fall in America you done worldwide.

Conan was great back in the day, but he's really lost the plot ever since the Tonight Show debacle

Guys im not sure if voting for him was such a good idea i dont want my grandparents to loose health insurance


Let's be honest, it was a choice between Trump and Hillary. The dodgy shit she got up to will never, ever be dealt with, and you'd never hear about it until it was far too late. If you worry for them, don't forget that she wanted to "Squeeze the middle class with higher taxes." Trump is a wild card, but at least he's funny.

literally got his mind broken by Holla Forums memes

I love it

Also you don't get any salt mines with Hillary… :'^)



If your grandparents are older then they'd be on medicaid which will never be cut for senior citizens.

The people that would be cut from medicaid, who Republicans would support being cut, are healthy younger people. Democrats had been trying to get everyone onto Medicaid as a sort of shortcut towards a single payer system, so there are definitely going to be people cut from that.

You have to keep in mind when watching anything from a 24 hour news network or one of these jack offs like Oliver, that they deal mostly in half truths. In Oliver's case he backs it up with a system of snarky comments and audience applause to stop you from thinking through the things he's commented on (probably not intentionally).

With the current healthcare bill, there are obviously going to be problems with it, but the question is really if it's better or worse than Obamacare. A major problem with Obamacare was also just the fact that it was going to cost massively more than anyone expected. It'd breakdown and require additional funding on a massive scale to help support that system of putting more people on Medicaid which is something Democrats would have wanted. They'd want to have that system stay in place and when it ran out of money they could just stomp their feet and cry that it needed more funding or else millions would go without care.

Democrats have been wanting to cheat the system a bit, getting a single payer system or socialized medicine in place, by just using bureaucracy to their advantage. Which is a cute idea, but like most of their ideas it just doesn't work like that. We don't have the money to do something like that and if we did start doing a single payer system then we'd probably get bureaucrats inflating costs even more than what we have now then similarly stamping their feet demanding more funding to keep up their bloated system.

Unless those Democrats address the problems that need to be solved, then there's no reason to pretend that their criticisms have any merit. One major problem that any of their criticism needs to address is simply how to deal with cutting back the funding from the government? If they can't answer something like that then you can surmise that they're essentially concern trolling.

Let's be honest though, especially the way it was passed, there were no decent intentions. It was likely written by congressional staffers paid off by insurance companies, because those are the ONLY ones with a shit eating grin and the only ones really fighting getting rid of Obamacare.

Read this about health care.

Yeah, we do, it's just tied up in massive military spending.
And also, a proper single payer system is theoretically less expensive because the government can negotiate with the negotiate and bring costs down (again, in theory).
It just means more taxes, you'd be paying that instead of health insurance costs, but then again a whole industry goes tits up or becomes monopoly in the years after. But now, we're in a system where you pay taxes for medicaid, pay taxes for uninsured emergency room visits under EMTALA, and also have to pay for your fucking health insurance to top it off.
I'm saying this as a lolbertarian, it's not that I want the gubmint where it is, but it's just reality.

You can surmise that even if your friendly "small government" (havin a laff) Republicans get their wet dream, that health care is going to get even more expensive due to regulatory uncertainty and compliance costs, you're still going to have to pay for emergency care (and those who are unhealthy because they didn't bother treating simple things sooner because they were uninsured) and in general it's going to be a big clusterfuck.

Take your Young Republican bullshit snobbery back to Holla Forums, both political parties are the same thing.


Insurance companies have reasonable to like current system which limits markets. They were closely involved with Obamacare to begin with.

The petro dollar necessitates is have the military we do.

And a single payer system has already shown its problems in other countries, which is why a system of getting everyone insurance was talked about so much by conservative think tanks. The problem is that the system put in place by king nigger makes it better to pay a fine than buy insurance, So solutions right now need to incentivize buying insurance.