Baton Rouge boiling once again - police officers shot

Baton Rouge officer shot; active shooter situation in progress, police say

Grab the popcorn cause it looks like another habbening in progress

Other urls found in this thread: sam hyde&src=typd

Fucking what mate.

The summer is just getting started

Maybe this will FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY make them understand they need to genocide their whole nigger population or they will never be safe?





active shooter

targeting white cops



anybody find a live stream?

She's cute, more?

that's their skin

Why do I get the feeling we're going to experience the Third Chimpact this summer?


Deep Chimpact

Stop forcing this shitty meme faggot

Live report



Is there any picture so far ?
I need some for meme purposes, thanks.

2 officers dead

No. Just let it happen. THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL.

"Several officers down"

Another attack on cops, how much longer will they put up for this before taking action?

OK remind me where the Baton Rouge is again… is that France?

Too many to keep track of.

American detected


More like idiot detected.

Baton Rouge is in Louisiana.

Mayor's office confirms 2 officers dead

Oh, well that was a French colony once I think.

I'm a Bong.


thanks and checked user

Fair enough, I don't know many cities in Wales either.

Still- easy to look up.

tbh lads I'm used to at least one major happening a day now

Dubs decides race of the shooter

timing is everything. let these radical blm faggots continue to alienate the public.


Sounds like this guy's profile pic of the grinch wearing a mask somehow came to life:

He can't keep getting away with it!!!

He's obviouly a nog, also pics please I need it for memes.

And to confirm earlier reports, President Clark has signed a decree today declaring martial law throughout Earth Central citing threats to planetary security. He's expected to provide information to support this action at a closed meeting of the full Earth Senate tomorrow. We repeat, Earth is now under martial law.


What ?

I suppose you're right. It's just infuriating to watch again and again this happening. It's tough enough being unable to respond in some effective manner aside from meme'ing and discussion though.


from july 13, posting for posterity
Baton Rouge police: Three arrested in plot to harm officers

you people are so fucking stupid, check the stats, CCW holders kill niggers on a monthly basis in the states. its obvious to everyone and his brother that nobody is going to start forming special purpose groups of autists with mosins and have them start executing niggers any time soon because it would do absolutely nothing politically

Not too sure I can live without daily happenings anymore.

I guess we finally got what we've always wanted.

It's happening

I couldn't say for sure, but she reminds me of this girl.

"needs bomb truck asap"

Hey, if it's not on TV, it's not happening.

But back to being serious - I don't nearly think that's enough, after all, you can't quite win a war by remaining defensive.

I wish all my white burger brothers the best of luck this summer and look forward to hear your stories at the campfire during the Liberation of Eurabia.

White and the cops were black

Hee-hee now the shitlords have to sign into their good goy accounts to view it :^)

three cops dead

WAFB Lads - fuck CNN edition

>Sgt Don Coppola
>Mayor Kip Holden

Praise Kek!




It was obvious.

video of shots


ur welcome


clearly the Palmetto state armory assault cannon forced the innocent 37 year old teen to commit this crime, any person who owns a palmetto state armory assault weapon (with a shoulder thing attachments) is clearly complicit in this horrific event #imwithherinbarad-dur

We race war now?

better not be that ptac trash

8 Shot and 3 in critical condition so far I think.

Are you fucking kidding me with this nigger mayor

2 Already dead also.

extended clip magazine

2 officers confirmed dead

we've been in a race war for a long fucking time, the issue is we don't have the political will to do what needs to be done, we've been gaslit hard by the jewish memetic system to the point where we are demoralized and broken up…but it seems like the winds are shifting

tfw there will never be a WN race war RTS mod for rome 2 total war

2 confirmed dead, 1 additional unconfirmed death so far

this post is art

>https:[email protected]/* */,-91.081177,622m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

Jewgle maps of the area if anyone wants to look.

That stream is being streamed in this chat room.

Might as well shitpost while watching the stream.

Apparently it's possible to call into WAFB, any Baton Rouge anons should try to call in and redpill the audience:


7 officers shot

3 are confirmed dead


CNN is reporting 3 dead

The negroes are fighting for their right to rob and steal without pesky police interference again?

supposedly the gas station where this happened was popular with police (free coffee and shit).

very likely it was niggers familiar with the area, considering the target


This is almost too crazy for real life.

hollowpoint buckshot

from CNN





RNC is going to be wild.

On the way

How's they gonna get any money without robbing and stealing?

Has officer R2-Dindoo been deployed or something?


confirmed… it will be

BLM-activist Samarucus Hide spotted running away from the scene.

This isn't real life.

is there any male host on television that isn't a pozzed fuck boy with a lisp


We left "real" behind a long time ago.

Here's a screenshot.

Absolutely, disgusting.

Ominous dubs.

You guys need to learn to source shit.


Police officers across country quit en masse when?



Lads if any other local tv station have a stream post it



Clinton News Network

Fox news is airing the local feed from WAFB


Stream? Gotcha.



Lol wtf, why was this even made? This seems like something Japan would make.

Activate it.

There will be more of this kind of thing.

A lot more.

The nigs are convinced they're at war with the po-leece.

this nigger

Hearing the shots on the stream, it suggests a high powered sniper rifle being used. Maybe that was already long after the original event and maybe it's a police sniper but still interesting.

God has forsaken us and Kek has taken his place.

Funny thing about theses bots is that they're absolutely flawless against niggers since they're too dumb to use communication jammers.







If you fucking faggots don't know how to watch cnn or fox livestreams on jewtube by now, kill yourself

new footage airing on WAFB right now

it is happening

It says 4 shot, 2 dead now

that filename

So I'm interviewing for a job in NOLA, second round and it seems likely I might get it

What do I need to know about living in NOLA? My research online says it's a fucking shithole where you can expect to get mugged if you wander outside of French quarter.

these dubs

There's a reason why it's called the chocolate city

You're fucked

rip, user

Goys what if this isn't real life?


it was probably .308 or 5.56 at most

scarce information atm
cnn is on video loop
they confirmed 3dead 7 wounded

Live in jefferson, st charles or st tammany parish

Dave Nussbaum WWL-TV
Dave Nussbaum WWL-TV – Verified account [email protected]/* */_Nussbaum

#BREAKING: via @WBRZ Sources say two BRPD officers & one EBR Sheriff's Office deputy are dead following the shooting & 1 critically injured.

Hope you can get used to niggers. Just ignore them at all cost.

you are in a coma and won't wake up


On the CNN livestream there are filthy niggers and mudslimes bragging about the white race going extinct and that they're outbreeding us and intermarrying with us.

Fucking disgusting.

It's 2 cops dead, and one sheriff

It's like any city, watch what's around you, bug out if shit looks sketchy, and stay out of the ghettos.

its important we just get used to niggers blowing away cops and spewing violent black nationalist genocidal rhetoric in our streets

t. obunghole


I've lived in the south forever.

Mind circling on the map? It seems the River is the city's 8 mile of sorts.

The police need to start treating the robots with respect like they do with K9 dogs, give them some cool paint jobs and custom names, and have funerals for them when one of them blows up a nigger

Forgot pic

what do you mean, they are being openly arrogant and clear about what they want, this is good. they are jumping the gun by about 10 years. these people are fucking up big time. white people are pussies right now, but they are being forced into a corner while they are still a majority and in control of all the infastructure still. make a BLM profile and shill like crazy against white SJWs this is better than trump tbh


another nigger reservist? Seems he can aim.

o look another fake shooting

That's like swallowing handfuls of black pills everyday

Kinda hard to do all that when they're too busy killing eachother.

Tell those degenerates to stop shooting themselves in the foot, and stop fucking all the barnyard animals and maybe they'll be a portion of the total population by the end of the next century

anyone can ambush some guys with pistols with an AR

Keep our wits among ourselves..

Oh look, another fake kangz

Oh look, another nigger apologist.

Fuck off Chaim.

Source for this kind of map? I've seen one that was for Baltimore once that had races and crimes marked.

Don't burn yourselves out, niggers.
We need full dindu potential for the RNC.

Free redpills?

Honestly though, a small part of me wants Trump to lose the election just to see how bloody America gets when whites are backed against the corner.

No it's not. It actually give you a good sense of what Humanity really is.

I know, the more they play their hand openly the more they expose themselves, but it still makes your fucking blood boil.

Can't wait for when shit really hits the fan and these degenerates get the punishment they deserve.

Surprise, surprise, anticop BLM niggers killed more cops. Who could have seen that coming?





The motives of the shooters are difficult to unravel

red is a rough blotch on where to avoid, your safest bet is the northwest quadrant (kenner-metairie-river ridge) or, if you live south of the river (the westbank) gretna is pretty safe

Niggers are niggers but these shootings the media runs with are fake and planned out specifically for the race war and civil unrest. Not that I'm against a nigger cleansing race war but they're going to use it as an excuse for martial law.

It's common sense to have everyone armed

An armed society is a police society.

The taunting does suggest they want the race war before the elections, the whole martial law narrative.

But how the heck are good Americans able to hold themselves back for the entirety of this summer? By the end there won't be much of a white police force left.

3 dead cops
3 dead cops
3 dead cops

7 shot
7 shot
7 shot

and yet, people will say that BLM is peaceful and that they didn't do nothing and that white people with guns are to blame and ect. ect.

God, this is a broken record at this point, seems like every week something worse and worse happens but people refuse to open their fucking eyes and be ignorant about the BLATANT shit thats going down.


FUCK, I meant to say polite*


just embrace it, it used to make me openly mad back in 2010 and made me dispair. now I just get cool really dead cool and I know that I have to kill these people and make them full of terror otherwise they will kill me and mine. its us or them, when they act buddy buddy with you just remember how they really think when they are arrogant, don't trust any of them and remember all this keyboard talk when the day comes and they are begging for food in white enclaves

Gotta get the goyim to give up their guns somehow.

actually i expanded it a little bit

heres something somewhat better

There's much more chance that these attacks are 100% real, it's a lot easier that way. Obama and BLM working together, constantly saying how great BLM is, it's not a surprise.

In South Africa, Angola, Rwanda, Rhodesia etc, the dindus didn't need much help to attack white people as well, once they had the weapons for it.

Kek damn it jews CAN NOT MEME. Their 'memes' are kike propaganda and thus have no power. They can not meme because memes must contain the truth.

Is it over?

don't be hyperbolic, not even 10 cops bought it. do you fucking know how white the louisianna national guard is? remember katrina? my states national guard killed niggers back in the 60s, the 101st also killed niggers. these blacks are doing some of the stupidest shit in the history of humanity


My high school was 40% black, poorest in the county. I did errands for the office because they found that mandatory reading class probably wasn't necessary for me, and all the lower '2+2=?' classes were all nogs.

Saved my dude. I'd be working in the central business district, so I imagine I'd be alright there. I was paying around $1k/mo for my half of a 2/2 in Houston so I don't want to be paying much more than that.

I love how the media is referring to this as an "ambush attack" like it was some kind of tactical well-thought-out plan

Not going to work. Even burger normies are starting to get real fucking tired of this shit. The tension between nigs besides the ones who don't act like complete niggers and whites is thick enough to be cut with s knife.

of course they want a race war, even Black lies matter so called leader is calling for a coup if Trump is president

Is/Was the shooter a nigger or not?

looks it

if you got a goybook or twitter get on it immediately

"keep shooting police, you are really making people see how much black lives actually matter"

memes are thoughtforms, you must be some 18 year old kiddy, hollywood and academia are memetic organs. you need to drop the manchild mentality


what a time to be alive

Has anyone else noticed niggers looking askance at you when you refuse to even discuss the shootings? And I don't mean being openly obstinate or anything, just not participating in the conversation when the subject comes up.

It's a look that says, "you're going to lynch my black ass, aren't you?"

Nice digits

Shaun King, transnigger

Sounds like there's multiple shooters

listening to CNN and other jew media is almost unbearable. They caused this with the constant race baiting and openly supporting BLM

BLM are all faggots who kill cops. Fuck everyone who says different

Fucking shit! There's crazy shit happening every day! Happenings ALL THE TIME!!



this attack and/or every futur one will be resolved in two possible way :
ethnic cleansing
martial law
it will ignite so much rage all over the world either ways

Won't Obama declare martial law once police actually defend themselves more though, let alone counterattack?

Aside from that, it's heartening to hear you say that. I hope to hear news of the forces removing kebab and dindus after Trump's ascension.

Live Fox coverage. They're not quite ready for prime time.


Alex Jonestein had some clips of black militias and every one of the pavement apes looked to be barely functioning mentally. I really wonder how stupid these fuckers are going to be.

wrong faggot. Memes are thought forms made in and of the truth. If a meme is not based on a universal truth then it is not a meme. You must be from reddit to be this fucking ignorant of how memes work.

Yes niggers kill people all the time I'm saying most of the shootings the media chooses to plaster on the tv screen ( especially the police shootings ) are fake.

Fake orlando killing
Fake philando castile shooting
fake dallas shooting


Fake truck killing

are you interested in an apartment or a house? 1k would be a decent apt, decent houses are going for 1200+ rent

waiting for the new CNN headlines:


is Baton Rouge location and date listed in the BLM leak a few days ago ?

Tripdubs, nice.
Show the vids please.

false flag does not mean it didnt happen. shillboi

Not just "in" Louisiana, the capital of Louisiana.


Depends what the other prices for shit are. I really only need internet and electricity to survive, so I just want to keep that as affordable as possible. Walkscore is king in my opinion.

I'm sure they pick and choose, as there have been more shootings than just the ones put on TV.

However, I believe that these attacks are real, just that the (((media))) decides to focus on those for the most viewership, most effect on the intended public.

A false flag, however, is something entirely different. I don't think they are false flags neither, but a 'fake' and 'false flag' are entirely different.


MIDF/NIDF pls go.

I would, although I can't into webm right now and I really don't want to generate youtube views for him.

Jew media already blaming "assault rifles", not violent niggers



I know the difference, the ones I'm referring to ( and much more ) are hoaxes.

Just tell me the name of the vid i'll webm it.

I can't take all the happenings anymore.




Trip dubs confirm.

Not even surprised.

Good file name, user.

Anyone have the Police scanner link?
where are we hanging out?

BLM isn't a terrorist organization, dey dindu nuffins!

You don't understand, you're falling for the bait. Niggers are subhuman animals that have long overstayed their welcome but Juden wants to keep you focused on the RACE WAR instead of the incoming martial law.

More killings all over the US coming today, this is a planned purge day by the niggers.

It will be civil war before the day is out.


Happenings, Happenings Everywhere

we need a master list and timeline sticky of happenings


scanner feed

all i could find


As far as happenings we have
Now Baton Rouge
Not to mention the countless protests and other small happenings(like the shootings that started the protests)

This is truly the summer of blood

(Heil Hitler)
good digits

Please be white, please be white, please be white.

Obama has released an official statement in response

Listen to this one too lads

Louisiana State Police

Took me a bit to find it but it is called black panthers call for killing of police during sxsw

I see what you did their. All that soon to be not-so-new anymore housing South of Algiers Point. Fucking disgusting.

and I forgot Orlando. Thats how many things have happened I forgot 50 faggots getting killed

Thanks m80

Huge volcanic eruption in Iceland likely soon, Turkey coup

Racewar dubs and you niggers too busy looting to check them, shame on you.



Thank fuck for the tolerant left, spreading peace and happiness.

Race war will likely be their reasoning for martial law, but that doesn't mean that the shootings are fake. The Jewish infultratted media and academia has already agitated enough that there's no reason for them to fake shootings.


He beat me to it:

Very useful for planning.

Truly breathtaking. I am in awe

Baton Rouge second time.

The turkroaches deserve it, but they go on the list. Didnt know about Iceland

Also, 28 Pages of (((9/11))) report.

Thanks famiglia.

CNN: It could just be a political statement.

More exclusive footage

AH brother Nero, the black race ends tonight!

There was a thread about it.

That is just your opinion. You have no idea whether or not things are organically going the pace they would like. Track record of fake shootings/terrorist attacks is incredibly strong. You niggers are just bored.

Darn it all… So this situation is still ongoing, right?

Yes 1 shooter still live

c'mon fam

Confirmed 3 dead

These Brother Negroes will meet my fleet of Aryan assault robots

The Final

Snowden inspired the shooter

CNN right now
Why not both?

He posted NGE, you joking?

Also read the manga.

those dubs…….

In the spirit of coming Race War, heres an oldie but a goldie.

goes without saying, but most likely the shooters are black.

I used to think Snowden was an ok guy for a short time long ago

He can go right in the oven with the fucking rest of them

I told ya'll faggots he was a goddamn traitor

This traitor needs to hang.


dubs confirm
Snowden is a traitor who deserves to be hanged

SKY in the UK already had the black newscaster repeatedly talk about the poor black man WHITE cops slayed the other week.

The lügenpresse here is a fucking joke.

Wew, I thought Russia wanted to help?

BEARCAT confirmed

Obama will pardon him for this.

The homosexual Jew Glenn Greenwald has corrupted him.

There were now years old posts of Snowden on Ars Technica where he complained about muzzies in Europe.

Fuck, what happened to him? Was he a piece of shit from the start? I liked how he exposed NSA spying but since then he's seemingly been a faggot.


I, too, used to think he was okay, but all he's done is only solidify our fears with facts. He told us something that we already knew, things that normies thought we were crazy for thinking. Now they too know, and they don't care.

The rest of his faggot ass shit can go right in the trash.

Following time-honored Ruskie tradition of stoking the flames of racial tension in Burgerland

Source? I didn't know about this

Did you hear about the cucked Nottinghamshire police making nasty words towards women a hate crime?

What a fag.

I'm pretty sure they will do anything to make the US less of a military threat, not that I blame them with the possibility of Hillary Cunton getting (((elected))).


Witness claiming they were already in a gun battle and it isn't targeted at the police

Not to mention he also let shit countries like Pakistan and Iran know we were monitoring them. He is a traitor, beyond all doubt

Ay friendo

Niggers on twitter having a meltdown.

"blacks aren't to blame dawg, it's all white supremacy #YaFeelME"

Oh Vey, delete this picture you anti-semite

Yes, my country is finished. We're the next fucking Sweden.

Seems legit

No, that can't be right…

They really don't know how our blacks are.

greenwald, snowden and I suspect hussein obama and hillary, soros too
are all in the same agenda.



It's my country too, fellow Brit. It's fucking sad; we used to be the leaders of the world, and now look at us.

Don't say that, it's over when it's over.

Would make for an entertaining version of Robot Wars.

Would be nice to see someone rig up one of those civilian flying drones to deploy pipebombs on large groups for giggles.

What is this workplace violence thing about? Can someone explain?

Top kek

Seeing this shit makes me wish there was a mod for a game like SWAT 4 or Insurgency where you fight against BLM.

Obama said that after San Bernadino

Niggers really do lack all agency.

Trips of truth, go away Russian pigus.

I know, it's sickening.

I'm sorry but we can't undo the "diversity" pushed upon us. Our capital has literally been sacked and whites are out numbered. All sides of our politics are servants to the Jews.

I hope we get hit by some nukes and we can rebuild, because that's the only way I see it becoming ours again,

Also multiple streams condensed into one here

It isn't NoThiefs either


naive nigger, Russia doesn't give a fuck about "helping". they will do whatever benefits them the most at any given time

Bongs you are far worse of than Sweden.

It's a tradition. We were cool when Bush was in Office. When that monkey was sworn in, we became enemies again.

You should be thanking Russia

Can we meme NO MORE DEAD COPS?

Please, my dad is a police officer and I don't want nigs killing him.


If you say nigger you will be banned though. Fucking cucks.

Dey wuz jus tryna kill eechutha befo dem po-leece come up in da plays. Dey wuz juss havin a gud time bein gud bois till da po-leece came. Dey dindu NUFFIN

Dubs don't lie

Sorry goy, but this is price of diversity :^)

Meme 'MORE DEAD NIGGERS' instead.



Yeah, fuck me for hoping we could work together and fix this mess.

Those dubs don't lie.


You must genocide every nigger in the state or your dad will never be safe, user


You are a fuckin nut if you think that,

I have seen nigger violence first hand in person on multiple occasions. Niggers really ARE stupid as fuck and they really do DO stupid as fuck shit.

I have seen purse snatchings, store robberies where the niggers is running out shooting behind him randomly. I have been in a flash RIOT with 400 niggers coming down the street and police on horses deploying in a matter of seconds…not minutes.

Get a grip right now.

yeah fuck you for not knowing the first thing about politics

I need it right now.

Give the nogs their typical weapons and make them have terrible aim.

Also have them chant their stupid stale chants.

Looks like he just shit himself because he realized that he just got roped into death by the Feds (guy on the right)

new shots fired


Yup, I've been getting that too recently.

I just look at them and smile.

Taking back London wouldn't be that hard, just take a play from the commies and holomodor it. Allows the whites to get out our course.





you forgot one


just don't say nigger or you'll be banned because the owner is a faggot

Limited Hangout Operation.

don't say that either, you act like this diversity shit is irreversible and it can win.

The people have got to be angry, common sense has to win out some way. I rather the world not go down like this while people are just lining up to be killed for the sake of diversity.

Every Time



If the streamer is a faggot why should we give him views?

Same here man. Niggers don't need MK ULTRA to do what they do.

Donald Chick Foret
[email protected]/* */

Officers responded to a call of a suspicious man with an assault rifle at B-Quik Convenience store in Baton Rouge. Suspect shot 7. @CNN

(((assault rifle)))


Well I doubt he's benefiting off of it. Mainly just for people who like to have multiple streams and police scanner in one stream.

NoThiefs is AFK right now too

Top modernist

every fucking time, I'm so sick of it

You got it user.

Get down!

multiple live streams, I don't really care who's the owner, build a network if you can


Daily reminder that the police state we currently live in is the inevitable consequence of a multicultural society.




I don't think he was a nigger.

fox news
a nigger

Am I the only one here who dislikes cops more than blacks?

Either way this shit is like Christmas

Thanks, user.

Daily reminder that it didn't have to end like this


That's not gonna fly anymore, harambe

ayo he wuz jus tryna git sum mony fo his keedz cuh lil baby mama workin all day fo dat green n aint makin enuff fo' hih keedz n shiet man he dindu nuffin wrong mane shootm nigga up fo dat $$$ n shiet dem keedz outta line sumtimes know whum sayin nigga?

There are 4 shooters

>>>Holla Forums

I hate niggers more than cops


says who
(read: link, fucker?)
come on, man

Are you a lolberg?


4th officer dead

right now, you should be praising whichever god you follow to defend your country police.
even if I can understand your point, it is not the time to blame the police now
kill yourself

1 suspect dead, 2 at large

1 suspect dead
2 at large

Oh, they've got this all screwed up






Dam son

just before the RNConvention, go figure right? its almost like they want martial law or something!

Why hasn't this cuck been hanged yet?

New Obama statement on BLM

We're all paying our debt for what was done to Germany, but once that debt is fully paid, you can bet there will be a violent resurgence. Jews are not going to win.

The police don't pray for me.
Fuck em all


No, they protect you. Fucking anarchists.

that's offensive, animals are not niggers

Leftists already blaming guns again and talking about gun control. Man are they fucking stupid.



Swat moving in with a watermelon robot


Studies have actually shown that animals look after their own better than niggers do, which says everything to be honest.



My dog is surely better than a nigger so change name

I have to wonder what the creator of that site expected people to do with it.

Get fucked, nigger.





Did you get kicked out of the mall their kid?

I hope it will be fine after taking care of nigger mess. #RobotLivesMatter


My friend often asks me what will happen when robots make niggers useless. The answer is now clear - the robots will genocide them for us.

You sound like a policeophobe, you bigot.

Is a nog shooter still at large? I though the one that shot the 7 was killed on the scene.

lastest shots fired was a shooting class.

(I think that area is generally white)

thanks hotpockets


This is push for gun control

They tried it with false flag attacks, fake children tears

Now they're trying with racial tensions.

Because you know that everything BLM is based on is fake and forced by the Media, the politicians and Obama


3 shitting suspects

1 dead so far

Other 2 are on the loose

Can I opt out of their services?

They're smart I think. Never letting a crisis go to waste.

Hey isn't that the white race traitor who pretended to be black?


Send in the police dogs. They hate niggers.

Oh ok. It rarely turns out that these sort work in teams.


fucking MSM
first 7 officers down
then they changed it to 8
now it's 3 dead 3 wounded, making 6?

Nah, it'll just be
Like fucking always


Sho' is.



just make a throwaway account and use tor while/after

/r/ing the BLM planning leaked a few days ago
is Baton Rouge location and date listed in it ?

Just getting tiresome at this point. They refuse to understand they will never succeed in their attempts at eventual gun confiscation.


Jamal, Marquis and Day'Quan sitting in a car

nigger confirmed

does NSFWyoutube work for live shit?

I legit burst out laughing holy sheeeeiiit.

R2-dindoo is mentioned on stream

No. But you can watch it here apparently.

I know what you mean. But we can't get tired, because like you said they will never stop.

Kek it would be worse then the turk coup. Nigs hate cold and rainy weather and run away from smoke grenades. I don't see how they could win against actual use of deadly weapons, which the cops have to try to avoid using on a regular basis but can unload in such an emergency.


you figure his tag name is prolly TRASH-1, right? i mean nobody would assume that there's actually a name "Trashone" so you'd be able to hide in plain sight.


He has been spewing liberal shit for years now. I don't see how you guys still had a good impression of him at this point in time.

I figured it was Tra-Shone, not Trash-One

hey during the french suburban riots in 2005 a couple'a kids stole a motorcycle during that shit and ended up running off and hiding from police so much they died (presumably of starving/dehydration)…..

…and now they got streets named after them!

People are so fucking stupid as a group.

It takes so many dead bodies for people to realize "HEY MAYBE NIGGERS ARE VIOLENT" and "HEY MAYBE MUSLIMS WANNA BLOW US UP."

Fucking insane. Then they all virtue-signal on twitter about praying for whoever-the-fuck and acting so concerned. But not all of them will call a spade a spade.

of course you're technically right, but who can look at that word and not see TRASH-1? a better man than i, for sure.

My sides

Who's R2-Dindu? I've seen that username in a couple live stream chats


Do they shoot the niggers? What is actual situation?


He's a robot with an advanced AI that kills niggers using watermelons as bait.

one nigger dead, two at large



Most of the organizers and leaders for these nigger movements are either completely white or half white.

You forgot Orlando, The Turkey (attempted) coup, and the many other things ISIS is probably planning to do.

1 suspect dead, 2 at large
3 police dead, 3 more injured

Jolly good le snark detected.

Where are the others going?

shut up jew

Wasn't this cuck just talking about a coup in the US the other night?


I have no idea what NGE is but it looked bretty gay

So until Shaun King himself kills a cop he can claim BLM to be peaceful? Yeah, no.

and black marxist homosexuals


Nigga pls.


There are bad cops, but at least many try to follow the law and help the citizens, and there are many redpilled which is why you hear some police publicly saying they will never enforce insane gun bans in their states.

There are no good niggers.

Is the Jewish media celebrating yet?

Yes there are. Dead ones

Is that last one a troll? The spelling is correct and the where/were grammar mistake looks like it could have been intentionally placed to appear niggered.

I don't read every single thread on here, just happenings and info dumps

surely he must log his operations, then, with a visual recording device?

I don't understand. Did those kikes literally change the shell color of R2D2 for symbolic propaganda? F

Have/had they even announced the race of perpetrators yet?
Even BLM just assumes criminals are niggers.

We're going to end up putting most nogs into prison work camps. Slavery is coming back.


youtube-dl+mpv or livestreamer+mpv

evidently "the brothers" are lowering their standards for admissions into the cool kids club, eh?

(comeon odds are you knew someone who referred to black ppl as "brothers" when you were growing up)


2 black males confirmed on scanner

Listening to police scanner i think i heard Muslim with knife?

Slimy kike. Look at that fucking mug.

Can you link the scanner?

God ples murrica

They can help me by leaving me alone.

I found some footage of the shooting..

top two are for BR

If you don't act like a nigger and do what the officer says you won't have a problem. Unless you are a criminal or some shit in which you deserve your fate.


No, they died because they hid in a EDF (electric company) transformator or generator, whatever the hell it's called in English.

Officers were all whites?

So niggers cannot even organize their own movement?

You can see the contrast of news coverage

Fox News




I usually defend cops, but this is bullshit.

I've seen em fuck with people and fuck people over who aren't criminals.



I hate the fact that the very term "mass shooting" has been skewed enough to mean basically any situation where more than two people get shot. A gang banger nigger shooting some other gang banger niggers isn't the same thing as Columbine or Aurora and lumping them together is incredibly fucking disingenuous.

Appears to be real, his twitter acct is very active with photos, etc, and tons of standard millennial nig shit.

Fox also had a guy outright say there's blood on Obama's hands and this is Civil War-tier

Nobody backpack-cucks Zylon B.

Next thing you know terrorists will be using RC car bombs.

And if one of those "bad ones" finds me?

the last time niggers tried to organize their own movement it spawned all the popular black gangs in the US. many started as black power groups. they turned to to crime because they're niggers.

I just noticed….he has a beverage COZY custom made for Hennessy pints LMAO


Ska hålla ögoinen på dig grabben.

Used to be called Our Lady of the Lake hospital. I think i had a grandfather die there.

Älä viitti

This is why china owns us on trade

They make cheap trinkets that only appeal to niggers

Then I guess you are fucked, didn't say the police was perfect or always good. But if you have a shit ton of video cameras that are uploading instantly the scene then even if you die at least the cop will not be able to get away.

Referred to on the page as Tay?!?

Praise Kek

Snowden isnt racially aware. All he saw from his end was government overstepping it's power, militarization of the police, and our rights being taken away.
He's right, the police aren't there to protect us. In fact, they will stand down if whites were being killed by the niggers and just protect government buildings. I'm pretty sure even Snowden doesn't want niggers killing WHITE cops. He just wants America to take their rights back and stop being such cucks.



Now that's Terror

You didn't see it coming ?

Fuck Toronto. I wanna get out ASAP

lmao, kill yo parents kid

It's like you want to die during SHTF.

"If you kill your enemies, they win."
- Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

What a faggot. In a race war, the nigs would kill him themselves.

I fucking hate toronto

Your dad's a cuck

sending a car to LOL


Ask if there are more guns then people in America, why we don't see that represented in crime?

Stop watching stef stupid brats

I'm glad you're not as retarded as your father user


During non summer times we put actual relevant info in the thread occasionally.

Cleveland bout to become New Detroit

not even noon and theres already a happening

Seems obvious to me as an efficient cheap, repeatable terrorist tactic. It's the logical path of escalation.

These days though I question everything that is obvious to me because it's often not to most other people, so whether or it's obvious to anyone else I don't know.

GlobalTV? Probably the most pernicious news network out there.

Doesn't your fartsniffing dad have a pride parade he has to be at?

The Zyklon Bot.

or not

They killed Kelly Thomas on tape. Cops walked.
I remember some coast guard vet getting shot and killed while cuffed on the ground. It was on tape and the cop walked.

Cops can be good all they want but I'll never like people who can kill me and get away with it.

I know how you feel. I told my dad yesterday I want to get my PAL. He doesn't seem too keen on the idea.
At least I don't live in Toronto.

so how many times has your dad sucked cock in his life?

NM, you're saying your own DAD said that. Go and correct your father user.

This time they have open support from the whitehouse and a billionaire hedgefund manager bankrolling them

It's so fucking demoralising to have a weak dad with cucked values/opinions. I will not cry at his funeral, I will not speak a good word about him. Will never visit him when he is put in a home. Shamed of being a son to such a weakling.

But it is

Not just that, imagine you're infiltrating some nig nog territory, put a small quadcopter in the sky with a cam and get the feed back to a small screen mounted on your rifle. Imagine a small camera mounted on it and it would feed back to said screen on your rifle, enabling you to do precise corner shots hidden.

For what it's worth, Orlando was a wakeup call for a lot gays about guns. Apparently there's been a huge upswing in gun ownership among homosexuals since then.

I still have an ED 209 toy in my closet from when I was a kid. You load caps in the back for sound effects.

Grown men who have children shouldn't be this happy to put their family in danger.

Should have added picture..

You bring up a real good point actually user. Thats the way niggers look nowadays in the US. Theyre skinny as fuck and wiz khalifa-hairdoos. Niggers back in the day was swole as fuck, today theyre skinnier than their bitches.

And thats a good thing for us, because the weaker the enemy the easier we will win. Thats why I try to make all my leftists/sjws/cuck friends (lost causes, no idea redpilling them) stop lifting, start doing drugs, party etc because they get weaker by the minute while Im training my ass, gettin as prepared as I can for the race war.

True! Very good idea.

Because it is Sam Hyde.

What a faggot






Well CNN confirmed it was a hate crime.


To be fair their bitches look like fucking hippos.

Hyde sure plays all sides of the conflict, doesn't he

Look at this cuck. At any rate I cannot wait for Obongo to speak so more guns can fly off the shelves.


Dead Freemasons and Dead Niggers. LOVE IT.

When I was growing up, the nigger culture was in that hard "prison nigger" phase, that is probably best chronicled by this DMX song.

Even though my friends and I saw niggers as a foreign species, I suppose at least you could say they were proud of being manly. Nignogs of today are weak and dumb betas.

Targeting cops is now considered a hate crime in Louisiana.

oh shit, training my ass OFF

Source of second webm?



for Floridians, watchout for him. He is going to gun everyone down so stay away from him.

It's Candlejack from the Freakazoid cartoon series.

That nigger samuelle hyde at it again.

candjack is a meme I have not see


fuck CANDLEj

It's an older meme but it checks out

I don't interact with niggers.

Make up your mind, cunt.

Seriously though, reminder that police are trained to deal with violent niggers, not confused elderly people, traumatized veterans, retarded step children, schizophrenic uncles, BPD mother in-laws, or 300lb autists upset about Sonic's new aesthetics. Cops are hammers in search of nails.

You can fuck right off back to reddit with that shit.

Damn you, Hoydel

CNN: gunman in all black, military fatigues. New Black Panthers confirmed?

We dumping niggers?

send more cops n sheeeeit

WDSU-TV here in New Orleans reporting a possible shooting at Cortana Mall in Baton Rouge

Police really need to heed black voices and stop coming to their neighborhoods altogether.

When the fires finally die down, the gentrification can begin.


Bailiff didn't do their jobs properly.

a coup is impossible since half of the millitary is pro trump
if they even tried civil war is more likely

Not even a christcuck, but lets say their god does exist… even if I end up in hell, I'll be laughing my ass off at these niggers who "gawd halp us"d and "praise jebuzed" while being absolute niggers in their lives and ended up next to me in hell

Just because you niggers say the words, doesnt mean anything. You're still going to burn for being niggers who support crime, destroy lives, and are driven by nothing more than greed, hatred, violence, etc. I'm sure theres some passage about being a false believer or something if you say the words and dont act on them properly, probably an even worse hell awaits those people



lost my sides

Tru dat. I suppose that's what drew me into listening to this crap, growing up in a pussified White swpl culture.

Will they ever be able to stop him?

Ham Syde?

Oh fuck it's really going to be a race war isn't it?


Kek wills it

No, Hyde is getting help from Dorner. The duo is practically invincible.

seriously. white kids didn't listen to rap when I went to school.

What confirmation is there so far that niggers are responsible?
I don't have the scanners up; are they saying the suspect is black or is wearing black?

I forgot to add to my other post. He got a bounty on him so rat him to cops so you can get the cash.

there was always going to be one.. this was planned. Itll all kick off probably next month or something, and Obama will declare martial law due to civil unrest and as the situation progresses he'll suspend national elections due to curfews and the like being imposed (curfews would be hilarious since I work overnights.. not really sure how thats going to work)

Possible Name 'SAMARCUS HYDE''

witness saw a nigger with gun run from the shooting scene. other reports of niggers with guns in a car or cars in the area.

I dunno Satan you tell me.

It's not often you see them, but rednecks like this are almost always based.

sorry Satan, Louisiana officials staying tight lipped right now… but the running assumption is a nigger (or niggers) nigging

LaSamuel X Hyde?

Then Eminem happened

What a waste of quads

He is worth at $10,000.

The only strike against me is that I listed to Eminem or a few years. At least I kept my degeneracy in the race.

At the same time though, can you blame a child who merely draws from a culture poisoned by his elders?


Maybe Duke can actually win his congressional campaign?

Did they allow him to go on the purpose?

new thread soon fellas

((((( THEY )))))

should I go on Lucy?

oh no

Maybe! Or they are bribed by his motha! Go rat his arse to cops so you can get the $10,000

He din do nuffin wrong, all he did was shoot da poe lease.

Holy fuck what a dumbass.


He is going to shoot more. Lock your houses up.

I predict that nothing will come out of all this,

-Greetings from a banker

dindus are the real RWDS right now,


Breaking News: Obama has given an official statement on the attacks

"We need to come together as a people. These attacks on our brave law enforcement officials has gone on for too long and it needs to stop. But at the same time, we must not forget the mistakes made by the police. We must not forget how Trayvon Martin was just walking home with a bag of Skittles when he was taken from us by racism. We must not forget how Mike Brown was mercilessly gunned down while he had his hands high in the air. And we must not forget how Alton Sterling, a loving father, was murdered when he was only trying to sell CDs. This is why we need to continue to pursue our commitment to gun control."

That's bretty gud.

hwo can they be RWDS when they fighting on the side of marxists? fuck they can't even read let alone form a political opinion.

It was black democrats that literally put actual 'assault weapons' on the streets via fast and furious. It seems that everything good goys say is the exact opposite of reality.

Dude thank you so much for that Ultra-Rare.

if no dubs
praise kek.




St. Matthew 7:15 - 7:23, The test of the false prophets
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

trouble is, the majority of white youngsters have been programmed to side with the nogs and spics.
The older whites will be fighting their own children.
The (((media))) and the (((education system))) has done a real number on us.
Fucking jews.

Supposedly, the shooting in Baton Rouge was an ambush. The suspects called 911, police responded, they were then cornered & fired upon.



Go to Holla Forums and sell them and try selling them as the real Revolution. You'll have better luck.

Ban assault phone calls. No one needs to have a phone call longer than 20 seconds.

CNN Livestreaming on YT

Nigs spew the anti-white racism faster than even the klan would do for them. What a totally useless and incompatible people they are.

Then close the university for a few years. The marxist must constantly reinforce the programming, otherwise its effects wear off quickly.

This is why we need to kill liberals as well as the other threats.

Take a look at South Africa. It's much much worse over there and white cucks still make excuses for the dindu hordes.

It's pretty close to where the shoot out was, so that's posible. Good thing no white person has set foot in that mall since all the cockroaches fled to BR after katrina.

Don't forget the french coverup of the torture at bataclan was released to public.

The mudshits put a guys balls in his mouth and stabbed women's crotches while filming for isis. The french government tried to cover it up.

Also cologne was a coverup in numbers, rape reports were over 1000, we have pregnancies from new years rapefuggee announced Friday.


Are you retarded?

Did he just publicly admit to being an illegal or is he one of those retards that think all mexicans will be deported?






Yes, of course. Stop all production of doctors, engineers, and so on. Surely that will make everything better.
Don't shut down the universities entirely, shut down the so-called social "sciences".

Looks like a redneck to me.


This aint Nordpol. Use Berger speak plz.

God i hate this shit

Well obviously. Technical colleges and medical schools will remain open, but they will be monitored.


Tell your dad that he can either join RWDS or he deserves what he gets for being the enforcer of the Jews

is it the big and final chimpening yet you were all talking about pol ?

(feel free to meme pic related)

What about all of the brainwashed ___studies people who currently walk among us?

Kek has blessed us with many happenings.

Oh No! It's African Nationalist Sayimo Hidu Tutu Mabuti


Stream consolidation:
CNN: (comments enabled)
Fox Atlanta: (comments enabled)
Local Channel 9WAFB:
Exposing Reality Simulcast Stream CBSN & FoxNews: (comments enabled)

Police Radio
Louisiana State Police Troop I, Region 2:
East Baton Rouge Sheriff:

So about a solid third or more of all young to middle aged white men are "rednecks"? Nah dude.

Samur el Hayeed


Are you serious ? They'd fucking give soros extra cash to fan the flames there, even if they ban him on local soil.
You use cancer against your enemy, regardless of the type of cancer. The fund bloody gay parades in Ukraine now.
Much like the USA funds NGOs in Russia.

It's not secret, unless you are dumb.

DK here.

Reports from Dawn
"1 black sedan taken down!

"Bringing in Bearcat for barricaded suspect!

"2 black vehicles approaching officers with 2 pistols!! Now!


Dats raciss smh

Donkey Kong?

Donkey Kong?

Dem white devils still keepin' you down?

But will we be able to put our brains in robot bodies?

I recall something about this recently, but you're going to need to post evidence.


Has Obama moved to make cop killing a form of free speech yet?

She's just going to love what White people do when they get feed up.

webm plox

He's just spamming it in different threads.

Putin looks out for Russia. I can't fault him for that. It is what a leader should do. He is not the West's friend, he is not a friend of the White Race at large.

I hope with Trump as president we will work together with Russia.

You have the difficult task of untangling the SHOOTERS motives in this GUN CRIME to deal with first.

Honestly, why moderators didn't replaced op's image for blasphemy? Its degenerate.

no apologies, bitch

Thin skinned faggot.


With Trump it might be possible. But not with Bongo.

I'm not "spamming" it in "different" threads.

I'm putting something similar to that in every happening thread to preempt the retards. I could have said
but I think this is more fun

Nice Title

His stream was completely down retard, and still appears to be showing unrelated shit. Also NTA's a massive faggot.


Your meta-level anti-happening efforts are fail


Baton Rouge about to have a thunderstorm. Looks like god is about to smite the shit out of cop killers.


I flushed you out, didn't I?


I mean a new one?


That mallcop needs to learn how to choke. Or just let the niggers destroy themselves.

Yeah, get used to it. Non-wigger and non-swpl whites are rednecks by default to most. And even here in the middle of nowhere, that guy looks like a redneck. It's not an insult.

t. redneck who let his beard grow out

News story about the ambushed Milwaukee officer.




Looks like niggers are gettin uppity and starts killing cops because other niggers are doing it. We probably gonna see atleast 10 cops get killed today.

How did Sam obtain his teleporting device? I want one too

Spooky timing.

This is why I know, even with how cucked most whites are, that we'll win the race war.

"man with two felonies" sounds like a dindu.


Dude fuck you, just because I wear clothing from my job in that ugly neon green high visibility color doesnt mean I am a redneck, you fucking chode. sam hyde&src=typd
Always a gold mine after a shooting, no matter how improbable.

You didn't watch the same video then.

Fuck you, limp-dicked city faggot.

Oh my sides


So this is the Summer of Chaos they were on about

at this rate pretty soon we can start our vigilantism because we wont have to worry about zog cops fucking with us

I guess the friday chimpouts got pushed back to

this is how cucked our country has become

We need to start blaming David Horsey