Mfw losing faith in leftism

Its hopeless.

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Sorry OP, we all feel your pain.

Widespread belief that change is impossible is what makes it possible, because all the bodies meant to safeguard the system against it will be caught off guard.

An look, the real criterion for being left-wing is being able to keep doing what you have to even when there's no light at the end of the tunnel. You can't base your actions on what seems possible right now, because then one day you'll miss that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and instead of spending your days in doubt, you'll spend them in regret.

Yes, it's hopeless. Watch more George Carlin.

Is there any other way?
Isn't same as losing faith in humanity?

The possibility or impossibility of there ever being a worker-lead revolution is no reason to give up your struggles against capitalism. And indeed it is very unlikely that the left has the possibility of having the same power it had in the 20th century, or even if worker-lead revolutions in general can possibly happen.

I recommend looking into nihilism and the collision between it and anarchist thought.

Am I the only one who thinks that comparing yourself to Jesus is some next level grandiose bullshit?

No, but then again the people on this board (like all e-politics communities) have a tendency to have inflated levels of self-importance.

None of you appreciate the suffering I endure for you. Never mind. I forgive you.

I don't think there's anything particularly conceited about using the stories or ideas of famous tales for the sake of getting across an emotion. Being able to empathize with a scenario, emotion, etc. and acting as a vehicle for language is the point of such tales. OP isn't really "comparing themselves to Jesus" but rather using the imagery to invoke a complex feeling/situation that would take far, far more words than anyone here necessarily wants to take the time to read.

So what is this emotion? Getting flagellated unjustly, carrying a heavy burden (that of the whole of humanity), knowing certain death, hearing the crowd berate you, etc. – all in the context of "losing faith in leftism"?

Well shieet. Chose your side, Messiah. There won't be no resurrection after we get in power, tho, so keep that in mind.

It's just a fucking reaction image. Calm your tits.

Are- are you a Christian, Freudfag?

Freudposter, I know you're hyper-autistic so I'll try and break this down for you.

It means he's fucking sad you stupid piece of trash.
iktf tbqh fam.

I'm not sure why OP. The rise of Corbyn, and I think it's safe to say that Sanders has pretty much eclipsed Debs at this point. I think the Left is on the cusp of rising again in a very big way.

I'm struggling with depression as well. Sometimes, as shallow as it may sound, you just need a break from thinking about politics and the harder things in life. Find something you enjoy, something calming, something fulfilling. Having a decent social safety net can also be helpful. We may live in a fucked-up economic and political system, but you can still absolutely find some level of fulfillment.

That was one of the sappiest things I've ever wrote, but it's genuine sentiment, and something I try to remind myself.



Must be nice ;_;

You haven't been a leftist for very long have you?

While things are certainly shit, the left is in a far better position than it has been for years, it was almost completely dead after the fall of the USSR and only started to regenerate after the financial crisis and recession. Now I'm not saying the revolution is around the corner, the far left is still a pathetic shadow of it's former self, but it is gaining momentum again and in the coming decades we may very well see it return to form.
Don't count on it for immediate relief for your problems however, that will just burn you out and leave you depressed

To cheer you up, have a pretty graph to remind you that capitalism cannot last for ever.


sauce on graph?

Underrated post

Accept that the revolution might not happen within your lifetime. Know that, even if we aren't the ones to tear porky down, we may as well influence those that do. Even if it is indeed hopeless you can take pride in knowing that you supported the correct side regardless.

A pervert obsessed with other people's sex lives a christfag? Say it ain't so!

What makes you think that your interpretation of OP is any better than that?

It's from Michael Roberts' blog.

give up, it's okay
and find relief in knowing how irrelevant you were in the first place

as a marxist leninist i know truth and victory is with us

Get off your fucking ass and go do something or hang yourself and be done with it. Im tired of heard you faggots whine about nothing ever happening.

Where did he compare himself to Jesus you grande autismo

Try being a leftist for good reasons next time.

stop hanging out with libratarian socialists

I'm getting real sick of your shit freudian autist.