Try to be nice to people

How do you win?

Other urls found in this thread:

don't associate with people and only watch anime and play vidya

Sociopathy. You have to show dominance or make people fear you.

Be nice to who deserve it, and be an asshole to everyone else.
Pro tip:
You're always less kind in reality than you think of yourself.

you can do that or ask ad see why the dont like to be around you.

second one

There's a difference between being nice and being a sucker.
There's also a difference between being an asshole and being smart.
You can be nice while still firmly saying "no" when people try to take advantage of you. You don't need to be an asshole to accomplish that. Also, 90% of the people you'll meet in life are not worth your time, so stop worrying so much about what other people think and do what you know is right.

what is ad

That sounds dreadful, but you seem like you know what you're talking about so I'll take your advice.

That's hilarious

dubs know

You have to be more of an animal that the other guy.

You're not quite pulling off assholery correctly if you're not getting women damp. The correct way to act like an asshole is to act like you're already drowning in pussy (i.e. being outcome-independent). Basically, it's not about deliberately trying to piss people off or be nasty, it's more about faking confidence until you make it.

Around women, be a tease. Don't answer questions directly, but be coy, give indirect answers or be playful to make them slap you lightly on the chest (or shoulder) and say "no, really user!" (with the hint of a giggle in her voice)


Eventually, just tell her, but you get the idea. Be playful and drag things out like you would if you were talking to a child you were trying to entertain. Women are basically just mental children.

Where do you think you are?
How fucking retarded are you?

Realistic scenario for most people on here:

Yeah this is the hurdle I wouldn't be able to cross. Women find me repulsive even though I lift and take care of myself.

I was asking a general question to deal with people at large, nothing to do with getting laid.

do you know what a goldilocks zone is OP


Goldilocks is a story about a loli learning the value of moderation

maybe you should be like goldilocks you silly shit

You're saying if a group treats me like shit i should find one who that doesn't? What if the utility of one group that bullies me is higher than one that doesnt?

This is a good rule to follow in general but no that's not what the story is about

Utility? Are you trying to rise through the ranks of a company?

Have you considered that you should try being between an asshole and a turbocucked bitchboy doormat?

I never learned how to do that. I grew up without a father or male role models

You don't win a social life, you just have a series of short periods between losses. Best to avoid people altogether. Works for me.

Don't be completely nice, don't be a complete ass.

There was a scene in Monogatari (between Hitagi and Hanekawa) which pretty much describes how to win.

If you want to help people, act as if you do not want to do that. You wouldn't appear weak to people who want to take advantage of you and you would, well, help people and seem nice to them.

Problem most likely not solved.


This image is basically:

"The world will treat you like shit and most people are evil, but be a good person anyway because you owe the society that hates you."

u keep being a dick, only u dont care what others say or think, u moron

And you wonder why you're empty

avoid the people

fuckin tasty lookin fries.

Be a communist

Be comfortable being a dick to people who deserve it. Remember to be nice to people who need it no matter what the response is. In other words, be a mature adult.

This isn't complicated, OP. Stop sucking dick.

and* my keyboard doesn't work on my laptop half the time.

mfw to poor to get a new one

This guy is right, it took me near 15 years to realize that, i'm 28 now and nearing 29.
I always asked the same question and recently when i started to remove all trace of social media sites I've used since college and clearing all contacts and start to try turning the tables to those who pissed me off. Then i realized how things works, now social isn't much of a problem as it's clearly how it works now wealth is next question i ask myself.

I realize those who fucks around you are balless and they do it when they're trying to impress, if you go 1 on 1 on anything without anyone or spectator beside they chicken out. Those who are quiet as fuck usually fucking skillful ninja backstabbers. Lots of these skills each people you meet have been a family skill passed on, you have sly parents with sly kids etc, like father like son etc.

My problem is my dad never talks to me much about life, he's a silent type and I'm the opposite trying to find conversation. So i never inherited much of his skills or personality.

Have depth, have integrity, take a genuine interest in things and fake intelligence. You will impress the right mugs with your smarts and drive away the worst pieces of shit with your values.

but the best people will be drawn to your passion and your depth - since the logical conclusion to both is they'll see you as a happy and fulfilled individual who has more to him than his base instincts. Someone like this will want to see you happy, so long as you're not into something so far removed from the norm that it creeps them out.

These are just my methods. I'm not some kind of master at talking to people but I don't really find it hard to make friendships.