8Bit philosophy just did a video on south park, neoliberalism, and Zizek, idiots complain about cultural marxism

8Bit philosophy just did a video on south park, neoliberalism, and Zizek, idiots complain about cultural marxism.
can't wake up

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(kill the other thread BO. I sucrifice myself for the revolution)

Fuck you, was just going to post this.

Great Video, i knew there was something related to middle class liberals and using progresivism to inflate their ego's and company's using progresive shit to sell their products.

You, me (>>671286) and he (>>671257) both.

… I guess leftypol is one person!

cultural marxism is no match for actual marxism

The Frankfurt schule, that did great analysis on capitalist mass media is the cause of capitalist mass media!

Thank fuck those comments are being buried. For once the comment section hasn't brought the boiling shit to the top

There's been like three threads about this. Which one is the best?

This one.

(There is not best. There is only provocation of discussion, aesthetics and timing).

This is why I really hate Holla Forums, I can put aside all of the ideological differences but I personally cannot stand for how they pretend that they are oppressed purveyors of truth and blah blah Matrix analogies

It fucking sucks when people are literally brainwashed to reject ANYTHING you say, no matter how articulate and evidenced. The alt right kind of views are only unpopular because a toddler with cerebral palsy could poke logical holes in them

This is actually Nazism 101.

This shit triggers me. Right-wing pseudointellectualism at its finest.

alt-right views could have logical holes poked in it by a wet paper bag.

What is this word filtering?

Meh it's nothing new.

Considering how the term "cultural Marxism" was first used by Buchanan, a Mcarthyte neo-con, it's really just among the many tactics the right has used to smear the left.

However, much like Mcarthy himself, they cannot alter the facts all the time to suit their propaganda.

You mind posting or making an image with a quote referring to him being the first to coin the term 'gultral margzizm' and how macarthyite he was?

Calling PC culture collectivist!? It's like they arent even trying to critique ideology and so on and so on.

there's really not a debate to be had. Holla Forums considers decreasing/eliminating the class gap to be the most important thing. Holla Forums considers survival of the white race to be the most important thing

How are we not oppressed?

You retards control everything. You fuck up markets by demanding inefficient industries stay nationalised or become nationalised despite the fact that it's always to the detriment of the majority.
If the government doesn't cave into your childish demands you start protesting and screeching like apes on the street about "MUH STEEL" and "MUH JOBS".

Then there's immigration. Despite the fact that race and nationality continue to define virtually all social interactions on a macro scale you left wing idiots continue to perpetuate the fantasy belief in human fungibility that's dominated your movement for decades.
The reality is, a wog living in England isn't British. I'll never consider him my fellow but I've got to take this constant cultural marxist bollocks being shoved down my throat about how "we are all British :)".

It's a load of shite.
If you've ever lived in a working class white area you'll know folk are hyper racially concious. Yet somehow poverty is supposed to alleviate racial tensions under a common epik working class banner? Complete fucking bollocks.
If anything poverty accentuates the issue.

You all believe in this idea that eventually when we're all dirt fucking poor we'll unite and overthrow le evil capitalists.
Actually, I've got a different scenario for you.
If everyone continues getting poorer and poorer and the non whites continue replacing whites in towns and cities up and down the country I think it'd far more likely we'll see open ethnic conflict until either the whites are all dead or the non whites are dead than class conflict.
The question is, who's side are you on? Your own races side, or the side of the shitskins?


Give me one reason to even read the rest of your post.

Freedom of speech?

I just commuted a crime by posting the above comments under the hate speech laws put in place in this country by Left wing demagogues such as yourself.

Maybe you should take a look at what you've banned. Might interest you.


I respect your right to express your opinions, user. I just don't respect the opinions themselves and will not pretend they are worth entertaining. You are also apparently paranoid

I'm not a Nazi.

I'm not in the business of controlling peoples' thoughts and emotions.
That's the left's prerogative.

I just find it pretty funny that you people actually defend laws prohibiting freedom of speech/expression.
Shows who's side you're really on: the deeply triggering and problematics and the non whites.
You claim not to not think race exists or matters yet the second I or anyone else stands up for the white British race we're howled and screeched at by leftists up and down the country (antifascists, anarchists, leninists etc) and told we should never have a platform/be banned from voicing our opinions.

What's funny is how fucked you people are. It's like a pressure cooker. When you ban people from speaking about something, ban them from joking about it and ban them from even tweeting about it on the flipping internet all that happens is that rage/anger is internalised. It builds and builds until people go ape shit.
That's the whole philosophy behind a Nazi masturbation fantasy.
It's something spontaneous. Nobody ever knows when it's going to happen, only that, eventually, it'll happen, like radioactive decay.

You have all the rights to disagree with any leftist tendencies but don't put the blame on us when it's obvious that we are govern by aristocrats who only care for their own political careers.

Depends on the person really, the left is divided on that.

Someone doesn't know what socialism is.




Read the above and keep in mind the fact that right now, annually, literally thousands of English girls are being raped by Muslim men in racially charged crimes, of which only a fraction will ever see justice.

Stopped reading there. Why do you pretend to be knowledgeable about politics when it's so obvious you have no idea what you're talking about?

How is the Scottish police at all affiliated with the international worker's movement?

I won't pretend to know anything about English politics or culture, but this sounds like paranoid alarmism to me. Even if it's true however, it has absolutely nothing to do with the left.

You do realize Liberal =/= lefty, right?

It's pretty real. It's an unfortunate side affect of imperialism, islamism, and of course, porky.




In Rotherham alone 1400 English girls were raped by Muslim men.

This is happening everywhere. The police covered it up for decades because they were afraid of being accused of racial profiling.
Rad the minutes for the Rotherham trials.
They would take white girls and piss/shit on them, then pour tar all over them and strangle them.

You people imported them.
You people defend their rights.
You people screech at us like baboons whenever right thinking people say they don't belong here.

The left wing are fucking cancer.

Do you actually believe we can control what the UK does?


Nope and nope, idiot. If you bothered to lurk you would know we aren't liberals. These things have absolutely nothing to do with socialism, class struggle, or the worker's movement.

Just like we defend our own, and yours. Or is somebody suddenly not deserving of respect and human rights if he's a different ethnicity from you?


NEO-liberalism is the real cancer friend. People make money off immigrants. They accept depressed wages, while the amount of workers bloats. Meanwhile, the racial tension caused here will obviously be financially beneficial to porky. Racist or 'inclusive'. Doesn't matter. It sells.

Watch the damn video.

Yes! You found out my plan all along! I - a citizen of Brazil - have conducted a trade within the free market to achieve what no one else could!

Import muslims to the UK, Germany and France…So I could post it on an Mongolian Pencil Drawing Board and laugh at all of the Pollyps in the world!

Oh my, how did you realize importing billions of horny Muslim men to impregnate white school girls is the true source of our power?

Or maybe cheap 3rd world labour happens to be of the savage Muslim variety and that your white employers ("job-creators") are the ones that facilitate their arrival to undermine the working class and that the left have been coopted by neoliberals using multiculturalism as a shield to pacify class consciousness all the while the right love to demonize these illegal workers whilst their wealthy backers have no problem exploiting the fruits of their underpaid labour.

You don't think it's a coincidence that the UK border control have had their budget and staff reduced since the Conservatives ousted Labour?


'''The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones
become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. '''

The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.

The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilized nations, by industries that no longer work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common property. National one-sidedness and narrowmindedness become more and more impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises a world literature.


They aren't human.
They're subhuman and their actions as an ethnic group show that to be the case.

Why do they deserve any rights at all when they aren't even natives to the soil?
It's not as if they've contributed anything either.
How is the UK happier because the native people are becoming a minority?
How is the UK happier now than it was during the 50s/60s?
How is the UK better off?

My grandparents remember a time when you could walk down any street and look people in the eye. No face was a stranger, the police never carried guns because crime was so infrequent and women could walk alone wherever they felt like.

Now every language is spoken but English. Walk down any London street and you'd be hard pressed to hear a single word of English being spoken, let alone to see someone of English decent.
Crime is so bad the police now patrol most populated areas with assault rifles slung round their necks.
The people walk around in utter misery, you can't walk through certain majority non white areas without getting harassed or worrying you might get mugged.
Women can't stroll out alone in the Muslim areas or else they're spat on as whores or threatened with physical rape.

This isn't the happy England my ancestors knew.
Everything about this country had turned to complete shit since those disgusting baboon lipped apes came here.

Explain to me why they deserve a single "right" when they've utterly destroyed the country my ancestors left for me.
Explain to me why I should treat any of them with a single iota of respect when they - as guests in this country welcomed in without bigotry - have so utterly outstayed their welcome.

This isn't the Americas.
Non whites here weren't forcibly imported.
They were welcomed here as equals and what have they done in return?
They've done exactly what they do wherever they interact with whites, be it in the US or in Australia: they've made themselves out to be little more than beasts aping men.

Beastly little dark skinned pygmies terrorising and raping this country defended by a corrupt leftist police and tolerated by disenfranchised purposeless whites.


You people destroyed my fucking country.

I'd pick up a gun and murder one of those shitskin fuckers if I didn't have hope in the fact that one day we'll deport them all forcefully.

Thanks for sharing this somewhat irrelevant post, the plutocratic elite merely use religion and traditional values to distract the populace from undertaking any actual socio-economic change as they don't really believe in such frivolous non-sense but are willing to put up a show if it hurts their wallets.

This shouldn't be a revelation to anyone but those who seriously thought any of the last 5 presidents actually went to church.

This post in a single image

Not to defend him but pic very related

Nobody on this board is responsible for what you are describing. The people to blame are your politicians, policemans and so on.

Neoliberalism destroyed your own Social Democracy. Your Welfare State and your industries. If you recall, in the 50s the UK elected Clement Attlee - the leader of the Labour Party.

So, all of your nostalgia can be attributed to "leftists" - like Attlee - and their policies. Maybe you should be looking at Tatcher, if you want someone to blame for how shitty things have turned out to be.

This entire autistic rant can be summed up like so:

Jesus fucking christ, how many times do I need to repeat myself?

Right wing ideology is literally just a justification for barbarism. It's a way to feel good about yourself even when you do atrocious, awful, despicable things like that.



So, not only are you nostalgia scum, you also are a coward that can even put your actions where your mouth is. Nazis are so predictable.

2000 years ago, the ancestors of the English were considered savages by the Romans and Greeks, literally they considered the Indians, Arabs (of the Levant and Yemen), and Iranians on or near their level, but not the Germanics or Slavs, time is transient oh ignorant one.

It's pretty human behaviour actually, it's not civilised if that's what you mean. In any case, I'm sure you will treat white rapists and pimps with equal vigour.

You mean like the Anglo-Saxons?

You love to talk about your ancestry, well most of their ancestors came from ex British colonies, whilst your presumably poor working class ancestors did not benefit much from the empire at all (families of 8-10 living in 1 of 20 terraced houses sharing a single toilet, with bread and drippings being the staple diet in the 1920s), the aristocrats and the bourgeoisie did plunder their lands.

You actually believe in this meme?

Thank Labour for that faggot, Winston Churchill hated free healthcare and sent soldiers to put down miners strikes and that's besides heinous shit like Operation Axis and Gallipoli, you have a very cloudy rose-tinted warped view of the past.

It isn't, but it's a multifaceted problem, of which immigration is a factor.

lol can't you look people in the eye in the street you pathetic nerd?

No face is a stranger if you live in a bloody village still, as I've done.

I only ever see the police carrying arms at the airport.

Women could walk alone wherever they felt like huh? That's a new one, get your granddad to tell us another one of his stories please!

Your ancestors were cannon fodder, were largely malnutritioned, illiterate, rarely washed to save water and suffered appalling infant mortality, and that was only 80 years ago.

Yes bootlicker, it's not the parasitic behaviour of the bourgeoisie that has anything to do with it.

Destroyed? Like when Churchill sacrificed Coventry to the Germans during World War 2?

I'm sure there are a lot of Scots, Cornishmen and Welshmen who feel the same.

Ha no, you already forgot about the signs that said shit like "No dogs, no Jews, no Irishmen" among other variations revolving around Sambos, Niggers, Pakis and Wogs.

Anyway, that's besides the point, once you're integrated or are assumed to have equal rights, you have equal expectations, what are we supposed to import them as our forever servile and obedient lapdogs? Read what you type.

Yeah the same leftist police that keeps a blacklist of all self-described socialists, communists, vegans, animal rights activists, environmentalists and anybody else who has ever attended a protest, oh yeah that leftist police force.

Your white bourgeois elite did mate and it's only getting worse, and people like you facilitate them.

So edgy, please Brevik on us, we need fresh memes.


Classic polyp copy pasta.




Gee, another ignorant tries to label us as the neo liberals that are actually in control of things.

I'm so surprised at you, Holla Forums.


I forgot that autistic thing exists

So, real question, how do we 'step out of bounds' of rebellion in the neo-liberal economy, like Zizek demonstrates?

Lel, them comments.


Isn't he some moderator over at Reddit?

kek, Victorian England was an incredibly dangerous place compared to most of the Western world.

Your country just sucks, dude. America bombs the shit out of Muslims for fun and the ones that move here are still a thousand times better, even though they come from the same nations, social attitudes among them are also rapidly becoming less conservative.

Violent crime in the US is also steadily declining while the UK is on the verge of boiling over. The only reason Trump is popular is because neoliberalism is fucking the economy and people blame race for it.

Just admit it faggot, you're a psychopath and want ideological justification for it.

100% correct


Yeah, sure, they were exported!
And then they came back once some managed to be free.

How could GB begin the end of slavery, IF THERE WERE NO SLAVES IN GB!


Slavery didn't exist on the mainland itself, just serfdom till that was abolished.

When Britain abolished slavery it was in its overseas territories in which it did so.

Ha I'm running as an entryist in a soc-dem party for political office with a good chance of winning against the pro-capitalist conservative party, I have to knock on doors and leaflet, pitch my candidacy amongst the local branch itself, so I'd like to think as a Holla Forums poster that I have more experience in leftist thought and application than this cretin.

kek. Full Holla Forumsack here and this pic is top kek.

if cyber surveillance is your concern you should know that the big push to have a "safe" internet is nothing but a push to increase consumption from marginalized demographics. Therefore a fundamentally burgeois push.

Here's a very good article on the matter: thelastpsychiatrist.com/2014/05/cyberbll.html

Good luck comrade.

Well, last time I checked, the colonies were also British lands.


First you see the monster. Then you kill the monster.

Start beating your friends into putting on the glasses and seeing the aliens.

Only way to revolution is building up numbers.



If it makes you feel any better m8, not a single thing you just said is true.

For fuck's sake

== THERE HAS NOT BEEN AN ACTUAL LEFT WING GOVERNMENT IN THE UK FOR DECADES == You retards wouldn't know the left if it seized your means of production.

How was the traffic?

Top fucking bants, man!

Citation please


Barbarism feels good tbh

Tiqqun already did this.

Through adapting Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle into the Raw Materials for the Theory of the Young Girl, where the Young-Girl is a subject so thoroughly permeated by neoliberalism, they demonstrate how She becomes a Deleuzian desire-machine working for the Spectacle.

No wonder middle-class feminists bent on becoming the next high-powered CEO went apeshit over this

read this and learn>>672862

Read this:


Discover the Jungian interpretation of the revolutionary subject as being posessed by the Wotanist subject, and realize the sixth option of engaging the Marxist event as a Lacanian return to Freud, not to Lenin, but further, to Marx and Engels, and discover how the development of material reality has changed the face of the means of production AND NOW LEARN TO SEIZE THEM APPROPRIATELY.

Businesses are falling apart left and right everywhere, we can gain their means of production for pennies on the dollar.

People are DEMANDING an explanation for the sorry state of economics and investment. Show them the political nature of framing neoliberalism as an exact science and then show how Communism means the revolution of production beyond the mere bullshit of "investment" where anything can be appropriately adapted as necessary

Here is an appropriate music for you:
The first tape you get in MGS V

They're not 'Great Britain' though. That's the island in between Ireland and France.

I think you replied to the wrong poster