Where were you when Aryan ubermensch Flash Gordon saved us?

how did it save anyone if they let degenerates score the film?


Degenerate as hell buddy
Dalton Druid Prince and the hideous jew disguise from Sydow were the best about the movie anyway



Highlander score was better



I'm not gay but if Freddy Mercury had asked me to suck his dick i probably would have.

Nice comeback pleb, now tell us about how the guardians of the galaxy soundtrack is goat and how sci-fi without racemixing is so last century.

but the last century, the 1900s, had Star Trek the original series and it had the first interacial kiss on television. fuck you're retarded user.

Why would you suck his dick? You can't get the gift of HIV via mouth.

Technically that was species-mixing done by Kirk. The smooching didn't lead to racemixing.

racemixing is species-mixing tho


We all know God can't sing. That's why he took Freddie Mercury from us.

Wasn't the Devil who took him?
The Spear Choker died from AIDS after all

Freddie wasn't actually gay. The guy who said that he was his gay lover wrote a book, and the book is full of historical inaccuracies. His girlfriend who said that he was gay also somehow took a large sum of his legacy. Both didn't even attend his funeral. Sure he got AIDS, but gay sex isn't the only source of AIDS.

Dude rode a customized mechanical bull full of poz and banged plenty with many witnesses
Plus he appeared highly uncomfortable around women at the end of his life (including a record cover which name i forgot)
The "man" was a flaming faggot, at least George Michael went front with it, although because he was found out after refusing bribery

They were doing alt-right pool parties back in the 70s?

I thought Freddie was bisexual?

Seriously the soundtrack to this movie is fucking beautiful.

Get the fuck out, ignorant child.
Freddie Mercury was one of the greatest musician of the 20th century. I wish he was still alive and you were the one who died of AIDS


Yeah, cause that's a fucking smoking gun isn't it? Shit, most of the people on this board would by gay by that metric

I Want To Break Free video says otherwise

That wasn't monty python, it was freddy showing his true self and you're too retarded to see it