I wish I can go back in time to the 80's and fall in love with a goth

I wish I can go back in time to the 80's and fall in love with a goth.


you know my pain all too well GothLover

You're my twin soul, bro.

I've always thought goth girls were fucking gorgeous, but everyone I've told that to someone, they immediately told me never to invest your time in them due to them being fucking crazy. I hope that isn't true cause damn…Pale, white skin is wonderful.

Totes, our love for goths binds us dude.

Most of the time they are a little bit hinged but you just gotta find that nice sweet goth girl, the one that'll make you melt you know?

our perfect goth there is out there, we just gotta find her.

It's the current year just so you know

That's not a goth that's a sloth user.
and I know too well, curse this current year.


I'm lookin' nigga, I'm lookin'

I also want the experience.

try try try again.


That's a nice dream.


bangs are life
goth is love

how someone chooses to look says a lot about how they think and who they are. for example, you can be pretty certain that the fat stinker in has zero worth as a human being just by looking at the way she has chosen to present herself to those unfortunate commuters.

goth like those don't exist anymore

What's wrong with this chick?

overbuild, just a pose, no real goth substance

Not sure if trap



See? It is not that hard.

not really into lolita shit in the first place

most girls don't really understand any of this stuff in the first place. best to start with a girl who likes horror books or movies