Is this group the laziest nationalist group on the planet? They can't even churn out 1 silly video a month...

Is this group the laziest nationalist group on the planet? They can't even churn out 1 silly video a month, no wonder they only have about 50 members after years of campaigning and doing sieg heils in the streets.

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Oh brit/pol/, when will you learn?

Lmao do you guys think everybody that criticises your group is from brit/pol/? What a bunch of sad paranoid losers.

Any more paedo hunt episodes?

No, and their 'pedo hunt' was one of their members attacking a sissy Indian boy for apparently going to meet up with an underage girl (they provided no evidence of any of the things they accused him of). It begs the question of why don't NA go into Rotherham or other pedo hotspots and go pedo hunting there? Is it because they're actually cowards that like role playing as opposed to actually risking themselves to achieve what they like to pretend they're trying to achieve?

gets me every time.

The fact that they collude with known state security operatives tells me they are either very fucking stupid or they are just another arm of MI5/GCHQ.

Who are you talking about, Joe?


Man you must be autistic as fuck. Do you think that organizations that actually do something try and do just improvised shit 24/7 just to get media coverage?
Go and check out british news whenever they release an article, it goes nuts. Give them time, i'm sure they are planning something.


Haha you sure showed them!

NA defence force is out in numbers today, do they just sent you messages over social media telling you to come defend your group on an anonymous online forum? Sad bastards.

just send*

Most people that join are arrested

It was a joke m8, are you going to answer my question?

we've got a skype group

Paul Pitt and most of the NWI are known police collaborators, though I'm not the person that made the claim.


What's the proof of that? Genuinely curious as I thought these guys were legit.



maybe you should just kill yourself

brit/pol/ is a word for anti-white

Well, did they catch him? They promised him they would. Did they do anything after that?

He's got a point. White Nationalism is for losers over the past 50 years. It does not work.

It's like you're asking to get v&, NA-kun.

You're a fucking faggot and NA is kike controlled.

The whole White Jihad thing is straight out of FBI and Homeland documents.

They tried to label tea party and Ron Paul people as "sympathetic to Islamic terror"

The government thinks it can control violent groups. They want any racial preservation group to be about gassing kikes and race war so they can divide and conquer the nations.

I'm not saying NA is wrong just keep in mind whoever in your group is pushing white jihad and violent rhetoric is probably a Fed.

Keep in mind they through people in jail for Hitler Dog video's in the UK. You need to ask yourself why NA is not all in jail right now.

Hint: its because they are probably controlled.

But i really like this guy in vid related. He needs to give more speeches.

But Annon, I want to feel like I'm doing something rather than complaining on the Internet all the time.

I sent an email off to the NA guys interested in joining… Now I'm not so sure you make good points for them being fed infested, but there is no other choice ?

user as far as I know NA are not using Skype and have only been using what is meant to be secure services

Why is Brit pol always attacking it's own nationalists? Oh yeah because it's full of faggots and failures

National Action are a bunch of fine lads

I hope they keep militarizing and growing like they have been.


Problem is, they get arrested then the Police say they are going to ass rape prison with Mohamed unless they corr operate

most people roll over

Still gonna need a citation on this

don't they get arrested at every protest they do

And that is still more than you do.


Sounds typical of any real movement.

all it takes is one man

gtfo brit/pol/

Also the moment he joined he created an armed paramilitary wing full of militia members and veterans