Workers for Shillary

As a Union Steel Worker, the AFL-CIO drops this pro-Hillary shit off in my mailbox. What do I do now Holla Forums?

Why are you asking us? You should be out talking to your fellow workers, and encouraging them to either avoid the lies (if they support the cunt), or rally against the Union (if they support Trump). We, Holla Forums, can't do much, especially if we don't even know where this is happening.

I'd encourage you to rally up the workers, any and all who support Trump, and start voicing your opinions against Hillary, as loud as you can. Teach any cunt supporters that Hillary supports the TPP, which will take their job away. The immigrants that she wants to bring in will also take their job away. A union only has as much power as the workers give it.

Ask the Union how bussing in thousands of spic scabs to bust your Union helps you.

I would've had a better pic if I wasn't already drinking for 4 hours.

Ask your union why all the dues you pay go to lazy nigger co-workers who always miss work and won't get fired

Put the fucking liquid jew down and into fucking pic uploading faggot

Wipe your ass with it
Then write a letter saying how the toilet paper they sent was really rough on your hainy
And mail it all back

Already been working on that. Rank and file I am.

Kiss it, I'm a drinker, That's all I do and WORK you neet fag

Point out to your fellow workers what bullshit this pamphlet is and then show them Trump rallies where he shows he actually cares about the little guy, unlike this rotten cunt that will gladly burn the entire economy down to push an agenda

I find it mind boggling that the family that signed in NAFTA has the gall to appeal to unions.

It's like Pol Pot running a book drive.

Already crumpled it up in a ball , being pissed looking at it in frpnt of my house, but wiping my ass with it might fuck up my hemorrhoids.

Me and most of the rank and file see it that way. But, the cucked leadership don't.

Yeah this sucks clicked on my uploads and they turn sideways

Is it enough they take money from your pockets to help politicians bring in cheap brown labor that will eventually be used to replace you? Tell them to stop sending their shit to you, you're a Trump man through and through. America first, unions used to support that before they all went Red.

lol you don't have a right to organize! You only have an obligation to submit and pay tribute to a glorified PAC calling itself a union. Go ask your union bosses if they support your right to organize a counter-union that better serves your interests than their controlled opposition union does. Watch how quickly they change their tune on supporting your right to organize.

I like to use this argument against the media.

The cucked leadership has less votes than your people

It's the AFL-CIO most(almost all) unions pay tribute to them. They are a sock puppet of the DNC. The Steelworkers Union leadership are in turn a sock puppet of them.

"Union dues is a money-laundering operation for the Democrat Party. Here's how it works: The Democrat Party cannot yet go to the United States Treasury and write itself checks to run campaigns and win elections. So what it does, it throws little bones here and there to unions, in terms of policy, protectionism, any number of things. The unions go out and charge their members dues, and most of that money, a majority of that money ends up being donated back to the Democrat Party. And the cycle continues…" - Rush Limbaugh

Pathetic degenerate.

Fix your shit, or you'll get your shit fixed.

Exceptional Degenerate, otherwise this isn't 8 chan

Start by leaving a typical crybaby union.

What union is the coal workers? Do they shill for Hillery as she puts them all out of a job?

Tell him politely to stop it since you don't believe in hillharsh Clintems policies

Fix your shit OP.

The Coal Miners prez, is the Prez of the AFL-CIO. Leading the shilling for Hillary

Me and about 3 out 4 of my Union co-workers are Trump supporters. It's just the leadership who get walked like a dog by the international, who subsequently are walked by AFL-CIO, who are owned by the DNC. Why? Because, they are cucks who beleive that getting fucked by the DEMS is the only option other than getting destroyed by the Republicans.

Kys, live stream it


OP can't think anymore.
Let's pity him.

You must take a stand, OP.

Republicans have for years fucked unions over. At least Democrats are not pushing for "freedom to work" laws.

Not that party-politics in US aren`t completely cucked.

Vote Trump. Encourage your fellow workers to do the same. The union leadership is all paid off by the Dems. They have their interests at heart, not yours.

There's a union building in my town with a huge Hillary poster on it. Seems like unions are cucked. I wonder if union workers vote on their own or if they do what their masters say

Get back to work. Lakshmi isn't paying you to post.