I just talked face to face with a reptilian shapeshifter, AMA

I just talked face to face with a reptilian shapeshifter, AMA

Was his name Obama

No he didn't say what his was, what I asked him is what you are not who.

he said that they existed in our folk legends for ages, I saw him by chance.
my family runs a farm in the country side, we raise ducks goose…etc
I saw him in his reptilian form holding a goose and he turned her to a frog like creature and kissed her on the mouth.

when he saw me he looked into my eyes and shapeshifted quickly and looked exactly like my uncle.

if reptilian shapeshifters existed, could they shapeshift into a anime girl?

apparently they can take any form as long as they have a mental picture of it.
they are use magic alot.

when he turned into my uncle I did not fear it much, when I asked it what are you?
he changed his eyes to a slit pupil, reddish tinted eyes and the fear started to come back to me.

he changed it back and I could sit still and not be alarmed once again.

when I asked him why he shifted to look like my uncle he said he knew him.
I have no idea how, he seemed to want to talk for a reason.

This is an AMA, not a blogpost. Quit talking to yourself.


lol ok sorry fam, you are right


Did you ask him how reptillian sex is like?

Would you fuck him if he could look like a sexy cute girl?

What if he could shapeshift everything else but his genitals, and those still looked reptillian?


we didn't ummm talk about it

nah their vaginas are all scaly and shit

yup scales , a no go for me.

also it was a male so , no


I keep periodically bumping into these mother fuckers and they always are under the guise of military statuses or secret military experiments. and the other day I saw a fucking ufo. I'm just like. wtf did I do to you guys? what do ya want, if you want a conversation. fine. but just chill out already.

ok tbh im jk.

That's what they want you to think

They are after your dna and semen, they might also give you an implant.

but take pleasure in knowing that your hybrid child will be operating a ufo by the age of 7.