German police raid homes for "online right-wing hate speech"

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Often 40+ year old frustrated retards posting deaththreats under their clear names on motherfucking facebook.

The only outrageous thing about this is that theyd never react that harsh towards islamists writing similar stuff.


how about rwds begin to attach an ironic "n'shalla" as their signature to claim racism when the (((pigs))) come?

how about rwds start packing a 12 gauge under their desk for when they come.

please donate to my patreon

They don't because those are the people they, for whatever reason, want to replace Germans with.

Exactly what I said.
Europe has limited freespeech, espeacially germany and its no secret.
Everybody knows that if you go to a public lane lift your arm for Siegheiling and shout death to X or simply "I dont believe the holocaust happened and I defie democracy" your gonna get jailed/fined.
You can do that in a nazi pub and it gets begrudingly ignored as it would strain the police too much to observe everything.

What middleaged people must learn is that the internet's public platforms are not your fucking pub were people dont instantly call the police when you get too Holla Forumsish for their taste.

Retards must learn or get weeded out to give way for smarter rightwingers.

Nah, they dont because those are actually dangerous and as a policeman you can do your job much easier by arresting some sad angry loner who did not thought about his choice of words the visiting abdullah and his arabclan in the downtown blocs.

True. These are not the RWDS members you are looking for, Polizei.

This too.

True, it also counts as "solved (hate) crime" so the statistics look good.

Fuck off with your good goy shit, they define what is anti-semitic, they go after the 'smart' ones the hardest you thick fucking shit.

Europeans have always known that "hate speech" – or more accurately, politically incorrect speech – can get them fined or vanned. They have just so far had the luxury of never having to deal with that reality, since most sites are American-owned.

Now the EU is monitoring you more closely, and you no longer have that luxury. You will be sacked for opposing the narrative, even as that narrative is driving us and our civilization to extinction.

Free speech is the last bastion of rational discourse. When it goes, it is no longer possible to use reason to persuade your opponents. And in that scenario, there is only one option available to you.

That's why European countries are more unstable.
Can't cover that pot for too long or else it explodes.
Germans are certainly hanging Merkel in 2017.


what's censored around the world?
china and korea are kinda obvious, but m.e, europe and america might be more illuminating.

They try so hard to prevent wrongthink in order to prevent violence.

The resukt of their effort will be violence on a scale they have never seen before.

They have created the RWDS

Yea but if our politicians understood the concept of action/reaction, they'd never have opened the borders to begin with. Either that, or they want people to become violent.

half of Deutsch/pol/ would be in prison and the other half would get sued to bankruptcy if that's the case.

F for the fallen Holla Forumsacks

what do these words even mean anymore

Shooting cops help nobody unless the cops are shitskins, and thats rarely the case.

Actually you are wrong.
While the smart ones are targeted too their choice of words makes it impossible to actually jail them and their reactions to accusations of hatespeech often create much needed controversities that have a greater impact then 'Hang the politicians t. Markus Heinzel :DDD'


So they are behaving like a dictatorship. Going around arresting people for exercising free speech like under Sharia laws.

lol, fuck you Germany…

They don't give a fuck about them, they want to terrorise normalfags on social media you dope,

They just aim for the low hanging fruits on kikebook.
They don't care about people who are not in close proximity to the blinded mass.

citation needed


The first post is becoming as consistent as the fact that its a jew who always writes the anti-white articles.


No, goy. That is merely what they tell you.
They fight wrong-think to prevent CHANGE.

They are actively preventing people from bringing about peaceful change.
And what happens when you make peaceful change impossible?

Germans who don't want Germany to be future north Turkey.


Just so you guys know how hatespeech is defined.
Bonus points for namedropping #gamergate.

Do you expect me to translate all that shit?
Because I might

Sounds double extra dangerous than regular hate speech.

Isn't it slut-shaming to consider Schlampe a hate word.

My english is too broken, otherwise i would.

"Refugees don't have to pay in super markets"
"All refugees have expensive mobile phones"

"I want a new smartphone too. Next life, I'll become a refugee"


"Refugee flood"
"The boat is full"
"Foreigners out"
"Looming Islamisation"

"All greeks are lazy"

"The state wants to turn our children gay via education"
"The politicans suppourt the islamization of Germany"

Racist depiction of e.G. Black people wearing grass skirts
Pictures, whioch reproduce sterotypes, by e.G. connecting muslim men with sodomy

Jews = Israel
Equating homosexuality with pedophile criminality, incest or sodomy

One example for this is the so called #Gamer Gate. In 2014 so much hate in the form of threats of rape and murder
against the sexisms critical blogger Anita Sarkeesian were organised with this hashatag that she had to go into hiding
temporarily. Pblic appearences had to be cancelled because of bobm threats.

"They should all be shoot/burned/gassed"
"Hang him!"

First comment poster again, if you get actually jailed for the petty shit on that table I take my statement back and cease to be optimistic about this having a darwinian effect on the quality of criticism.
Thats straight totalitarian.

Except for the deaththreat stuff, or "they are not liveworthy" stuff.

Literally what the fuck am I reading

Welcome to our brave new world

Germans, the time to revolt is not "soon", or "later", or "the lion is slowly waking up".

The time to riot in the fucking streets is


Yeah, dumb right-wingers deserve to be jailed!

It's madness, it's the first comment every single time. We must be doing something right.

Jesus fucking Christ, it's full blown thought control.

Just like that jew that wrote an article against Trump a while ago.
Described the plot even better than an average Holla Forumsack would.

And I'm pretty sure they don't scan the internet and make detailed summaries of these points, refining them into attack points.
They know them. And they blurt them out in a strange form of projection.

there is no way around it. we have to kill all jews in germany.
the most important is to strike on the children of jews. regardless of age and gender jewish elite and its followers have to be killed

It's going to get worse before it gets better. The non-pozzed Germans are a minority and and are getting rounded up under these laws. If there's any hope, it will come when it's at the brink of total collapse. And if not, then the brainwashed fools will have Holla Forums's permission to perish like dogs.

Hello german [insert whatever they're fbi is called].

go home, merkel, you're drunk

They should have all hanged years ago, how the fuck did a population let things get so bad? I'd be arrested as soon as I'd set foot in Germany with such draconian laws.

American FREEDOM not looking quite so silly now, eh?

Some guy was fined 2000€ because he posted on some refugee-donations bullshit on facebook that he'd "donate a handgrante".

2000€! For that!, dont act all high and mighty bro

And when did Germans talk shit about US's freedom of speech? All I've ever seen europeans say about it is that theyre jealous.

Really, I'm starting to believe the stereotype of Germans having no humor to be true. I'd be fined only for a brainfart, I've lived many years in an apartment complex that gradually got infested with muslims to the point I had to leave. So, I'm probably saying antisemitic shit in my sleep at this point.

You're right.
I apologize.
I support the freedoms I now enjoy being spread, not only to the German nation, but to ALL nations of Europe, and vow to help this cause whenever and however I am able.

All whites are brothers.

The BKA is pretty close.

Yeah, Germans do seem catastrophically autistic, which is why the utterly totalitarian list of hate speech examples posted above, actually makes sense.

Limits on freedom of speech never, ever makes sense in a healthy society.


Hope our boy Gex is fine.

Don't question it.
Even the laws are so poorly defined that literally everything ever could be interpreted as hate speech.
Same shit they did in East-Germany, by the way.

No, I meant it makes sense that a society which has never endorsed the tenets of classical liberalism (inviolable free speech, free press, free religion, limited government) would have something like this.

The only way to get round it would be to have massive amounts of people violating them at the same time, like a big Pegida rally. Anonymous shitposting to redpill people is effective, but against laws this deranged and autistic, it must be limited.

Yeah, sounds pretty handy. Not sure why you gave that up in the US, though. Should have kept it.

Most, if not all european nations have something like hate speech laws. Actually I think most countries actually have something like that. Germany hasn't even the most invasive laws. The only special case is everything regarding the holocaust, you are not allowed to deny or downplay it in any way.

It's hardly something that is enforced anywhere, I think Ireland has a lot more problems in that regard but this case of the raids is of course utter bullshit and so is the list.
First we only had Volksverhetzung (eng: "incitement of popular hatred" but commonly focused on racism only), now hate speech and internet bullshit has found it's way into the de facto law which is problematic.

And while I agree that stuff like "kill/burn all people X" should be punishable, I do envy the US in matters of free speech. Don't let the regressive left take that treasure away from you.


The US is about the only first world nation without hate speech laws. The change here is that Europeans are now facing the reality of having those laws enforced against them. This kind of raid is unprecedented in the EU and it's akin to Stalinist purge tactics.


Shit like that resulted in 5 dead cops in Dallas and the assassination attempt on Trump.

unprecedented in scale for sure. Here in germany we usually only have bullshit like that when it's about holocaust crap which is kinda the same but different.

And MO. They essentially found a group of political dissidents and raided them all in one, fell swoop. That is Stalinist purge tier shit.

Military high command also got rid of "politically unreliable" generals some years ago, with the so called "Dresdener Erlaß".
Now where have I seen that before?

gas yourself

Hang yourself, cuck. Free speech is essential to any sane society.

Yup and in Canada they are only rarely enforced, like their drug laws.

Such is a price to pay for freedom, whoever is willing to trade freedom for security deserves neither.

The head of Pegida (a protest movement) called refugees trash (Gelumpe), animals (Viehzeug) and relatively tame stuff like that on facebook and was fined close to 10 000€, that was a few month ago. So it's not necessarily new. When it comes to race and anti-jewish remarks (especially holocaust) convictions for that are a lot more common and we had that over the last decades.
At least the courts decided that shirts with "rapefugees not welcome" are not illegal.

If I remember correctly all of this started late 2000 in germany. Before that you had to say "all jews are scum" after that "you are jewish scum" was enough for a "hate crime". The seed for what we see today was planted a long time ago and hardly anyone cared back then. Now it's to late. All hail Orwell.

Can't wait lads.

It's not the laws or even the enforcement of the laws that is unprecedented. It's the systematic monitoring and coordinated takedown of an organized network of political dissidents. That's essentially what just happened.


Say 2+2=5, goy.

What's silly is Americans' faith in magical ink, paper and parchment. Yes, we have de jure freedom of speech. De facto not so much. Not when you risk losing your livelyhood for expressing the wrong opinions, or face violent mobs for going to the wrong political rally.

Laws and constitutions are very dependent on the people who enforce and interpret them. How are those penumbras and emanations working out for you?

At this point every single German should create and learn innuendo, the way the mob does it.

meanwhile, death threats to policemen and threats of violence for underaged children of AfD party members on indymedia are not a problem

and I agree, this is not to fight actual Neonazis but to shut up normies

btw the guidelines for hate speech were worked out by the ((((Antonio Amadeu institute)))) which employs left wing nuts who openly wish for the eradication of German people

There will be no uprisings in Germany until we've reached peak dindu/Muslim.

The vast, VAST majority of people is beyond blue pilled, they actually cheer for these raids, it hit evil nazi demons, after all.

Even "edgy" right wingers in Germany, regarded scandalous and pure nazi by the normies, don't have anything to offer but literal cuckservativism - just get Islam out of the invaders, and they'll be our brothers and more German than the Germans. You know that shit.

No one talk about race or ethnics because it's illegal.

You cannot redpill people if talking about the issues gets you in the slammer - until outside influences make ignoring them impossible. That means civil war, sooner or later, with all means of preventing it being illegal.

Out hate speech laws make it unavoidable.

The media is at fault. German media is at it's lowest state since the reunification of germany. Our news agencies have turned into a huge joke and investigative and critical journalism seems to be mostly dead.

How am I going to persuade my opponents with an American flag???

Can krautcucks get any more pathetic? Holy shit my sides.

Exactly that. People's trust in the state media is unbroken, and the alternative media can't talk about what's important, therefore they're either boring, cucked, or both, attracting almost no audience.

This constellation is extremely difficult to break through without massive pressure from .. Reality.

here try these

It's what the flag implies.

Surprisingly the only real critical media at the moment is the fairly left leaning media. Those papers and agencies who like to bring people from "Die Linke" in. Problem is, they don't cover nearly all topics and it's not mainstream enough. But at least the left speaks up against bullshit in form of CETA, censoring and related issues.

Is it time to raid twitter?

I think it's like heavy antics for them to round everyone up. Or maybe they are just waiting for the right catalyst to gulag us idk

The very actions spawning this thread show otherwise. Every act of supression by the government shows that the tide is shifting and they are ready to take desperate measures.

Don't fall for the media narrative that the vast majority of Germans standy firmly behind the Government, the media wouldn't need to push it that hard if it were true.
Germany has turned into a communist like dictatorship, where they boast that they have the full support of the people when they actually don't. Talk to other Germans, mention the fact that the media has turned into propaganda and most will hesitantly agree.

The people are waking up. Slow but steady.

The Federal Bureau for Israel and Central Israel Agency.

Can you send these to Germany by mail? Thanks.

The closest to the FBI is the Bundeskriminalamt aka BKA
External (counter-)intelligence is the Bundesnachrichtendienst aka BND, known for being American lapdogs and forging evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
And then there's the Militärischer Abschirmdienst aka MAD which is supposed to conduct military espionage but is mostly known for routing out soldiers who drew a swastika in elementary school once and turning blind eyes to jihadists who use the Bundeswehr to get trained.

The US military in Germany is the defacto enforcement arm of ZOG. I think most Germans understand this on some level.

It's not a commie narrative. Of course red pilled Germans exist, and one posted this thread, but they were here before. You don't end up on pol unless you're already deep in.

I talk to Germans all the time. There's three types, mostly - lefties, nonpoliticals, and cucks, in that order.

The one redpilled guy I met was a Russian.

I acknowledge that if I met a redpilled guy in the streets, I would never now it, that's kinda the point.

Look at elections though, and it's easy to see that the masses are still living in cloud cuck land. I don't buy the argument that elections are rigged to such an extent that large majorities turn into tiny minorities. It would be obvious that there's a dissonance between election results and the attitude of people in the street.

Unfortunately, there is no such dissonance.

25% for the AfD, buddy.

What makes you think that?

It's true that there are groups who are aware of Germany being occupied, but..they, too, don't go any further than civic nationalism, or ideas of bringing back monarchy.

They're not the kid of people we'd call redpilled in a pol context.

They might be open to it though.


Sure thing, buddy.

They agree hesitantly because you scare them. They have no real spine. Europe and the West will be re-won by a small minority of brave men.

In one state, at peak.

8-9% currently.

Also….afd. Those (at the top) are the very cuckservatives I'm talking about.

What's that supposed so mean? Everything on pol is a commie narrative?

Oh lmao you buy that bullshit.
Hint: Forsa, which made that statistic, is owned by socialists

It means you're not from here, shmuel.

Fuck, you're dumb.

So were the 25%.

You're right though - we have no real way of knowing what the people think, only the general vibes in the street.

And those reek of cucking.

Your demoralization effort is pretty obvious.
Yeah, if I go to New York and ask some nu-males, I'll get cucked answers to, what the fuck do you expect?

My experiences are from rural Germany, if anything you'd expect more redpilled views.

You know full well that our problem is reach.

How to reach new people if speech is illegal? Where to start?

History guys, history

for practical reasons it would be impossible to know the real opinion of the people if the election results were manipulated
for an average person how big is his group of friends willing to confide their vote? maybe 20 so you cannot get reliable data

however once again their own technology worked against them social media allows for the commoners to broadcast their opinion to a lot of people, any regime which wishes to go against their own populace would do well to block free information over social media
and guess what (((tptb))) are desperately trying to control

government actions speak louder than words or msm propaganda pieces and their actions scream last minute panic measures
of course this begs the question: did they underestimate the resistance of the people in a grand display of hubris or were they forced to speed up their timetable due to unforeseen circumstances?

Might not be a bad idea to raise awareness. Outside of a few blurbs this morning, there was almost no media coverage. There were several threads on halfchan, but mostly by Germans, and they're all gone.

People need to see what will happen to them as the EU PC Police start clamping down. And Americans need to know what the Left has in mind when they push for the same speech control measures in the US.

WTF does (((Rebecca Sugar's))) disgusting SJW dyke propaganda for children being toned down by the distributors who OWN the content have to do with censorship?

Could you please spoiler that pic in the future

Jesus, man

Sorry for the slight OT but what is the best international VPN-Service? (no logs, user. payment etc.)

Never bothered but now is the time you need it here in Germany.

That is censorship. Stop arguing for censorship, you dumb fucking cuck. Nothing should ever be censored. If we had true freedom of information then our information would reign supreme, we don't need to suppress the enemy, they bring more to our side everytime they open their mouths.

Importent shit :
in the PDF that linked is on page nine this written :
" Allerdings erfüllt nicht jeder rassistische Kommentar gleich
den Tatbestand der Volksverhetzung. Damit die Gerichte einen
Kommentar als volksverhetzend einstufen können, muss eine
Öffentlichkeit gegeben sein. Es macht also einen Unterschied,
ob eine Äußerung in privater Stammtischrunde getätigt wird oder
in den Sozialen Medien. Über das Internet ist die Öffentlichkeit
und damit die Prangerwirkung umso größer. "

Basically : in private everything goes.
In public : you are fucked.
On the internet : Everything is considered PUBLIC.
If they manage to argue that this is a private situation, and not a direct threat they might get away with it. in fairy tale land.

That is assuming you were already in post 1933 Germany. Until your reign…

You are being disingenuous, we have never had true freedom of speech in the mainstream. But the internet has given us a little bit, and low and behold, everyday we redpill more and more goys.

We don't need to stop their propaganda, we just need to make people aware of it.

It was a business decision made willingly by the content owners to avoid parental backlash for sexually suggestive content in a cartoon, you motherfucking mongoloid.

Achtung, this is wrong. There was a conviction of a guy administrating a closed Faceberg group recently in Germany. If I find the case I will report back.

So basically no privacy possible on the Internet according to this law ?

Why aren't more Europeans angry about this? Why aren't they taking to social media and drowning it in "hate speech" out of pure principle?

Most of us are fairly tired at this point. If you argue against internet censorship you support child pornography, if you are against media censorship you are a hick back racist.
Unlike in the USA it's not the inter sectional feminist and BLM scum but major politicians bringing up shit like that.
On the one hand, we are simply too late. Mist the shot so to speak because the legislation for this was put in place decades ago and updated in germany at least to the critical point a few years back. We grew up with this shit, many modern european nations had something like that during the creation of the state. Thanks by the way USA. Because they are the ones who pushed shit like that in german law during the occupation.

We have one million refugees, CETA at our door step, dead media, a stale political center, rise on the left and right of the spectrum. Honestly? While it's annoying and disgusting to see shit like that, it's simply not the most important battle at the moment and from the two world wars we know, too many fronts at once are pain in the ass.

Why not flooding social media? First it would be actually illegal, secondly beside "haha" trolling it wouldn't get us anywhere. You would need bots to spam the crap out social media to illustrate how empty those phrases really are but I think you can invest that energy wiser in different things at the moment.

We probably have two by now. Also, since they are the same nationalities (NOT Syrian) that have been flooding in since the 90s you can assume that they are joining millions who were already here. It's not like Germany was German two years ago.

Not arguing that. But you can somewhat deal with a million in a decade. A million in a year however is actually a major crisis.
Germany is still german though. Yes, I know swedistan and what ever and we do have indeed areas that are problematic but we managed to keep most of it under control. Our criminal migrants were never as bad as the blacks in america for example. So while it sucked, it was manageable. The giant influx in a short time though is huge trouble in all areas, be it economics, health of the community, political stability and of course personal safety.

You're pathetic. I would never trust a coward like you to watch my back. Gas yourself.