I'm just done watching this movie, and i have to say

i'm just done watching this movie, and i have to say.
its utter crap, i feel terrible spending almost 2 hours on that junk.

there, i'v said it, its probably not worth a thread but i just needed to get it out.

whats the worst movie you saw recently?

I whole heatedly agree. It stinks.
>>>Holla Forums

The robot was sorta hot, but the plot was shit. At least the feminists saying it was an "empowering film" because the robot killed the men added a sense of comedy to it all.

the movie was slow as death ad the plot was disappointing.
at the end of the movie your like "wtf? why?!"

other movie that disappointing me today was Prometheus, not a bad movie but it feels like i'v seen the same shit story a million times already.

but there weren't even any 3DPD in it

It was made with the usual hollywood instant formula that they put in everything. Utter trash.
The worst movie i watched recently was "Under the Skin", a pretentious, long-winded piece of shit. I regret pirating it.

It has more plot holes than half an episode of the twilight zone

It was pretty stupid as a concept.

i think it was wonderful because Holla Forums got trolled

that shaved head guy went all jackson pollock and the Holla Forums people didn't understand shit and went OH HILLARY THEY WANT PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR HILLARY

it is incredibly funny

thats what i said, the storyline was the default "Alien killer in space"
while it was verry predictable and a bit borring, i didn't regret watching it.
like a pizza, its note fine cuisine but its still edible.
also charlize theron is hot

what are you talking about?

Im pretty picky about movie and I thought this movie was pretty good.

I just watched Split. I thought it was pretty good but it would have been better if they didn't actually reveal "the beast." It had the same problem as 10 Cloverfield Lane where it would have been better if they just ended it 10 minutes earlier and kept it purely a psychological thriller instead of putting the characters in real, bodily harm danger.

i am talking about several things all at once

there are nuances in everything i say

if you can't catch the references and the

subtle layering

you are dead in the water my friend

congrats you're fucking autistic

Yes, but the robot was a strong empowered wymyn who didn't need no man and somehow killed both the hipster CEO and the beta orbiter that let her out. So it's therefore somehow "empowering," despite the fact that the "female" robot only got anything done because the man helped her with everything. But if it had been the other way around and a male robot had killed a woman then it would be a shocking case of violence against women.


How's your first acid trip going?

why the fuck to feminists think robots are human?
that is stupid.

actually no

i am merely able to have several concepts and languages in my mind at the same time

unlike americans

i am able to see many of the aspects of the film Ex Machina

all at once

it is quite an experience

to be able to laugh

at Holla Forums

from several dimensions

she didn't kill the kid she just trapped him in the house. he could have found a way out eventually.

I fucking hated Taxi Driver. The main character just has no personality, I couldn't connect with him at all, the story felt stiff and unnatural, it just didn't flow, the whole thing is so awkward. How the fuck could that ever become a classic?

it is not an acid trip but my free consciousness that has emancipated itself

also remember

to have the AI be presented to humans as a human female was the first and most obvious trick

and even when they made it obvious by having the entity be in the shape of a semi-gynoid semi-machine

mad useless Holla Forumsanti-feminists still fell for this obvious mind trick

the entire film is about tricking you by what you see and manipulating your emotions while letting you see you are dealing with a cold machine

and still people went mad



The area that she trapped him in was underground, and the only way out was through a plexiglass door that the ending shows him not being able to break through.

Worse still, there's no food or water in the room, and the house is a half-buried building in the middle of nowhere that no one knows the exact location of except the owner, who was killed. So no one would be able to find the kid for a while.

So basically he's stuck in a room where he's condemned to basically slowly die of thirst over the course of several days. A death that involves splitting headaches, delirium, nausea, and a host of the most unpleasant feelings you can imagine until you finally dry up and die from your blood congealing to the point where it can't be pumped after a half-week of waiting. The fact that it was a "female" robot doing this to a man is somehow empowering.

But remember, we live in a society that values men over women, where women are just hated objects, and an image of a woman being choked represents a shocking example of violence against women being completely a-okay and must be removed, whereas this movie was empowering.

Feminism, everybody!

I watched 13 Hours, the benghazi movie with the jim from the office and holy fuck, it was fine for the first 2/3 but it just got shitty when the final attack came up.
it was like the director just said "Just act like a retard when they're shooting at you."


i feel a need to

take an extra amount of space and time into



might just


my case

please read for an explanation of why it is so funny they bring up feminism lol

it is actually called troll Holla Forums spacing

it is used not only because it is airy

and easy to follow

but also


evidently Holla Forums niggers somehow feel

it has something to do with those assholes from


which makes it irresistibly funny

to poetry even more than

i ever


felt like poetry things out



Fuck you I liked that movie.

all the people who stopped posting are niggers that can go fuck themselves for being weak losers who run away from a fight

Started watching Moonlight a few days ago. Really interesting film, not the kind of thing I usually watch, and I was enjoying it.

Then there's a fag scene, and I turned it off. No, fuck no. Fuck that shit. Something that was shaping up to be a worthty film sold itself out to promote faggotry and mental illness. Assholes.

If you beat on plexi or bulletproof glass long enough, it still breaks. It depends on the thickness how long it would take.

Want to have sex with me user?

s i l e n c e
o f

t h e

l a m b s

I don't think that was the implication in the movie.

At the end of the day, this was just a movie, but I think what happens in it, and the "omg its so empowering" response from feminists, is a direct result of these people's sociopathic tendencies and general passive-aggressive method of handling problems. It's a window into the disturbed progressive mind.

you're a fucking retard, maybe go back to half-chan.

good work there


maybe we can go back to laughing at how Holla Forums got trolled by the fact that there was basically a cardboard image of a woman infront of a machine saying I AM A WOMAN in this movie

and then the behaviour of that machine with the cardboard woman infront of it made the Holla Forumsniggers hate women even more

and yes lets just not even notice my silence of the lambs reference because it would just be too much

Aren't you the schizophrenic guy who used to post with the commie flag? Because your typing style is the exact same.

no that was some useless nigger

i can't take responsibility for useless imitators after all

no one can

and once again you are using useless diversion tactics

No, I'm pretty sure you are. I've never seen anyone else on here type like that, unless you just so happen to be another schizophrenic guy
and I'm not the same user, I just finished reading the thread

you're an attentionfag too, great.

so you are the type of person who just


to see things your own way

because it is just easier that way

and any argument

no matter how well defined

will be ignored

by you

because it is easier that way

it is the Holla Forums way after all

facts are so annoying and disturbing

why waste time on them

when you can just

not waste time on them

I don't even care about the movie, I'm just a thread surfer.
You must be the same guy, you still break up your lines at strange intervals.

i have no issues with this


it finally means

people catch on

and realize

there is an obvious and important connection between the films

the silence of the lambs


ex machina

regarding gender

and the fact the two fictional entities are more than fifteen years apart

makes it quite interesting to


to you my intervals might seem strange

to me

the intervals of the person you are


would most likely be

for show

and not something done for

e m p h a s i s


If you are such a poor writer that you are unable to control the emphasis of your ideas by the cadence through which you present your concepts, you might fall into the trap of using a hack like modifying line/letter spacing to achieve your goal. In the end you are just setting yourself up to fail as a writer if you rely on such a cheap device as a crutch.

I love sci-fi, but the movie was in fact shit. The story though was classic sci-fi. It would have been great as a book. But the screenplay, the acting, set design, fucking everything about the film was crap.

My pick for shitty recent film: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Holy Fuck what a waste.

Nothing compares to this heap of shit. This is the movie that made me swear an oath to never pay to go to the cinemas again.

Fucking typical Tom Hanks Mary Sue garbage.

it's pretty simple op
if the main character didnt have a bioionic vagina, everybody would be bored to death by her
goes to show how shallow the movie is

I agree

It was good, but I watched it 100% because Anya Taylor Joy is the hottest girl imaginable

i thought it was pretty red pilled. its a machine but acts exactly like a woman.

nuff said.

I like that.

i will just type everything in one long sentence because paragraphs trigger you so i will also not use periods because were all men here and there will be no periods it is really so pleasant to read all this text in one long drawn out sentence apparently and you wouldnt want to trigger some autist who spergs out whenever he sees a space and has an autism attack but if i keep your attention with this sentence that is drawn out and pointless maybe you will realize how stupid you sound

.yaw eht gnola tnemnethgilne dnif uoy yam dnA .dne taht ot yenruoj lanosrep a ekatrednu ot evloser dna ,era uoy ohw dna flesruoy wonk ot kees uoy dnemmocer dluow I ,esrevinu siht ni tsixe uoy emit trohs eht gnirud dellifluf ylurt eb ot eb ot tnaw uoy fi ,oS .ladem eht kcab evig ot eb dluow od ot gniht lacigol ehT .suoiruf oot ro deticxe oot teg t'nod rehtien ,ti tuoba lanoitome oot teg t'nod tsuJ .noitanracnier fo yaw s'erutan ekil fo tros - eid I retfa no evil lliw seneg ym taht os ,dees ym htiw reh etangerpmi oT .t'nac I taht esoht rof em dnuora esoht egnahc tonnac I tub ,elbaegnahc s'ti taht flesym tuoba gnihtyna evorpmi nac I .pmud dnoces 03 a ekat ot teliot eht no setunim 03 dneps t'nod dna erbif erom tae ,ssa ruoy ffo pu teg uoy fi ,seY .redneg ylpmi od seidob taht ylpmi dluohs tsixe segnahc xes teg taht elpoep derednegsnart eht tcaf ehT !ytilanoititsnoc desihcnarfnesid s'ti enimrednu ot tnaw dna ,noitibihorp tnemdnemA ht91 fo snoitacilpmi lagel eht dnatsrednu t'now ylpmis ohw stoggaf eseht ekil s'tI .elamef emos gnitangerpmi fo ecnahc tsethgils eht rof flesti ecifircas ot gnilliw naht erom si ydob elam ehT .sedis eht gnihcuot tuohtiw enob ynnuf eht tuo ekat tsum uoY .)gnidaer fo setunim 02-01( gnirebmemer rof doog osla si peels ot tuoba era uoy erofeb thgir deb ni gnidaeR .dnif uoy tahw kcab gnirb dna ni eviD .yabe no ti pilf dna yrt dna pu ti xif ,erutinruf eerf rof gniruocs og thgim I .sevlesmeht fo loof a gnikam sraey eganeet rieht ni ecnadiug tuohtiw rednuolf ot evah t'now yeht dna htiw dlrow eht dnatsrednu ot meht rof slarom fo tes reporp a htiw nerdlihc ruoy esiaR .stnerap rieht tsniaga gnilleber er'yeht esuaceb ton ,retteb yna wonk t'nod ylpmis yeht esuaceb gniht fo dnik siht gniod tsuj era sdik fo tol A .nerdlihc rieht gnisiar ni dnah gnorts a evah reven dluohs yeht taht sehcaerp ti esuaceb ycehporp gnillifluf-fles a s'ti dna ,s'05 eht ni gnitrats stnerap no dehsup htym a si noilleber eganeeT .sdlonyeR nosillA ekil lrig a htiw evol ni yawllah a ni 61 sa flesym ees I dna ytaolf s'ti - rac a no repap a stup yrtsecna naeporuE fo nam A .sehsarc DDH nehw ylno ti rebmemer elpoep emoS .doog era spukcaB .erehwyreve ssem a ekam dna yzal teg uoy elihw a retfa tub ydit dna naelc ti peek uoY .ecnanimod dlrow rof snalp rieht ni seveihca aciremA tahw no sdnepeD

Mulholland Drive.

All that talking, and still, it managed to say nothing and have no plot at all. And people think they're deep for watching it, and that praise is the appropriate response, lest they be considered stupid for not "getting it."


i would've, this doesn't change the fact that the movie is shit, full of plot holes and scientific inaccuracy.


lol grow up

and return to discussing

the film

lol this guy took a writing class

he wants to be a writer

Rogue One
It did have a couple of fight scenes but I'm not sure that the writers knew what human like motivations are.

Star Wars 7.

i didn't even bother watching it.

You have a bad taste in movies and you should feel bad.

You're a faggot.

so edgy

That's because you're stupid.


Such a half-assed attempt at everything. And it goes for a full two fucking hours.

So gay.