These people actually exist

There are a lot of them on Twitter, honestly.


If the normies realized that this was how a large percentage of blacks view whites, would that red-pill them?

Other urls found in this thread:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Racism#Islamic_Writers_and_Scholars_on_Black_People

It couldn't hurt.

We might have been cavemen back then but they're monkeys right now.

Don't waste time arguing with idiots. Find illegal tweets instead and report them to law enforcement.

How do blacks worldwide manage to come to the same conclusions on race?

They all think they were Moors, they all think they taught whites to bathe, they all think whites are a genetic mutation (emphasis on mutation as if that's not par-course in evolution) and they all believe that whites lived in caves during the Minoan era.

Quite funny, but also quite frustrating that these apes have the audacity and platform to speak their minds.

Black supremacy is fairly common among blacks.

I don't understand why our ancestors thought allowing niggers the right to vote was a good idea, hell, I don't know why they thought they deserved the right to live.

We wuz everythang n sheeit!

emphasis here.
Twitter will leave those tweets up and ban you for reporting them

We wuz Gods n sheeit!

How did they even come up with this? Did one of their leaders bug out on crack and started raving about a man with testicles for a head?

all those 6's in their legend. seems like they know they are spewing some bullshit and are inserting some numerology as a beacon to show their real knowledge. most of these high level blacks are into voodoo and satanism and give 0 fucks about other black people.

That's nothing new that's their natural state of being to be led by evil "shaman" and to hate everything that is pure like driven snow.

*forges earth out of nothingess*
*enlightens world through sending prophets*
*shoots bolt of lightning at detractors*
*is present in all places and filling all things*

If you ever want to destroy some brain cells, watch youtube vids of American dindus talking about "Moorish law" or "we are the moors" or any nogs using the last name "Bey". These fucking clowns will believe anything except the sad reality of their existence.

Here's a video of the head of the NOI talking about Yakub.

forgot to include "Moorish Science" as another youtube lolcow to milk.

this bitch has lost her shit

this is almost too good to be real. but i think it's real.

all that body language.
didn du here knows he's lying. SMH

Don't forget their special power of Melanin.

You'd think those niggers would be snorting squid ink if they really believed that shit. It's pure black melanin. If what they claim is true, it should give them the power to build pyramids with their minds.



niggers are on crack 24/7 user

Speak for yourself, I'm not a jew.

She keeps telling me that Dr Sebi has cured all diseases, I looked him up and he's some random in LA. She also keeps claiming that everything whites have came from Africa, including soap and medicine.

Send her this link:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Racism#Islamic_Writers_and_Scholars_on_Black_People

You should make a twitter account and send it to her and argue with her, Twitter is fun for arguing with normalfags and blowing them the fuck out. The more 8/pol/ twitter users that we have the more our message gets out, especially when we support each other and get redpilled hashtags trending on the front page.


I got a twatter just so I could shitpost to politicians I hate and twatter is just cancer.
I mean I've seen a lot of obvious anons but the normalfags are pure ,stage 4 cancer.

Eurasian homosapiens were making instruments, 3d art and culture while subsaharan Africans were still making necklaces out of shells.

You're right, but the getting on big hashtags and spamming our tried and true memes can help meme ideas into reality faster because we're putting our dangerous bad goy thoughts into the cranial spectrum of the normalfag's worlds


I still don't understand why they think they've devolved. I mean yeah ok, I guess because whitey is keeping them down, but if they were so superior then why did they allow inferior whitey to oppress them for a thousand years?


Twitter requires confirmation via text message for new accounts.

I'm not interested in giving Twitter my cell phone number.

I didn't have to do that when I first signed up just a couple months ago, but you can use a burner

I think it only asks you for that if you get banned

Mix of different conspiracy theories.

Some probably looked at the giant skulls of some tribes that used plates to try and misshape their children's heads and thought this was something blacks descended from.

It must be a very comforting story to tell themselves since blacks don't really have any comforting history to them. It's why some teachers try so hard to find any notable black figures in history to teach students, since they've accomplished practically nothing praise worthy.

What I find interesting about Yakub though, is that it's a part of the Nation of Islam which Malcolm X was a preacher for. The man so many look up to as some revolutionary figure in black history was a guy thinking he was descended from aliens.

You could use google phone and receive the text via that. It's what I did.

I'm pretty sure this "girl" was just some dude maybe OP shitposting, she even told me hail Hitler at the end of our conversation

wasn't me shitposting. look through her twitter history. she's a real BLM activist.

Are you talking about the great black-german leader Ayodolf OHila?

Maybe she was joking then

She seemed pretty weird when she just suddenly started saying Hail Hitler out of nowhere, that seems like something a troll would do when they're bored of messing around

How can you be this brazenly wrong, besides being a nigger? Even if you knew next to nothing about the origins of knights, that first pic is Space Jam's climax levels of reaching

Is this what the real "Black Pill" is?


How can you guys know if this is true or not if you were never alive back then?

How can your parents be real if you didn't witness their birth?

COme on now, don't be stupid. I'm just saying that history may not be what it seems to you. none of us will every truly know what events actually happaned or not. The only thing we can know is what is happenig to us in the precent.


I thought 'knight' came from the old anglo word for cavalry, or 'rider,' or was that chivalry?

It is true that there could have been some high tech ancient civilization, as videos like this speculate, but this is mostly just thought-provoking /fringe/ shit I don't believe most of it.


Oh they are keeping a close watch. They always watch, that's why better ditch that dump sooner than later. Get off the web and leave them but a trail of smoke… and lots of dead ends

Man of excellent taste I see.

Yes goy, just go innawoods and leave the world in our hands, we'll take real good care of it

I don't actually believe the majority of the stuff on that channel yet but it's an awfully interesting sting of coincidences between different religion and ancient societies and their peoples and symbols. The episode about sacred geometry and the flower of life and other special shapes like that was pretty interesting.

The only problem is that he never really includes any citations when he starts making these sweeping assumptions about ancient civilizations.

The Abos barely could figure out fire let alone have a civilisation
I take it that he's never seen an Abo because they are the niggers of the niggers

holy fuck fam


Fam the guy saying he had excellent taste was joking.

You've outed yourself as a retard.


Which is why I said I don't believe the majority of stuff on that channel

Let them believe it to the point they think they're Melanin Superman

Let them believe they're invincible.

Based Le Hon Hon Baguette Manlet once said: “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.”



a joke

I think it's actually the guy from extra credits.

shit joke

That's what I thought when I first saw it. It's entertaining to me because of how bizarre it all is. It's like those ancient alien documentaries they used to run all the time on the History channel.

I'm still pretty positive that there's a connection between Spirit Science and Extra Credits. Despite the two denying any connection at all.

sorry, my man

no u

THIS JUST IN: The Twitter girl just said

You cannot make this shit up

Nigger this has to be a Holla Forums trolling account. Surely there aren't actual niggers who tweet #wewuzkangs.

Aw shit, spirit science. I fuckin' love spirit science.

I use it as the setting for games I DM. Works really damn well for that.


Daily reminder that Shakespeare was a 10 year old black girl.

Maybe if they keep repeating we wuz kangz enough it'll come true.

They're trying to hijack our memetic powers

the only thing blacks can hijack is a car

That's why the results of their meme magic are always botched up and nobody takes it seriously

I am fairly immune to seeing retarded shit, but I could feel my brain dieing when I was reading that.

Where did they get that number
Plus that math is wrong even if it were true, by a factor of a millions



Oh, i can't wait to be schooled in delusional dindu law.

Let me guess, gangbanging, armed robbery, drug abuse and murder are all legal ?

only if done against whitey.

ROFL! This type of bullshit philology to "awaken" people to the hidden meaning of words is everywhere in the tinfoil charlatans media output these days. Jordan Maxwell has been pulling that type of shit out of his ass for years.

The nigger is paraphrasing Al Sharpton here.

I feel bad for these KANGZ dindoos, they're trying to manufacture a history for them selves.


Its the same idea as today, politicians choose the immediate gain of getting the black vote in the next one or two elections instead of transforming the US into a white country for the rest of its existence.

Well, if i believed that i wouldn't want it to be linked to the rest of my work online.

So maybe it is him.

tbh fam, if they put half as much effort in actually creating a history, in 2000 years from now maybe they might have something worth looking back on with pride.

this shit is just embarrassing; image historians in the future and what they would write about this period of time. on all accounts. not just didndus thanks femsjews et. el.

Oh that cellphone one is just fucking cruel.

He speeds up his voice to sound like that. You're voice would not sound that disimilar if speed up enough.

Make Blaxit happen. We can keep our nice white created things, like electricity and A/C. Ghana will let them move there basically free. They get their black utopia, and we get a country with fewer (or maybe no) nogs.

~453g in a pound * 185 * $353 = ~$29MM

They think 100% of their body is melanin

How come they can't swim?

I swear EA took this joke a little too seriously

Usually the father teaches the child how to swim, but even if that's factored out niggers have too much bone density to properly float without considerable effort.

It's just $29 Million, not 29 Million Million
But I thought they got the Melanin Value of Tree Fiddy from the 29 Million

Because The Water is racist


dubs confirm bibleman wouldn't stand for this shit

MM = million in the same way BN = billion

accounting thing

Why do they believe this? Where dif this misconceptiom come from. The Moors were fucking retards who built mudhuts and killed Spainyards.



So they think that a word in English was coined 30-40,000 years ago? That's fascinating.

Why wouldn't they have used a language that actually existed then?

Finally, allow me to close with a hue hue hue.



Second image Three whites wearing toga's the one nig nog clearly wearing the simple tunic of a slave

dude where the fuck are you finding these

they have to be sarcastic

Malcolm X converted to NOI in jail but left later in his life (after the hadj) to pursue mainstream sunni islam. The Nation of Islam actually had him killed for leaving.

SS speeds up his voice and E.C. is just a manlet? I can believe that


I didn't even think of that. There are just so many blatantly retarded things about that post it makes you wonder if these moron are bigger at being narcissists or idiots.

sheeeeeit nigga shoulda tell me before my black ass was worth millions brb sawing off my arm and buying a mansion

I should have never came here.
They really believe that? Come on, tell me it's a fake.They can't BARELY speak English. I'm not a native speaker, and still, I speak it better than them. It's sad that Cultural Marxism implanted the idea that "everyone is the same!!! =)))" and they swallow that pill like a KFC bucket.
Fucking chimps.


Bro, Newgrange is older than that Pyramids and they're now thinking that Stonehenge probably existed for several millennia as a wooden structure before the stones were piled up

King Tut is genetically related to 70% of English and 50% of European males. It's not just a lie that the Egyptians were black, its a lie that they were not European


niggers are retarded

Holy shit in middle school there was a fat black teacher that used to insist on being called "lady bey" and also used to lecture on how she was descended from african royalty. She dressed up in those african costumes and wore jewelry too. Funniest part is this was at robert e lee middle school.

Hello cuckchan why don't you go back.